General Introduction

This notebook presents sevral possibilities of the SPDE procedure

Creating the Data Bases

Some global constants

ndat = 1000
rangev = 0.2
sill = 1.
nugget = 0.1

Creating the Data Base for conditioning information

dat = Db_create()
dat["x"] = VectorHelper_simulateUniform(ndat)
dat["y"] = VectorHelper_simulateUniform(ndat)
## Data Base Characteristics
## =========================
## Data Base Summary
## -----------------
## File is organized as a set of isolated points
## Space dimension              = 2
## Number of Columns            = 2
## Maximum Number of UIDs       = 2
## Total number of samples      = 1000
## Variables
## ---------
## Column = 0 - Name = x - Locator = x1
## Column = 1 - Name = y - Locator = x2

Creating the Data Base for the output grid

grid = DbGrid_create(nx=c(50,50),dx=c(0.02,0.02))

Creating the Meshing (Turbo) based on extended grid

gridExt = DbGrid_create(nx=c(75,75),dx=c(0.02,0.02),x0=c(-0.25,-0.25))
mesh = MeshETurbo(gridExt)
## Grid characteristics:
## ---------------------
## Origin :     -0.250    -0.250
## Mesh   :      0.020     0.020
## Number :         75        75
## Turbo Meshing
## =============
## Euclidean Geometry
## Space Dimension           = 2
## Number of Apices per Mesh = 3
## Number of Meshes          = 10952
## Number of Apices          = 5625
## Bounding Box Extension
## ----------------------
## Dim #1 - Min:-0.25 - Max:1.23
## Dim #2 - Min:-0.25 - Max:1.23

Creating the Model

model = Model_createFromParam(type=ECov_BESSEL_K(),param=1,range=rangev,sill=sill)
## Model characteristics
## =====================
## Space dimension              = 2
## Number of variable(s)        = 1
## Number of basic structure(s) = 2
## Number of drift function(s)  = 0
## Number of drift equation(s)  = 0
## Covariance Part
## ---------------
## K-Bessel (Third Parameter = 1)
## - Sill         =      1.000
## - Range        =      0.200
## - Theo. Range  =      0.058
## Nugget Effect
## - Sill         =      0.100
## Total Sill     =      1.100

SPDE processing

Non-conditional simulation

Building the SPDE environment for Non-conditional environments

spdeS = SPDE()
spdeS$init(model=model, field=grid, calc=ESPDECalcMode_SIMUNONCOND(), mesh=mesh)

Apply the SPDE system in order to obtain a non-conditional simulation on the input and output Data Bases

iuid = spdeS$query(dat)
iuid = spdeS$query(grid)

Representing the resulting non-conditional simulation on the Grid

p = ggplot()
p = p + plot.grid(grid, "spde.simu")
p = p + plot.decoration(title="Non Conditional Simulation")

Estimation by Kriging

Preparing the SPDE environment

spdeK = SPDE()
spdeK$init(model=model, field=grid, data=dat, calc=ESPDECalcMode_KRIGING(), mesh=mesh)

Apply the SPDE system in order to obtain an estimation on the output Data Base

iuid = spdeK$query(grid, namconv=NamingConvention("spde",FALSE))

Representing the resulting estimation on the Grid

p = ggplot()
p = p + plot.grid(grid, "spde.kriging")
p = p + plot.decoration(title="Estimation")

Producing the internal elements of the SPDE environment

Extracting the internal elements from 'spdeK' in order to perform calculations by hand (if necessary).

Q = PrecisionOpCs(mesh, model)$getQToTriplet(flag_from_1=TRUE)$toTL()
Aproj = ProjMatrix(dat,mesh)$getAprojToTriplet(flag_from_1=TRUE)$toTL()

Posterior calculations

size = dim(Q)[1]
cholQ = Cholesky(Q)
u = VectorHelper_simulateGaussian(size)
Qop = Q + 1/nugget * t(Aproj) %*% Aproj