This is the complete list of members for AShape, including all inherited members.
_factorX2Y | AShape | private |
_factorX2Z | AShape | private |
_factorY2Z | AShape | private |
_isValidParamIndex(int ipar) const | AShape | private |
_paramNames | AShape | private |
_params | AShape | private |
_proportion | AShape | private |
AShape() | AShape | |
AShape(const AShape &r) | AShape | |
AStringable() | AStringable | |
AStringable(const AStringable &r) | AStringable | |
belongObject(const VectorDouble &coor, const BooleanObject *object) const =0 | AShape | pure virtual |
clone() const =0 | ICloneable | pure virtual |
display(const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const final | AStringable | virtual |
display(int level) const final | AStringable | virtual |
generateObject(int ndim=3)=0 | AShape | pure virtual |
generateParam(int ipar) const | AShape | |
getFactorX2Y() const | AShape | inline |
getFactorX2Z() const | AShape | inline |
getFactorY2Z() const | AShape | inline |
getFlagCutZ() const =0 | AShape | pure virtual |
getNParams() const =0 | AShape | pure virtual |
getParam(int ipar, int iarg) const | AShape | |
getParam(int ipar) const | AShape | |
getParamName(int ipar) const | AShape | |
getProportion() const | AShape | inline |
getType() const =0 | AShape | pure virtual |
ICloneable() | ICloneable | inline |
initParams(int count) | AShape | |
operator=(const AShape &r) | AShape | |
AStringable::operator=(const AStringable &r) | AStringable | |
setFactorX2Y(double factorX2Y) | AShape | inline |
setFactorX2Z(double factorX2Z) | AShape | inline |
setFactorY2Z(double factorY2Z) | AShape | inline |
setLaw(int ipar, ELaw law) | AShape | |
setParam(int ipar, int iarg, double value) | AShape | |
setParamDefault(int ipar, const String &name, double value) | AShape | |
setParamName(int ipar, const String &name) | AShape | |
setProportion(double proportion) | AShape | inline |
toString(const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const override | AShape | virtual |
~AShape() | AShape | virtual |
~AStringable() | AStringable | virtual |
~ICloneable() | ICloneable | inlinevirtual |