CovGradientFunctional Class Reference

#include <CovGradientFunctional.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for CovGradientFunctional:
ACovGradient CovAniso ACov ICloneable ASpaceObject AStringable

Detailed Description

Class dedicated to manipulating a variables and its derivatives. This feature is limited to the monovariate case

Public Member Functions

 CovGradientFunctional (const ECov &type, const CovContext &ctxt)
 CovGradientFunctional (const CovGradientFunctional &r)
 CovGradientFunctional (const CovAniso &r)
CovGradientFunctionaloperator= (const CovGradientFunctional &r)
virtual ~CovGradientFunctional ()
void evalZAndGradients (const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2, double &covVal, VectorDouble &covGp, VectorDouble &covGG, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr, bool flagGrad=false) const override
 ICloneable interface. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ACovGradient
 ACovGradient (const ECov &type, const CovContext &ctxt)
 ACovGradient (const ACovGradient &r)
 ACovGradient (const CovAniso &r)
ACovGradientoperator= (const ACovGradient &r)
virtual ~ACovGradient ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from CovAniso
 CovAniso (const ECov &type, const CovContext &ctxt)
 CovAniso (const String &symbol, const CovContext &ctxt)
 CovAniso (const ECov &type, double range, double param, double sill, const CovContext &ctxt, bool flagRange=true)
 CovAniso (const CovAniso &r)
CovAnisooperator= (const CovAniso &r)
virtual ~CovAniso ()
virtual String toString (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const override
 ICloneable Interface. More...
virtual bool isConsistent (const ASpace *space) const override
 ASpaceObject Interface. More...
virtual int getNVariables () const override
 ACov Interface. More...
virtual double eval0 (int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const override
 ACov Interface. More...
virtual double eval (const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const override
 Calculate the covariance between two variables and two points (general case) More...
virtual void eval0MatInPlace (MatrixSquareGeneral &mat, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const override
virtual void evalMatInPlace (const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2, MatrixSquareGeneral &mat, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const override
virtual double evalCovOnSphere (double alpha, int degree=50, bool flagScaleDistance=true, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const override
virtual VectorDouble evalSpectrumOnSphere (int n, bool flagNormDistance=false, bool flagCumul=false) const override
virtual double evalSpectrum (const VectorDouble &freq, int ivar=0, int jvar=0) const override
virtual double getIntegralRange (int ndisc, double hmax) const
virtual String getFormula () const
virtual double getBallRadius () const
bool isOptimizationInitialized (const Db *db=nullptr) const
void optimizationPreProcess (const Db *db) const
void optimizationPostProcess () const
void optimizationSetTarget (const SpacePoint &pt) const
void optimizationSetTarget (int iech) const
void evalOptimInPlace (MatrixRectangular &res, const VectorInt &ivars, const VectorVectorInt &index, int ivar2=0, int icol=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr, bool flagSym=false) const
void evalMatOptimInPlace (int icas1, int iech1, int icas2, int iech2, MatrixSquareGeneral &mat, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const override
bool isValidForTurningBand () const
double simulateTurningBand (double t0, TurningBandOperate &operTB) const
bool isValidForSpectral () const
MatrixRectangular simulateSpectralOmega (int nb) const
void setContext (const CovContext &ctxt)
void setParam (double param)
void copyCovContext (const CovContext &ctxt)
void setNoStatFactor (double noStatFactor)
void setSill (double sill)
void setSill (const MatrixSquareSymmetric &sill)
 Only valid when there is only one variable (in the context) More...
void setSill (const VectorDouble &sill)
void setSill (int ivar, int jvar, double sill)
void initSill (double value=0.)
void setRangeIsotropic (double range)
 Practical range. More...
void setRange (int idim, double range)
void setRanges (const VectorDouble &ranges)
void setScale (double scale)
void setScale (int idim, double scale)
 Make the covariance isotropic. More...
void setScales (const VectorDouble &scales)
void setAnisoRotation (const Rotation &rot)
void setAnisoRotation (const VectorDouble &rot)
void setAnisoAngles (const VectorDouble &angles)
void setAnisoAngle (int idim, double angle)
void setRotationAnglesAndRadius (const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &ranges=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &scales=VectorDouble())
const MatrixSquareSymmetricgetSill () const
double getSill (int ivar, int jvar) const
double getSlope (int ivar, int jvar) const
VectorDouble getRanges () const
const RotationgetAnisoRotation () const
const VectorDoublegetScales () const
void setType (const ECov &type)
double getRange () const
double getScale () const
bool getFlagAniso () const
bool getFlagRotation () const
double getRange (int idim) const
double getScale (int idim) const
const VectorDouble getAnisoAngles () const
const MatrixSquareGeneralgetAnisoRotMat () const
const MatrixSquareGeneralgetAnisoInvMat () const
const VectorDouble getAnisoCoeffs () const
double getAnisoAngles (int idim) const
double getAnisoRotMat (int idim, int jdim) const
double getAnisoCoeffs (int idim) const
const CovContextgetContext () const
const ECov & getType () const
double getParam () const
double getScadef () const
double getParMax () const
int getMaxNDim () const
int getMinOrder () const
bool hasInt1D () const
bool hasInt2D () const
int hasRange () const
int hasParam () const
String getCovName () const
bool isIsotropic () const
bool isAsymptotic () const
bool hasRotation () const
const TensorgetAniso () const
void setAniso (const Tensor &aniso)
const ACovFuncgetCova () const
int getGradParamNumber () const
bool hasCovDerivative () const
bool hasCovOnSphere () const
bool hasSpectrumOnSphere () const
bool hasMarkovCoeffs () const
bool hasSpectrumOnRn () const
VectorDouble evalCovOnSphereVec (const VectorDouble &alpha, int degree=50, bool flagScaleDistance=false, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
