gstlearn  1.0.0
GH Class Reference

#include <GeometryHelper.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for GH:

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from GeometryHelper
static void rotationGetSinCos (double angle, double *cosa, double *sina)
static void rotationMatrixIdentityInPlace (int ndim, VectorDouble &rot)
static void rotation2DMatrixInPlace (double angle, VectorDouble &rot)
static void rotation3DMatrixInPlace (double alpha, double beta, double gamma, VectorDouble &rot)
static void rotationMatrixInPlace (int ndim, const VectorDouble &angles, VectorDouble &rot)
static VectorDouble rotationMatrix (int ndim, const VectorDouble &angles)
static void rotationGetAnglesInPlace (int ndim, const double *rot, double *angles)
static void rotationGetAnglesInPlace (const VectorDouble &rot, VectorDouble &angles)
static void rotationCopy (int ndim, const double *rotin, double *rotout)
static bool rotationIsIdentity (int ndim, double *rot, double eps=EPSILON10)
static MatrixSquareGeneral EulerToRotation (const VectorDouble &angles, const ERotation &convrot=ERotation::fromKey("SXYZ"))
static void rotationGetRandomDirection (double ct, double st, double *a, double *codir)
static void rotationGetDirection2D (const VectorDouble &angles, VectorDouble &codir)
static void rotationGetDirectionDefault (int ndim, VectorDouble &codir)
static void rotationGetAnglesFromCodirInPlace (const VectorDouble &codir, VectorDouble &angles)
static VectorDouble rotationGetAngles (const VectorDouble &codir, bool flagResize=false)
static VectorDouble rotationToEuler (const MatrixSquareGeneral &mat, const ERotation &convrot=ERotation::fromKey("SXYZ"), double eps=EPSILON10)
static void mergeBoxes (VectorDouble &mini1, VectorDouble &maxi1, VectorDouble &mini2, VectorDouble &maxi2)
static double distancePointToSegment (double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double *xd, double *yd, int *nint)
static int segmentIntersect (double xd1, double yd1, double xe1, double ye1, double xd2, double yd2, double xe2, double ye2, double *xint, double *yint)
static bool isSegmentIntersect (double xd1, double yd1, double xe1, double ye1, double xd2, double yd2, double xe2, double ye2)
static double geodeticAngularDistance (double long1, double lat1, double long2, double lat2, double radius=1.)
static void geodeticAngles (double long1, double lat1, double long2, double lat2, double long3, double lat3, double *a, double *b, double *c, double *A, double *B, double *C)
static double geodeticTrianglePerimeter (double long1, double lat1, double long2, double lat2, double long3, double lat3)
static double geodeticTriangleSurface (double long1, double lat1, double long2, double lat2, double long3, double lat3)
static bool isInSphericalTriangle (double *coor, double surface, double *pts1, double *pts2, double *pts3, double *wgts, double eps=EPSILON6)
static bool isInSphericalTriangleOptimized (const double *coor, double *ptsa, double *ptsb, double *ptsc, double *wgts, double eps=EPSILON6)
static VectorVectorDouble convertLongLat (const VectorDouble &longitude, const VectorDouble &latitude, double dilate=1., double radius_arg=1.)
static void convertCart2Sph (double x, double y, double z, double *rlong, double *rlat, double radius_arg=1.)
static void convertSph2Cart (double rlong, double rlat, double *x, double *y, double *z, double radius_arg=1.)
static MatrixSquareGeneral gradXYToRotmat (double dzoverdx, double dzoverdy)
static MatrixRectangulargetDirectionsInR3 (const MatrixRectangular *U)
static MatrixRectangulargetDirectionsInRn (const MatrixRectangular *U)
static double formatAngle (double anglein)
static VectorDouble formatAngles (const VectorDouble &anglesin)
static VectorDouble rayTriangleIntersect (const VectorDouble &dir, const VectorDouble &v0, const VectorDouble &v1, const VectorDouble &v2)
static VectorVectorDouble sphBarCoord (const VectorVectorDouble &sphPts, const MatrixRectangular &apices, const MatrixInt &meshes)
static double getCosineAngularTolerance (double tolang)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: