IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) {
return false;
import gstlearn as gl
import gstlearn.plot as gp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
Then we download the data base dat.
!wget -q
!wget -q
fileNF = "Scotland_Temperatures.NF"
dat = gl.Db.createFromNF(fileNF)
Calculate the experimental variogram vario2dir (in 2 directions)
varioParamMulti = gl.VarioParam.createMultiple(2, 15, 15.)
vario2dir = gl.Vario(varioParamMulti, dat)
err = vario2dir.compute()
Calculate the fitted model fitmodOK (add the Universality Condition)
fitmodOK = gl.Model()
err =,types=[gl.ECov.NUGGET, gl.ECov.EXPONENTIAL, gl.ECov.GAUSSIAN])
err = fitmodOK.addDrift(gl.Drift1())
ax = gp.varmod(vario2dir, fitmodOK)
Define the Unique Neighborhood unique.neigh.
uniqueNeigh = gl.NeighUnique.create()
Get the extension of the Data:
array([[ 78.2, 460.7], [ 530.4, 1208.9]])
Create the Target file grid.
grid = gl.DbGrid.create(x0=[65,535],dx=[4.94, 4.96],nx=[81,137])
dbfmt = gl.DbStringFormat.createFromFlags(flag_resume=False, flag_vars=True,
flag_extend=True, flag_stats=False,
Data Base Grid Characteristics ============================== Data Base Extension ------------------- Coor #1 - Min = 65.000 - Max = 460.200 - Ext = 395.2 Coor #2 - Min = 535.000 - Max = 1209.560 - Ext = 674.56 Variables --------- Column = 0 - Name = rank - Locator = NA Column = 1 - Name = x1 - Locator = x1 Column = 2 - Name = x2 - Locator = x2
Perform Ordinary Kriging
err = gl.kriging(dat,grid,fitmodOK,uniqueNeigh,namconv=gl.NamingConvention("OK"))
Plotting the results
ax = grid.plot()
ax.decoration(title="Ordinary Kriging over whole Grid")
Reading the Elevation Grid
fileNF = "Scotland_Elevations.NF"
grid = gl.DbGrid.createFromNF(fileNF)
Data Base Grid Characteristics ============================== Data Base Extension ------------------- Coor #1 - Min = 65.000 - Max = 455.123 - Ext = 390.123 Coor #2 - Min = 535.000 - Max = 1200.109 - Ext = 665.109 Variables --------- Column = 0 - Name = Longitude - Locator = x1 Column = 1 - Name = Latitude - Locator = x2 Column = 2 - Name = Elevation - Locator = f1 Column = 3 - Name = inshore - Locator = sel
The output grid now contains the selection inshore. Estimation is restricted to the active cells only.
err = gl.kriging(dat,grid,fitmodOK,uniqueNeigh,namconv=gl.NamingConvention("OK"))
Plotting the Estimation
ax = grid.plot("OK*estim")
ax = dat.plot(name_size="January_temp")
ax.decoration(title="Estimation by Ordinary Kriging")
Plotting the Standard deviation of Estimation Error
ax = grid.plot("OK*stdev")
ax = dat.plot(name_size="January_temp")
ax.decoration(title="St. dev. by Ordinary Kriging")
The Model fitmodOK is first duplicated into fitmodSK. Then the Universality Condition is deleted.
fitmodSK = fitmodOK.clone()
err = fitmodSK.delDrift(0)
err = fitmodSK.setMean(20.)
Simple Kriging is performed
err = gl.kriging(dat,grid,fitmodSK,uniqueNeigh, namconv=gl.NamingConvention("SK"))
Plotting the Estimation
ax = grid.plot("SK*estim")
ax = dat.plot(name_size="January_temp")
ax.decoration(title="Estimation by Simple Kriging")
Plotting the Standard deviation of the Estimation error
ax = grid.plot("SK*stdev")
ax = dat.plot(name_size="January_temp",flagCst=True)
ax.decoration(title="St. dev. by Simple Kriging")
Comparing Ordinary and Simple Kriging - Estimations
ax = gp.correlation(grid,namex="OK*estim",namey="SK*estim", bissLine=True, bins=100, flagSameAxes=True)
ax.decoration(title="Estimation Simple vs. Ordinary",
xlabel="Ordinary Kriging", ylabel="Simple Kriging")
Comparing Ordinary and Simple Kriging - St. dev.
