This file is meant to demonstrate the use of gstlearn for Super Kriging. It is run on several 2-D cases.
IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) {
return false;
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sys
import os
import gstlearn as gl
import gstlearn.plot as gp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Setting some global variables
# Set the Global Options
verbose = True
flagGraphic = True
# Define the Space Dimension
ndim = 2
gl.defineDefaultSpace(gl.ESpaceType.RN, ndim)
# Set the Seed for the Random Number generator
# Next option performs a verbose kriging of one target node (lots of outputs)
flagDebug = True
We define the grid on which all calculations will be performed. The grid is constituted of square meshes and has a rectangular extension of 200 by 150.
grid = gl.DbGrid.create(nx=[200,150],dx=[1.,1.])
Data Base Grid Characteristics ============================== Data Base Summary ----------------- File is organized as a regular grid Space dimension = 2 Number of Columns = 3 Total number of samples = 30000 Grid characteristics: --------------------- Origin : 0.000 0.000 Mesh : 1.000 1.000 Number : 200 150 Variables --------- Column = 0 - Name = rank - Locator = NA Column = 1 - Name = x1 - Locator = x1 Column = 2 - Name = x2 - Locator = x2
In this paragraph, we generate a Poisson Data Set (data uniformy distributed along each space dimension) which covers the Grid expansion area. The Data Set contains 100 samples.
coormin = grid.getCoorMinimum()
coormax = grid.getCoorMaximum()
nech = 100
data = gl.Db.createFromBox(nech, coormin, coormax)
A variable is generated on this data set, as the result of a non-conditional simulation with a build-in model.
model = gl.Model()
model.addCovFromParam(gl.ECov.SPHERICAL, range=40, sill=0.7)
model.addCovFromParam(gl.ECov.NUGGET, sill = 0.3)
err = gl.simtub(None, dbout=data, model=model)
Data Base Characteristics ========================= Data Base Summary ----------------- File is organized as a set of isolated points Space dimension = 2 Number of Columns = 4 Total number of samples = 100 Variables --------- Column = 0 - Name = rank - Locator = NA Column = 1 - Name = x-1 - Locator = x1 Column = 2 - Name = x-2 - Locator = x2 Column = 3 - Name = Simu - Locator = z1
gp.setDefaultGeographic(dims=[7,7], aspect=1)
ax = data.plot(nameColor="Simu")
We first define a standard Moving Neighborhood.
nmini = 1
nmaxi = 10
radius = 30.
nsect = 8
nsmax = 3
neigh = gl.NeighMoving.create(flag_xvalid=False, nmaxi=nmaxi, radius=radius, nmini=nmini,
nsect=nsect, nsmax=nsmax)
Moving Neighborhood =================== Minimum number of samples = 1 Maximum number of samples = 10 Number of angular sectors = 8 Maximum number of points per sector = 3 Maximum horizontal distance = 30
Checking the neighborhood around a central grid node
node = 15300
target = grid.getSampleCoordinates(node)
neigh.attach(data, grid)
ranks =
dataSel = data.clone()
dum = dataSel.addSelectionByRanks(ranks)
ax = data.plot()
ax = dataSel.plot(color='blue')
ax = gp.sample(target, color='black')
ax = gp.curve(grid.getCellEdges(node))
ax = gp.curve(neigh.getEllipsoid(target))
ax = gp.multisegments(target,neigh.getSectors(target))
Performing a Point Kriging with the current Neighborhood feature
err = gl.kriging(data, grid, model, neigh,
if flagDebug:
err = gl.krigtest(data, grid, model, neigh, node)
Target location --------------- Sample #15301 (from 30000) Coordinate #1 = 100.000000 Coordinate #2 = 76.000000 Data selected in neighborhood ----------------------------- Rank Sample x1 x2 Sector 1 20 114.631 72.031 4 2 52 116.444 65.590 4 3 56 114.720 79.035 5 4 65 116.816 94.871 6 5 69 89.960 69.482 1 LHS of Kriging matrix (compressed) ================================== Number of active samples = 5 Total number of equations = 5 Reduced number of equations = 5 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 Flag 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1.000 0.526 0.518 0.164 0.132 2 2 0.526 1.000 0.358 0.069 0.102 3 3 0.518 0.358 1.000 0.303 0.106 4 4 0.164 0.069 0.303 1.000 0.006 5 5 0.132 0.102 0.106 0.006 1.000 RHS of Kriging matrix (compressed) ================================== Number of active samples = 5 Total number of equations = 5 Reduced number of equations = 5 Number of right-hand sides = 1 Punctual Estimation Rank Flag 1 1 1 0.321 2 2 0.229 3 3 0.324 4 4 0.125 5 5 0.395 (Co-) Kriging weights ===================== Rank x1 x2 Data Z1* 1 114.631 72.031 0.057 0.150 2 116.444 65.590 1.275 0.048 3 114.720 79.035 -0.061 0.180 4 116.816 94.871 1.144 0.040 5 89.960 69.482 0.308 0.351 Sum of weights 0.769 (Co-) Kriging results ===================== Target Sample = 15301 Variable Z1 - Estimate = 0.213 - Std. Dev. = 0.860 - Variance = 0.739 - Cov(h=0) = 1.000
The Point Kriging results are displayed (overlaying the control data points)
ax = grid.plot("Point_Kriging*estim")
ax = data.plot(color="white")
ax.decoration(title="Point Kriging with Standard Neighborhood")
We also display the standard deviation map of the Estimation error
ax = grid.plot("Point_Kriging*stdev")
ax = data.plot(color="white")
ax.decoration(title="Error for Point Kriging with Standard Neighborhood")
Performing a Block Kriging with the current Neighborhood feature. Note that the discretization parameters have been set to small numbers in order to let the calculations be performed in a reasonable time frame (for a demonstration file).
