This is the complete list of members for Grid, including all inherited members.
_allocate() | Grid | private |
_counts | Grid | private |
_dx | Grid | private |
_getRotInv() const | Grid | inlineprivate |
_getRotMat() const | Grid | inlineprivate |
_indices | Grid | private |
_isSpaceDimensionValid(int idim) const | Grid | private |
_iter | Grid | private |
_iwork0 | Grid | mutableprivate |
_nDim | Grid | private |
_nprod | Grid | private |
_nx | Grid | private |
_order | Grid | private |
_recopy(const Grid &r) | Grid | private |
_rotation | Grid | private |
_work1 | Grid | mutableprivate |
_work2 | Grid | mutableprivate |
_x0 | Grid | private |
AStringable() | AStringable | |
AStringable(const AStringable &r) | AStringable | |
coordinateToIndices(const VectorDouble &coor, bool centered=false, double eps=EPSILON6) const | Grid | |
coordinateToIndicesInPlace(const VectorDouble &coor, VectorInt &indice, bool centered=false, double eps=EPSILON6) const | Grid | |
coordinateToRank(const VectorDouble &coor, bool centered=false, double eps=EPSILON6) const | Grid | |
copyParams(int mode, const Grid &gridaux) | Grid | |
dilate(int mode, const VectorInt &nshift, VectorInt &nx, VectorDouble &dx, VectorDouble &x0) const | Grid | |
display(const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const final | AStringable | virtual |
display(int level) const final | AStringable | virtual |
divider(const VectorInt &nmult, int flag_cell, VectorInt &nx, VectorDouble &dx, VectorDouble &x0) const | Grid | |
empty() const | Grid | |
generateGridIndices(const VectorInt &nx, const String &string, bool startFromZero=true, bool verbose=false) | Grid | static |
generateGridIndices(const String &string, bool startFromZero=true, bool verbose=false) | Grid | |
generateMirrorIndex(int nx, int ix) | Grid | static |
getAxis(int idim) const | Grid | |
getCellCoordinatesByCorner(int node, const VectorInt &shift=VectorInt(), const VectorDouble &dxsPerCell=VectorDouble()) const | Grid | |
getCellSize() const | Grid | |
getCenterIndices() const | Grid | |
getCoordinate(int rank, int idim, bool flag_rotate=true) const | Grid | |
getCoordinatesByCorner(const VectorInt &icorner) const | Grid | |
getCoordinatesByIndice(const VectorInt &indice, bool flag_rotate=true, const VectorInt &shift=VectorInt(), const VectorDouble &dxsPerCell=VectorDouble()) const | Grid | |
getCoordinatesByRank(int rank, bool flag_rotate=true) const | Grid | |
getDX(int idim) const | Grid | |
getDXs() const | Grid | inline |
getExtend(int idim, bool flag_cell=false) const | Grid | |
getExtends(bool flag_cell=false) const | Grid | |
getMirrorIndex(int idim, int ix) const | Grid | |
getNDim() const | Grid | inline |
getNTotal() const | Grid | |
getNX(int idim) const | Grid | |
getNXs() const | Grid | inline |
getRotAngle(int idim) const | Grid | inline |
getRotAngles() const | Grid | inline |
getRotation() const | Grid | inline |
getRotMat() const | Grid | inline |
getVolume(bool flag_cell=false) const | Grid | |
getX0(int idim) const | Grid | |
getX0s() const | Grid | inline |
Grid(int ndim=0, const VectorInt &nx=VectorInt(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &dx=VectorDouble()) | Grid | |
Grid(const Grid &r) | Grid | |
indicesToCoordinate(const VectorInt &indice, const VectorDouble &percent=VectorDouble()) const | Grid | |
indicesToCoordinateInPlace(const VectorInt &indice, VectorDouble &coor, const VectorDouble &percent=VectorDouble(), bool flag_rotate=true) const | Grid | |
indiceToCoordinate(int idim0, const VectorInt &indice, const VectorDouble &percent=VectorDouble(), bool flag_rotate=true) const | Grid | |
indiceToRank(const VectorInt &indice) const | Grid | |
isRotated() const | Grid | inline |
isSame(const Grid &grid) const | Grid | |
isSameMesh(const Grid &grid) const | Grid | |
isSameRotation(const Grid &grid) const | Grid | inline |
iteratorInit(const VectorInt &order=VectorInt()) | Grid | |
iteratorNext(void) | Grid | |
multiple(const VectorInt &nmult, int flag_cell, VectorInt &nx, VectorDouble &dx, VectorDouble &x0) const | Grid | |
operator=(const Grid &r) | Grid | |
AStringable::operator=(const AStringable &r) | AStringable | |
rankToCoordinate(int idim0, int rank, const VectorDouble &percent=VectorDouble()) const | Grid | |
rankToCoordinates(int rank, const VectorDouble &percent=VectorDouble()) const | Grid | |
rankToCoordinatesInPlace(int rank, VectorDouble &coor, const VectorDouble &percent=VectorDouble()) const | Grid | |
rankToIndice(int node, VectorInt &indices, bool minusOne=false) const | Grid | |
resetFromGrid(Grid *grid) | Grid | |
resetFromSpaceDimension(int ndim) | Grid | |
resetFromVector(const VectorInt &nx=VectorInt(), const VectorDouble &dx=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble()) | Grid | |
sampleBelongsToCell(const VectorDouble &coor, const VectorDouble ¢er, const VectorDouble &dxsPerCell=VectorDouble()) const | Grid | |
sampleBelongsToCell(const VectorDouble &coor, int rank, const VectorDouble &dxsPerCell=VectorDouble()) const | Grid | |
setDX(int idim, double value) | Grid | |
setNX(int idim, int value) | Grid | |
setRotationByAngle(double angle) | Grid | |
setRotationByAngles(VectorDouble angles) | Grid | |
setRotationByMatrix(const MatrixSquareGeneral &rotmat) | Grid | |
setRotationByVector(const VectorDouble &rotmat) | Grid | |
setX0(int idim, double value) | Grid | |
toString(const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const override | Grid | virtual |
~AStringable() | AStringable | virtual |
~Grid() | Grid | virtual |