Flumy [Free API]
Process based model for meandering chanelized systems
Topo Member List

This is the complete list of members for Topo, including all inherited members.

add_variable(GridReal *aux)GridReal
check(MP_real &val, bool correct=true) constGridRealvirtual
fill(const MP_real &val)GridRealvirtual
fill_2D(const std::vector< std::vector< MP_real > > &values)GridRealvirtual
fill_yxz(const MP_int size, const MP_real values[])GridRealvirtual
fill_zyx(const MP_int size, const MP_real values[])GridRealvirtual
geo2Grid(Point2D &point, bool round=true) constGridParams
geo2Rel(Point2D &point) constGridParams
geo2Rel(Point3D &point) constGridParams
get_at(MP_int &size, MP_real values[]) constGridRealvirtual
get_at(const MP_int &ix, const MP_int &iy, MP_real &val) constGridRealvirtual
get_at(const MP_int &ix, const MP_int &iy, RealList &val) constGridRealvirtual
get_at(const MP_int &ix, const MP_int &iy, const MP_int &iz, MP_real &val) constGridRealvirtual
get_format(const MP_string &filename)GridRealstatic
get_format_label(const GridFileFormat &format)GridRealstatic
get_max() constGridRealinline
get_max(MP_int &ix, MP_int &iy) constGridReal
get_mean() constGridReal
get_min() constGridRealinline
get_min(MP_int &ix, MP_int &iy) constGridReal
get_name() constGridRealinline
get_nb_negative() constGridReal
get_nb_positive() constGridReal
get_undef_string() constGridRealinline
get_undef_value() constGridRealinline
get_values() constGridRealinline
get_values_zyx() constGridReal
getApexRel(Point2D &p1, Point2D &p2, Point2D &p3, Point2D &p4) constGridParams
getDx() constGridParamsinline
getDy() constGridParamsinline
getDz() constGridParamsinline
getHeight() constGridParamsinline
getLength() constGridParamsinline
getLocation() constGridParams
getNbNodes() constGridParamsinline
getNx() constGridParamsinline
getNy() constGridParamsinline
getNz() constGridParamsinline
getOrigin() constGridParams
getOx() constGridParamsinline
getOy() constGridParamsinline
getOz() constGridParamsinline
getRotation() constGridParams
getWidth() constGridParamsinline
getZLoc() constGridParamsinline
grid2Geo(const MP_int &ix, const MP_int &iy) constGridParams
grid2Rel(Point2D &point) constGridParams
grid2Rel(const MP_int &ix, const MP_int &iy) constGridParams
grid2Rel(ConvexPolyedra2D &polyedra) constGridParams
GridParams(const MP_real &dx, const MP_real &dy, const MP_int &nx, const MP_int &ny, const MP_real &ox=0., const MP_real &oy=0.)GridParams
GridParams(const MP_real &dx, const MP_real &dy, const MP_real &dz, const MP_int &nx, const MP_int &ny, const MP_int &nz, const MP_real &ox=0., const MP_real &oy=0., const MP_real &oz=0.)GridParams
GridParams(const GridParams &grid)GridParams
GridReal(const MP_real &dx, const MP_real &dy, const MP_int &nx, const MP_int &ny, const MP_real &ox=0., const MP_real &oy=0., const MP_real &val=MP_UNKNOWN_REAL_VALUE)GridReal
GridReal(const MP_real &dx, const MP_real &dy, const MP_real &dz, const MP_int &nx, const MP_int &ny, const MP_int &nz, const MP_real &ox=0., const MP_real &oy=0., const MP_real &oz=0., const MP_real &val=MP_UNKNOWN_REAL_VALUE)GridReal
GridReal(const std::vector< std::vector< MP_real > > &values)GridReal
GridReal(const GridParams &grid)GridReal
GridReal(const GridParams &grid, const MP_real &val)GridReal
GridReal(const GridReal &grid)GridReal
is3D() constGridParamsinline
is_on_grid(const Point2D &point) constGridParams
is_on_grid_nearest(const Point2D &point) constGridParams
is_order_valid(const MP_string &order)GridRealstatic
is_order_valid(const MP_string &order, MP_string &order1, MP_string &order2, MP_string &order3)GridRealstatic
is_order_valid(const MP_string &order1, const MP_string &order2, const MP_string &order3)GridRealstatic
isCompatibleWith(const GridParams &grid, bool check_geo=false) constGridParams
last_error() constGridRealinline
operator=(const GridReal &gridc)GridReal
GridParams::operator=(const GridParams &)GridParams
read(const MP_string &filename)GridRealvirtual
read_ascii(const MP_string &filename)GridRealprotected
read_cps3(const MP_string &filename)GridRealprotected
read_f2g(const MP_string &filename)GridRealprotected
read_gslib(const MP_string &filename)GridRealprotected
rel2Geo(Point2D &point) constGridParams
rel2Geo(Point3D &point) constGridParams
rel2Grid(Point2D &point, bool round=true) constGridParams
rel2Grid(ConvexPolyedra2D &polyedra) constGridParams
reset(const GridParams &grid) overrideGridRealvirtual
reset(const MP_real &dx, const MP_real &dy, const MP_int &nx, const MP_int &ny, const MP_real &ox=0., const MP_real &oy=0., const MP_real &val=MP_UNKNOWN_REAL_VALUE)GridRealvirtual
reset(const MP_real &dx, const MP_real &dy, const MP_real &dz, const MP_int &nx, const MP_int &ny, const MP_int &nz, const MP_real &ox=0., const MP_real &oy=0., const MP_real &oz=0., const MP_real &val=MP_UNKNOWN_REAL_VALUE)GridRealvirtual
GridParams::reset(const MP_real &dx, const MP_real &dy, const MP_int &nx, const MP_int &ny, const MP_real &ox=0., const MP_real &oy=0.)GridParams
GridParams::reset(const MP_real &dx, const MP_real &dy, const MP_real &dz, const MP_int &nx, const MP_int &ny, const MP_int &nz, const MP_real &ox=0., const MP_real &oy=0., const MP_real &oz=0.)GridParams
set_at(const MP_int &ix, const MP_int &iy, const MP_real &val)GridRealvirtual
set_at(const MP_int &ix, const MP_int &iy, const MP_int &iz, const MP_real &val)GridRealvirtual
set_name(const MP_string &name)GridRealinline
set_undef_string(const MP_string &undef)GridRealinline
set_undef_value(const MP_real undef)GridRealinline
setLocation(const MP_real &x, const MP_real &y, const MP_real &z=0.)GridParams
setLocation(const Point3D &location)GridParams
setLocation(const Point2D &location)GridParams
setRotation(const MP_real &rot)GridParams
Topo(const MP_real &dx, const MP_real &dy, const MP_int &nx, const MP_int &ny, const MP_real &ox=0., const MP_real &oy=0., const MP_real &val=0.)Topo
Topo(const GridParams &grid)Topo
Topo(const GridParams &grid, const MP_real &val)Topo
write(const MP_string &filename, const iTracer *tracer, const GridFileFormat &format=GFF_F2G, const MP_string &order=MP_DEFAULT_CELLS_ORDER) constGridRealvirtual
write_ascii(const MP_string &filename, const iTracer *tracer) constGridRealprotected
write_f2g(const MP_string &filename, const iTracer *tracer, const MP_string &order=MP_DEFAULT_CELLS_ORDER) constGridRealprotected
write_gslib(const MP_string &filename, const iTracer *tracer) constGridRealprotected
write_values(std::ofstream &os, const iTracer *tracer, const MP_string &order=MP_DEFAULT_CELLS_ORDER) constGridRealprotected