No Matches
stats.cpp File Reference
#include "geoslib_old_f.h"
#include "Morpho/Morpho.hpp"
#include "Basic/VectorNumT.hpp"
#include "Basic/Utilities.hpp"
#include "Basic/Law.hpp"
#include "Basic/String.hpp"
#include "Basic/OptDbg.hpp"
#include "Db/Db.hpp"
#include "Db/DbGrid.hpp"
#include "Stats/Classical.hpp"
#include "Basic/Memory.hpp"
#include "Basic/Grid.hpp"
#include "Core/Keypair.hpp"
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>


static double st_extract_subgrid (int verbose, int flag_ffff, int iech0, int nech0, int ntot, DbGrid *dbgrid, int *ind0, int *ixyz, int *nxyz, double *numtab1, double *valtab1)
static int st_divide_by_2 (int *nxyz, int orient)
static void st_mean_arith (int idim, const int *nxyz1, const int *nxyz2, const double *numtab1, double *numtab2, double *valtab1, double *valtab2)
static void st_mean_harmo (int idim, const int *nxyz1, const int *nxyz2, const double *numtab1, double *numtab2, double *valtab1, double *valtab2)
static int st_recopy (const int *nxyz1, const double *numtab1, const double *valtab1, int *nxyz2, double *numtab2, double *valtab2)
static void st_print_grid (const char *subtitle, int nxyz[3], double *numtab, double *valtab)
static void st_print_upscale (const char *title, int *nxyz, const double *valtab)
static void st_upscale (int orient, int *nxyz, int flag_save, double *numtab0, double *numtab1, double *numtab2, double *valtab0, double *valtab1, double *valtab2, double *res1, double *res2)
static int st_is_subgrid (int verbose, const char *title, DbGrid *dbgrid1, DbGrid *dbgrid2, int *ind0, int *nxyz, int *ntot)
int db_upscale (DbGrid *dbgrid1, DbGrid *dbgrid2, int orient, int verbose)
static double st_squared_distance (int orient, int ndim, const int *locini, const int *loccur)
static void st_sample_to_grid (int ndim, int ntot, const int *nxyz, int iech, int *indg)
static int st_grid_to_sample (int ndim, const int *nxyz, const int *indg)
static int st_fixed_position (int ntot, const double *tab, int cell)
static int st_find_cell (int ntot, const double *tab, double proba)
static void st_migrate_seed (int ndim, int n_nbgh, int *nxyz, const int *nbgh, double *valwrk, const double *valtab0, int *locwrk, int *loccur)
static void st_print_position (int ndim, int iseed, int iter, int *tab)
static void st_updiff (int orient, int ndim, int ntot, int nseed, int niter, int n_nbgh, int flag_save, double probtot, int *nxyz, int *nbgh, int *tabini, int *tabcur, int *tabwrk, double *valwrk, double *valtab0, int verbose, double *cvdist2, double *trsave)
static void st_update_regression (double x, double y, double *count, double *sum_x, double *sum_y, double *sum_xx, double *sum_xy)
static double st_get_diff_coeff (int niter, int verbose, double pmid, int flag_save, double *cvdist2, double *cvsave)
int db_diffusion (DbGrid *dbgrid1, DbGrid *dbgrid2, int orient, int niter, int nseed, int seed, int verbose)
int stats_residuals (int verbose, int nech, const double *tab, int ncut, double *zcut, int *nsorted, double *mean, double *residuals, double *T, double *Q)


static int DEBUG = 0

Function Documentation

◆ db_diffusion()

int db_diffusion ( DbGrid dbgrid1,
DbGrid dbgrid2,
int  orient,
int  niter,
int  nseed,
int  seed,
int  verbose 

