gstlearn  1.0.0
Grid Class Reference

#include <Grid.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Grid:

Public Member Functions

 Grid (int ndim=0, const VectorInt &nx=VectorInt(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &dx=VectorDouble())
 Grid (const Grid &r)
Gridoperator= (const Grid &r)
virtual ~Grid ()
void resetFromSpaceDimension (int ndim)
void resetFromGrid (Grid *grid)
int resetFromVector (const VectorInt &nx=VectorInt(), const VectorDouble &dx=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble())
void setX0 (int idim, double value)
void setDX (int idim, double value)
void setNX (int idim, int value)
void setRotationByMatrix (const MatrixSquareGeneral &rotmat)
void setRotationByVector (const VectorDouble &rotmat)
void setRotationByAngles (VectorDouble angles)
void setRotationByAngle (double angle)
int getNDim () const
double getX0 (int idim) const
double getDX (int idim) const
int getNX (int idim) const
int getNTotal () const
double getCellSize () const
double getExtend (int idim, bool flag_cell=false) const
double getVolume (bool flag_cell=false) const
VectorDouble getExtends (bool flag_cell=false) const
virtual String toString (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const override
 Interface to AStringable. More...
void copyParams (int mode, const Grid &gridaux)
double getCoordinate (int rank, int idim, bool flag_rotate=true) const
VectorDouble getCoordinatesByRank (int rank, bool flag_rotate=true) const
VectorDouble getCoordinatesByIndice (const VectorInt &indice, bool flag_rotate=true, const VectorInt &shift=VectorInt(), const VectorDouble &dxsPerCell=VectorDouble()) const
VectorDouble getCoordinatesByCorner (const VectorInt &icorner) const
VectorDouble getCellCoordinatesByCorner (int node, const VectorInt &shift=VectorInt(), const VectorDouble &dxsPerCell=VectorDouble()) const
double indiceToCoordinate (int idim0, const VectorInt &indice, const VectorDouble &percent=VectorDouble(), bool flag_rotate=true) const
VectorDouble indicesToCoordinate (const VectorInt &indice, const VectorDouble &percent=VectorDouble()) const
void indicesToCoordinateInPlace (const VectorInt &indice, VectorDouble &coor, const VectorDouble &percent=VectorDouble(), bool flag_rotate=true) const
double rankToCoordinate (int idim0, int rank, const VectorDouble &percent=VectorDouble()) const
VectorDouble rankToCoordinates (int rank, const VectorDouble &percent=VectorDouble()) const
void rankToCoordinatesInPlace (int rank, VectorDouble &coor, const VectorDouble &percent=VectorDouble()) const
int indiceToRank (const VectorInt &indice) const
void rankToIndice (int node, VectorInt &indices, bool minusOne=false) const
VectorInt coordinateToIndices (const VectorDouble &coor, bool centered=false, double eps=EPSILON6) const
int coordinateToIndicesInPlace (const VectorDouble &coor, VectorInt &indice, bool centered=false, double eps=EPSILON6) const
int coordinateToRank (const VectorDouble &coor, bool centered=false, double eps=EPSILON6) const
VectorInt getCenterIndices () const
VectorInt generateGridIndices (const String &string, bool startFromZero=true, bool verbose=false)
bool sampleBelongsToCell (const VectorDouble &coor, const VectorDouble &center, const VectorDouble &dxsPerCell=VectorDouble()) const
bool sampleBelongsToCell (const VectorDouble &coor, int rank, const VectorDouble &dxsPerCell=VectorDouble()) const
const VectorDouble getRotAngles () const
const VectorDouble getRotMat () const
double getRotAngle (int idim) const
const VectorInt getNXs () const
const VectorDouble getX0s () const
const VectorDouble getDXs () const
const RotationgetRotation () const
bool isSame (const Grid &grid) const
bool isSameMesh (const Grid &grid) const
bool isRotated () const
bool isSameRotation (const Grid &grid) const
VectorDouble getAxis (int idim) const
void iteratorInit (const VectorInt &order=VectorInt())
VectorInt iteratorNext (void)
bool empty () const
void dilate (int mode, const VectorInt &nshift, VectorInt &nx, VectorDouble &dx, VectorDouble &x0) const
void multiple (const VectorInt &nmult, int flag_cell, VectorInt &nx, VectorDouble &dx, VectorDouble &x0) const
void divider (const VectorInt &nmult, int flag_cell, VectorInt &nx, VectorDouble &dx, VectorDouble &x0) const
int getMirrorIndex (int idim, int ix) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from AStringable
 AStringable ()
 AStringable (const AStringable &r)
AStringableoperator= (const AStringable &r)
virtual ~AStringable ()
virtual void display (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const final
virtual void display (int level) const final

