This is the complete list of members for RuleShift, including all inherited members.
_clear() | Rule | private |
_commentWrite(std::ostream &os, const String &comment) | ASerializable | protectedstatic |
_deserialize(std::istream &is, bool verbose=false) override | RuleShift | protectedvirtual |
_fileOpenRead(const String &filename, std::ifstream &is, bool verbose=false) const | ASerializable | protected |
_fileOpenWrite(const String &filename, std::ofstream &os, bool verbose=false) const | ASerializable | protected |
_flagProp | Rule | mutableprivate |
_getNFName() const override | RuleShift | inlineprotectedvirtual |
_incr | RuleShift | mutableprivate |
_ind1 | RuleShift | mutableprivate |
_ind2 | RuleShift | mutableprivate |
_mainNode | Rule | private |
_modeRule | Rule | private |
_nodNamesToIds(const VectorString &nodes, VectorInt &n_type, VectorInt &n_facs) | Rule | private |
_onlyBlanks(char *string) | ASerializable | protectedstatic |
_recordRead(std::istream &is, const String &title, T &val) | ASerializable | protectedstatic |
_recordReadVec(std::istream &is, const String &title, VectorT< T > &vec, int nvalues) | ASerializable | protectedstatic |
_recordWrite(std::ostream &os, const String &title, const T &val) | ASerializable | protectedstatic |
_recordWriteVec(std::ostream &os, const String &title, const VectorT< T > &vec) | ASerializable | protectedstatic |
_rho | Rule | mutableprivate |
_ruleDefine(std::ostream &os, const Node *node, int from_type, int from_rank, int from_vers, int *rank) const | Rule | private |
_serialize(std::ostream &os, bool verbose=false) const override | RuleShift | protectedvirtual |
_shDown | RuleShift | private |
_shDsup | RuleShift | private |
_shift | RuleShift | private |
_slope | RuleShift | private |
_st_shift_on_grid(Db *db, int ndim, int flag_grid_check) const | RuleShift | private |
_tableRead(std::istream &is, const String &string, int ntab, double *tab) | ASerializable | protectedstatic |
_tableWrite(std::ostream &os, const String &string, int ntab, const VectorDouble &tab) | ASerializable | protectedstatic |
_xyz | RuleShift | mutableprivate |
ASerializable() | ASerializable | |
ASerializable(const ASerializable &r) | ASerializable | |
AStringable() | AStringable | |
AStringable(const AStringable &r) | AStringable | |
buildFileName(int status, const String &filename, bool ensureDirExist=false) | ASerializable | static |
buildNodNames(int nfacies) | Rule | protected |
checkModel(const Model *model, int nvar=0) const override | RuleShift | virtual |
create(double rho=0.) | Rule | static |
createDirectory(const String &dir) | ASerializable | static |
createFromCodes(const VectorInt &nodes, double rho=0.) | Rule | static |
createFromFaciesCount(int nfacies, const VectorDouble &shift) | RuleShift | static |
Rule::createFromFaciesCount(int nfacies, double rho=0.) | Rule | static |
createFromNames(const VectorString &nodnames, const VectorDouble &shift) | RuleShift | static |
Rule::createFromNames(const VectorString &nodnames, double rho=0.) | Rule | static |
createFromNF(const String &neutralFilename, bool verbose=true) | Rule | static |
createFromNodes(const VectorInt &nodes, const VectorDouble &shift) | RuleShift | static |
createFromNumericalCoding(const VectorInt &n_type, const VectorInt &n_facs, const VectorDouble &shift) | RuleShift | static |
Rule::createFromNumericalCoding(const VectorInt &n_type, const VectorInt &n_facs, double rho=0.) | Rule | static |
deserialize(std::istream &is, bool verbose=true) | ASerializable | |
display(const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const final | AStringable | virtual |
display(int level) const final | AStringable | virtual |
displaySpecific() const override | RuleShift | virtual |
dumpToNF(const String &neutralFilename, bool verbose=false) const | ASerializable | |
evaluateBounds(PropDef *propdef, Db *dbin, Db *dbout, int isimu, int igrf, int ipgs, int nbsimu) const override | RuleShift | virtual |