Calculate the diffusion factor from a grid Db into another grid Db

Error return code
[in]dbgrid1Db for the input grid
[in]dbgrid2Db for the output grid
[in]orientDiffusion orientation (0 or the space rank dimension)
[in]niterNumber of iterations
[in]nseedNumber of seeds
[in]seedSeed for the random number generation
[in]verboseVerbose Option
The user may specify the type of storage
0: average squared distance; 1: slope; 2: origin
The neighborhood is Block(0) or Cross(1) according to
The rank of the convergence if measured from a Starting to an Ending
percentages of the 'niter' iterations. The 'Mid' percentage gives
the value assigned to the output block
The user can specify the block of interest by using:
For the target block, the array of squared distances as a function
of the iteration is returned using the keypair mechanism:
For the target block, the trajectories are saved using keypair;

◆ db_upscale()

int db_upscale ( DbGrid dbgrid1,
DbGrid dbgrid2,
int  orient,
int  verbose 

Upscale one variable from a grid Db into another grid Db

Error return code
[in]dbgrid1Db for the input grid
[in]dbgrid2Db for the output grid
[in]orientUpscaling direction (0 to 2)
[in]verboseVerbose flag

◆ st_divide_by_2()

static int st_divide_by_2 ( int *  nxyz,
int  orient 

Divide by 2 in integer (upper rounded value)

1 if the input value is larger than 2; 0 otherwise
[in]nxyzDimensions of the subgrid
[in]orientRank of the target direction

◆ st_extract_subgrid()

static double st_extract_subgrid ( int  verbose,
int  flag_ffff,
int  iech0,
int  nech0,
int  ntot,
DbGrid dbgrid,
int *  ind0,
int *  ixyz,
int *  nxyz,
double *  numtab1,
double *  valtab1 

Load the subgrid from the Input Db

Return the total probability of finding joins
[in]verboseVerbose flag
[in]flag_ffff1 replace masked values by 0 0 replace masked values by FFFF
[in]iech0Rank of the output grid cell
[in]nech0Number of cells of the output grid
[in]ntotDimension of arrays 'numtab1' and 'valtab1'
[in]dbgridDb for the input grid
[in]ind0Origin of the Output Db within the Input Db
[in]nxyzMesh of the Output Db (expressed in Input Db)
[in]ixyzIndices of the starting node of the Output Db
[out]numtab1Array containing the sample count
[out]valtab1Array containing the sample value
The array ind0, ixyz and nxyz are dimensioned to ndim

◆ st_find_cell()

static int st_find_cell ( int  ntot,
const double *  tab,
double  proba 

Find the cell linked to the probability

Rank of the cell
[in]ntotNumber of possibilities
[in]tabArray containing the sample value
[in]probaLocal probability

◆ st_fixed_position()

static int st_fixed_position ( int  ntot,
const double *  tab,
int  cell 

Find the location of the cell (within the possible cells) which is the closest to the target cell provided as argument

Rank of the cell
[in]ntotNumber of possibilities
[in]tabArray containing the sample value
[in]cellCell location

◆ st_get_diff_coeff()

static double st_get_diff_coeff ( int  niter,
int  verbose,
double  pmid,
int  flag_save,
double *  cvdist2,
double *  cvsave 

Derive the diffusion factor from the serie of squared distance as a function of time

The diffusion coefficient
[in]niterNumber of iterations
[in]verboseVerbose flag
[in]pmidPercentage of niter to store convergence
[in]flag_saveIf the array must be saved for keypair
[in]cvdist2Array containing the squared distances
[out]cvsaveArray containing the storage (Dimension: 3 * niter)

◆ st_grid_to_sample()

static int st_grid_to_sample ( int  ndim,
const int *  nxyz,
const int *  indg 

Converts from grid indices into sample index

The absolute index
[in]ndimSpace dimension
[in]nxyzDimensions of the subgrid
[in]indgGrid indices

◆ st_is_subgrid()

static int st_is_subgrid ( int  verbose,
const char *  title,
DbGrid dbgrid1,
DbGrid dbgrid2,
int *  ind0,
int *  nxyz,
int *  ntot 

