In this tutorial, we show how to use the API SPDE.

This is a free transcription in R of the python note book tuto_SPDE.


# Data
set.seed (123)
ndat = 100

# Model
rangev = 0.2
sill = 1.
tau = 0.01

# parameters of the final grid on [0,1]^2
nx = c(200,200)
dx = 1/nx
x0 = c(0,0)

# Grid meshing on [-0.25, 1.25]^2
nxm = c(100,100)
dxm = 1.5 / (nxm-1)
x0m = c(-0.25,-0.25)

# number of simulations for Monte-Carlo estimators (ce and logdet)
nsim = 10

Grid definition

grid    = DbGrid_create(nx,dx,x0)
gridExt = DbGrid_create(nxm,dxm,x0m)
mesh    = MeshETurbo(gridExt)

# limits
limits <- list(XP = 1.0*c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0),
               YP = 1.0*c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0))
p_lim   = PolyElem(limits$XP, limits$YP)
pol_lim = Polygons()
err     = pol_lim$addPolyElem(p_lim)

p = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(gridExt) +
    plot.polygon(poly = pol_lim, color = "orange", fill = NA) +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing", 
                  title = "Limits of the simulations")

Model definition

model = Model_createFromParam(ECov_BESSEL_K(), param=1,range=rangev,sill=sill)
spde = SPDE_create(model, domain = gridExt, calcul = ESPDECalcMode_SIMUNONCOND(), mesh = mesh)

SPDE approach

Lindgren et al. (2011) defined an explicit link between gaussian fields and gaussian markov random fields. This approach is implemented in the SPDE module of \(gstlearn\). The random field is a weak solution of some stochastic partial differential equation solved using the finite element method. It follows that the standard tools of Geostatistics, kriging and stochastic simulation, can be rewritten using sparse linear algebra.

The SPDE model represents the domain by a mesh and random field by its values for each mesh cell \(\mathbf{Z} \sim \mathcal{N}(\mathbf{0,Q^{-1}})\) where the precision matrix \(\mathbf{Q = \Sigma^{-1}}\) is sparse.

The latent vector \(\mathbf{Z}\) can be linearly interpolated to the target locations \(\mathbf{Y_T = A_g \, Z}\) or to observation location \(\mathbf{Y = A_d \, Z + \tau W}\). In the latter case, \(\tau\) is the standard deviation of the noise modelling the error of observation and the modelling error. The number of observation is \(p\).

The precision matrix of the vector \(\mathbf{(Z, Y_D)}\) is: \[ \mathbf{ \tilde{Q} = \tilde{\Sigma}^{-1}= \begin{bmatrix}\mathbf{Q+\tau^{-2}A_d^T A_d} & \mathbf{-\tau^{-2}A_d^T} \\ \mathbf{-\tau^{-2}A_d} & \mathbf{\tau^{-2}I_p} \end{bmatrix} } \] From this expression the kriging and the conditional simulation can be derived:

The estimated or simulated latent vector can be linearly interpolated to any target grid.

Non conditional simulation

The latent vector (of length \(n\)) \(\mathbf{Z \sim \mathcal{N}(0, Q^{-1})}\) is defined on the meshing by its sparse precision matrix \(\mathbf{Q = \Sigma^{-1}}\). \(\mathbf{Q}\) is factorized by the Cholesky method: \(\mathbf{Q = L\, L^{T}}\).

Thus, the Gaussian vector can be rewritten \(\mathbf{Z = (L^T)^{-1} \, U}\) with \(\mathbf{U \sim \mathcal{N}(0, I_n)}\).

Finally the Gaussian vector collecting the values of the random field at the grid nodes \(Y\) is achieved by the interpolation of \(\mathbf{Z}\) on the mesh \(\mathbf{Y_g = A_{g} \, Z}\).

To compute a non conditional simulation on the grid,

  1. Compute the projection matrix of the latent vector \(\mathbf{Z}\) to the grid/
# projection matrix of the latent vector on the grid
A_g  = ProjMatrix(grid, mesh)$getAprojToTriplet()$toTL()
  1. Compute \(\mathbf{L}\) the Cholesky decomposition of the sparse precision matrix \(\mathbf{Q}\)
# Cholesky decomposition of precision matrix of the latent vector
Q = spde$getPrecisionOp()$getQToTriplet()$toTL()
cholQ =  Cholesky(Q, LDL = FALSE)
  1. Compute the normal Gaussian vector \(\mathbf{U \sim N(0, I_n)}\),
U = rnorm(n = dim(Q)[1])
  1. Compute the latent vector \(\mathbf{Z}\) solving the sparse linear system \(\mathbf{L^{T} \, Z = U}\),
#Z = (t(expand(cholQ)$P) %*% solve(cholQ, U, system = "Lt"))@x
Z = as.numeric(t(expand(cholQ)$P) %*% solve(cholQ, U, system = "Lt"))
  1. Compute the interpolation of the latent vector to the target grid \(\mathbf{Y_g = A_{g} \, Z}\),
Y_g =(A_g %*% Z)[,1]

