Db Member List

This is the complete list of members for Db, including all inherited members.

addColumns(const VectorDouble &tab, const String &radix="New", const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool useSel=false, double valinit=0., int nvar=1)Db
addColumnsByConstant(int nadd=1, double valinit=0., const String &radix="New", const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, int nechInit=0)Db
addColumnsByVVD(const VectorVectorDouble tab, const String &radix, const ELoc &locatorType, int locatorIndex=0, bool useSel=false)Db
addColumnsRandom(int nadd, const String &radix="New", const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("Z"), int locatorIndex=0, int seed=1352, int nechInit=0)Db
addSamples(int nadd, double valinit=TEST)Db
addSelection(const VectorDouble &tab=VectorDouble(), const String &name="NewSel", const String &combine="set")Db
addSelectionByLimit(const String &testvar, const Limits &limits=Limits(), const String &name="NewSel", const String &combine="set")Db
addSelectionByRanks(const VectorInt &ranks, const String &name="NewSel", const String &combine="set")Db
addSelectionFromDbByConvexHull(Db *db, double dilate=0., bool verbose=false, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("Hull", true, true, true, ELoc::fromKey("SEL")))Db
addSelectionRandom(double prop, int seed=138213, const String &name="NewSel", const String &combine="set")Db
areSame(const String &name1, const String &name2, double eps=EPSILON3, bool useSel=true, bool verbose=false)Db
ASerializable(const ASerializable &r)ASerializable
AStringable(const AStringable &r)AStringable
buildFileName(int status, const String &filename, bool ensureDirExist=false)ASerializablestatic
clearLocators(const ELoc &locatorType)Db
clone() const =0ICloneablepure virtual
combineSelection(VectorDouble &sel, const String &combine="set") const Db
createDirectory(const String &dir)ASerializablestatic
createFillRandom(int ndat, int ndim=2, int nvar=1, int nfex=0, int ncode=0, double varmax=0., double selRatio=0., const VectorDouble &heteroRatio=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &coormin=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &coormax=VectorDouble(), int seed=124234, int flag_add_rank=1)Dbstatic
createFromBox(int nech, const VectorDouble &coormin, const VectorDouble &coormax, int seed=43241, bool flag_exact=true, bool flag_repulsion=false, double range=0., double beta=0., double extend=0., int flag_add_rank=1)Dbstatic
createFromCSV(const String &filename, const CSVformat &csv=CSVformat(), bool verbose=false, int ncol_max=-1, int nrow_max=-1, int flag_add_rank=1)Dbstatic
createFromDbGrid(int nech, DbGrid *dbgrid, int seed=432423, bool flag_exact=true, bool flag_repulsion=false, double range=0., double beta=0., int flag_add_rank=1)Dbstatic
createFromNF(const String &neutralFilename, bool verbose=true)Dbstatic
createFromOnePoint(const VectorDouble &tab=VectorDouble(), int flag_add_rank=1)Dbstatic
createFromSamples(int nech, const ELoadBy &order=ELoadBy::fromKey("SAMPLE"), const VectorDouble &tab=VectorDouble(), const VectorString &names=VectorString(), const VectorString &locatorNames=VectorString(), int flag_add_rank=1)Dbstatic
createReduce(const Db *dbin, const VectorString &names=VectorString(), const VectorInt &ranks=VectorInt(), bool verbose=false)Dbstatic
createSamplingDb(const Db *dbin, double proportion=0., int number=0, const VectorString &names=VectorString(), int seed=23241, bool verbose=false, int flag_add_rank=1)Dbstatic
Db(const Db &r)Db
deleteColumn(const String &name)Db
deleteColumnByColIdx(int icol_del)Db
deleteColumnByUID(int iuid_del)Db
deleteColumns(const VectorString &names)Db
deleteColumnsByColIdx(const VectorInt &icols)Db
deleteColumnsByLocator(const ELoc &locatorType)Db
deleteColumnsByUID(const VectorInt &iuids)Db
deleteSample(int e_del)Db
deleteSamples(const VectorInt &e_dels)Db
deserialize(std::istream &is, bool verbose=true)ASerializable
display(const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const finalAStringablevirtual
display(int level) const finalAStringablevirtual
dumpToNF(const String &neutralFilename, bool verbose=false) const ASerializable
duplicateColumnByUID(int iuid_in, int iuid_out)Db
expandNameList(const VectorString &names) const Db
expandNameList(const String &names) const Db
filter(const String &name, const Interval &interval, int belowRow=ITEST, int aboveRow=ITEST) const Db
generateRank(const String &radix="rank")Db
getActiveAndDefinedNumber(int item) const Db
getActiveAndDefinedNumber(const String &name) const Db
