gstlearn: The Geostatistics & Machine Learning R Package

License: GPL v3 DOI

The gstlearn R package is a cross-platform R package wrapping the gstlearn C++ Library. It offers to R users all famous Geostatistical methodologies developed and/or invented by the Geostatistic Team of the Geosciences Research Center!

All gstlearn outputs can be ploted using plot generic function which relies on ggplot package.


The gstlearn R package is a R wrapper of the gstlearn C++ Library. It's the successor of the RGeostats R package.

This package contains a modified copy of findR.cmake script (see LICENSE.root in root folder).q

The gstlearn R package is a derivative work based on the swigex0 project:

How to cite

When using the gstlearn R Package, please, use this to cite us in any publication or results for which gstlearn has been used:


You may be interested in the citation file gstlearn.bib


For using this R Package you only need R 4.2 (or higher) and execute the following R command:


Note: With slow Internet connection, you may need to increase the default timeout (60s) (gstlearn package is around 17Mo!)



We refer the reader to this course page for an introduction and important information about R gstlearn package.

Simply load the gstlearn and ggplot2 R package, then enjoy:

# Load gstlearn package
# Grid size
nx = 60
ny = 30
mygrid = DbGrid_create(c(nx,ny), c(1,1))
# Add a gaussian random field
var = rnorm(nx * ny)
mygrid$addColumns(var, "var1", ELoc_Z())
# Display the field
ggplot() + plot.grid(mygrid) + plot.decoration(title="Gaussian random field")

Some tutorials (R Markdown) are provided in the demo directory here and their HTML rendering is provided here.

Some tests (R Scripts) are available in the tests directory of the gstlearn github repository.


Please, look at CHANGES file.



For building the gstlearn R package, the requirements for building gstlearn C++ library must be installed beforehand. Then, the following additional tools must be also available:

  • SWIG 4.2.0 customized by Fabien Ors (not the official version!)
  • R 4.2 or higher
  • RTools 4.2 or higher (for Windows users only)
  • roxygen2 R package (for generating R documentation)
  • ggplot2, vctrs, ggpubr, ggrepel, ggnewscale R packages [Optional] (only for plotting)
  • FNN, rgl, lares, Matrix, knitr, tidyr, geigen and callr R packages [Optional] (only for testing R Markdown scripts)

If you modified your system (or if you installed a new version or RTools), you must reinstall the requirements from scratch following next instructions. You must delete 'gstlearn' and 'swig' existing source folders (if so).

Note :

Linux (Ubuntu)

  1. Install gstlearn C++ library requirements for Linux here

  2. Remove any previous installation of SWIG (if any)

  3. Then, execute the following commands:

sudo apt install r-base
sudo apt install bison
sudo apt install pcre2-devel # Ubuntu 18
sudo apt install libpcre2-dev # Ubuntu 20
  1. In a directory of your choice, get the source of SWIG 4.2.0 [customized] by executing following commands (in the same shell):
git clone
cd swig

Next time (if a new version of SWIG 4.2.0 [customized] is delivered), you will only need to pull the repository

cd swig
git pull
  1. Then compile and install SWIG 4.2.0 [customized] :
cmake -Bbuild
cd build
sudo make install
  1. Finally, install the R packages from an R command prompt (only roxygen2 is mandatory):
install.packages(c("roxygen2"), repos="")
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "vctrs", "ggpubr", "ggrepel", "ggnewscale"), repos="")
install.packages(c("FNN", "rgl", "lares", "Matrix", "knitr", "callr", "tidyr", "geigen"), repos="")


  1. Install gstlearn C++ library requirements for MacOS here

  2. Remove any previous installation of SWIG (if any)

  3. Then, execute the following commands (Not tested):

brew install r
brew install bison
brew install pcre2-devel
  1. In a directory of your choice, get the source of SWIG 4.2.0 [customized] by executing following commands (in the same shell):
git clone
cd swig

