
In this tutorial, we show how to simulated two dimensional stationary Gaussian Random Fields.

Its objectives are two folds:

All the fields are simulated on the domain \([0, 1]^2\) discretized on a regular grid.

To evaluate the conditioning algorithms, a realization of the random field, a non conditional simulation, is observed at points, uniformly scattered on the domain. These observations are used to condition a simulation.

Initialization and parameters

# simulation parameters
seed = 123
set.seed (seed)
# number of simulations for Monte-Carlo estimators
nsim = 10

# number of observations
ndat = 50

# parameters of the grid on [0,1]^2
nx = 101*c(1,1)
dx = 1/(nx-1)
x0 = c(0,0)

# parameters for the simulation algorithms
ntb = 1000 # number of band for the Turning Bands method (simtub)
tau = 0.01 # std. of the model observation process for SPDE (not used as default value is used instead)
matern_param = 1.0

Definition of the grid and the observation

# observations
dat = Db_create()
err = dat$setColumn(tab = runif(n=ndat), name = "x")
err = dat$setColumn(tab = runif(n=ndat), name = "y")
err = dat$setLocators(names = c("x", "y"), locatorType = ELoc_X(), cleanSameLocator = TRUE)
err = dat$setColumn(tab = rnorm(ndat), name = "Z", locatorType = ELoc_Z())
# grid for the simulations
grid    = DbGrid_create(nx,dx,x0)

# limits
limits <- list(XP = 1.0*c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0),
               YP = 1.0*c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0))
p_lim   = PolyElem(limits$XP, limits$YP)
pol_lim = Polygons()
err     = pol_lim$addPolyElem(p_lim)

# displays
p = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(grid) +
    plot.polygon(poly = pol_lim, color = "orange", fill = NA) +
    plot.point(dat, color = "red") +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing", 
                  title = "Limits of the simulations")

Auxiliary functions

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# QC of simulations
# ------------------------------------------------------------
qc_simulations <- function(grid, names, var_model, title, stat_keys) {
nsim = length(names)

# statistics
tab = matrix(dbStatisticsMono(grid, names = names, opers = EStatOption_fromKeys(stat_keys)),
  nrow = nsim, ncol = length(stat_keys), byrow = TRUE
colnames(tab) <- stat_keys
rownames(tab) <- names

print(paste("-------------------------------------------") )
print(paste0(title, ": statistics"))
print(paste("-------------------------------------------") )
print(round(tab, digits = 4))
print(paste("-------------------------------------------") )
# knitr::kable(tab, caption = paste0(title, ": statistics"), digits = 4)

# histogram of simulation  #1
i = 1
hist(grid[names[i]], xlab = names[i], main = title, nc = 25, col = "orange", bg = "gray")
# p = ggplot() + 
#     plot.hist(grid, name = names[i], usesel = TRUE, col = "gray", fill = "orange") +
#     plot.decoration(xlab = names[i], title = title)
# ggPrint(p)

# base map
p = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(grid, name_raster = names[i], show.legend.raster = TRUE, = "Y",
              palette = "Spectral") +
    # plot.point(dat, color = "red") +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing", 
                  title = title)

# variogram computations
nlags = grid$getNXs()[1]/2
varioparam = VarioParam_createMultipleFromGrid(grid, npas = nlags)
vario_list = list()
for (i in 1:nsim) {
  vario = Vario(varioparam, grid)
  err   = grid$setLocator(name = names[i], locatorType = ELoc_Z(), cleanSameLocator = TRUE)
  err   = vario$compute()
  vario_list[[1 + length(vario_list)]] <- vario

# plot of mean variogram per direction
err = qc_variogram(var_list = vario_list, var_param = varioparam, var_model = var_model, titre = title)


# ------------------------------------------------------------
# plot of mean variogram per direction
# ------------------------------------------------------------
qc_variogram <- function(var_list, var_param, var_model, titre) {
nsim = length(var_list)
ndir = var_param$getDirectionNumber()
# variogram matrices
res_gg = list()
for (idir in 1:ndir) {
  nlags = var_param$getDirParam(idir-1)$getLagNumber()
  gg_sim = matrix(NaN, nrow = nlags-1, ncol = nsim)
  for (i in 1:nsim) {
    gg_sim[,i] = var_list[[i]]$getGgVec(idir = idir-1, ivar = 0, jvar = 0)
  res_gg[[1 + length(res_gg)]] <- gg_sim

