IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) {
return false;
import gstlearn as gl
import gstlearn.plot as gp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import urllib.request
ndim = 2
gl.defineDefaultSpace(gl.ESpaceType.RN, ndim);
url = 'https://soft.minesparis.psl.eu/gstlearn/data/Scotland/Scotland_Temperatures.NF'
temp_nf, head = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url)
dat = gl.Db.createFromNF(temp_nf)
url = 'https://soft.minesparis.psl.eu/gstlearn/data/Scotland/Scotland_Elevations.NF'
elev_nf, head = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url)
target = gl.DbGrid.createFromNF(elev_nf)
neighU = gl.NeighUnique.create()
We calculate the experimental directional variogram and fit the Model
varioparam = gl.VarioParam.createOmniDirection(npas=40, dpas=10)
vario_raw2dir = gl.Vario.create(varioparam, dat)
fitmod = gl.Model()
err = fitmod.fit(vario_raw2dir, types=[gl.ECov.NUGGET, gl.ECov.SPHERICAL, gl.ECov.CUBIC])
Use the Turning Bands method with 1 band
err = gl.simtub(None, target, model=fitmod, nbtuba=1, seed=12454, namconv=gl.NamingConvention("Simu1"))
Graphic Representation
ax = target.plot("Simu1")
ax.decoration(title="Simulation with 1 Turning Band")
Use the Turning Bands method with 10 bands
err = gl.simtub(None, target, model=fitmod, nbtuba=10, seed=12454, namconv=gl.NamingConvention("Simu10"))
Graphic Representation
ax = target.plot("Simu10")
ax.decoration(title="Simulation with 10 Turning Bands")
Use the Turning Bands method with 1000 bands
err = gl.simtub(None, target, model=fitmod, nbtuba=1000, seed=12454, namconv=gl.NamingConvention("Simu1000"))
Graphic Representation
ax = target.plot("Simu1000")
ax.decoration(title="Simulation with 1000 Turning Bands")
Perform 10 conditional simulations with 1000 bands
nbsimu = 10
nbtuba = 1000
seed = 13231
mean_Temperature = gl.dbStatisticsMono(dat, ["J*temp"], [gl.EStatOption.MEAN])
Simulations with Simple Kriging (Mean is extracted from the Data)
err = gl.simtub(dat, target, model=fitmod, neigh=neighU, nbsimu=nbsimu, nbtuba=nbtuba, seed=seed)
Displaying several simulation outcomes
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize=[20,8])
cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.75, 0.1, 0.02, 0.75])
im = ax[0].collections[0]
err = fig.colorbar(im, cax = cbar_ax)
Computing the Mean of the simulations and store it as a new variable
err = target.statistics(["Simu.January_temp*"], [gl.EStatOption.MEAN], flagStoreInDb=True)
Comparing Mean of Simulations with the Kriging
err = gl.kriging(dat, target, model=fitmod, neigh = neighU, namconv=gl.NamingConvention("KS"))
ax = gp.correlation(target, namex="Stats.MEAN", namey="KS*estim", diagLine=True, bins=100)
ax.decoration(xlabel="Mean of Simulations", ylabel="Simple Kriging Estimate")
We perform the following steps:
dat = gl.Db.createFromNF(temp_nf)
dat.setLocator("Elevation", gl.ELoc.F)
target = gl.DbGrid.createFromNF(elev_nf)
target.setLocator("Elevation", gl.ELoc.F)
vario_resED = gl.Vario.create(varioparam, dat)
model = gl.Model()
model.setDriftIRF(nfex = 1)
model_ED = gl.Model()
err = model_ED.fit(vario_resED, types=[gl.ECov.SPHERICAL, gl.ECov.CUBIC])
Graphic representation of the experimental Variogram and fitted Model
ax = gp.varmod(vario_resED, model_ED)
Performing Simulations with External Drift
err = gl.simtub(dat, target, model=model_ED, neigh=neighU, nbsimu=nbsimu, nbtuba=nbtuba, seed=seed)
Display several simulations with Elevation as External Drift
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(20,8))
cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.75, 0.1, 0.02, 0.75])
im = ax[0].collections[0]
err = fig.colorbar(im, cax = cbar_ax)
Calculating the Mean of the Conditional Simulations
err = target.statistics(["Simu.January_temp*"], [gl.EStatOption.MEAN], flagStoreInDb=True)
Comparing Mean of Simulations with Kriging with External Drift
err = gl.kriging(dat, target, model=model_ED, neigh = neighU, namconv=gl.NamingConvention("KED"))
ax = gp.correlation(target, namex="Stats.MEAN", namey="KED*estim", diagLine=True, bins=100)
ax.decoration(xlabel="Mean of Simulations", ylabel="Kriging with External Drift")
Deriving Indicator to exceed a Cutoff per simulation outcome
target["Simu.January_temp*"] = target["Simu.January_temp*"] > 0
Computing the average of the Indicators which leads to the Probability to exceed the threshold
err = target.statistics(["Simu.January_temp*"], [gl.EStatOption.MEAN], flagStoreInDb=True,
ax = target.plot("Proba.MEAN", flagLegendRaster=True)
ax.decoration(title="Probability for positive Temperatures")