Calculating Spatial characteristics on the Db


VectorDouble Db::getExtrema (int idim, bool useSel=false) const
VectorVectorDouble Db::getExtremas (bool useSel=false) const
VectorDouble Db::getCoorMinimum (bool useSel=false) const
VectorDouble Db::getCoorMaximum (bool useSel=false) const
double Db::getExtension (int idim, bool useSel=false) const
double Db::getExtensionDiagonal (bool useSel=false) const
double Db::getCenter (int idim, bool useSel=false) const
VectorDouble Db::getCenters (bool useSel=false) const
void Db::getExtensionInPlace (VectorDouble &mini, VectorDouble &maxi, bool useSel=false)

Detailed Description

idimRank of the target space dimension (0 based)
useSelWhen TRUE, the characteristics are derived from the only active samples
miniVector of minimum values (modified by this function)
maxiVector of maximum values (modified by this function)

Function Documentation

double Db::getCenter ( int  idim,
bool  useSel = false 
) const

Returns the center of the (active) samples for the target space dimension

VectorDouble Db::getCenters ( bool  useSel = false) const

Returns the coordinates of the center of the (active) samples

VectorDouble Db::getCoorMaximum ( bool  useSel = false) const

Returns the maximum coordinates for all space dimensions

VectorDouble Db::getCoorMinimum ( bool  useSel = false) const

Returns the minimum coordinates for all space dimensions

double Db::getExtension ( int  idim,
bool  useSel = false 
) const

Returns the extension (distance between minimum and maximum) for the target space dimension

double Db::getExtensionDiagonal ( bool  useSel = false) const

Returns the diagonal of the rectangle containing all (active) samples and parallel to main axes

void Db::getExtensionInPlace ( VectorDouble mini,
VectorDouble maxi,
bool  useSel = false 

Returns the extensions (distance between minimum and maximum) for all space dimensions

VectorDouble Db::getExtrema ( int  idim,
bool  useSel = false 
) const

Returns the extreme coordinates for the target space dimension

VectorVectorDouble Db::getExtremas ( bool  useSel = false) const

Returns the extreme coordinates for all space dimensions