Array evalCovFFT (const VectorDouble &ext, int N=128, int ivar=0, int jvar=0) const
VectorDouble getMarkovCoeffs () const
void setMarkovCoeffs (VectorDouble coeffs)
void setMarkovCoeffsBySquaredPolynomials (VectorDouble coeffs1, VectorDouble coeffs2, double eps=0)
void computeMarkovCoeffs ()
double getCorrec () const
double getFullCorrec () const
int getDimensionNumber () const
CovAnisocreateReduce (const VectorInt &validVars) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ACov
 ACov (const ASpace *space=nullptr)
 ACov (const ACov &r)
ACovoperator= (const ACov &r)
virtual ~ACov ()
virtual bool isIndexable () const
virtual bool isNoStat () const
virtual const ANoStatgetNoStat () const
virtual ANoStatgetNoStatModify () const
virtual bool isOptimEnabled () const
 Tell if the use of Optimization is enabled or not. More...
virtual void updateCovByPoints (int icas1, int iech1, int icas2, int iech2)
virtual void updateCovByMesh (int imesh)
void setOptimEnabled (bool isOptimEnabled)
VectorDouble eval (const std::vector< SpacePoint > &vec_p1, const std::vector< SpacePoint > &vec_p2, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
MatrixSquareGeneral eval0Mat (const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
MatrixSquareGeneral evalMat (const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
double evalIvarIpas (double step, const VectorDouble &dir=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
double evalIvarIpasIncr (const VectorDouble &dincr, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
VectorDouble evalIvarNpas (const VectorDouble &vec_step, const VectorDouble &dir=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
MatrixSquareGeneral evalNvarIpas (double step, const VectorDouble &dir=VectorDouble(), const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
MatrixSquareGeneral evalNvarIpasIncr (const VectorDouble &dincr, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
double evalIsoIvarIpas (double step, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
VectorDouble evalIsoIvarNpas (const VectorDouble &vec_step, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
MatrixSquareGeneral evalIsoNvarIpas (double step, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
double evalCvv (const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
double evalCvvShift (const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &shift, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
MatrixSquareGeneral evalCvvM (const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
double evalCxv (const SpacePoint &p1, const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
double evalCxv (const Db *db, const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
MatrixSquareGeneral evalCxvM (const SpacePoint &p1, const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
VectorDouble evalPointToDb (const SpacePoint &p1, const Db *db2, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, bool useSel=true, const VectorInt &nbgh2=VectorInt(), const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
VectorDouble evalPointToDbAsSP (const std::vector< SpacePoint > &p1s, const SpacePoint &p2, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
double evalAverageDbToDb (const Db *db1, const Db *db2, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, double eps=0., int seed=434132, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
double evalAverageIncrToIncr (const VectorVectorDouble &d1, const VectorVectorDouble &d2, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
double evalAveragePointToDb (const SpacePoint &p1, const Db *db2, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const
MatrixRectangular evalCovMatrix (Db *db1_arg, Db *db2_arg=nullptr, int ivar0=-1, int jvar0=-1, const VectorInt &nbgh1=VectorInt(), const VectorInt &nbgh2=VectorInt(), const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr)
MatrixSquareSymmetric evalCovMatrixSymmetric (Db *db1, int ivar0, const VectorInt &nbgh1, const CovCalcMode *mode)
MatrixSparseevalCovMatrixSparse (Db *db1_arg, Db *db2_arg=nullptr, int ivar0=-1, int jvar0=-1, const VectorInt &nbgh1=VectorInt(), const VectorInt &nbgh2=VectorInt(), const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr, double eps=EPSILON3)
double extensionVariance (const Db *db, const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0) const
double samplingDensityVariance (const Db *db, const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0) const
double specificVolume (const Db *db, double mean, const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0) const
double coefficientOfVariation (const Db *db, double volume, double mean, const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0) const
double specificVolumeFromCoV (Db *db, double cov, double mean, const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ASpaceObject
 ASpaceObject (const ASpace *space=nullptr)
 ASpaceObject (const ASpace &space)
 ASpaceObject (const ASpaceObject &r)
ASpaceObjectoperator= (const ASpaceObject &r)
virtual ~ASpaceObject ()
const ASpacegetSpace () const
 Accessor to the current object space context. More...
bool isConsistent () const
 Indicate if I am consistent with my current space context. More...
VectorDouble getUnitaryVector () const
 Return unitary vector for the current space context. More...
unsigned int getNDim () const
 Shortcuts to ASpace methods. More...
const VectorDoublegetOrigin () const
 Return the current space context origin coordinates. More...
double getDistance (const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2) const
 Return the distance between two space points for the current space context. More...
double getDistance1D (const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2, int idim) const
 Return the distance along one direction between two space points. More...
VectorDouble getIncrement (const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2) const
 Return the increment vector between two space points for the current space context. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AStringable
 AStringable ()
 AStringable (const AStringable &r)
AStringableoperator= (const AStringable &r)
virtual ~AStringable ()
virtual void display (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const final
virtual void display (int level) const final
- Public Member Functions inherited from ICloneable
 ICloneable ()
virtual ~ICloneable ()
virtual ICloneableclone () const =0

