IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) {
// Remove Scrollbar in outputs
return false;
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import gstlearn as gl
import gstlearn.plot as gp
import os
import urllib.request
Initial objects are located in a specific Directory which is defined in the next Container operation. Note that his operation will modify automatically all the names of the Files retreived using Serialize / Deserialize operation (not when reading using CSV). Also note that the Container name must be ended using a "/" (as its serves as a Directory).
ndim = 2
This Load is performed starting from a CSV file.
url = 'https://soft.minesparis.psl.eu/gstlearn/data/BRGM/Nitrates_LANU.csv'
filename, head = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url)
datCat = pd.read_csv(filename,sep=";")
X | Y | LANU | HyGeo | NO3 | BG | |
0 | 428575.6629 | 5.541444e+06 | 2 | 1 | 0.5 | -99.0 |
1 | 431573.6549 | 5.542124e+06 | 2 | 1 | 150.0 | -99.0 |
2 | 431565.6549 | 5.542160e+06 | 2 | 1 | 150.0 | -99.0 |
3 | 435820.6447 | 5.543920e+06 | 3 | 1 | 78.0 | -99.0 |
4 | 435955.6443 | 5.543910e+06 | 3 | 1 | 64.0 | -99.0 |
The polygon is created by deserializing the Neutral Polygon File
url = 'https://soft.minesparis.psl.eu/gstlearn/data/BRGM/poly_LANU.ascii'
filename, head = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url)
poly = gl.Polygons.createFromNF(filename)
Polygons -------- Number of Polygon Sets = 1
dat = gl.Db()
fields = ["X","Y","LANU"]
dat[fields] = datCat[fields].values
dat.setLocators(["X","Y"],gl.ELoc.X) #Coordinates
dat.setLocator("LANU",gl.ELoc.Z) #Variable of interest
Data Base Characteristics ========================= Data Base Summary ----------------- File is organized as a set of isolated points Space dimension = 2 Number of Columns = 3 Total number of samples = 1691 Variables --------- Column = 0 - Name = X - Locator = x1 Column = 1 - Name = Y - Locator = x2 Column = 2 - Name = LANU - Locator = z1
The output grid will contain 47 x 101 nodes. It is built to cover the data file plus an extension of 10000 x 10000.
Result = gl.DbGrid.createCoveringDb(dat,[47,101],[],[],[50000,50000])
The initial selection (based on the application of the Polygon to the grid data base) must be dilated in order to avoid edge effect.
ax = Result.plot(nameRaster="Polygon",useSel=False,flagLegendRaster=False)
ax.decoration(title="Initial information")
propGlob = gl.dbStatisticsFacies(dat)
ncat = len(propGlob)
for i in range(ncat):
print("Proportion of facies "+str(i+1),"=",propGlob[i])
Proportion of facies 1 = 0.2726197516262567 Proportion of facies 2 = 0.46954464813719693 Proportion of facies 3 = 0.046126552335895916 Proportion of facies 4 = 0.205204021289178 Proportion of facies 5 = 0.006505026611472502
The next parts will be simplified in a future dedicated API
2.2.1 Creation of the spatial regularization model for proportions
model = gl.Model.createFromDb(Result)
cova = gl.CovAniso.createIsotropic(model.getContext(),gl.ECov.BESSEL_K,range=50000.,param=2.,sill=1.,)
err = gl.db_proportion_estimate(dat,Result,model)
dbfmt = gl.DbStringFormat()
Data Base Grid Characteristics ============================== Data Base Summary ----------------- File is organized as a regular grid Space dimension = 2 Number of Columns = 8 Total number of samples = 4747 Number of active samples = 752 Grid characteristics: --------------------- Origin : 306764.2835218227.694 Mesh : 4787.785 3803.924 Number : 47 101 Data Base Statistics -------------------- 4 - Name Prop.1 - Locator p1 Nb of data = 4747 Nb of active values = 752 Minimum value = 0.000 Maximum value = 0.867 Mean value = 0.218 Standard Deviation = 0.162 Variance = 0.026 5 - Name Prop.2 - Locator p2 Nb of data = 4747 Nb of active values = 752 Minimum value = 0.000 Maximum value = 0.934 Mean value = 0.415 Standard Deviation = 0.257 Variance = 0.066 6 - Name Prop.3 - Locator p3 Nb of data = 4747 Nb of active values = 752 Minimum value = 0.000 Maximum value = 0.368 Mean value = 0.042 Standard Deviation = 0.046 Variance = 0.002 7 - Name Prop.4 - Locator p4 Nb of data = 4747 Nb of active values = 752 Minimum value = 0.000 Maximum value = 0.967 Mean value = 0.161 Standard Deviation = 0.172 Variance = 0.030 8 - Name Prop.5 - Locator p5 Nb of data = 4747 Nb of active values = 752 Minimum value = 0.000 Maximum value = 0.117 Mean value = 0.005 Standard Deviation = 0.011 Variance = 0.000 Variables --------- Column = 0 - Name = x1 - Locator = x1 Column = 1 - Name = x2 - Locator = x2 Column = 2 - Name = Polygon - Locator = sel Column = 3 - Name = Prop.1 - Locator = p1 Column = 4 - Name = Prop.2 - Locator = p2 Column = 5 - Name = Prop.3 - Locator = p3 Column = 6 - Name = Prop.4 - Locator = p4 Column = 7 - Name = Prop.5 - Locator = p5
for i in range(ncat):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = Result.plot(nameRaster="Prop."+str(i+1))
ax.decoration(title="Proportion Facies #"+str(i+1))
ax.geometry(dims=[10,10], aspect=1)