# plot for each direction
for (idir in 1:ndir) {
  nlags = var_param$getDirParam(idir-1)$getLagNumber()
  hh = dx[idir]*(1:(nlags-1))
  v_mean = apply(X = res_gg[[idir]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = mean)
  v_sd   = apply(X = res_gg[[idir]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = sd)
  # initial plot
  dir = var_param$getDirParam(idir - 1)$getCodirs()
  sdir = sprintf("Direction = [%1d, %1d]", dir[1], dir[2])
  plot(NULL, NULL, xlim = c(0, dx[idir]*nlags), ylim = 1.2*c(0, var_model$getTotalSill(ivar = 0, jvar = 0)),
       xlab = "Distance", ylab = "Variogram", main = paste0(titre, "\n", sdir))
  abline(h = 0, lty = 1, col = "black")
  abline(v = 0, lty = 1, col = "black")
  # experimental variogram
  lines(hh, v_mean, col = "orange", lw = 2)
  lines(hh, v_mean + 2 * v_sd, col = "orange", lty = 2)
  lines(hh, v_mean - 2 * v_sd, col = "orange", lty = 2)
  for (s in 1:nsim) {
    lines(hh, res_gg[[idir]][,s] , col = "gray", lty = 3)
  # variogram model
  abline(h  = var_model$getTotalSill(ivar = 0, jvar = 0), lty = 2, col = "skyblue")
  lines(hh, var_model$getTotalSill(ivar = 0, jvar = 0) - var_model$sample(hh = hh, ivar = 0, jvar = 0, 
        codir = var_param$getDirParam(idir - 1)$getCodirs()), 
        lty = 1, lw = 2, col = "skyblue")
  # legend TODO
         legend = c("model", "mean variogram", "+/- 2 x Std.", "empirical variograms"),
         lty = c(1, 1, 2, 3), lw = c(2, 2, 1, 1), col = c("skyblue", "orange", "orange", "gray")
} # loop over the directions

A single structure

  err = grid$deleteColumns(names = c("*.nc.simu.*","kriging.Z*", "SPDE.Z.kriging", "SPDE.Z.condSimu.*", "SPDE.Z.*"))
# a simple Matern's covariance model
  model = Model()
  err = model$addCovFromParam(type = ECov_fromKey("BESSEL_K"), sill = 1, ranges = 1*c(0.1, 0.3), angles = c(30, 0), param = 1.0)

Non-conditional simulations

  # non conditional simulations
  err = simtub(dbin = NULL, dbout = grid, model = model, nbsimu = nsim, seed=seed, 
               neigh = NULL, nbtuba = ntb, namconv = NamingConvention(""))
  err = simulateSPDE(dbin = NULL, dbout = grid, model = model, nbsimu = nsim, seed=seed, 
               namconv = NamingConvention(""))
  list_title = c("Using Turning Bands", "Using SPDE approach")
  list_key   = c("TB", "SPDE")
  for (i in seq_along(list_title)) {
    err = qc_simulations(grid = grid, 
                         names = paste(list_key[i], "nc.simu", 1:nsim, sep = "."), 
                         var_model = model, title = list_title[i], stat_keys = stat_keys)
## [1] "-------------------------------------------"
## [1] "Using Turning Bands: statistics"
## [1] "-------------------------------------------"
##                 NUM    MINI   MAXI    MEAN   STDV
##  10201 -3.5356 3.3088 -0.1820 1.0589
##  10201 -2.9016 3.5492  0.0442 1.0050
##  10201 -3.6132 3.1268  0.1408 0.9926
##  10201 -2.7442 2.5707 -0.1065 0.8886
##  10201 -3.3369 3.4639  0.1190 1.0272
##  10201 -2.5370 3.7222  0.0855 0.9505
##  10201 -2.7652 3.7716  0.2276 1.0260
##  10201 -3.2007 3.6295 -0.0287 0.9929
##  10201 -3.2197 2.9622 -0.1276 0.8314
## 10201 -4.2380 3.9513 -0.1245 1.0450
## [1] "-------------------------------------------"

