This is the complete list of members for Node, including all inherited members.
_cdf1max | Node | private |
_cdf1min | Node | private |
_cdf2max | Node | private |
_cdf2min | Node | private |
_facies | Node | private |
_getInfo(int *nodes, int parent_type, int parent_rank, int parent_vers, int *rank, int *n_fac, int *n_y1, int *n_y2) const | Node | private |
_getStatistics(int *node_tot, int *nfac_tot, int *ny1_tot, int *ny2_tot, double *prop_tot) | Node | private |
_nodnam | Node | private |
_orient | Node | private |
_p1 | Node | private |
_p2 | Node | private |
_prop | Node | private |
_r1 | Node | private |
_r2 | Node | private |
_t1max | Node | private |
_t1min | Node | private |
_t2max | Node | private |
_t2min | Node | private |
_thresh | Node | private |
_threshDichotomy(double rho) | Node | private |
_threshFromPropcum(double rho) | Node | private |
_transform(int mode, double value) | Node | private |
AStringable() | AStringable | |
AStringable(const AStringable &r) | AStringable | |
display(const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const final | AStringable | virtual |
display(int level) const final | AStringable | virtual |
gaussianToFacies(double y1, double y2, double *facies) | Node | |
getAllThresh() const | Node | inline |
getCdf1max() const | Node | inline |
getCdf1min() const | Node | inline |
getCdf2max() const | Node | inline |
getCdf2min() const | Node | inline |
getFacies() const | Node | inline |
getInfo(int *nodes) const | Node | |
getNodnam() const | Node | inline |
getOrient() const | Node | inline |
getP1() const | Node | inline |
getP2() const | Node | inline |
getProp() const | Node | inline |
getProportion(int facies, double *prop) | Node | |
getR1() const | Node | inline |
getR2() const | Node | inline |
getStatistics(int *node_tot, int *nfac_tot, int *ny1_tot, int *ny2_tot, double *prop_tot) | Node | |
getT1max() const | Node | inline |
getT1min() const | Node | inline |
getT2max() const | Node | inline |
getT2min() const | Node | inline |
getThresh(int mode, int istop, int *rank, int *facies, double *t1min, double *t1max, double *t2min, double *t2max) | Node | |
isValid(VectorInt &facies) | Node | |
Node(const String &nodnam, int orient, int facies) | Node | |
Node(const String &nodnam, const VectorInt &n_type, const VectorInt &n_facs, int *ipos, int *n_fac, int *n_y1, int *n_y2) | Node | |
Node(bool flagShadow=true) | Node | |
Node(const Node &r) | Node | |
nodePrint(bool flagProp, bool flagThresh) const | Node | |
nodePrintShadow(bool flagProp, bool flagThresh) const | Node | |
operator=(const Node &r) | Node | |
AStringable::operator=(const AStringable &r) | AStringable | |
proportionDefine(const VectorDouble &props) | Node | |
proportionToThresh(double rho, double t1min, double t1max, double t2min, double t2max) | Node | |
scaleProp(double scale) | Node | |
setAllThresh(double thresh) | Node | inline |
setCdf1max(double cdf1max) | Node | inline |
setCdf1min(double cdf1min) | Node | inline |
setCdf2max(double cdf2max) | Node | inline |
setCdf2min(double cdf2min) | Node | inline |
setProp(double prop) | Node | inline |
setR1(Node *r1) | Node | inline |
setR2(Node *r2) | Node | inline |
setT1max(double t1max) | Node | inline |
setT1min(double t1min) | Node | inline |
setT2max(double t2max) | Node | inline |
setT2min(double t2min) | Node | inline |
toString(const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const override | Node | virtual |
~AStringable() | AStringable | virtual |
~Node() | Node | virtual |