# adding the simulation to the grid
err = grid$setColumn(tab = Y_g, name = "manual.simu", useSel = FALSE)

# plot
p = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "manual.simu", useSel = TRUE, 
            show.legend.raster = TRUE, palette = "Spectral") +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing", 
                  title = "Non conditional simulation (Manual)")

Kriging and Conditional simulation distribution

We define the observation from the initial non conditional simulation.

dat = Db_create()
err = dat$setColumn(tab = runif(n=ndat), name = "x")
err = dat$setColumn(tab = runif(n=ndat), name = "y")
err = dat$setLocators(names = c("x", "y"), locatorType = ELoc_X(), cleanSameLocator = TRUE)

# extraction of the simulated value at data location
err = migrate(dbin = grid, dbout = dat, name = "manual.simu", namconv = NamingConvention())

# projection matrix of the latent vector on the data locations
A_d = ProjMatrix(dat, mesh)$getAprojToTriplet()$toTL()

The \(p\) observations are defined by the vector \(\mathbf{Y_d = A_d \, Z + \tau \, W_d}\), where \(\mathbf{A_d}\) is the projection matrix from the latent vector \(\mathbf{Z}\) to the data location, \(\tau\) is the standard deviation of the modelling error, and \(\mathbf{W_d \sim \mathcal{N}(0, I_p)}\).


Q_TT = Q + 1/(tau^2) * t(A_d) %*% A_d
cholQ_TT =  Cholesky(Q_TT, LDL = FALSE)

z_dat = dat["manual.simu"]
#kriging = (A_g %*% solve(cholQ_TT, t(A_d) %*% z_dat/(tau^2)))@x
kriging = as.numeric(A_g %*% solve(cholQ_TT, t(A_d) %*% z_dat/(tau^2)))

err = grid$setColumn(name = "manual.kriging", tab = kriging)

# plot of kriging
p = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "manual.kriging", useSel = TRUE, palette = "Spectral", 
            show.legend.raster = TRUE) +
    plot.point(dat, col = "red") +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing", 
                  title = "Kriging (Manual)")

Conditional simulation

The conditional simulation is performed in three steps:

  • a non conditional simulation of the latent vector \(\mathbf{Z}\) is computed first,

  • then, the kriging of the error at observation locations is computed and added to the non conditional simulation

  • finally, the simulated latent vector is interpolated on the grid

# computing non conditional simulations of the latent vector (on the mesh)
U = matrix(rnorm(n = dim(Q)[1]*nsim), nrow = dim(Q)[1], ncol = nsim)
Z = (t(expand(cholQ)$P) %*% solve(cholQ, U, system = "Lt"))

# computing the kriging of the simulated errors and adding them to the non conditional simulation (on the mesh)
Zc = Z + solve(cholQ_TT, t(A_d) %*% (z_dat - A_d %*% Z)/(tau^2))

# computing the simulated value on the grid
S_g = (A_g %*% Zc)[,1:nsim]

# storing the results +  plot
err = grid$setColumn(tab = S_g[,1], name = "manual.cond.simu", useSel = TRUE)
p = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "manual.cond.simu", useSel = TRUE, palette = "Spectral", 
            show.legend.raster = TRUE) +
    plot.point(dat, col = "red") +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing", 
                  title = "Conditional simulation (Manual)")

# empirical conditional expectation
ce = apply(X = S_g, MARGIN = 1, FUN = mean)
err = grid$setColumn(tab = ce, name = "manual.cond.expectation", useSel = TRUE)
p = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "manual.cond.expectation", useSel = TRUE, palette = "Spectral", 
            show.legend.raster = TRUE) +
    plot.point(dat, col = "red") +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing", 
                  title = "Conditional expectation (Manual)")

