gstlearn  0.3.4

gstlearn is the new cross-platform Geostatistics C++ library proposed by MINES Paris - PSL University. It offers to users all famous Geostatistical methodologies developed and/or invented by the Geostatistic Team of the Geosciences Research Center.

The name 'gstlearn' stands for several purposes:

  • GeoSTatistics & Machine Learning Library
  • Geostatistical Spatio-Temporal Learning
  • Learning Geosciences & Spatio-Temporal Models

gstlearn comes in various forms:

  • A C++ library
  • A Python package
  • A R package

If you only want to use Python or R packages, you should switch to corresponding README:

See for more details.


The gstlearn C++ library is the successor of the Geoslib C/C++ library which was proposed through the RGeostats R package.

The gstlearn C++ library is developed by the Geostatistics Group of the Geosciences Center (MINES Paris - PSL University - France)

The gstlearn C++ library is a derivative work based on the swigex0 project:

The gstlearn C++ library depends on the following third-party source code compiled in separate libraries (see 3rd-party folder):

Name License URL Copyright
csparse LGPL v2.1 Copyright 2006, Timothy A. Davis
stripack (GMT) LGPL v3 Copyright(c) 2020, the GMT Team

The gstlearn C++ library also includes external source codes (see licenses notices in doc/licenses):

Name License URL Copyright
clustering Python License Copyright (C) 2002 Michiel Jan Laurens de Hoon
fft see licenses Copyright(c)1995,97 Mark Olesen
sparseinv (SuiteSparse) BSD 3-clause Copyright 2011, Timothy A. Davis
vtk (VisIt) BSD 3-clause Copyright (c) 2000 - 2008, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC

Finally, the gstlearn C++ library depends on the following third-party libraries (see licenses notices in doc/licenses):

Name License URL Copyright
Boost see licenses see Boost headers
HDF5 see licenses Copyright 2006 by The HDF Group

How to cite

When using the gstlearn C++ Library, please, use this to cite us in any publication or results for which gstlearn has been used:

Geostatistics and Machine Learning toolbox
Copyright © MINES Paris - PSL University
Free download from

You may be interested in the citation file [gstlearn.bib](


This library has been successfully tested with Ubuntu 18/20/22 LTS and Windows 10 (MacOS: not tested). For compiling and installing gstlearn C++ library, the following tools must be available (See required tools installation instructions below):

  • Git client 2.30 or higher
  • CMake tool 3.20 or higher
  • A C++ compiler among:
    • Linux/MacOS:
      • GCC 5.4 or higher
      • Clang 12 or higher (not tested)
    • Windows:
      • Python users: Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 14 or higher
      • R users: MinGW 7 (RTools 4.2) or higher
  • Boost header files 1.65 or higher
  • Doxygen [Optional] 1.8.3 or higher with LaTeX and Ghostscripts
  • HDF5 [Optional] C++ library and header files 1.8 or higher

See required tools installation instructions below

Get the sources

For getting the sources files, just clone the github repository:

git clone
cd gstlearn

Next time, you will only need to pull the repository (If you have some local undesirable modifications, you have to revert them and execute the pull, otherwise do not execute git reset):

cd gstlearn
git reset --hard
git pull

C++ Library Compilation & Installation

For compiling and installing the gstlearn C++ shared library, execute the following instructions from the root directory of gstlearn. Please note that you can choose another destination folder (currently named build).

GCC, Clang, MinGW, ...

...or any other single configuration compiler:

cmake -Bbuild -H. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build --target shared
cmake --build build --target install

or even faster:


Microsoft Visual Studio, ...

...or any other multiple configurations compiler:

cmake -Bbuild -H.
cmake --build build --target shared --config Release
cmake --build build --target install --config Release


Please, look at tests C++ code in order to learn how to use the gstlearn C++ library. You can generate the source code documentation using Doxygen.

Required Tools Installation

These tools are needed for compiling the gstlearn C++ library. Please note that HDF5 and Doxygen (and Latex) installation are optional.

If you modified your system, you must reinstall the requirements from scratch following next instructions. You must delete 'gstlearn' existing source folders (if so).

Note :

Linux (Ubuntu)

sudo apt install git
sudo apt install cmake
sudo apt install texlive-latex-recommended
sudo apt install texlive-science
sudo apt install doxygen
sudo apt install libboost-all-dev
sudo apt install libhdf5-dev


brew install git
brew install cmake
brew install texlive-latex-recommended
brew install texlive-science
brew install doxygen
brew install libboost-all-dev
brew install libhdf5-dev


  • These instructions for MacOS are currently not tested - above packages may not exist

Windows - Microsoft Visual Studio

These requirements are also recommended to people who wants to compile gstlearn Python package. If you want to compile gstlearn R package under Windows, you should look at the next section.

Install all tools

Download and install the following tools using default options during installation:

  1. Git client from here (Setup program [exe])
  2. CMake tool from here (Windows Installer [msi], check the *'Add CMake to the system PATH for all users'* option during installation)
  3. Microsoft Visual Studio (Community) from here (VisualStudioSetup.exe - only select the Visual Studio Desktop C++ component)
  4. Boost library from here (Archive file [zip] to be extracted in a folder of your choice, but not in the gstlearn source folder - and remind that folder)
  5. HDF5 library (optional) from here (Pre-built binaries [zip] to be extracted, then, execute the installer [msi] - and remind the installation folder)
  6. Doxygen (optional) from here (Binary distribution [setup.exe] - remind the installation folder, we assume it is C:\Program Files\doxygen)
  7. LaTeX and Ghostscripts following instructions here

Update the Path environment variable

The Path environment variable (System variables) must be updated to make doxygen.exe available in the batch command line:

  1. Follow this guide to add bin directory from the Doxygen installation folder in the Path System variable (i.e: C:\Program Files\doxygen\bin)
  2. Restart Windows

Windows - MinGW (via RTools):

These requirements are also recommended to people who wants to compile gstlearn R package. If you want to compile gstlearn Python package under Windows, you should look at the previous section. This is not the only way to install MinGW. But using MinGW provided with RTools permits us to also handle gstlearn R package compilation.

