General Introduction

This notebook presents an example for the PPMT algorithm.

Simulation of a reference data set

We create a reference data set (lognormal distribution) based on a model that we simulate using the Turning Band algorithm.

grd = DbGrid_create(x0=c(0.0,0.0), dx=c(0.01,0.01), nx=c(100,100))

# Simulate two independent Gaussian Random variables
model1 = Model_createFromParam(ECov_GAUSSIAN(), range=0.2, sill=1.0)
err = simtub(NULL, dbout = grd, model = model1, nbsimu = 1)
err = grd$setName("Simu","Y1")

model2 = Model_createFromParam(ECov_EXPONENTIAL(), range=0.1, sill=1.0)
err = simtub(NULL, dbout = grd, model = model2, nbsimu = 1)
err = grd$setName("Simu","Y2")

# Non linear transform
grd["Z"] = grd["Y1"] * grd["Y1"] + 0.5 * grd["Y1"] + 0.2 * grd["Y2"]

Initial dataset

Two transforms are applied to the simulated variables:

  • a normal score transform

  • a lognormal transform

# Normal transform
grd["Y1.NS"] = VectorHelper_normalScore(grd["Y1"])
grd["Z.NS"]  = VectorHelper_normalScore(grd["Z"])

err = grd$deleteColumns(c("Y1","Y2","Z"))
err = grd$setName("Y1.NS","Y1")
err = grd$setName("Z.NS","Y2")

# histograms and correlation
ggplot() + plot.hist(grd, name = "Y1", color = "gray", fill = "orange")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

ggplot() + plot.hist(grd, name = "Y2", color = "gray", fill = "skyblue")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

p = ggplot()
p = p + plot.correlation(grd, namex = "Y1", namey = "Y2", bins=100, flagDiag = TRUE)
p = p + plot.decoration(title = "Initial Gaussian variables (grid)")

# maps
ggplot() + plot.grid(grd, "Y1")

ggplot() + plot.grid(grd, "Y2")

## Lognormal transform
m_1 = 1.0; sigma_1 = 0.25
m_2 = 0.5; sigma_2 = 0.5
grd["Z1"] = m_1 * exp(sigma_1 * grd["Y1"] - 1/2 * sigma_1 * sigma_1 )
grd["Z2"] = m_2 * exp(sigma_2 * grd["Y2"] - 1/2 * sigma_2 * sigma_2 )

dbStatisticsMono(grd,c("Z*","Y*"), opers=EStatOption_fromKeys(c("MINI","MAXI","MEAN","STDV")))$display()
##       Minimum    Maximum       Mean   St. Dev.
## Z1      0.382      2.456      1.000      0.254
## Z2      0.069      2.833      0.500      0.266
## Y1     -3.719      3.719      0.000      0.999
## Y2     -3.719      3.719      0.000      0.999
# histograms and correlation
ggplot() + plot.hist(grd, name = "Z1", color = "gray", fill = "orange")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

ggplot() + plot.hist(grd, name = "Z2", color = "gray", fill = "skyblue")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

p = ggplot()
p = p + plot.correlation(grd, namex = "Z1", namey = "Z2", bins=100, flagDiag = TRUE)
p = p + plot.decoration(title = "Initial lognormal variables (grid)")

# maps
ggplot() + plot.grid(grd, "Z1")

ggplot() + plot.grid(grd, "Z2")