getActiveArray() const Db
getActiveSampleNumber() const Db
getAllColumns(bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const Db
getAllCoordinates(bool useSel=false) const Db
getAllNames(bool excludeRankAndCoordinates=false, bool verbose=false) const Db
getAllUIDs() const Db
getArray(int iech, int iuid) const Db
getArrayBySample(int iech) const Db
getArrayByUID(int iuid, bool useSel=false) const Db
getArrays() const Dbinline
getArrayVec(const VectorInt &iechs, int iuid, VectorDouble &values) const Db
getCenter(int idim, bool useSel=false) const Db
getCenters(bool useSel=false) const Db
getColIdx(const String &name) const Db
getColIdxByLocator(const ELoc &locatorType, int locatorIndex=0) const Db
getColIdxByUID(int iuid) const Db
getColIdxs(const String &name) const Db
getColIdxs(const VectorString &names) const Db
getColIdxsByLocator(const ELoc &locatorType) const Db
getColIdxsByUID(const VectorInt iuids) const Db
getColumn(const String &name, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const Db
getColumnByColIdx(int icol, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const Db
getColumnByLocator(const ELoc &locatorType, int locatorIndex=0, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const Db
getColumnByUID(int iuid, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const Db
getColumnNumber() const Dbinline
getColumns(const VectorString &names=VectorString(), bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const Db
getColumnsAsMatrix(const VectorString &names, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const Db
getColumnsAsVVD(const VectorString &names=VectorString(), bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const Db
getColumnsByColIdx(const VectorInt &icols=VectorInt(), bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const Db
getColumnsByColIdxInterval(int icol_beg, int icol_end, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const Db
getColumnsByLocator(const ELoc &locatorType, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const Db
getColumnsByUID(const VectorInt &iuids, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const Db
getColumnsByUIDRange(int iuid_beg, int iuid_end, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const Db
getCoordinate(int iech, int idim, bool flag_rotate=true) const Dbvirtual
getCoordinates(int idim, bool useSel=false, bool flag_rotate=true) const Db
getCoordinatesPerSampleInPlace(int iech, VectorDouble &coor, bool flag_rotate=true) const Dbvirtual
getCoorMaximum(bool useSel=false) const Db
getCoorMinimum(bool useSel=false) const Db
getCorrelation(const String &name1, const String &name2, bool useSel=false) const Db
getCosineToDirection(int iech1, int iech2, const VectorDouble &codir) const Db
getDirectory(const String &path)ASerializablestatic
getDistance(int iech, int jech) const Db
getDistance1D(int iech, int jech, int idim=0, bool flagAbs=false) const Db
getDistanceVec(int iech, int jech, VectorDouble &dd, const Db *db2=nullptr) const Db
getExtension(int idim, bool useSel=false) const Db
getExtensionDiagonal(bool useSel=false) const Db
getExtensionInPlace(VectorDouble &mini, VectorDouble &maxi, bool useSel=false)Db
getExtrema(int idim, bool useSel=false) const Db
getExtremas(bool useSel=false) const Db
getFaciesNumber(void) const Db
getFileIdentity(const String &filename, bool verbose=false)ASerializablestatic
getFromLocator(const ELoc &locatorType, int iech, int locatorIndex=0) const Db
getFromLocatorNumber(const ELoc &locatorType) const Db
getGradient(int item, bool useSel=false) const Db
getHomeDirectory(const String &sub="")ASerializablestatic
getIncrements(const VectorInt &iechs, const VectorInt &jechs) const Db
getIntervalNumber() const Db
getItem(const VectorInt &rows, const VectorString &colnames, bool useSel=false) const Db
getItem(const VectorInt &rows, const String &colname, bool useSel=false) const Db
getItem(const VectorInt &rows, const ELoc &locatorType, bool useSel=false) const Db
getItem(const VectorString &colnames, bool useSel=false) const Db
getItem(const String &colname, bool useSel=false) const Db
getItem(const ELoc &locatorType, bool useSel=false) const Db
getItemNames(const VectorString &colnames)Db
getItemNames(const String &colname)Db
getItemNames(const ELoc &locatorType)Db
getLastName(int number=0) const Db
getLastUID(int number=0) const Db
getLocator(const String &name, ELoc *ret_locatorType, int *ret_locatorIndex) const Db
getLocatorByColIdx(int icol, ELoc *ret_locatorType, int *ret_locatorIndex) const Db
getLocatorByUID(int iuid, ELoc *ret_locatorType, int *ret_locatorIndex) const Db