Next time (if a new version of SWIG 4.2.0 [customized] is delivered), you will only need to pull the repository

cd swig
git pull
  1. Then compile and install SWIG 4.2.0 [customized] :
cmake -Bbuild
cd build
sudo make install
  1. Finally, install the R optional packages from an R command prompt (only roxygen2 is mandatory):
install.packages(c("roxygen2"), repos="")
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "vctrs", "ggpubr", "ggrepel", "ggnewscale"), repos="")
install.packages(c("FNN", "rgl", "lares", "Matrix", "knitr", "callr", "tidyr", "geigen"), repos="")

Note :

  • These instructions for MacOS are currently not tested - above packages may not exist


  1. Install gstlearn C++ library requirements for Windows (RTools) here

  2. Remove any previous installation of SWIG (if any)

  3. Launch mingw64.exe in RTools installation directory (i.e.: C:\rtools42) and pin the icon to the task bar

pacman -Sy bison
pacman -Sy mingw-w64-x86_64-pcre2
  1. In a directory of your choice, get the source of SWIG 4.2.0 [customized] by executing following commands (in the same shell):
git clone
cd swig

Next time (if a new version of SWIG 4.2.0 [customized] is delivered), you will only need to pull the repository

cd swig
git pull
  1. Then compile and install SWIG 4.2.0 [customized] :
cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" -Bbuild -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/mingw64/
cd build
make install
  1. Finally, install the R optional packages from an R command prompt (only roxygen2 is mandatory):
install.packages(c("roxygen2"), repos="")
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "vctrs", "ggpubr", "ggrepel", "ggnewscale"), repos="")
install.packages(c("FNN", "rgl", "lares", "Matrix", "knitr", "callr", "tidyr", "geigen"), repos="")

Installation from Source

  1. For getting the gstlearn R package sources files, just clone the github repository:
git clone
cd gstlearn

Next time, you will only need to pull the repository (If you have some local undesirable modifications, you have to revert them and execute the pull, otherwise do not execute git reset):

cd gstlearn
git reset --hard
git pull
  1. Then, these instructions will compile and install the gstlearn R package in your usual R libraries directory:
cmake -Bbuild -S. -DBUILD_R=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build --target r_install

or even faster:

make r_install

Execute Non-regression Tests

The check* targets bring some required runtime customization, so do not use the standard ctest command for triggering the non-regression tests.

To build and launch non-regression R tests, you need to execute the following command:

cmake --build build --target check_r

or even faster:

make check_r

Important Notes

  • ggnewscale and ggplot2 packages must be installed/updated together! Otherwise, you could have troubles when using plotting feature.
  • Under Linux or MacOS, if you don't have sudo permissions, you may have to install swig in a folder of your choice. In that case, use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/home/user/Programs/swig4.2.0b (adapt installation folder) in the cmake command above.
  • If your system distribution repository doesn't provide minimum required versions, please install the tools manually (see provider website)
  • You may need to reconnect to your session after installing some requirements
  • If you experience the following issue: Error: ERROR: no permission to install to directory..., we suggest you to run the install.packages command (at least one time). This will create a personal R library folder having writing permissions.
  • If you plan to generate the documentation, add -DBUILD_DOXYGEN=ON to the first cmake command above. Then users will be able to execute make doxygen.
  • If you don't know how to execute github commands or you experience a 'password authentication' problem, you may read this.
  • Under Windows, using RTools is mandatory for compiling R packages
  • Under Windows, you may need to add -G "MSYS Makefiles" to the first cmake command above
  • If you want to build and install the Debug version, you must replace Release by Debug above
  • You may need to precise the location of Boost, Eigen3, SWIG, Doxygen or HDF5 installation directory. In that case, add the following variables in the first cmake command above:
    • -DBoost_ROOT="path/to/boost"
    • -DEigen3_ROOT="path/to/eigen3"
    • -DSWIG_ROOT="path/to/swig"
    • -DDoxygen_ROOT="path/to/doxygen"
    • `-DHDF5_ROOT="path/to/hdf5"``

Remove Installed Package

Execute the following command from an R command prompt:



GPL v3

2024 Team gstlearn