gstlearn  1.0.0
Props Struct Reference

#include <geoslib_d.h>

Public Attributes

int case_facies
int case_stat
int case_prop_interp
int ngrf [2]
int nfac [2]
int nfaccur
int nfacprod
int nfacmax
int mode
VectorDouble propfix
VectorDouble propmem
VectorDouble propwrk
VectorDouble proploc
VectorDouble coor
const Dbdbprop

Member Data Documentation

◆ case_facies

int Props::case_facies

◆ case_prop_interp

int Props::case_prop_interp

◆ case_stat

int Props::case_stat

◆ coor

VectorDouble Props::coor

◆ dbprop

const Db* Props::dbprop

◆ mode

int Props::mode

◆ nfac

int Props::nfac[2]

◆ nfaccur

int Props::nfaccur

◆ nfacmax

int Props::nfacmax

◆ nfacprod

int Props::nfacprod

◆ ngrf

int Props::ngrf[2]

◆ propfix

VectorDouble Props::propfix

◆ proploc

VectorDouble Props::proploc

◆ propmem

VectorDouble Props::propmem

◆ propwrk

VectorDouble Props::propwrk

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: