gstlearn  1.0.0
SPDE.hpp File Reference
#include "gstlearn_export.hpp"
#include "geoslib_define.h"
#include "Enum/ESPDECalcMode.hpp"
#include "Basic/NamingConvention.hpp"
#include "API/SPDEParam.hpp"
#include "LinearOp/PrecisionOpCs.hpp"
#include "LinearOp/PrecisionOpMultiConditional.hpp"


class  SPDE


GSTLEARN_EXPORT int krigingSPDE (Db *dbin, Db *dbout, Model *model, bool flag_est=true, bool flag_std=false, bool flag_varz=false, const AMesh *mesh=nullptr, int useCholesky=-1, SPDEParam params=SPDEParam(), bool verbose=false, bool showStats=false, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("KrigingSPDE"))
GSTLEARN_EXPORT int simulateSPDE (Db *dbin, Db *dbout, Model *model, int nbsimu=1, const AMesh *mesh=nullptr, int useCholesky=-1, SPDEParam params=SPDEParam(), int seed=121423, bool verbose=false, bool showStats=false, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("SimuSPDE"))

Function Documentation

◆ krigingSPDE()

GSTLEARN_EXPORT int krigingSPDE ( Db dbin,
Db dbout,
Model model,
bool  flag_est,
bool  flag_std,
bool  flag_varz,
const AMesh mesh,
int  useCholesky,
SPDEParam  params,
bool  verbose,
bool  showStats,
const NamingConvention namconv 

Perform the estimation by KRIGING under the SPDE framework

dbinInput Db (must contain the variable to be estimated)
dboutOutput Db where the estimation must be performed
modelModel definition
flag_estTrue for the estimation
flag_stdTrue for the standard deviation of estimation error
flag_varzTrue for the variance of the estimator
meshMesh description (optional)
useCholeskyDefine the choice regarding Cholesky
paramsSet of parameters
verboseVerbose flag
showStatsShow statistics for Linear Operations
namconvNaming convention
Error return code
You can provide an already existing mesh. Otherwise an optimal mesh will be created
internally: one per structure constituting the Model for Kriging.
Each mesh is created using the Turbo Meshing facility... based on an internal grid.
This internal grid is rotated according to the rotation of the structure. Its mesh size
is derived from the range (per direction) by dividing it by the refinement factor.

◆ simulateSPDE()

GSTLEARN_EXPORT int simulateSPDE ( Db dbin,
Db dbout,
Model model,
int  nbsimu,
const AMesh mesh,
int  useCholesky,
SPDEParam  params,
int  seed,
bool  verbose,
bool  showStats,
const NamingConvention namconv 

Perform simulations under the SPDE framework

dbinInput Db. If defined, the simulations are conditional; non conditional otherwise
dboutOutput Db where the simulations must be performed
modelModel definition
nbsimuNumber of simulations
meshMesh description (optional)
useCholeskyDefine the choice regarding Cholesky
paramsSet of parametes
seedSeed used for the Random Number generator
verboseVerbose flag
showStatsShow statistics for Linear Operations
namconvNaming convention
Error return code
You can provide an already existing mesh. Otherwise an optimal mesh will be created
internally: one per structure constituting the Model for Kriging and one for Simulating
Each mesh is created using the Turbo Meshing facility... based on an internal grid.
This internal grid is rotated according to the rotation of the structure. Its mesh size
is derived from the range (per direction) by dividing it by the refinement factor.