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This is the complete list of members for GeometryHelper, including all inherited members.
convertCart2Sph(double x, double y, double z, double *rlong, double *rlat, double radius_arg=1.) | GeometryHelper | static |
convertLongLat(const VectorDouble &longitude, const VectorDouble &latitude, double dilate=1., double radius_arg=1.) | GeometryHelper | static |
convertSph2Cart(double rlong, double rlat, double *x, double *y, double *z, double radius_arg=1.) | GeometryHelper | static |
distancePointToSegment(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double *xd, double *yd, int *nint) | GeometryHelper | static |
EulerToRotation(const VectorDouble &angles, const ERotation &convrot=ERotation::fromKey("SXYZ")) | GeometryHelper | static |
formatAngle(double anglein, double basis=360.) | GeometryHelper | static |
formatAngles(const VectorDouble &anglesin, double basis=360.) | GeometryHelper | static |
geodeticAngles(double long1, double lat1, double long2, double lat2, double long3, double lat3, double *a, double *b, double *c, double *A, double *B, double *C) | GeometryHelper | static |
geodeticAngularDistance(double long1, double lat1, double long2, double lat2, double radius=1.) | GeometryHelper | static |
geodeticTrianglePerimeter(double long1, double lat1, double long2, double lat2, double long3, double lat3) | GeometryHelper | static |
geodeticTriangleSurface(double long1, double lat1, double long2, double lat2, double long3, double lat3) | GeometryHelper | static |
getCosineAngularTolerance(double tolang) | GeometryHelper | static |
getDirectionsInR3(const MatrixRectangular *U) | GeometryHelper | static |
getDirectionsInRn(const MatrixRectangular *U) | GeometryHelper | static |
gradXYToRotmat(double dzoverdx, double dzoverdy) | GeometryHelper | static |
isInSphericalTriangle(double *coor, double surface, double *pts1, double *pts2, double *pts3, double *wgts, double eps=EPSILON6) | GeometryHelper | static |
isInSphericalTriangleOptimized(const double *coor, double *ptsa, double *ptsb, double *ptsc, double *wgts, double eps=EPSILON6) | GeometryHelper | static |
mergeBoxes(VectorDouble &mini1, VectorDouble &maxi1, VectorDouble &mini2, VectorDouble &maxi2) | GeometryHelper | static |
rayTriangleIntersect(const VectorDouble &dir, const VectorDouble &v0, const VectorDouble &v1, const VectorDouble &v2) | GeometryHelper | static |
rotation2DMatrixInPlace(double angle, VectorDouble &rot) | GeometryHelper | static |
rotation3DMatrixInPlace(double alpha, double beta, double gamma, VectorDouble &rot) | GeometryHelper | static |
rotationCopy(int ndim, const double *rotin, double *rotout) | GeometryHelper | static |
rotationGetAngles(const VectorDouble &codir, bool flagResize=false) | GeometryHelper | static |
rotationGetAnglesFromCodirInPlace(const VectorDouble &codir, VectorDouble &angles) | GeometryHelper | static |
rotationGetAnglesInPlace(int ndim, const double *rot, double *angles) | GeometryHelper | static |
rotationGetAnglesInPlace(const VectorDouble &rot, VectorDouble &angles) | GeometryHelper | static |
rotationGetDirection2D(const VectorDouble &angles, VectorDouble &codir) | GeometryHelper | static |
rotationGetDirectionDefault(int ndim, VectorDouble &codir) | GeometryHelper | static |
rotationGetRandomDirection(double ct, double st, double *a, double *codir) | GeometryHelper | static |
rotationGetSinCos(double angle, double *cosa, double *sina) | GeometryHelper | static |
rotationIsIdentity(int ndim, double *rot, double eps=EPSILON10) | GeometryHelper | static |
rotationMatrix(int ndim, const VectorDouble &angles) | GeometryHelper | static |
rotationMatrixIdentityInPlace(int ndim, VectorDouble &rot) | GeometryHelper | static |
rotationMatrixInPlace(int ndim, const VectorDouble &angles, VectorDouble &rot) | GeometryHelper | static |
rotationToEuler(const MatrixSquareGeneral &mat, const ERotation &convrot=ERotation::fromKey("SXYZ"), double eps=EPSILON10) | GeometryHelper | static |
segmentIntersect(double xd1, double yd1, double xe1, double ye1, double xd2, double yd2, double xe2, double ye2, double *xint, double *yint) | GeometryHelper | static |
sphBarCoord(const VectorVectorDouble &sphPts, const MatrixRectangular &apices, const MatrixInt &meshes) | GeometryHelper | static |