getLocatorNumber(const ELoc &locatorType) const Db
getLocators(bool anyLocator=true, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN")) const Db
getLocNumber(const ELoc &loctype) const Db
getLocVariable(const ELoc &loctype, int iech, int item) const Db
getMaximum(const String &name, bool useSel=false) const Db
getMean(const String &name, bool useSel=false) const Db
getMinimum(const String &name, bool useSel=false) const Db
getName(const String &name) const Db
getNameByColIdx(int icol) const Db
getNameByLocator(const ELoc &locatorType, int locatorIndex=0) const Db
getNameByUID(int iuid) const Db
getNames(const VectorString &names) const Db
getNamesByColIdx(const VectorInt &icols) const Db
getNamesByLocator(const ELoc &locatorType) const Db
getNamesByUID(const VectorInt &iuids) const Db
getNDim() const Dbvirtual
getNEloc() const Db
getNumberActiveAndDefined(int item) const Db
getRange(const String &name, bool useSel=false) const Db
getRankAbsoluteToRelative(int iabs) const Db
getRankRelativeToAbsolute(int irel) const Db
getSampleAsST(int iech, SpaceTarget &P) const Db
getSampleCoordinates(int iech) const Db
getSampleCoordinatesAsSPInPlace(int iech, SpacePoint &P) const Db
getSampleCoordinatesInPlace(int iech, VectorDouble &coor) const Db
getSampleLocators(const ELoc &locatorType, int iech) const Db
getSampleNumber(bool useSel=false) const Db
getSampleRanks() const Db
getSamplesAsSP(bool useSel=false) const Db
getSelection(int iech) const Db
getSelectionRanks() const Db
getSelections(void) const Db
getSimvar(const ELoc &locatorType, int iech, int isimu, int ivar, int icase, int nbsimu, int nvar) const Db
getSimvarRank(int isimu, int ivar, int icase, int nbsimu, int nvar)Db
getSortArray() const Db
getStdv(const String &name, bool useSel=false) const Db
getTangent(int item, bool useSel=false) const Db
getTestData(const String &subdir, const String &filename)ASerializablestatic
getUID(const String &name) const Db
getUIDByColIdx(int icol) const Db
getUIDByLocator(const ELoc &locatorType, int locatorIndex=0) const Db
getUIDMaxNumber() const Dbinline
getUIDs(const VectorString &names) const Db
getUIDsByColIdx(const VectorInt &icols) const Db
getUIDsByLocator(const ELoc &locatorType) const Db
getUnit(int idim=0) const Dbvirtual
getValue(const String &name, int iech) const Db
getValueByColIdx(int iech, int icol) const Db
getValuesByColIdx(const VectorInt &iechs, const VectorInt &icols, bool bySample=false) const Db
getValuesByNames(const VectorInt &iechs, const VectorString &names, bool bySample=false) const Db
getVariance(const String &name, bool useSel=false) const Db
getWeight(int iech) const Db
getWeights(bool useSel=false) const Db
getWithinBounds(int item, bool useSel=false) const Db
hasLargerDimension(const Db *dbaux) const Db
hasLocatorDefined(const String &name, const ELoc &locatorType, int locatorIndex=0) const Db
hasLocVariable(const ELoc &loctype) const Db
hasSameDimension(const Db *dbaux) const Db
identifyNames(const VectorString &names) const Db
isActive(int iech) const Db
isActiveAndDefined(int iech, int item) const Db
isActiveDomain(int iech) const Db
isAllUndefined(int iech) const Db
isColIdxValid(int icol) const Db
isDimensionIndexValid(int idim) const Db
isGrid() const Dbinlinevirtual
isIsotopic(int iech, int nvar_max=-1) const Db
isLocatorIndexValid(const ELoc &locatorType, int locatorIndex) const Db
isSampleIndexValid(int iech) const Db
isSampleIndicesValid(const VectorInt &iechs, bool useSel=false) const Db
isUIDDefined(int iuid) const Db
isUIDValid(int iuid) const Db
isVariableNumberComparedTo(int nvar, int compare=0) const Db
mayChangeSampleNumber() const Dbinlinevirtual
operator=(const Db &r)Db
AStringable::operator=(const AStringable &r)AStringable
ASerializable::operator=(const ASerializable &r)ASerializable
resetDims(int ncol, int nech)Dbvirtual
resetFromBox(int nech, const VectorDouble &coormin, const VectorDouble &coormax, int ndim=2, double extend=0., int seed=321415, int flag_add_rank=1)Db
resetFromCSV(const String &filename, bool verbose, const CSVformat &csvfmt, int ncol_max=-1, int nrow_max=-1, int flag_add_rank=1)Db
resetFromOnePoint(const VectorDouble &tab=VectorDouble(), int flag_add_rank=1)Db
resetFromSamples(int nech, const ELoadBy &order=ELoadBy::fromKey("SAMPLE"), const VectorDouble &tab=VectorDouble(), const VectorString &names=VectorString(), const VectorString &locatorNames=VectorString(), int flag_add_rank=1)Db
resetReduce(const Db *dbin, const VectorString &names=VectorString(), const VectorInt &ranks=VectorInt(), bool verbose=false)Db