## [1] "-------------------------------------------"
## [1] "Using SPDE approach: statistics"
## [1] "-------------------------------------------"
##                   NUM    MINI   MAXI    MEAN   STDV
##  10201 -3.4486 3.7034 -0.2636 1.0708
##  10201 -3.1493 2.5593 -0.1386 0.8804
##  10201 -3.3044 3.0762 -0.0179 1.0029
##  10201 -3.6788 2.6865 -0.1850 0.9757
##  10201 -3.1759 3.3361 -0.0250 1.0407
##  10201 -3.5547 3.3915 -0.2439 0.9504
##  10201 -2.5345 3.2328  0.2380 0.9302
##  10201 -3.4624 2.8049 -0.3082 1.0643
##  10201 -3.5008 3.0823 -0.0605 1.0127
## 10201 -3.5541 3.5612  0.0683 1.0425
## [1] "-------------------------------------------"


# simple kriging
err = model$delDrift(rank = 0)
err = model$setMean(mean = 0.0)
neigh = NeighUnique()
# kriging in unique neighbourhood
  err = kriging(dbin = dat, dbout = grid, model = model,
               neigh = neigh, 
               flag_est = TRUE, flag_std = TRUE, flag_varz = TRUE, 
               namconv = NamingConvention("kriging"))

  err = krigingSPDE(dbin = dat, dbout = grid, model = model,
               flag_est = TRUE, flag_std = TRUE, flag_varz = TRUE, 
               namconv = NamingConvention("SPDE"))
## These options have not been implemented yet. Not taken into account
  err = simulateSPDE(dbin = dat, dbout = grid, model = model,
                     nbsimu = nsim, seed = seed, namconv = NamingConvention("SPDE"))

  # cross plot for estimates (SPDE vs. kriging)
  p = ggplot() + 
    plot.correlation(grid, name1 = "kriging.Z.estim", name2 = "SPDE.Z.kriging", 
                     flagDiag = TRUE, diag_color = "red", flagSameAxes = TRUE) +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Simple Kriging", ylab = "SPDE estimate", title = "Mono structure")

  # cross plot of kriging std. (SPDE vs. kriging)
  nm_sims = grid$getNames(names = "SPDE.Z.condSimu.*")
  tab = matrix(grid$getColumns(names = nm_sims) , nrow = grid$getSampleNumber(), ncol = length(nm_sims))
  estim = apply(X = tab, MARGIN = 1, FUN = mean)
  stdev = apply(X = tab, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sd)
  grid["SPDE.Z.estim"] = estim
  grid["SPDE.Z.stdev"] = stdev

  # conditional simulations
  p1 = ggDefaultGeographic() + plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "SPDE.Z.condSimu.1", palette = "Spectral")
  p2 = ggDefaultGeographic() + plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "SPDE.Z.condSimu.2", palette = "Spectral")
  p3 = ggDefaultGeographic() + plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "SPDE.Z.condSimu.3", palette = "Spectral")
  p4 = ggDefaultGeographic() + plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "SPDE.Z.condSimu.4", palette = "Spectral")
  ggarrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)

  # estimate by MC
  p = ggplot() + 
    plot.correlation(grid, name1 = "SPDE.Z.kriging", name2 = "SPDE.Z.estim", 
                     flagDiag = TRUE, diag_color = "red", flagSameAxes = TRUE) +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "SPDE Kriging", ylab = "SPDE conditional exp.", title = "Mono structure")

  # stdev
  p = ggplot() + 
    plot.correlation(grid, name1 = "kriging.Z.stdev", name2 = "SPDE.Z.stdev", 
                     flagDiag = TRUE, diag_color = "red", flagSameAxes = TRUE) +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Simple Kriging Std.", ylab = "SPDE conditional Std.", title = "Mono structure")

  # estimator
  p1 = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "kriging.Z.estim", 
              palette = "Spectral", show.legend.raster = TRUE, = "kriging") +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing")
  p2 = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "SPDE.Z.kriging", 
              palette = "Spectral", show.legend.raster = TRUE, = "SPDE") +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing")
  ggarrange(p1, p2, nrow = 1, ncol = 2)