# cross plot: initial simulation vs. kriging
p = ggDefault() + 
    plot.correlation(db1 = grid, name1 = "manual.kriging", name2 = "manual.simu", asPoint = FALSE, 
                     flagDiag = TRUE, diag_color = "red", flagSameAxes = FALSE) +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Estimation (Kriging)", ylab = "Actual value (Initial simulation)", 
                  title = "Simulation vs. kriging (Manual)")

# cross plot: conditional simulation vs. kriging
p = ggDefault() + 
    plot.correlation(db1 = grid, name1 = "manual.kriging", name2 = "manual.cond.simu", asPoint = FALSE, 
                     flagDiag = TRUE, diag_color = "red", flagSameAxes = FALSE) +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Estimation (Kriging)", ylab = "Actual value (conditional simulation)", 
                  title = "Simulation vs. kriging (Manual)")

# cross plot: empirical conditional expectation vs. kriging
p = ggDefault() + 
    plot.correlation(db1 = grid, name1 = "manual.cond.expectation", name2 = "manual.kriging", asPoint = FALSE, 
                     flagDiag = TRUE, diag_color = "red", flagSameAxes = FALSE) +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Cond. Expectation", ylab = "Kriging", 
                  title = "Kriging vs. conditional expectation (Manual)")

Using the SPDE api defined in gstlearn

Non conditional simulation

# simulation
err = grid$deleteColumns(names = "spde.simu*")
iuid  = spde$compute(grid)

# plot
p = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "spde.simu", useSel = TRUE, 
            show.legend.raster = TRUE, palette = "Spectral") +
  plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing", 
                  title = "Non Conditional Simulation (SPDE)")


# the modelling error is added to the model
err     = model$addCovFromParam(ECov_NUGGET(),sill=(tau^2))

spdeRes = SPDE(model, domain = gridExt, data = dat, calcul = ESPDECalcMode_KRIGING(), mesh = mesh)
iuid    = spdeRes$compute(grid)
err = grid$setName(old_name = "spde.manual.simu.kriging", name = "spde.kriging")

# plot of kriging
p = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "spde.kriging", useSel = TRUE, palette = "Spectral",
            show.legend.raster = TRUE) +
    plot.point(dat, col = "red") +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing", 
                  title = "Kriging (SPDE)")

# correlation
p = ggDefault() + 
    plot.correlation(grid, name1 = "spde.kriging", name2 = "manual.simu",asPoint = FALSE,
                     flagDiag = TRUE, diag_color = "red", flagRegr = TRUE, regr_color = "black", regr_line = 2,
                     flagSameAxes = TRUE
            ) +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Estimated value (kriging)", ylab = "Actual value (simulation)", 
                  title = "SPDE")

# cross plot
p = ggDefault() + 
    plot.correlation(db1 = grid, name1 = "manual.kriging", name2 = "spde.kriging", asPoint = FALSE, 
                     flagDiag = TRUE, diag_color = "red", flagSameAxes = FALSE) +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Manual", ylab = "SPDE", 
                  title = "Comparison for Kriging")


The observations of the latent target field are modelled according to Pereira et al.(2022):

\[ \mathbf{Y_d = A_d\, Z + \tau \, W} \]

Hence the covariance matrix of the observations is \(\mathbf{\Sigma_{Y_d} = A_d\, \Sigma \, A_d^{T} + \tau^2 \, I_{p} = Q_{Y_d}^{-1}}\). The log-likelihood of \(\mathbf{Y}\) is thus \[ \mathcal{L} = - \frac{1}{2} \{ p \, \log(2\pi) - \log |\mathbf{Q_{Y_d}}| + \mathbf{{y_d}^T \, Q_{Y_d} \, {y_d}} \}. \] We can write \[ \mathbf{{y_d}^T \, Q_{Y_d} \, {y_d} = \tau^{-2} \{{y_d}^T {y_d} - \tau^{-2}(A_d^T\, y_d)^T \, (Q + \tau^{-2} A_d^T\,A_d)^{-1} \, (A_d^T {y_d})\}}, \] and \[ \log|\mathbf{Q_{Y_d}}| = \log|\mathbf{Q}| -p\times\log(\tau^2) - \log|\mathbf{Q+\tau^{-2}A_d^T\, A_d}|. \]


# ==============================================================================
# Auxiliary functions from python notebook tuto_SPDE.ipynb
# ==============================================================================
# computes the logarithm of the determinant of the matrix Q = LL'
detQ <- function(L) {
  2*prod(unlist(determinant(L, logarithm = TRUE)))

# In R, we can use directly the solve function with system = "A"
# solveMat <- function(L,x) {
#   # cholQop$solve_A(x)
#   solve(L, x, system = "LDLt") 
# }

invSigma <- function(tau, Ad, cholQop, x){
  1./(tau^2) * (x - 1./(tau^2) * Ad %*% solve(cholQop, t(Ad) %*% x, system = "A"))

# observations and precision kriging
x    = dat["manual.simu"]
pcm  = spdeRes$getPrecisionKriging() # What is the precision kriging?