resetSamplingDb(const Db *dbin, double proportion=0, int number=0, const VectorString &names=VectorString(), int seed=23241, bool verbose=false, int flag_add_rank=1)Db
serialize(std::ostream &os, bool verbose=true) const ASerializable
setAllColumns(const VectorVectorDouble &tabs)Db
setArray(int iech, int iuid, double value)Db
setArrayBySample(int iech, const VectorDouble &vec)Db
setArrayVec(const VectorInt &iechs, int iuid, const VectorDouble &values)Db
setBound(int iech, int item, double lower=TEST, double upper=TEST)Db
setColumn(const VectorDouble &tab, const String &name, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool useSel=false)Db
setColumnByColIdx(const VectorDouble &tab, int icol, bool useSel=false)Db
setColumnByColIdxOldStyle(const double *tab, int icol, bool useSel=false)Db
setColumnByUID(const VectorDouble &tab, int iuid, bool useSel=false)Db
setColumnByUIDOldStyle(const double *tab, int iuid, bool useSel=false)Db
setColumnsByColIdx(const VectorDouble &tabs, const VectorInt &icols, bool useSel=false)Db
setContainerName(bool useDefault, const String &containerName="", bool verbose=false)ASerializablestatic
setCoordinate(int iech, int idim, double value)Db
setFromLocator(const ELoc &locatorType, int iech, int locatorIndex, double value)Db
setInterval(int iech, int item, double rklow=TEST, double rkup=TEST)Db
setItem(const VectorInt &rows, const VectorString &colnames, const VectorVectorDouble &values, bool useSel=false)Db
setItem(const VectorInt &rows, const ELoc &locatorType, const VectorVectorDouble &values, bool useSel=false)Db
setItem(const VectorString &colnames, const VectorVectorDouble &values, bool useSel=false)Db
setItem(const ELoc &locatorType, const VectorVectorDouble &values, bool useSel=false)Db
setItem(const VectorInt &rows, const String &colname, const VectorDouble &values, bool useSel=false)Db
setItem(const String &colname, const VectorDouble &values, bool useSel=false)Db
setLocator(const String &name, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool cleanSameLocator=false)Db
setLocatorByColIdx(int icol, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool cleanSameLocator=false)Db
setLocatorByUID(int iuid, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool cleanSameLocator=false)Db
setLocators(const VectorString &names, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool cleanSameLocator=false)Db
setLocatorsByColIdx(const VectorInt &icols, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool cleanSameLocator=false)Db
setLocatorsByUID(int number, int iuid, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool cleanSameLocator=false)Db
setLocatorsByUID(const VectorInt &iuids, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool cleanSameLocator=false)Db
setLocVariable(const ELoc &loctype, int iech, int item, double value)Db
setName(const String &old_name, const String &name)Db
setName(const VectorString list, const String &name)Db
setNameByColIdx(int icol, const String &name)Db
setNameByLocator(const ELoc &locatorType, const String &name)Db
setNameByUID(int iuid, const String &name)Db
setPrefixName(const String &prefixName)ASerializablestatic
setSimvar(const ELoc &locatorType, int iech, int isimu, int ivar, int icase, int nbsimu, int nvar, double value)Db
setValue(const String &name, int iech, double value)Db
setValueByColIdx(int iech, int icol, double value)Db
setValuesByColIdx(const VectorInt &iechs, const VectorInt &icols, const VectorDouble &values, bool bySample=false)Db
setValuesByNames(const VectorInt &iechs, const VectorString &names, const VectorDouble &values, bool bySample=false)Db
shrinkToValidCols(const VectorInt &cols)Db
shrinkToValidRows(const VectorInt &rows)Db
statisticsBySample(const VectorString &names, const std::vector< EStatOption > &opers=EStatOption::fromKeys({"MEAN"}), bool flagIso=true, double vmin=TEST, double vmax=TEST, double proba=TEST, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("Stats"))Db
statisticsMulti(const VectorString &names, bool flagIso=true, bool verbose=false, const String &title="")Db
switchLocator(const ELoc &locatorTypein, const ELoc &locatorTypeout)Db
toString(const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const overrideDbvirtual
updArray(int iech, int iuid, int oper, double value)Db
updArrayVec(const VectorInt &iechs, int iuid, int oper, VectorDouble &values)Db
updLocVariable(const ELoc &loctype, int iech, int item, int oper, double value)Db
updSimvar(const ELoc &locatorType, int iech, int isimu, int ivar, int icase, int nbsimu, int nvar, int oper, double value)Db