Defining some essential parameters:
ndim = 2
defineDefaultSpace(ESpaceType_RN(), ndim);
nbsimu = 20
nbcc = 4
cmap = c('red', 'blue', 'yellow')
Downloading the data base (from the distribution Exdemo_PGS.db) and creating the output Grid, the Model (Cubic) and the Neighborhood (Unique):
fileNF = "Data.NF"
download.file(paste0("https://soft.minesparis.psl.eu/gstlearn/data/PluriGaussian/",fileNF), fileNF, quiet=TRUE)
data = Db_createFromNF(fileNF)
grid = DbGrid_create(nx=c(110,110))
model = Model_createFromParam(type=ECov_CUBIC(), ranges=c(50,30))
neigh = NeighUnique()
Defining Internal Display Function
Defining the internal function plot.dat used to visualize the data set with convenient color representation:
Display Data
# TODO: Utiliser CMAP
p = ggDefaultGeographic()
p = p + plot(data, nameColor="facies", nameSize="connect")
# edgecolors='black', sizmin=40, cmap=cmap)
p = p + plot.decoration(title="Conditioning Information")
Proportions and Lithotype Rule
props = dbStatisticsFacies(data)
rule = Rule_createFromNames(c("S","S","F1","F2","F3"))
# TODO: utiliser cmap
p = ggplot()
p = p + plot(rule, proportions = props, maxG=3)
p = p + plot.decoration(title="Lithotype Rule")
Model of Underlying GRF
Calculate the Experimental Variogram of the Underlying Gaussian Random Function and fit the Model (used in PGS).
varioparam = VarioParam_createOmniDirection(dpas=5, npas=20)
ruleprop = RuleProp_createFromRule(rule, props)
vario = variogram_pgs(data, varioparam, ruleprop)
model_gaus = Model()
err = model_gaus$fit(vario, types=ECov_fromKeys(c("CUBIC")),
ggplot() + plot.varmod(vario, model_gaus, asCov=TRUE)
PluriGaussian Simulation
err = simpgs(dbin=data, dbout=grid, ruleprop=ruleprop, model1=model_gaus,
neigh=neigh, nbsimu=nbsimu,
namconv = NamingConvention("SimuPGS"))
p1 = ggDefaultGeographic()
p1 = p1 + plot(grid, nameRaster="SimuPGS.1")
p1 = p1 + plot(data, nameColor="facies", nameSize="connect")
p2 = ggDefaultGeographic()
p2 = p2 + plot(grid, nameRaster="SimuPGS.2")
p2 = p2 + plot(data, nameColor="facies", nameSize="connect")
p3 = ggDefaultGeographic()
p3 = p3 + plot(grid, nameRaster="SimuPGS.3")
p3 = p3 + plot(data, nameColor="facies", nameSize="connect")
p4 = ggDefaultGeographic()
p4 = p4 + plot(grid, nameRaster="SimuPGS.4")
p4 = p4 + plot(data, nameColor="facies", nameSize="connect")
ggarrange(p1,p2,p3,p4, nrow=2, ncol=2)
Acceptation Function
Acceptation internal function: Select a Target Facies and build its Connected Components. For each simulation outcome, check the ranks of the connected component(s) at constraining wells and accept the simulation if all ranks are similar.
accept <- function(data, grid, name, verbose=FALSE, transBinary=TRUE, faccc=2)
# Get the indices of samples which should be connected (starting from 0)
rankData = which(data["connect"] == 1) - 1
rankGrid = grid$locateDataInGrid(data, rankData)
if (verbose)
cat("Number of conditioning data (connected) =",length(rankData),"\n")
cat("Their ranks in the input Data Base =",rankData,"\n")
cat("Their ranks in the output Data Base =",rankGrid,"\n")
# Perform the labelling into connected components
err = grid$setLocator(name, ELoc_Z(), cleanSameLocator=TRUE)
err = dbMorpho(grid, EMorpho_CC(), vmin=faccc-0.5, vmax=faccc+0.5)
cc_list = grid[rankGrid,"Morpho*"]
if (verbose)
cat("List of their connected components indices =",cc_list,"\n")
# Check that the data points belong to the same connected component
number = length(unique(cc_list))
retval = (number == 1)
if (verbose)
cat("Acceptation score =",retval,"\n")
# Convert the valid Simulation outcome into a binary image
if (retval && transBinary)
grid[name] = (grid["Morpho*"] == cc_list[1])
Experiment the Acceptation Function on one Simulation outcome
isValid = accept(data, grid, "SimuPGS.1", TRUE)
## Number of conditioning data (connected) = 4
## Their ranks in the input Data Base = 4 12 15 16
## Their ranks in the output Data Base = 6000 1270 6648 9712
## List of their connected components indices = 1 NA NA 1
## Acceptation score = FALSE
cat("Connectivity for Simulation #1 :",isValid,"\n")
## Connectivity for Simulation #1 : FALSE
Probability Map
This operation provides the probability that each pixel belongs to the Target Facies, calculated over all simulations that fulfill the Connectivity Constraint.
nb.valid = 0
for (i in 1:nbsimu)
name = paste("SimuPGS.",i, sep="")
isValid = accept(data, grid, name)
if (isValid)
cat(" is valid\n")
nb.valid = nb.valid + 1
cat(" is invalid\n")
## Simulation SimuPGS.1 is invalid
## Simulation SimuPGS.2 is valid
## Simulation SimuPGS.3 is invalid
## Simulation SimuPGS.4 is valid
## Simulation SimuPGS.5 is invalid
## Simulation SimuPGS.6 is invalid
## Simulation SimuPGS.7 is invalid
## Simulation SimuPGS.8 is invalid
## Simulation SimuPGS.9 is invalid
## Simulation SimuPGS.10 is valid
## Simulation SimuPGS.11 is invalid
## Simulation SimuPGS.12 is invalid
## Simulation SimuPGS.13 is invalid
## Simulation SimuPGS.14 is valid
## Simulation SimuPGS.15 is invalid
## Simulation SimuPGS.16 is invalid
## Simulation SimuPGS.17 is invalid
## Simulation SimuPGS.18 is invalid
## Simulation SimuPGS.19 is invalid
## Simulation SimuPGS.20 is invalid
cat("Number of valid simulations =", nb.valid, "out of", nbsimu, "\n")
## Number of valid simulations = 4 out of 20
Derive the Probability Map
p = ggDefaultGeographic()
p = p + plot(grid,"Stats.MEAN")
p = p + plot(data,nameColor="facies", nameSize="connect")
p = p + plot.decoration(title="Probability of Connecting Wells")