# the observations are centred with mu (why?)
ones = rep(1.0, length(x))
invSigmaOnes = invSigma(tau, A_d, cholQ_TT, ones)
mu    = sum(x * invSigmaOnes) / sum(ones * invSigmaOnes)
x = x - mu

# -----------------------------------------
# computing the quadratic form
# -----------------------------------------

# from Eq. (22) in Pereira et al. (2022)
y = (t(A_d) %*% x)[,1]
quad_chol = as.numeric(1/(tau^2) * (sum(t(x)*x) - 1/(tau^2) * (t(y) %*% solve(cholQ_TT, y, system = "A"))))
quad_api  = spdeRes$computeQuad()
print(paste0("quad_chol = ", round(quad_chol,4)))
## [1] "quad_chol = 84.8891"
print(paste0("quad_api  = ", round(quad_api, 4)))
## [1] "quad_api  = 83.8169"
print(paste0("Quadratic form: relative difference = ", round((quad_api-quad_chol)/quad_chol,6)))
## [1] "Quadratic form: relative difference = -0.012631"
# -----------------------------------------
# computing the log determinant
# -----------------------------------------
# Log-determinant of Q_TT
a = detQ(cholQ_TT)
## Warning in .local(x, logarithm, ...): the default value of argument 'sqrt' of
## method 'determinant(<CHMfactor>, <logical>)' may change from TRUE to FALSE as
## soon as the next release of Matrix; set 'sqrt' when programming
b = pcm$computeLogDetOp(nbsimu = nsim, seed = 0)
print(paste0("log_det_op_chol = ", round(a,4)))
## [1] "log_det_op_chol = 26060.787"
print(paste0("log_det_op_api  = ", round(b,4)))
## [1] "log_det_op_api  = 25947.8238"
print(paste0("relative difference = ", round((b-a)/a, 4)))
## [1] "relative difference = -0.0043"
# Log-determinant of Q
a = detQ(cholQ)
b = pcm$computeLogDetQ(nbsimu = nsim, seed = 0)
print(paste0("log_det_Q_chol = ", round(a,4)))
## [1] "log_det_Q_chol = 25197.6444"
print(paste0("log_det_Q_api = ", round(b,4)))
## [1] "log_det_Q_api = 25197.6444"
print(paste0("relative difference = ", round((b-a)/a,4)))
## [1] "relative difference = 0"
# sum of log var
a = length(x) * log(tau^2)
b = pcm$sumLogVar()
print(paste0("Sum of log var - model = ", round(a,4)))
## [1] "Sum of log var - model = -921.034"
print(paste0("Sum of log var - api   = ", round(b,4)))
## [1] "Sum of log var - api   = -460.517"
print(paste0("relative difference = ", round((b-a)/a,4)))
## [1] "relative difference = -0.5"
# TODO: the method sumLogVar returns the sum of the std?

# -----------------------------------------
# Computing logdet
# -----------------------------------------
# computing the logdet using Eq. (23)
logdet = (detQ(cholQ) - length(x)*log((tau^2)) - detQ(cholQ_TT))
# computing the logdet using API (TODO: SPDE$computeLogDet(nbsimu, seed) returns -logdet)
logdet_api = spdeRes$computeLogDet(nbsimu = nsim, seed = 0)
print(paste0("log_det_LL_chol = ", round(logdet,4)))
## [1] "log_det_LL_chol = 57.8915"
print(paste0("log_det_LL_api  = ", round(logdet_api,4)))
## [1] "log_det_LL_api  = 358.985"
print(paste0("relative difference = ", round(logdet_api/logdet-1,4)))
## [1] "relative difference = 5.201"
#TODO: different values for logdet values (due to sumLogVar ?)