Check if the first grid is a subgrid of the second one

1 if grids are multiple
[in]verboseVerbose flag
[in]titleTitle of the work (used only for verbose case)
[in]dbgrid1Db for the input grid
[in]dbgrid2Db for the output grid
[out]ind0Starting address
[out]nxyzNumber of subdivisions
[out]ntotTotal number of grid nodes

◆ st_mean_arith()

static void st_mean_arith ( int  idim,
const int *  nxyz1,
const int *  nxyz2,
const double *  numtab1,
double *  numtab2,
double *  valtab1,
double *  valtab2 

Perform the arithmetic mean

[in]idimDirection of calculation
[in]nxyz1Dimensions of the initial subgrid
[in]nxyz2Dimensions of the final subgrid
[out]numtab1Array containing the sample count
[out]numtab2Array containing the sample count
[out]valtab1Array containing the sample value
[out]valtab2Array containing the sample value

◆ st_mean_harmo()

static void st_mean_harmo ( int  idim,
const int *  nxyz1,
const int *  nxyz2,
const double *  numtab1,
double *  numtab2,
double *  valtab1,
double *  valtab2 

Perform the harmonic mean

[in]idimDirection of calculation
[in]nxyz1Dimensions of the initial subgrid
[in]nxyz2Dimensions of the final subgrid
[out]numtab1Array containing the input sample count
[out]numtab2Array containing the output sample count
[out]valtab1Array containing the input sample value
[out]valtab2Array containing the output sample value

◆ st_migrate_seed()

static void st_migrate_seed ( int  ndim,
int  n_nbgh,
int *  nxyz,
const int *  nbgh,
double *  valwrk,
const double *  valtab0,
int *  locwrk,
int *  loccur 

Migrate the seed to one of the available neighboring cells

[in]ndimSpace dimension
[in]n_nbghNumber of neighboring cells
[in]nxyzDimensions of the subgrid
[in]nbghArray giving the neighboring cell location
[in]valwrkWorking array (Dimension: n_nbgh)
[in]valtab0Array containing the sample value
[in]locwrkWorking array for shifted seed positions
[in,out]loccurCurrent seed position

◆ st_print_grid()

static void st_print_grid ( const char *  subtitle,
int  nxyz[3],
double *  numtab,
double *  valtab 

Print the generated grids (for counts and values)

[in]nxyzDimensions of the grid
[out]numtabArray containing the sample count
[out]valtabArray containing the sample value

◆ st_print_position()

static void st_print_position ( int  ndim,
int  iseed,
int  iter,
int *  tab 

Print the position (debug option)

[in]ndimSpace dimension
[in]iseedRank of the trajectory (from 0)
[in]iterRank of the iteration (from 0)
[in]tabArray containing the coordinates of the position
This very verbose option only functions if verbose is TRUE
and the internal flag DEBUG is TRUE (this requires compiling)

◆ st_print_upscale()

static void st_print_upscale ( const char *  title,
int *  nxyz,
const double *  valtab 

Print statistics after basic upscaling operation

[in]titleTitle for the printout
[in]nxyzGrid dimension
[out]valtabArray containing the sample value

◆ st_recopy()

static int st_recopy ( const int *  nxyz1,
const double *  numtab1,
const double *  valtab1,
int *  nxyz2,
double *  numtab2,
double *  valtab2 

Update the dimensions and calculate the current number of cells

Number of cells
[in]nxyz1Dimensions of the initial subgrid
[in]numtab1Array containing the sample count
[in]valtab1Array containing the sample value
[out]nxyz2Dimensions of the final subgrid
[out]numtab2Array containing the sample count
[out]valtab2Array containing the sample value

◆ st_sample_to_grid()

static void st_sample_to_grid ( int  ndim,
int  ntot,
const int *  nxyz,
int  iech,
int *  indg 

Converts from sample index into grid indices

[in]ndimSpace dimension
[in]ntotTotal number of cells in subgrid
[in]nxyzDimensions of the subgrid
[in]iechRank of the sample
[out]indgGrid indices