Static Public Member Functions

static VectorInt generateGridIndices (const VectorInt &nx, const String &string, bool startFromZero=true, bool verbose=false)
static int generateMirrorIndex (int nx, int ix)

Private Member Functions

const MatrixSquareGeneral_getRotMat () const
const MatrixSquareGeneral_getRotInv () const
void _allocate ()
void _recopy (const Grid &r)
bool _isSpaceDimensionValid (int idim) const

Private Attributes

int _nDim
VectorInt _nx
VectorDouble _x0
VectorDouble _dx
Rotation _rotation
int _iter
int _nprod
VectorInt _counts
VectorInt _order
VectorInt _indices
VectorInt _iwork0
VectorDouble _work1
VectorDouble _work2

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Grid() [1/2]

Grid::Grid ( int  ndim = 0,
const VectorInt nx = VectorInt(),
const VectorDouble x0 = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble dx = VectorDouble() 

◆ Grid() [2/2]

Grid::Grid ( const Grid r)

◆ ~Grid()

Grid::~Grid ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _allocate()

void Grid::_allocate ( void  )

◆ _getRotInv()

const MatrixSquareGeneral& Grid::_getRotInv ( ) const

◆ _getRotMat()

const MatrixSquareGeneral& Grid::_getRotMat ( ) const

◆ _isSpaceDimensionValid()

bool Grid::_isSpaceDimensionValid ( int  idim) const

◆ _recopy()

void Grid::_recopy ( const Grid r)

◆ coordinateToIndices()

VectorInt Grid::coordinateToIndices ( const VectorDouble coor,
bool  centered = false,
double  eps = EPSILON6 
) const

◆ coordinateToIndicesInPlace()

int Grid::coordinateToIndicesInPlace ( const VectorDouble coor,
VectorInt indice,
bool  centered = false,
double  eps = EPSILON6 
) const

Find the grid node to which the current sample is assigned

coorSample coordinates
indiceIndices of the assigned grid node
centeredTrue for grid cell centered
epsEpsilon to over-pass roundoff problem
Error return code

◆ coordinateToRank()

int Grid::coordinateToRank ( const VectorDouble coor,
bool  centered = false,
double  eps = EPSILON6 
) const

◆ copyParams()

void Grid::copyParams ( int  mode,
const Grid gridaux 

Copy some parameters from Gridaux

modeType of parameters to be copied 1 : Array of Grid Number of meshes 2 : Array of Grid origin 3 : Array of Grid Meshes 4 : Rotation
gridauxSource Grid structure

◆ dilate()

void Grid::dilate ( int  mode,
const VectorInt nshift,
VectorInt nx,
VectorDouble dx,
VectorDouble x0 
) const

Returns the characteristics of a dilated grid

[in]mode1 for extending; -1 for compressing
[in]nshiftArray of shifts
[out]nxArray of number of grid meshes
[out]dxArray of grid meshes
[out]x0Array of grid origins

◆ divider()

void Grid::divider ( const VectorInt nmult,
int  flag_cell,
VectorInt nx,
VectorDouble dx,
VectorDouble x0 
) const

Returns the characteristics of a divider grid

[in]nmultArray of subdivision coefficients
[in]flag_cell1 for cell matching; 0 for point matching
[out]nxArray of number of grid meshes
[out]dxArray of grid meshes
[out]x0Array of grid origins

◆ empty()

bool Grid::empty ( ) const

◆ generateGridIndices() [1/2]

VectorInt Grid::generateGridIndices ( const String string,
bool  startFromZero = true,
bool  verbose = false 

◆ generateGridIndices() [2/2]

VectorInt Grid::generateGridIndices ( const VectorInt nx,
const String string,
bool  startFromZero = true,
bool  verbose = false 

Returns an array giving the ranks of the nodes (according to user's order) coded with standard ranks (according to gstlearn internal order)

Array of indices
[in]nxArray giving the number of cells per direction
[in]stringString describing the sorting order
[in]startFromZeroTrue if numbering must start from 0 (1 otherwise)
[in]verboseVerbose flag

◆ generateMirrorIndex()

int Grid::generateMirrorIndex ( int  nx,
int  ix 

Return the index of a sample when calculated from mirroring within an array whose indices vary between 0 and nx-1

Rank of the restrained cell
[in]nxNumber of cells
[in]ixRank of the cell to be restrained

◆ getAxis()