# -----------------------------------------
# Computing log likelihood
# -----------------------------------------

# computing the logdet using Eq. (23)
logdet = detQ(cholQ) - length(x)*log((tau^2)) - detQ(cholQ_TT)
# computing the quadratic form using Eq. (22) (with centring to mu)
y = t(A_d) %*% x
quad  = as.numeric(1/(tau^2) * (t(x) %*% x - 1/(tau^2) * t(y) %*% solve(cholQ_TT, y, system = "A")))
a = - 1/2 * (-logdet + quad)
b = spdeRes$computeLogLike(nbsimu = nsim, seed = 0)
print(paste0("likelihood api  = ",round(b,4)))
## [1] "likelihood api  = -241.5516"
print(paste0("likelihood_chol = ",round(a,4)))
## [1] "likelihood_chol = -13.4988"
## [1] "16.8943"
#TODO: different values for LL !

Inference of the parameters using the maximum likelihood appraoch

# A_d, gridExt, and mesh should be defined
# define the model according the range defined by par[1]

ll.getModel <- function(par, flag.chol = TRUE) {
  stopifnot(par$range > 0)
  m = Model_createFromParam(ECov_BESSEL_K(), param=1.0, range=par$range, sill=par$sill)
  if(!flag.chol) {
    # adding the modelling error
    err = m$addCovFromParam(ECov_NUGGET(), sill=(par$tau^2))

computeLL <- function(par, flag.chol = TRUE, nsim  = 0, seed = 0) {
  ll = NaN
  m = ll.getModel(par, flag.chol)
  if (flag.chol) {
    dd = NULL
    cc = ESPDECalcMode_SIMUNONCOND()
  } else {
    dd = dat
    cc = ESPDECalcMode_KRIGING()
  if (!flag.chol) {
  spde = SPDE(model = m, domain = gridExt, data = dd, calcul = cc, mesh = mesh)
  err  = spde$compute(gridExt)

  # using Cholesky decomposition
  if (flag.chol) {
    Q = spde$getPrecisionOp()$getQToTriplet()$toTL()
    cholQ    = Cholesky(Q, LDL = FALSE)
    cholQ_TT = Cholesky(Q + 1/(tau^2) * t(A_d) %*% A_d, LDL = FALSE)
    logdet = detQ(cholQ) - length(x)*log((par$tau^2)) - detQ(cholQ_TT)
    y = t(A_d) %*% x
    quad  = as.numeric(1/(par$tau^2) * (t(x) %*% x - 1/(par$tau^2) * t(y) %*% solve(cholQ_TT, y, system = "A")))
    ll = - 1/2 * (-logdet + quad)
  }  else {
    # using matrix free approach
    ll  = spde$computeLogLike(nbsimu = nsim, seed = seed)

# perform a mono-variate sensitivity
monoSensitivity <- function(name, from, to, ncalc, actual, p0, seed = 0, nsim = 10, flag.verbose = FALSE, 
                            flag.chol = TRUE, flag.api = TRUE) {
  res_pp      = seq(from = from, to = to, length.out = ncalc)
  param = list(
    range = p0$range,
    sill = p0$sill,
    tau = p0$tau
  # computing with Cholesky
  if(flag.chol) {
  res_LL_chol = rep(NaN, ncalc)
  for (i in seq_along(res_pp)) {
    if(flag.verbose) {
    print(paste0(">>> computing LL with Cholesky for i = ", i))
    param[[name]]  = res_pp[i]
    res_LL_chol[i] = computeLL(param, flag.chol = TRUE)
  vmax = max(res_LL_chol)
  vmin = min(res_LL_chol)
  if (vmax - vmin > 0) {res_LL_chol = (res_LL_chol - vmin)/(vmax - vmin)}
  } # flag.chol == TRUE
  # computing with matrix free / api
  if(flag.api) {
  res_LL_api = rep(NaN, ncalc)
  for (i in seq_along(res_pp)) {
    if(flag.verbose) {
    print(paste0(">>> computing LL with SPDE api for i = ", i))
    param[[name]]  = res_pp[i]
    res_LL_api[i] = computeLL(param, flag.chol = FALSE, seed = seed, nsim = nsim)
    vmax = max(res_LL_api)
    vmin = min(res_LL_api)
    if (vmax - vmin > 0) {res_LL_api = (res_LL_api - vmin)/(vmax - vmin)}
    } # flag.api == TRUE

