Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CASpaceShapeTODO : to be kept ?
 CKrigingCalculPerform the Algebra for Kriging and CoKriging
 CLinearOpCGSolver< TLinOP >
 CLinearOpCGSolver< SPDEOp >
 CStyleAll the recommended styles considerations. It has no special functionalities.
This is only a template class that developers can mimic
 CTurboOptimizerTurbo Optimizer for a specific 2-D environment,
 CVectorT< T >
 CVectorT< MatrixSparse * >
 CVectorT< String >
 CVectorT< UChar >
 CVectorT< VectorDouble >
 CVectorT< VectorInt >