VectorDouble Grid::getAxis ( int  idim) const

Returns a vector with the coordinates along one axis. This is needed for the label of Grid representation Warning: Not considering any possible rotation.

idimIndex of the Space Dimension

◆ getCellCoordinatesByCorner()

VectorDouble Grid::getCellCoordinatesByCorner ( int  node,
const VectorInt shift = VectorInt(),
const VectorDouble dxsPerCell = VectorDouble() 
) const

Returns the coordinates of a Grid cell corner

nodeRank of the Target cell
shiftVector of shifts (dimension: ndim) 0 : no shift; -1 : minus half a cell-width; +1 plus half a cell-width
dxsPerCellVector of variable mesh extensions at target cell
The coordinates of a cell corner (possibly shifted)

◆ getCellSize()

double Grid::getCellSize ( ) const

◆ getCenterIndices()

VectorInt Grid::getCenterIndices ( ) const

◆ getCoordinate()

double Grid::getCoordinate ( int  rank,
int  idim,
bool  flag_rotate = true 
) const

◆ getCoordinatesByCorner()

VectorDouble Grid::getCoordinatesByCorner ( const VectorInt icorner) const

Returns the coordinates of a Grid corner

icornerVector specifying the corner (0: minimum; 1: maximum). (Dimension: ndim)
The coordinates of a corner

◆ getCoordinatesByIndice()

VectorDouble Grid::getCoordinatesByIndice ( const VectorInt indice,
bool  flag_rotate = true,
const VectorInt shift = VectorInt(),
const VectorDouble dxsPerCell = VectorDouble() 
) const

Returns the coordinates of a grid node, defined by its indices

indiceVector of indices defining the target grid node
flag_rotateTrue if the grid rotation must be taken into account
shiftVector of shifts (dimension: ndim) 0 : no shift; -1 : minus half a cell-width; +1 plus half a cell-width
dxsPerCellVector of variable grid meshes (optional)

◆ getCoordinatesByRank()

VectorDouble Grid::getCoordinatesByRank ( int  rank,
bool  flag_rotate = true 
) const

Return the Vector of coordinates for a given grid node

rankRank of the target grid node
flag_rotateTRUE: perform the rotation; FALSE: skip rotation
Vector of coordinates

◆ getDX()

double Grid::getDX ( int  idim) const

◆ getDXs()

const VectorDouble Grid::getDXs ( ) const

◆ getExtend()

double Grid::getExtend ( int  idim,
bool  flag_cell = false 
) const

◆ getExtends()

VectorDouble Grid::getExtends ( bool  flag_cell = false) const

◆ getMirrorIndex()

int Grid::getMirrorIndex ( int  idim,
int  ix 
) const

Return the index of a sample when calculated from mirroring within an array whose indices vary between 0 and nx-1

Rank of the restrained cell
[in]idimRank of the space dimension
[in]ixRank of the cell to be restrained

◆ getNDim()

int Grid::getNDim ( ) const

◆ getNTotal()

int Grid::getNTotal ( ) const

◆ getNX()

int Grid::getNX ( int  idim) const

◆ getNXs()

const VectorInt Grid::getNXs ( ) const

◆ getRotAngle()

double Grid::getRotAngle ( int  idim) const

◆ getRotAngles()

const VectorDouble Grid::getRotAngles ( ) const

◆ getRotation()

const Rotation& Grid::getRotation ( ) const

◆ getRotMat()

const VectorDouble Grid::getRotMat ( ) const

◆ getVolume()

double Grid::getVolume ( bool  flag_cell = false) const

◆ getX0()

double Grid::getX0 ( int  idim) const

◆ getX0s()

const VectorDouble Grid::getX0s ( ) const

◆ indicesToCoordinate()

VectorDouble Grid::indicesToCoordinate ( const VectorInt indice,
const VectorDouble percent = VectorDouble() 
) const

◆ indicesToCoordinateInPlace()

void Grid::indicesToCoordinateInPlace ( const VectorInt indice,
VectorDouble coor,
const VectorDouble percent = VectorDouble(),
bool  flag_rotate = true 
) const

◆ indiceToCoordinate()

double Grid::indiceToCoordinate ( int  idim0,
const VectorInt indice,
const VectorDouble percent = VectorDouble(),
bool  flag_rotate = true 
) const

◆ indiceToRank()

int Grid::indiceToRank ( const VectorInt indice) const

◆ isRotated()

bool Grid::isRotated ( ) const

◆ isSame()

bool Grid::isSame ( const Grid grid) const

◆ isSameMesh()

bool Grid::isSameMesh ( const Grid grid) const

◆ isSameRotation()

bool Grid::isSameRotation ( const Grid grid) const

◆ iteratorInit()

void Grid::iteratorInit ( const VectorInt order = VectorInt())