  # plot
  xlim = range(res_pp)
  ylim = NaN
  if(flag.chol) ylim = range(ylim, res_LL_chol, na.rm =TRUE)
  if(flag.api)  ylim = range(ylim, res_LL_api, na.rm = TRUE)
  titre = paste0("(Rescaled) Log-likelihood computed using SPDE")
  plot(NULL, NULL, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim , 
       xlab = paste0("Parameter - ", name), ylab = "log-likelihood",
       main = titre)
  if(flag.chol)  lines(res_pp, res_LL_chol, col = "orange",  lty = 1)
  if(flag.api)   lines(res_pp, res_LL_api,  col = "skyblue", lty = 2)
  abline(v = p0[[name]], col = "grey", lty = 3)
  vlegend = "Actual value"; vcol = "grey"; vlty = 3
  if(flag.chol) {
    vlegend = c(vlegend, "Cholesky"); vcol = c(vcol, "orange"); vlty = c(vlty, 1)
  if(flag.api) {
    vlegend = c(vlegend, "Matrix free / api"); vcol = c(vcol, "skyblue"); vlty = c(vlty, 2)
  legend("bottom", legend = vlegend, col = vcol, lty = vlty)

# -------------------- TEST
flag.test = TRUE
if(flag.test) {
  param = list(range = rangev, sill = sill, tau = tau)
  ll.getModel(param, FALSE)$display()
  print(paste0("Using Cholesky: LL = ", computeLL(par = param, flag.chol = TRUE)))
  print(paste0("Using SPDE api: LL = ", computeLL(par = param, flag.chol = FALSE, nsim = 10, seed = 1212)))
## Model characteristics
## =====================
## Space dimension              = 2
## Number of variable(s)        = 1
## Number of basic structure(s) = 1
## Number of drift function(s)  = 0
## Number of drift equation(s)  = 0
## Covariance Part
## ---------------
## K-Bessel (Third Parameter = 1)
## - Sill         =      1.000
## - Range        =      0.200
## - Theo. Range  =      0.058
## Total Sill     =      1.000
## Model characteristics
## =====================
## Space dimension              = 2
## Number of variable(s)        = 1
## Number of basic structure(s) = 2
## Number of drift function(s)  = 0
## Number of drift equation(s)  = 0
## Covariance Part
## ---------------
## K-Bessel (Third Parameter = 1)
## - Sill         =      1.000
## - Range        =      0.200
## - Theo. Range  =      0.058
## Nugget Effect
## - Sill         =      0.000
## Total Sill     =      1.000
## [1] "Using Cholesky: LL = -13.4988217677376"
## [1] "Using SPDE api: LL = -217.985578209434"

Mono-variate sensitivity

Using the Cholesky factorization and the SPDE api (matrix free)

ncalc = 10
nsim  = 50
seed  = 8538
err = monoSensitivity(name = "sill", from = 0.5, to = 1.5,  ncalc = ncalc, p0 = param, 
                      seed = seed, nsim = nsim, flag.verbose = FALSE, flag.chol=TRUE, flag.api=TRUE)

err = monoSensitivity(name = "range", from = 0.1, to = 0.3, ncalc = ncalc, p0 = param, 
                      seed = seed, nsim = nsim, flag.verbose = FALSE, flag.chol=TRUE, flag.api=TRUE)

err = monoSensitivity(name = "tau", from = 0.05, to = 0.2, ncalc = ncalc, p0 = param, 
                      seed = seed, nsim = nsim, flag.verbose = FALSE, flag.chol=TRUE, flag.api=TRUE)

Maximum LL

Optimization performed on the two parameters range and sill

# Options for the optimizer (maximization of the likelihood)
optim_maxit = 50
optim_method = "Nelder-Mead"
cont = list(); cont$maxit = optim_maxit

reference = list(range = rangev, sill = sill, tau = tau)

# minimization
fn_MLL <- function(x) {
  p0 = list(range = x[1], sill = x[2], tau = reference$tau)
  - computeLL(par = p0, flag.chol = TRUE)
# initial value
x_ini = c(reference$range, reference$sill)
x_ini = c(0.1, 2.0)
LL_val = rep(NaN, 2)
LL_val[1] = fn_MLL(x_ini)
res   <- optim(par = x_ini, fn = fn_MLL, method=optim_method, control = cont)
LL_val[2] = res$value
tab = matrix(NaN, nrow = 2, ncol = 4)
colnames(tab) <- c("range", "sill", "tau", "LL value")
rownames(tab) <- c("initial", "final")

tab[1,] <- c(unlist(reference),      LL_val[1])
tab[2,] <- c(res$par, reference$tau, LL_val[2])

knitr::kable(tab, digits = 3, caption = "Maximum of Log-Likelihood for range and sill")
Maximum of Log-Likelihood for range and sill
range sill tau LL value
initial 0.200 1.000 0.01 41.075
final 0.219 0.903 0.01 12.638