err = gl.kriging(data, grid, model, neigh, calcul=gl.EKrigOpt.BLOCK, ndisc=[5,5],
if flagDebug:
err = gl.krigtest(data, grid, model, neigh, node, calcul=gl.EKrigOpt.BLOCK, ndisc=[5,5])
Target location --------------- Sample #15301 (from 30000) Coordinate #1 = 100.000000 Coordinate #2 = 76.000000 Data selected in neighborhood ----------------------------- Rank Sample x1 x2 Sector 1 20 114.631 72.031 4 2 52 116.444 65.590 4 3 56 114.720 79.035 5 4 65 116.816 94.871 6 5 69 89.960 69.482 1 LHS of Kriging matrix (compressed) ================================== Number of active samples = 5 Total number of equations = 5 Reduced number of equations = 5 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 Flag 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1.000 0.526 0.518 0.164 0.132 2 2 0.526 1.000 0.358 0.069 0.102 3 3 0.518 0.358 1.000 0.303 0.106 4 4 0.164 0.069 0.303 1.000 0.006 5 5 0.132 0.102 0.106 0.006 1.000 RHS of Kriging matrix (compressed) ================================== Number of active samples = 5 Total number of equations = 5 Reduced number of equations = 5 Number of right-hand sides = 1 Block Estimation : Discretization = 5 x 5 Rank Flag 1 1 1 0.321 2 2 0.229 3 3 0.324 4 4 0.125 5 5 0.395 (Co-) Kriging weights ===================== Rank x1 x2 Size1 Size2 Data Z1* 1 114.631 72.031 1.000 1.000 0.057 0.150 2 116.444 65.590 1.000 1.000 1.275 0.048 3 114.720 79.035 1.000 1.000 -0.061 0.180 4 116.816 94.871 1.000 1.000 1.144 0.040 5 89.960 69.482 1.000 1.000 0.308 0.351 Sum of weights 0.769 (Co-) Kriging results ===================== Target Sample = 15301 Variable Z1 - Estimate = 0.213 - Std. Dev. = 0.652 - Variance = 0.425 - Cov(h=0) = 0.686
The Block Kriging results are displayed (overlaying the control data points)
ax = grid.plot("Block_Kriging*estim")
ax = data.plot(color="white")
ax.decoration(title="Block Kriging with Standard Neighborhood")
We also display the standard deviation map of the Estimation error
ax = grid.plot("Block_Kriging*stdev")
ax = data.plot(color="white")
ax.decoration(title="Error for Block Kriging with Standard Neighborhood")
Comparing the Estimation maps
ax = gp.correlation(grid,namex="Point_Kriging*estim",namey="Block_Kriging*estim", bins=100)
Comparing the Error Estimation maps
ax = gp.correlation(grid,namex="Point_Kriging*stdev",namey="Block_Kriging*stdev", bins=100)
The difference is not very impressive due to the small size of block extensions
In this section, we will generate variables in the Grid File, which contain the cell extension. The square Block size is fixed to 50.
size = 50.
iuid = grid.addColumnsByConstant(1, size, "X-ext", gl.ELoc.BLEX, 0)
iuid = grid.addColumnsByConstant(1, size, "Y-ext", gl.ELoc.BLEX, 1)
The now check the neighborhood feature which consists in forcing any sample located within the cell extension centered on the target grid node.
nmini = 1
neighC = gl.NeighCell.create(flag_xvalid=False, nmini=nmini)
Cell Neighborhood ================= Reject samples which do not belong to target Block
We check the new neighborhood on the same target grid node as before
neighC.attach(data, grid)
ranks =
dataSel = data.clone()
dum = dataSel.addSelectionByRanks(ranks)
The next figure displays the samples selected in the neighborhood of the target node (same as before). As expected all samples lying within the super_block centered on the target node are considered (i.e. 34) rather than the samples which would have been considered in the standard neighborhood case (i.e. 15).
ax = data.plot()
ax = dataSel.plot(color='blue')
ax = gp.sample(target, color='black')
ax = gp.curve(grid.getCellEdges(node), color='black')
We now perform the Super Kriging which is nothing but a standard Kriging with the new neighborhood feature (demonstrated above).