Initialize an iterator on the grid

orderArray giving the order of the Space Dimensions when iterating

◆ iteratorNext()

VectorInt Grid::iteratorNext ( void  )

Return the vector of grid indices for each iteration


◆ multiple()

void Grid::multiple ( const VectorInt nmult,
int  flag_cell,
VectorInt nx,
VectorDouble dx,
VectorDouble x0 
) const

Returns the characteristics of a multiple grid

[in]nmultArray of multiplicity coefficients
[in]flag_cell1 for cell matching; 0 for point matching
[out]nxArray of number of grid meshes
[out]dxArray of grid meshes
[out]x0Array of grid origins

◆ operator=()

Grid & Grid::operator= ( const Grid r)

◆ rankToCoordinate()

double Grid::rankToCoordinate ( int  idim0,
int  rank,
const VectorDouble percent = VectorDouble() 
) const

◆ rankToCoordinates()

VectorDouble Grid::rankToCoordinates ( int  rank,
const VectorDouble percent = VectorDouble() 
) const

◆ rankToCoordinatesInPlace()

void Grid::rankToCoordinatesInPlace ( int  rank,
VectorDouble coor,
const VectorDouble percent = VectorDouble() 
) const

◆ rankToIndice()

void Grid::rankToIndice ( int  rank,
VectorInt indices,
bool  minusOne = false 
) const
rankRank of the Node (in the meshing)
indicesIndices of the node in the grid system
minusOneConsider that the number of cells in each direction should be reduced by one.
: The number of nodes in the grid per direction
: must be adapted (subtracting 1) due to interval.

◆ resetFromGrid()

void Grid::resetFromGrid ( Grid grid)

◆ resetFromSpaceDimension()

void Grid::resetFromSpaceDimension ( int  ndim)

◆ resetFromVector()

int Grid::resetFromVector ( const VectorInt nx = VectorInt(),
const VectorDouble dx = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble x0 = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble angles = VectorDouble() 

◆ sampleBelongsToCell() [1/2]

bool Grid::sampleBelongsToCell ( const VectorDouble coor,
const VectorDouble center,
const VectorDouble dxsPerCell = VectorDouble() 
) const

Check if a sample belongs to a Grid Cell

coorSample coordinates
centerCoordinates of the grid node center
dxsPerCellWhen defined, vector of cell extension; otherwise use dx
Error return code
Samples located exactly on the edge are considered as INSIDE

◆ sampleBelongsToCell() [2/2]

bool Grid::sampleBelongsToCell ( const VectorDouble coor,
int  rank,
const VectorDouble dxsPerCell = VectorDouble() 
) const

Check if a sample belongs to a Grid Cell

coorSample coordinates (can be lower space dimension than the current Grid)
rankRank of the Grid cell
dxsPerCellWhen defined, vector of cell extension; otherwise use dx
Error return code
Samples located exactly on the edge are considered as INSIDE

◆ setDX()

void Grid::setDX ( int  idim,
double  value 

◆ setNX()

void Grid::setNX ( int  idim,
int  value 

◆ setRotationByAngle()

void Grid::setRotationByAngle ( double  angle)

Define the rotation by the value of its first angle

angleValue of the first rotation angle

◆ setRotationByAngles()

void Grid::setRotationByAngles ( VectorDouble  angles)

◆ setRotationByMatrix()

void Grid::setRotationByMatrix ( const MatrixSquareGeneral rotmat)

◆ setRotationByVector()

void Grid::setRotationByVector ( const VectorDouble rotmat)

◆ setX0()

void Grid::setX0 ( int  idim,
double  value 

◆ toString()

String Grid::toString ( const AStringFormat strfmt = nullptr) const

Interface to AStringable.

Reimplemented from AStringable.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _counts

VectorInt Grid::_counts

◆ _dx

VectorDouble Grid::_dx

◆ _indices

VectorInt Grid::_indices

◆ _iter

int Grid::_iter

◆ _iwork0

VectorInt Grid::_iwork0

◆ _nDim

int Grid::_nDim

◆ _nprod

int Grid::_nprod

◆ _nx

VectorInt Grid::_nx

◆ _order

VectorInt Grid::_order

◆ _rotation

Rotation Grid::_rotation

◆ _work1

VectorDouble Grid::_work1

◆ _work2

VectorDouble Grid::_work2

◆ _x0

VectorDouble Grid::_x0

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: