IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) {
return false;
import gstlearn as gl
import gstlearn.plot as gp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import urllib.request
ndim = 2
gl.defineDefaultSpace(gl.ESpaceType.RN, ndim);
url = 'https://soft.minesparis.psl.eu/gstlearn/data/Scotland/Scotland_Temperatures.NF'
fileNF, head = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url)
dat = gl.Db.createFromNF(fileNF)
url = 'https://soft.minesparis.psl.eu/gstlearn/data/Scotland/Scotland_Elevations.NF'
fileNF, head = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url)
grid = gl.DbGrid.createFromNF(fileNF)
unique_neigh = gl.NeighUnique.create()
Histogram of the raw variable (Temperature)
ax = gp.histogram(dat, name="January*", bins=20)
Gaussian scores
anam = gl.AnamHermite(30)
err = anam.fitFromLocator(dat)
err = anam.rawToGaussian(dat, "January_temp")
Hermitian Anamorphosis ---------------------- Minimum absolute value for Y = -2.8 Maximum absolute value for Y = 2.7 Minimum absolute value for Z = 0.62599 Maximum absolute value for Z = 5.24756 Minimum practical value for Y = -2.8 Maximum practical value for Y = 2.7 Minimum practical value for Z = 0.62599 Maximum practical value for Z = 5.24756 Mean = 2.81457 Variance = 1.01677 Number of Hermite polynomials = 30 Normalized coefficients for Hermite polynomials (punctual variable) [, 0] [, 1] [, 2] [, 3] [, 4] [, 5] [, 6] [ 0,] 2.815 -1.003 0.010 0.067 0.005 0.030 -0.007 [ 7,] -0.035 0.009 0.027 -0.011 -0.019 0.014 0.013 [ 14,] -0.017 -0.008 0.019 0.004 -0.020 -0.001 0.020 [ 21,] -0.002 -0.018 0.004 0.016 -0.005 -0.014 0.006 [ 28,] 0.011 -0.005
Plot the Gaussian scores
ax = gp.sortedcurve(tabx=dat["Y.January_temp"], taby=dat["January_temp"])
Draw the histogram of the Gaussian transformed values
ax = gp.histogram(dat, name="Y.January*", bins=20)
ax.decoration(title="Temperatures (Gaussian scale)")
We calculate the experimental directional variogram of the gaussian scores and fit the Model (with the constraints that sill should be 1)
varioparam = gl.VarioParam.createMultiple(ndir=2, npas=40, dpas=10)
vario_gauss2dir = gl.Vario.create(varioparam, dat)
err = vario_gauss2dir.compute()
fitmodgauss = gl.Model()
err = fitmodgauss.fit(vario_gauss2dir,
types=[gl.ECov.NUGGET, gl.ECov.SPHERICAL, gl.ECov.CUBIC],
constraints = gl.Constraints(1))
ax = gp.varmod(vario_gauss2dir, fitmodgauss)
neighU = gl.NeighUnique.create()
Kriging of Gaussian scores
err = gl.kriging(dat, grid, fitmodgauss, neighU)
ax = grid.plot("*estim")
ax = dat.plot()
ax.decoration(title="Kriging of Gaussian scores")
ax = grid.plot("*stdev")
ax = dat.plot(flagCst=True)
ax.decoration(title="St. Dev. of Gaussian scores")
We use the Monte Carlo method with 1000 outcomes.
selectivity = gl.Selectivity.createByKeys(["Z"], [], flag_est=True, flag_std=True)
err = gl.ConditionalExpectation(grid, anam, selectivity, "K*.estim", "K*.stdev", nbsimu=100,
Display of the Conditional Expectation
ax = grid.plot("CE*estim")
ax = dat.plot()
ax.decoration(title = "Conditional Expectation")
Display of the Conditional Standard Deviation
ax = grid.plot("CE*stdev")
ax = dat.plot(flagCst=True)
ax.decoration(title="Conditional Standard Deviation")
Conditional Probability below 0
selectivity = gl.Selectivity.createByKeys(["PROP"], zcuts=[0],flag_est=True, flag_std=True)
err = gl.ConditionalExpectation(grid, anam, selectivity, "K*.estim", "K*.stdev",
ax = grid.plot("CE.Proba*estim")
ax = dat.plot()
ax.decoration(title = "Conditional Probability below 0")
Conditional Probability above 1
selectivity = gl.Selectivity.createByKeys(["T"], zcuts=[1],flag_est=True, flag_std=True)
err = gl.ConditionalExpectation(grid, anam, selectivity, "K*.estim", "K*.stdev",
ax = grid.plot("CE.T*estim-1")
ax = dat.plot()
ax.decoration(title = "Conditional Probability above 1")
ax = grid.plot("CE.T*stdev-1")
ax = dat.plot(flagCst=True)
ax.decoration(title = "Conditional probability (Standard Deviation)")