IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) {
return false;
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import gstlearn as gl
import gstlearn.plot as gp
import gstlearn.proj as gpd
import os
Simulation of a Reference data set on a Grid
grd = gl.DbGrid.create(x0=[0.0,0.0], dx=[0.01,0.01], nx=[100,100])
# Simulate two independent Gaussian Random variables
model1 = gl.Model.createFromParam(gl.ECov.GAUSSIAN, range=0.2, sill=1.0)
err = gl.simtub(None, dbout = grd, model = model1, nbsimu = 1)
model2 = gl.Model.createFromParam(gl.ECov.EXPONENTIAL, range=0.1, sill=1.0)
err = gl.simtub(None, dbout = grd, model = model2, nbsimu = 1)
# Non linear transform
grd["Z"] = grd["Y1"] * grd["Y1"] + 0.5 * grd["Y1"] + 0.2 * grd["Y2"]
grd["Y1.NS"] = gl.VH.normalScore(grd["Y1"])
grd["Z.NS"] = gl.VH.normalScore(grd["Z"])
ax = grd.plot("Y1")
ax = gp.histogram(grd,name="Y1",bins=30)
ax = grd.plot("Y2")
ax = gp.histogram(grd,name="Y2", bins=30)
ax = gp.correlation(grd,namex="Y1",namey="Y2",diagLine=True, bins=50)
Lognormal transformation
m_1 = 1.0; sigma_1 = 0.25
m_2 = 0.5; sigma_2 = 0.5
grd["Z1"] = m_1 * np.exp(sigma_1 * grd["Y1"] - 1/2 * sigma_1 * sigma_1 )
grd["Z2"] = m_2 * np.exp(sigma_2 * grd["Y2"] - 1/2 * sigma_2 * sigma_2 )
ax = gp.correlation(grd, namex = "Z1", namey = "Z2", diagLine=True, bins=50)
gl.dbStatisticsMono(grd, ["Z*","Y*"],opers=gl.EStatOption.fromKeys(["MINI","MAXI","MEAN","STDV"]))
Minimum Maximum Mean St. Dev. Z1 0.382 2.456 1.000 0.254 Z2 0.069 2.833 0.500 0.266 Y1 -3.719 3.719 0.000 0.999 Y2 -3.719 3.719 0.000 0.999
ax = grd.plot("Z1")
ax = gp.histogram(grd, name="Z1", bins=30)
ax = grd.plot("Z2")
ax = gp.histogram(grd, name="Z2", bins=30)
nump = 500
data = gl.Db.createSamplingDb(grd, number=nump, names = ["x1", "x2", "Z1", "Z2"])
ax = grd.plot("Z1")
ax = data.plot(color="yellow")
Normal score
data["Z1.NS"] = gl.VH.normalScore(data["Z1"])
data["Z2.NS"] = gl.VH.normalScore(data["Z2"])
Minimum Maximum Mean St. Dev. Z1 0.419 2.154 0.982 0.241 Z2 0.083 2.359 0.482 0.251 Y1 -2.879 2.879 0.000 0.989 Y2 -2.879 2.879 0.000 0.989
ax = gp.histogram(data, name="Z1", color="orange", bins=30)
ax = gp.histogram(data, name= "Z2", color="skyblue", bins=30)
ax = gp.correlation(data, namex="Z1", namey="Z2", diagLine=True, asPoint=True)
ax = gp.correlation(data, namex = "Y1", namey = "Y2", diagLine=True, asPoint=True)
probas = np.arange(1,101) / (100 + 1)
q1 = gl.VH.quantiles(data["Y1"], probas)
q2 = gl.VH.qnormVec(probas)
ax = gp.curve(q2, q1, marker='o')
ax.decoration(title="Q-Q Plot - First Initial Variable",
xlabel = "Theoretical quantiles", ylabel = "Experimental quantiles")
probas = np.arange(1,101) / (100 + 1)
q1 = gl.VH.quantiles(data["Y2"], probas)
q2 = gl.VH.qnormVec(probas)
ax = gp.curve(q2, q1, marker='o')
ax.decoration(title="Q-Q Plot - Second Initial Variable",
xlabel = "Theoretical quantiles", ylabel = "Experimental quantiles")
Minimum Maximum Mean St. Dev. Y1 -2.879 2.879 0.000 0.989 Y2 -2.879 2.879 0.000 0.989
Launching PPMT and fitting it on the vector of Input data
ppmt = gl.PPMT.create(ndir=10, flagPreprocessing = False, methodDir = gl.EDirGen.VDC, methodTrans = gl.EGaussInv.HMT)
err = ppmt.fit(data, ["Y*"], flagStoreInDb = True, niter = 100, namconv=gl.NamingConvention("U"))
Evolution of the Index
ln_index = ppmt.getSerieScore(True)
ax = gp.curve(ln_index, icas=2, marker='o')
Final results (non correlated variables)
Minimum Maximum Mean St. Dev. U.Y1 -3.013 3.155 0.000 1.000 U.Y2 -2.823 3.009 0.000 0.997
Transformed Gaussian variables
probas = np.arange(1,101) / (100 + 1)
q1 = gl.VH.quantiles(data["U.Y1"], probas)
q2 = gl.VH.qnormVec(probas)
ax = gp.curve(q2, q1, marker='o')
ax.decoration(title = "Q-Q Plot - First variable of PPMT",
xlabel = "Theoretical quantiles", ylabel = "Experimental quantiles")