ax = gp.correlation(grid,namex = "OK*stdev",namey="SK*stdev", bissLine=True, bins=100,flagSameAxes=True)
ax.decoration(title="St. dev. Simple vs. Ordinary",
xlabel="Ordinary Kriging", ylabel="Simple Kriging")
err = gl.xvalid(dat,fitmodOK,uniqueNeigh,
namconv=gl.NamingConvention("Xvalid", True, True, False, gl.ELoc.UNKNOWN))
Cross-validation - Histogram of Errors
ax = gp.histogram(dat,name="*esterr*",bins=30,fill="blue")
ax.decoration(xlabel="Estimation Errors",title="Cross-Validation")
Cross-validation - Histogram of Standardized Errors
ax = gp.histogram(dat,name="*stderr*",bins=30,fill="blue")
ax.decoration(xlabel="Standardized Errors", title="Cross-Validation")
Cross-validation Scores
-0.0042 0.2394 0.9118
Display Errors of the Cross Validation
ax = grid.plot("inshore")
ax = dat.plot(name_size="*esterr",sizmax=300)
ax.decoration(title="Cross-Validation scores")
Display Errors of the Cross Validation (in absolute value)
ax = grid.plot("inshore")
ax = dat.plot(name_size="*esterr",sizmax=300,flagAbsSize=True)
ax.decoration(title="Cross-Validation scores (abs. value)")
We design a small Moving Neighborhood small.neigh with only 1 sample per neighborhood.
smallNeigh = gl.NeighMoving.create(flag_xvalid=False, nmini=1, nmaxi=1, radius=1000000)
We perform Ordinary Kriging
err = gl.kriging(dat,grid,fitmodOK,smallNeigh,namconv=gl.NamingConvention("Small"))
Graphic representation
ax = grid.plot("Small*estim")
ax = dat.plot(name_size="January_temp")
ax.decoration(title="Estimation by Ordinary Kriging (Small Moving Neigh.)")
Building a reasonable Moving Neighborhood, although with a limited extension (radius)
movingNeigh = gl.NeighMoving.create(nmini=1, nmaxi=10, radius=20)
Running the Ordinary Kriging
err = gl.kriging(dat,grid,fitmodOK,movingNeigh, namconv=gl.NamingConvention("Reduced"))
Plotting the results
ax = grid.plot("Reduced*estim")
ax = dat.plot(name_size="January_temp")
ax.decoration(title="Estimation by Ordinary Kriging (Reduced Moving Neigh.)")
Lots of target sites are not estimated as no sample is found within the neighborhood.
Building a reasonable Moving Neighborhood correctly tuned: 10 samples (maximum) selected in a radius of 150 around the target site.
movingNeigh = gl.NeighMoving.create(nmini=1, nmaxi=10, radius=150)
Running the Ordinary Kriging
err = gl.kriging(dat,grid,fitmodOK,movingNeigh, namconv=gl.NamingConvention("Moving"))
Graphic representation
ax = grid.plot("Moving*estim")
ax = dat.plot(name_size="January_temp")
ax.decoration(title="Estimation by Ordinary Kriging (Moving Neigh.)")
For the standard deviation of Estimation error
ax = grid.plot("Moving*stdev")
ax = dat.plot(name_size="January_temp")
ax.decoration(title="St. dev. by Ordinary Kriging (Moving Neigh.)")
Comparing Unique and Moving Neighborhoods: Estimations
ax = gp.correlation(grid,namex = "OK*estim",namey="Moving*estim", bins=100, bissLine=True, flagSameAxes=True)
ax.decoration(title="Comapring Estimations", xlabel="Unique", ylabel="Moving")
Comparing Unique and Moving Neighborhoods: Standard deviations
ax = gp.correlation(grid,namex = "OK*stdev",namey="Moving*stdev", bins=100, bissLine=True, flagSameAxes=True)
ax.decoration(title="Comparing St. Deviations", xlabel="Unique", ylabel="Moving")