gaus2facData(PropDef *propdef, Db *dbin, Db *dbout, int *flag_used, int ipgs, int isimu, int nbsimu) | Rule | virtual |
gaus2facResult(PropDef *propdef, Db *dbout, int *flag_used, int ipgs, int isimu, int nbsimu) const override | RuleShift | virtual |
getContainerName() | ASerializable | static |
getDirectory(const String &path) | ASerializable | static |
getExecDirectory() | ASerializable | static |
getFaciesFromGaussian(double y1, double y2) const | Rule | |
getFaciesNumber() const | Rule | |
getFileIdentity(const String &filename, bool verbose=false) | ASerializable | static |
getFlagProp() const | Rule | inline |
getGRFNumber() const | Rule | |
getHomeDirectory(const String &sub="") | ASerializable | static |
getMainNode() const | Rule | inline |
getModeRule() const | Rule | inline |
getPrefixName() | ASerializable | static |
getProportion(int facies) | Rule | |
getRho() const | Rule | inline |
getShDown() const | RuleShift | inline |
getShDsup() const | RuleShift | inline |
getShift() const | RuleShift | inline |
getShift(int idim) const | RuleShift | inline |
getSlope() const | RuleShift | inline |
getTestData(const String &subdir, const String &filename) | ASerializable | static |
getThresh(int facies) const | Rule | |
getThreshFromRectangle(int rect, int *facies) | Rule | |
getWorkingDirectory() | ASerializable | static |
getY1Number() const | Rule | |
getY2Number() const | Rule | |
isYUsed(int igrf) const | Rule | |
myContainerName | ASerializable | privatestatic |
myPrefixName | ASerializable | privatestatic |
operator=(const RuleShift &r) | RuleShift | |
Rule::operator=(const Rule &r) | Rule | |
Rule::AStringable::operator=(const AStringable &r) | AStringable | |
ASerializable::operator=(const ASerializable &r) | ASerializable | |
particularities(Db *db, const Db *dbprop, Model *model, int flag_grid_check, int flag_stat) const override | RuleShift | virtual |
replicateInvalid(Db *dbin, Db *dbout, int jech) const | Rule | protected |
resetFromCodes(const VectorInt &nodes, double rho=0.) | Rule | |
resetFromFaciesCount(int nfacies, const VectorDouble &shift) | RuleShift | |
Rule::resetFromFaciesCount(int nfacies, double rho=0.) | Rule | |
resetFromNames(const VectorString &nodnames, const VectorDouble &shift) | RuleShift | |
Rule::resetFromNames(const VectorString &nodnames, double rho=0.) | Rule | |
resetFromNodes(const VectorInt &nodes, const VectorDouble &shift) | RuleShift | |
resetFromNumericalCoding(const VectorInt &n_type, const VectorInt &n_facs, const VectorDouble &shift) | RuleShift | |
Rule::resetFromNumericalCoding(const VectorInt &n_type, const VectorInt &n_facs, double rho=0.) | Rule | |
Rule(double rho=0.) | Rule | |
Rule(const Rule &r) | Rule | |
RuleShift() | RuleShift | |
RuleShift(const RuleShift &r) | RuleShift | |
serialize(std::ostream &os, bool verbose=true) const | ASerializable | |
setContainerName(bool useDefault, const String &containerName="", bool verbose=false) | ASerializable | static |
setFlagProp(int flagProp) | Rule | inline |
setMainNodeFromNodNames(const VectorInt &n_type, const VectorInt &n_facs) | Rule | protected |
setMainNodeFromNodNames(const VectorString &nodnames) | Rule | protected |
setMainNodeFromNodNames(const VectorInt &nodes) | Rule | protected |
setModeRule(const ERule &modeRule) | Rule | inline |
setPrefixName(const String &prefixName) | ASerializable | static |
setProportions(const VectorDouble &proportions=VectorDouble()) const | Rule | |
setRho(double rho) const | Rule | inline |
statistics(int verbose, int *node_tot, int *nfac_tot, int *nmax_tot, int *ny1_tot, int *ny2_tot, double *prop_tot) const | Rule | |
toString(const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const override | Rule | virtual |
unsetContainerName() | ASerializable | static |
unsetPrefixName() | ASerializable | static |
updateShift() const | Rule | |
whichGRFUsed() const | Rule | |
~ASerializable() | ASerializable | virtual |
~AStringable() | AStringable | virtual |
~Rule() | Rule | virtual |
~RuleShift() | RuleShift | virtual |