| Table (int nrow=0, int ncol=0, bool skip_title=false, bool skip_description=false) |
| Table (const Table &m) |
Table & | operator= (const Table &m) |
virtual | ~Table () |
virtual String | toString (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const override |
| Cloneable interface. More...
VectorDouble | getRange (int icol) const |
VectorDouble | getAllRange () const |
void | plot (int isimu) const |
void | setColumnNames (const VectorString &colNames) |
void | setColumnName (int icol, const String &name) |
void | setRowNames (const VectorString &rowNames) |
void | setRowName (int irow, const String &name) |
VectorString | getColumnNames () const |
VectorString | getRowNames () const |
String | getColumnName (int icol) const |
String | getRowName (int irow) const |
const String & | getTitle () const |
void | setTitle (const String &title) |
void | setSkipDescription (bool skipDescription) |
void | setSkipTitle (bool skipTitle) |
| MatrixRectangular (int nrow=0, int ncol=0) |
| MatrixRectangular (const MatrixRectangular &m) |
MatrixRectangular & | operator= (const MatrixRectangular &r) |
virtual | ~MatrixRectangular () |
bool | mustBeSymmetric () const override |
| Cloneable interface. More...
bool | mustBeDiagonal () const override |
bool | mustBeDiagCst () const override |
void | addRow (int nrow_added=1) |
void | addColumn (int ncolumn_added=1) |
MatrixRectangular * | reduce (const VectorInt &validRows, const VectorInt &validCols) const |
virtual | ~AMatrix () |
void | init (int nrows, int ncols) |
void | reset (int nrows, int ncols, double value=0.) |
void | resetFromArray (int nrows, int ncols, const double *tab, bool byCol=true) |
void | resetFromVD (int nrows, int ncols, const VectorDouble &tab, bool byCol=true) |
void | resetFromVVD (const VectorVectorDouble &tab, bool byCol=true) |
virtual void | setColumn (int icol, const VectorDouble &tab) |
virtual void | setRow (int irow, const VectorDouble &tab) |
virtual void | setDiagonal (const VectorDouble &tab) |
virtual void | setDiagonal (double value=1.) |
virtual bool | isSparse () const |
virtual bool | isSquare (bool printWhyNot=false) const |
virtual bool | isValid (int irow, int icol, bool printWhyNot=false) const |
virtual bool | isIdentity (bool printWhyNot=false) const |
virtual bool | isSymmetric (bool printWhyNot=false) const |
virtual bool | isDiagonal (bool printWhyNot=false) const |
virtual bool | isDiagCst (bool printWhyNot=false) const |
virtual void | transposeInPlace () |
virtual AMatrix * | transpose () const |
virtual void | addScalar (double v) |
virtual void | addScalarDiag (double v) |
virtual void | prodScalar (double v) |
virtual double | getValue (int irow, int icol) const |
virtual double & | getValueRef (int irow, int icol) |
virtual void | setValue (int irow, int icol, double value) |
virtual void | setValuesByArrays (const VectorInt &irows, const VectorInt &icols, const VectorDouble &values) |
virtual void | addMatrix (const AMatrix &y) |
virtual void | prodMatrix (const AMatrix &x, const AMatrix &y) |
virtual void | linearCombination (double cx, double cy, const AMatrix &y) |
bool | isSame (const AMatrix &m, double eps=EPSILON10) |
bool | isSameSize (const AMatrix &m) const |
bool | isEmpty () const |
double | compare (const AMatrix &mat) const |
int | getNRows () const |
int | getNCols () const |
int | getNTotal () const |
VectorDouble | getValues (bool byCol=true) const |
VectorDouble | getDiagonal (int shift=0) const |
VectorDouble | getRow (int irow) const |
VectorDouble | getColumn (int icol) const |
bool | isColumnDefined (int icol) const |
bool | isRowDefined (int irow) const |
int | getNumberColumnDefined () const |
int | getNumberRowDefined () const |
void | add (int irow, int icol, double value) |
void | add (const AMatrix &tab, double value=1.) |
void | subtract (const AMatrix &tab, double value=1.) |
void | getValuesAsTriplets (VectorInt &irows, VectorInt &icols, VectorDouble &values) const |
void | prodVector (const double *inv, double *outv) const |
void | prodVector (const VectorDouble &inv, VectorDouble &outv) const |
void | multiplyRow (const VectorDouble &vec) |
void | multiplyColumn (const VectorDouble &vec) |
void | divideRow (const VectorDouble &vec) |
void | divideColumn (const VectorDouble &vec) |
double | quadraticMatrix (const VectorDouble &x, const VectorDouble &y) |
int | invert () |
int | solve (const VectorDouble &b, VectorDouble &x) const |
void | dumpElements (const String &title, int ifrom, int ito) const |
void | setIdentity (double value=1.) |
void | fill (double value) |
void | fillRandom (int seed=432432, double zeroPercent=0.1) |
void | setValues (const VectorDouble &values, bool byCol=true) |
double | getMeanByColumn (int icol) const |
double | getMinimum () const |
double | getMaximum () const |
void | copyReduce (const AMatrix *x, const VectorInt &activeRows, const VectorInt &activeCols) |
void | setFlagCheckAddress (bool flagCheckAddress) |
double | operator() (int row, int col) const |
double & | operator() (int row, int col) |
| AStringable () |
| AStringable (const AStringable &r) |
AStringable & | operator= (const AStringable &r) |
virtual | ~AStringable () |
virtual void | display (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const final |
virtual void | display (int level) const final |
| ICloneable () |
virtual | ~ICloneable () |
virtual ICloneable * | clone () const =0 |
| ASerializable () |
| ASerializable (const ASerializable &r) |
ASerializable & | operator= (const ASerializable &r) |
virtual | ~ASerializable () |
bool | deserialize (std::istream &is, bool verbose=true) |
bool | serialize (std::ostream &os, bool verbose=true) const |
bool | dumpToNF (const String &neutralFilename, bool verbose=false) const |
virtual bool | _deserialize (std::istream &is, bool verbose=false) override |
| Interface for ASerializable. More...
virtual bool | _serialize (std::ostream &os, bool verbose=false) const override |
String | _getNFName () const override |
void | _clearContents () override |
virtual double & | _getValueRef (int irow, int icol) override |
| AMatrix (int nrow=0, int ncol=0) |
| AMatrix (const AMatrix &m) |
AMatrix & | operator= (const AMatrix &m) |
virtual bool | _isPhysicallyPresent (int, int) const |
void | _setNCols (int ncols) |
void | _setNRows (int nrows) |
bool | _isNumbersValid (int nrows, int ncols) const |
bool | _isColumnValid (int icol) const |
bool | _isRowValid (int irow) const |
bool | _isIndexValid (int irow, int icol) const |
bool | _isRowVectorConsistent (const VectorDouble &tab) |
bool | _isColVectorConsistent (const VectorDouble &tab) |
bool | _isVectorSizeConsistent (int nrows, int ncols, const VectorDouble &tab) |
bool | _isRankValid (int rank) const |
void | _clear () |
void | _fillFromVVD (const VectorVectorDouble &X) |
bool | _getFlagCheckAddress () const |
bool | _fileOpenWrite (const String &filename, std::ofstream &os, bool verbose=false) const |
bool | _fileOpenRead (const String &filename, std::ifstream &is, bool verbose=false) const |
Stores an array of values as a Table, i.e. a MatrixRectangular where rows and columns can be optionally decorated