  # standard deviation
  p1 = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "kriging.Z.stdev", 
              palette = "Spectral", show.legend.raster = TRUE, = "kriging") +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing")
  p2 = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "SPDE.Z.stdev", 
              palette = "Spectral", show.legend.raster = TRUE, = "SPDE") +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing")
  ggarrange(p1, p2, nrow = 1, ncol = 2)

Linear model of covariances

  err = grid$deleteColumns(names = c("*.nc.simu.*","kriging.Z*", "SPDE.Z.kriging", "SPDE.Z.condSimu.*", "SPDE.Z.*"))
# a covariance model defined as a sum of two Matern's covariance functions and a nugget effect 
  model = Model()
  err = model$addCovFromParam(type = ECov_fromKey("BESSEL_K"), sill = 0.4, ranges = 1*c(0.1, 0.3), angles = c(30, 0), param = 1.0)
  err = model$addCovFromParam(type = ECov_fromKey("BESSEL_K"), sill = 0.5, ranges = 2*c(0.1, 0.3), angles = c(30, 0), param = 2.0)
  err = model$addCovFromParam(ECov_NUGGET(), sill=0.1)

Non-conditional simulations

  # non conditional simulations
  err = simtub(dbin = NULL, dbout = grid, model = model, nbsimu = nsim, seed=seed, 
               neigh = NULL, nbtuba = ntb, namconv = NamingConvention(""))
  err = simulateSPDE(dbin = NULL, dbout = grid, model = model, nbsimu = nsim, seed=seed, 
               namconv = NamingConvention(""))
  list_title = c("Using Turning Bands", "Using SPDE approach")
  list_key   = c("TB", "SPDE")
  for (i in seq_along(list_title)) {
    err = qc_simulations(grid = grid, 
                         names = paste(list_key[i], "nc.simu", 1:nsim, sep = "."), 
                         var_model = model, title = list_title[i], stat_keys = stat_keys)
## [1] "-------------------------------------------"
## [1] "Using Turning Bands: statistics"
## [1] "-------------------------------------------"
##                 NUM    MINI   MAXI    MEAN   STDV
##  10201 -3.7355 3.4103 -0.0520 0.9998
##  10201 -2.9322 4.1973  0.6149 1.1239
##  10201 -4.4484 3.0343 -0.0740 1.0380
##  10201 -2.3850 2.9668  0.1251 0.8644
##  10201 -2.9222 3.1467  0.2055 0.9506
##  10201 -3.5654 3.1969 -0.1407 0.9125
##  10201 -3.4101 3.4518  0.2980 1.0012
##  10201 -3.8215 3.0942 -0.2055 1.0511
##  10201 -3.7004 3.3073 -0.0424 1.0060
## 10201 -3.2648 3.6878  0.0067 0.9029
## [1] "-------------------------------------------"

## [1] "-------------------------------------------"
## [1] "Using SPDE approach: statistics"
## [1] "-------------------------------------------"
##                   NUM    MINI   MAXI    MEAN   STDV
##  10201 -2.1365 2.1910 -0.0062 0.4227
##  10201 -2.1952 2.4993  0.0427 0.4185
##  10201 -2.5291 2.4838 -0.0474 0.4095
##  10201 -2.4806 1.7698 -0.0065 0.4062
##  10201 -2.5656 2.2205  0.0320 0.4411
##  10201 -2.5681 3.1731 -0.0200 0.4615
##  10201 -2.0311 3.6197  0.0434 0.4316
##  10201 -2.6393 3.2617  0.0038 0.4324
##  10201 -2.4981 1.9665 -0.0355 0.4004
## 10201 -2.6092 2.7644  0.0503 0.4412
## [1] "-------------------------------------------"


