gstlearn  1.0.0
CalcSimuEden.hpp File Reference
#include "gstlearn_export.hpp"
#include "geoslib_define.h"
#include "Db/DbGrid.hpp"
#include "Skin/ISkinFunctions.hpp"
#include "Basic/AStringable.hpp"
#include "Simulation/ACalcSimulation.hpp"


class  CalcSimuEden


GSTLEARN_EXPORT int fluid_propagation (DbGrid *dbgrid, const String &name_facies, const String &name_fluid, const String &name_perm, const String &name_poro, int nfacies, int nfluids, int niter=1, const VectorInt &speeds=VectorInt(), bool show_fluid=false, double number_max=TEST, double volume_max=TEST, int seed=321321, bool verbose=false, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("Eden"))

Function Documentation

◆ fluid_propagation()

GSTLEARN_EXPORT int fluid_propagation ( DbGrid dbgrid,
const String name_facies,
const String name_fluid,
const String name_perm,
const String name_poro,
int  nfacies,
int  nfluids,
int  niter,
const VectorInt speeds,
bool  show_fluid,
double  number_max,
double  volume_max,
int  seed,
bool  verbose,
const NamingConvention namconv 

Multivariate multiphase propagation into a set of components constrained by initial conditions and fluid densities

Error return code : 1 no fluid to propagate
[in]dbgridDb grid structure
[in]name_faciesName of the variable containing the Facies
[in]name_fluidName of the variable containing the Fluid
[in]name_permName of the variable containing the Permeability
[in]name_poroName of the variable containing the Porosity
[in]nfaciesnumber of facies (facies 0 excluded)
[in]nfluidsnumber of fluids
[in]niterNumber of iterations
[in]speedsArray containing the travel speeds
[in]show_fluid1 for modifying the value of the cells to show
  • the initial valid fluid information
  • the cork (different from shale)
[in]number_maxMaximum count of cells invaded (or TEST)
[in]volume_maxMaximum volume invaded (or TEST)
[in]seedSeed for random number generator (or 0)
[in]verbose1 for a verbose option
[in]namconvNaming convention
Directions are ordered as follows :
0: +X; 1: -X; 2: +Y; 3: -Y; 4: +Z(up); 5: -Z(down)
The coding of the matrix is:
facies + nfacies * fluid
Facies: 0 (Shale), 1 to nfacies, -1 (Cork)
Fluids: 0 (undefined), 1 to nfluids, -1 (No Fluid)
Fluids should be ordered by increasing weight
A Permeability variable is a value (>=1) which divides
the velocities. This variable is optional.
A Porosity variable is a value (in [0,1]) which multiplies
the velocities. This variable is optional.
the volumes. This variable is optional.
Volume_max represents the volumic part of the invaded area:
it is always <= number of cells invaded.