Install R and RTools

Remove all R and RTools previous installation and download and install the following tools using default options:

  1. R from here (Setup program [exe] - remind the installation folder, assume it is C:\Program Files\R\R-4.2.2)
  2. RTools from here (RTools Installer [exe] - remind the installation folder, assume it is C:\rtools42)


  • Choose the corresponding RTools version according to the R version installed
  • Instructions in this section are valid since R v4.2 (for older versions please contact us)
  • RTools is not the unique way to install MinGW on Windows, but it is our preferred way as we can handle R packages compilation

Update the Path environment variable

The Path environment variable (System variables) must be updated to make R.exe available in the batch command line:

  1. Follow this guide to add bin directory from the R installation folder in the Path variable (ie: C:\Program Files\R\R-4.2.2\bin)
  2. Restart Windows

Add MSYS2 Required Packages

  1. Edit the etc/pacman.conf file in the RTools installation directory (ie: C:\rtools42) by changing the SigLevel variable to Never (otherwise, git cannot be installed using pacman):
  1. Edit the mingw64.ini file in the RTools installation directory (ie: C:\rtools42) by un-commenting the following line (remove '#' character at the beginning):
  1. Launch mingw64.exe in RTools installation directory (ie: C:\rtools42) and pin the icon to the task bar
  2. From the mingw64 shell command prompt, execute following instructions (HDF5 and Doxygen are optional):
pacman -Sy git
pacman -Sy mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake
pacman -Sy mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc
pacman -Sy mingw-w64-x86_64-boost
pacman -Sy mingw-w64-x86_64-hdf5
pacman -Sy mingw-w64-x86_64-texlive-latex-recommended
pacman -Sy mingw-w64-x86_64-texlive-science
pacman -Sy mingw-w64-x86_64-doxygen


Execute Non-regression Tests

The check* targets bring some required runtime customization, so do not use the standard ctest command for triggering the non-regression tests.

To build and launch non-regression tests, execute the following commands:

GCC, Clang, MinGW, ...

...or any other single configuration compiler:

cmake --build build --target build_tests
cmake --build build --target check_cpp
cmake --build build --target check_data

or even faster:

make check_cpp
make check_data

Microsoft Visual Studio, ...

...or any other multiple configurations compiler:

cmake --build build --target build_tests --config Release
cmake --build build --target check_cpp --config Release
cmake --build build --target check_data --config Release


To clean (partially) the build, execute the following command:

cmake --build build --target clean


  • If you really want to clean all files generated by CMake, you can remove build directory content by hand. Linux, MacOS or MinGW users may use the clean_all target from the shortcut Makefile inside the top level directory:
make clean_all

Important Notes

  • If your system distribution repository doesn't provide minimum required versions, please install the tools manually (see provider website)
  • If you plan to generate the documentation, add -DBUILD_DOXYGEN=ON to the first cmake command above.
  • If you don't know how to execute github commands or you experience a 'password authentication' problem, you may read this.
  • Currently, HDF5 is not supported when compiling gstlearn C++ library under Windows. gstlearn won't link against HDF5 and GibbsMMulti::setFlagStoreInternal(false) feature won't be available.
  • The default installation directory named gstlearn_install is located in your Home. If you want to change it, you can either:
    • Define the GSTLEARN_INSTALL_DIR environment variable or
    • Add -DGSTLEARN_INSTALL_DIR="path/of/gstlearn/install/dir" to the first cmake command above
  • If you don't want HDF5 support, add -DUSE_HDF5=OFF to the first cmake command above. If you use the shortcut Makefile, you can use USE_HDF5=0 after the make command
  • Only the shared library (built by default) is installed when compiling gstlearn C++ library. If you want to compile the static version, you must replace shared by static target above.
  • Using MinGW on a Windows where another compiler is also installed may need to add -G "MSYS Makefiles" in the first cmake command above.
  • Using Visual Studio on a Windows where another compiler is also installed may need to add -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" in the first command (adapt version).
  • If you want to build and install the Debug version, you must replace Release by Debug above. If you use the shortcut Makefile, you can use DEBUG=1 after the make command
  • You may need to precise the location of Boost, HDF5 or Doxygen installation directory. In that case, add the following variables in the first cmake command above:
    • -DBoost_ROOT="path/to/boost"
    • -DHDF5_ROOT="path/to/hdf5"
    • -DDoxygen_ROOT="path/to/doxygen"

Uninstall the Library

To uninstall all the installed files (only the files, not the directories), execute this command:

cmake --build build --target uninstall

or faster:

make uninstall

Generate the Documentation

The Doxygen HTML documentation is optional (not included in the installation by default). If you want to generate it, execute the command:

cmake -Bbuild -H. -DBUILD_DOXYGEN=ON
cmake --build build --target doxygen

or faster (for Makefile user):

make doxygen

The documentation is then available by opening the following HTML file with your favorite web-browser:

firefox build/doxygen/html/index.html


BSD 3-clause 2023 Team gstlearn