# simple kriging
err = model$delDrift(rank = 0)
err = model$setMean(mean = 0.0)
neigh = NeighUnique()
# kriging in unique neighbourhood
  err = kriging(dbin = dat, dbout = grid, model = model,
               neigh = neigh, 
               flag_est = TRUE, flag_std = TRUE, flag_varz = TRUE, 
               namconv = NamingConvention("kriging"))

  err = krigingSPDE(dbin = dat, dbout = grid, model = model,
               flag_est = TRUE, flag_std = TRUE, flag_varz = TRUE, 
               namconv = NamingConvention("SPDE"))
## These options have not been implemented yet. Not taken into account
  err = simulateSPDE(dbin = dat, dbout = grid, model = model,
                     nbsimu = nsim, seed = seed, namconv = NamingConvention("SPDE"))
## mesh2point: Error in the dimension of argument 'inv'(26037). It should be (8120)
## mesh2point: Error in the dimension of argument 'inv'(26037). It should be (8120)
## mesh2point: Error in the dimension of argument 'inv'(26037). It should be (8120)
## mesh2point: Error in the dimension of argument 'inv'(26037). It should be (8120)
## mesh2point: Error in the dimension of argument 'inv'(26037). It should be (8120)
## mesh2point: Error in the dimension of argument 'inv'(26037). It should be (8120)
## mesh2point: Error in the dimension of argument 'inv'(26037). It should be (8120)
## mesh2point: Error in the dimension of argument 'inv'(26037). It should be (8120)
## mesh2point: Error in the dimension of argument 'inv'(26037). It should be (8120)
## mesh2point: Error in the dimension of argument 'inv'(26037). It should be (8120)
  # cross plot for estimates (SPDE vs. kriging)
  p = ggplot() + 
    plot.correlation(grid, name1 = "kriging.Z.estim", name2 = "SPDE.Z.kriging", 
                     flagDiag = TRUE, diag_color = "red", flagSameAxes = TRUE) +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Simple Kriging", ylab = "SPDE estimate", title = "Multi structure")

  # cross plot of kriging std. (SPDE vs. kriging)
  nm_sims = grid$getNames(names = "SPDE.Z.condSimu.*")
  tab = matrix(grid$getColumns(names = nm_sims) , nrow = grid$getSampleNumber(), ncol = length(nm_sims))
  estim = apply(X = tab, MARGIN = 1, FUN = mean)
  stdev = apply(X = tab, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sd)
  grid["SPDE.Z.estim"] = estim
  grid["SPDE.Z.stdev"] = stdev

  # conditional simulations
  p1 = ggDefaultGeographic() + plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "SPDE.Z.condSimu.1", palette = "Spectral")
  p2 = ggDefaultGeographic() + plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "SPDE.Z.condSimu.2", palette = "Spectral")
  p3 = ggDefaultGeographic() + plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "SPDE.Z.condSimu.3", palette = "Spectral")
  p4 = ggDefaultGeographic() + plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "SPDE.Z.condSimu.4", palette = "Spectral")
  ggarrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)

  # estimate by MC
  p = ggplot() + 
    plot.correlation(grid, name1 = "SPDE.Z.kriging", name2 = "SPDE.Z.estim", 
                     flagDiag = TRUE, diag_color = "red", flagSameAxes = TRUE) +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "SPDE Kriging", ylab = "SPDE conditional exp.", title = "Mono structure")

  # stdev
  p = ggplot() + 
    plot.correlation(grid, name1 = "kriging.Z.stdev", name2 = "SPDE.Z.stdev", 
                     flagDiag = TRUE, diag_color = "red", flagSameAxes = TRUE) +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Simple Kriging Std.", ylab = "SPDE conditional Std.", title = "Multi structure")

  # estimator
  p1 = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "kriging.Z.estim", 
              palette = "Spectral", show.legend.raster = TRUE, = "kriging") +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing")
  p2 = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "SPDE.Z.kriging", 
              palette = "Spectral", show.legend.raster = TRUE, = "SPDE") +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing")
  ggarrange(p1, p2, nrow = 1, ncol = 2)

  # standard deviation
  p1 = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "kriging.Z.stdev", 
              palette = "Spectral", show.legend.raster = TRUE, = "kriging") +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing")
  p2 = ggDefaultGeographic() + 
    plot.grid(grid, name_raster = "SPDE.Z.stdev", 
              palette = "Spectral", show.legend.raster = TRUE, = "SPDE") +
    plot.decoration(xlab = "Easting", ylab = "Northing")
  ggarrange(p1, p2, nrow = 1, ncol = 2)