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CovAniso
static CovAnisocreateIsotropic (const CovContext &ctxt, const ECov &type, double range, double sill=1., double param=1., bool flagRange=true)
static CovAnisocreateAnisotropic (const CovContext &ctxt, const ECov &type, const VectorDouble &ranges, double sill=1., double param=1., const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), bool flagRange=true)
static CovAnisocreateIsotropicMulti (const CovContext &ctxt, const ECov &type, double range, const MatrixSquareSymmetric &sills, double param=1., bool flagRange=true)
static CovAnisocreateAnisotropicMulti (const CovContext &ctxt, const ECov &type, const VectorDouble &ranges, const MatrixSquareSymmetric &sills, double param=1., const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), bool flagRange=true)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CovGradientFunctional::CovGradientFunctional ( const ECov &  type,
const CovContext ctxt 
CovGradientFunctional::CovGradientFunctional ( const CovGradientFunctional r)
CovGradientFunctional::CovGradientFunctional ( const CovAniso r)
CovGradientFunctional::~CovGradientFunctional ( )

Member Function Documentation

void CovGradientFunctional::evalZAndGradients ( const SpacePoint p1,
const SpacePoint p2,
double &  covVal,
VectorDouble covGp,
VectorDouble covGG,
const CovCalcMode mode = nullptr,
bool  flagGrad = false 
) const

ICloneable interface.

Evaluates the covariance and gradient components This function is restricted to the monovariate case This function is limited to the only functions for which the covariance(Point-Gradient) and covariance(Gradient-Gradient) has been coded: i.e. Cubic or Gaussian, in addition to the nugget effect.

If 'flag_grad' == 0, then the output array 'covGG' is not filled.

p1First point of the Increment
p2Second point of the increment
covValCovariance value
covGpCovariance <G[i](x0+x,y0+y,z0+z), P(x0,y0,z0)> (dim=3)
covGGCovariance <G[i](x0+x,y0+y,z0+z), G[j](x0,y0,z0)> (dim=3)
modeCovCalcMode structure
flagGradtrue if the Gradient must be calculated
: The returned arguments covVal, covGp and covGG are incremented here.
: They must have been initialized beforehand

Implements ACovGradient.

CovGradientFunctional & CovGradientFunctional::operator= ( const CovGradientFunctional r)

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