◆ st_squared_distance()

static double st_squared_distance ( int  orient,
int  ndim,
const int *  locini,
const int *  loccur 

Calculate the euclidean distance between current and initial seed locations

Calculated squared distance
[in]orientDiffusion orientation (0 or the space rank dimension)
[in]ndimSpace dimension
[in]lociniInitial seed positions
[in]loccurCurrent seed positions

◆ st_update_regression()

static void st_update_regression ( double  x,
double  y,
double *  count,
double *  sum_x,
double *  sum_y,
double *  sum_xx,
double *  sum_xy 

Update the quantities needed for calculating the linear regression amongst a set of 2-D points

[in]xX value
[in]yY value
[in,out]countNumber of samples
[in,out]sum_xSum of the X variable
[in,out]sum_ySum of the Y variable
[in,out]sum_xxSum of the X*X variable
[in,out]sum_xySum of the X*Y variable

◆ st_updiff()

static void st_updiff ( int  orient,
int  ndim,
int  ntot,
int  nseed,
int  niter,
int  n_nbgh,
int  flag_save,
double  probtot,
int *  nxyz,
int *  nbgh,
int *  tabini,
int *  tabcur,
int *  tabwrk,
double *  valwrk,
double *  valtab0,
int  verbose,
double *  cvdist2,
double *  trsave 

Calculate the average squared distance as a function of the iteration

[in]orientDiffusion orientation (0 or the space rank dimension)
[in]ndimSpace dimension
[in]ntotTotal number of cells in the subgrid
[in]nseedNumber of seeds
[in]niterNumber of iterations
[in]n_nbghNumber of neighboring cells
[in]flag_saveIf the array must be saved for keypair
[in]probtotTotal probability of joins
[in]nxyzDimensions of the subgrid
[in]nbghArray giving the neighboring cell location
[in]tabiniArray of initial seed positions Dimension: nseed * ndim
[in]tabcurArray of current seed positions Dimension: nseed * ndim
[in]tabwrkArray of shifted seed positions Dimension: ndim
[in]valwrkWorking array Dimension: n_nbgh
[in]valtab0Array containing the sample value
[in]verboseVerbose option
[out]cvdist2Array of squared distances by iteration
[out]trsaveArray of trajectories (saved only if defined)
If the starting position is fixed, it is specified using: set_keypair("Fixed_Position",...)

◆ st_upscale()

static void st_upscale ( int  orient,
int *  nxyz,
int  flag_save,
double *  numtab0,
double *  numtab1,
double *  numtab2,
double *  valtab0,
double *  valtab1,
double *  valtab2,
double *  res1,
double *  res2 

Upscale the variable defined on a subgrid into one value

[in]orientUpscaling orientation (0 to 2)
[in]nxyzDimensions of the subgrid
[in]flag_saveIf the array must be saved for keypair
[out]numtab0Array containing the sample count
[out]numtab1Array containing the sample count
[out]numtab2Array containing the sample count
[out]valtab0Array containing the sample value
[out]valtab1Array containing the sample value
[out]valtab2Array containing the sample value
[out]res1First result (Harmonic first)
[out]res2First result (Arithmetic first)

◆ stats_residuals()

int stats_residuals ( int  verbose,
int  nech,
const double *  tab,
int  ncut,
double *  zcut,
int *  nsorted,
double *  mean,
double *  residuals,
double *  T,
double *  Q 

Create residuals

Error returned code
[in]verboseVerbose flag
[in]nechNumber of samples
[in]tabArray of sample values (Dimension: nech)
[in]ncutNumber of cutoffs
[in]zcutArray of cutoff values (Dimension: ncut)
[out]nsortedNumber of sorted samples
[out]meanAverage of the active data
[out]residualsArray of residuals (Dimension: ncut * nech)
[out]TArray of for tonnage
[out]QArray of for metal quantity

Variable Documentation


int DEBUG = 0