gstlearn  1.0.0
DbGrid Class Reference

#include <DbGrid.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for DbGrid:
Db AStringable ASerializable ICloneable

Public Member Functions

 DbGrid ()
 DbGrid (const DbGrid &r)
DbGridoperator= (const DbGrid &r)
virtual ~DbGrid ()
virtual String toString (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const override
 ICloneable interface. More...
bool isGrid () const override
 Db Interface. More...
double getCoordinate (int iech, int idim, bool flag_rotate=true) const override
void getCoordinatesPerSampleInPlace (int iech, VectorDouble &coor, bool flag_rotate=true) const override
double getUnit (int idim=0) const override
int getNDim () const override
bool mayChangeSampleNumber () const override
void resetDims (int ncol, int nech) override
int reset (const VectorInt &nx, const VectorDouble &dx=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const ELoadBy &order=ELoadBy::fromKey("SAMPLE"), const VectorDouble &tab=VectorDouble(), const VectorString &names=VectorString(), const VectorString &locatorNames=VectorString(), int flag_add_rank=1, bool flag_add_coordinates=true)
int resetCoveringDb (const Db *db, const VectorInt &nx=VectorInt(), const VectorDouble &dx=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &margin=VectorDouble())
int resetFromPolygon (Polygons *polygon, const VectorInt &nodes, const VectorDouble &dcell, int flag_add_rank=1)
DbGridcoarsify (const VectorInt &nmult)
DbGridrefine (const VectorInt &nmult)
const GridgetGrid () const
void generateCoordinates (const String &radix="x")
VectorDouble getColumnSubGrid (const String &name, int idim0, int rank, bool useSel=false)
int gridDefine (const VectorInt &nx, const VectorDouble &dx=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble())
void gridCopyParams (int mode, const Grid &gridaux)
bool isSameGrid (const Grid &grid) const
bool isSameGridMesh (const DbGrid &dbaux) const
bool isSameGridRotation (const DbGrid &dbaux) const
bool isGridRotated () const
int getNTotal () const
double getCellSize () const
double getVolume () const
VectorDouble getExtends () const
double getExtend (int idim) const
int getNX (int idim) const
VectorInt getNXs () const
VectorInt getNXsExt (int ndimMax) const
bool hasSingleBlock () const
double getDX (int idim) const
VectorDouble getDXs () const
double getX0 (int idim) const
VectorDouble getX0s () const
double getAngle (int idim) const
VectorDouble getAngles () const
VectorDouble getRotMat () const
void setNX (int idim, int value)
void setX0 (int idim, double value)
void setDX (int idim, double value)
VectorDouble getGridAxis (int idim) const
VectorDouble getCoordinateFromCorner (const VectorInt &icorner) const
VectorDouble getCoordinatesByIndice (const VectorInt &indice, bool flag_rotate=true, const VectorInt &shift=VectorInt(), const VectorDouble &dxsPerCell=VectorDouble()) const
int coordinateToRank (const VectorDouble &coor, bool centered=false, double eps=EPSILON6) const
VectorInt coordinateToIndices (const VectorDouble &coor, bool centered=false, double eps=EPSILON6) const
int coordinateToIndicesInPlace (const VectorDouble &coor, VectorInt &indices, bool centered=false, double eps=EPSILON6) const
VectorInt getCenterIndices () const
int indiceToRank (const VectorInt &indice) const
void rankToIndice (int node, VectorInt &indices, bool minusOne=false) const
void rankToCoordinatesInPlace (int rank, VectorDouble &coor, const VectorDouble &percent=VectorDouble()) const
VectorDouble rankToCoordinates (int rank, const VectorDouble &percent=VectorDouble()) const
void indicesToCoordinateInPlace (const VectorInt &indice, VectorDouble &coor, const VectorDouble &percent=VectorDouble()) const
VectorDouble indicesToCoordinate (const VectorInt &indice, const VectorDouble &percent=VectorDouble()) const
bool sampleBelongsToCell (const VectorDouble &coor, int rank, const VectorDouble &dxsPerCell=VectorDouble()) const
int centerCoordinateInPlace (VectorDouble &coor, bool centered=false, bool stopIfOut=false, double eps=EPSILON6) const
VectorInt locateDataInGrid (const Db *data, const VectorInt &rankIn=VectorInt(), bool centered=false, bool useSel=false) const
int getMirrorIndex (int idim, int ix) const
VectorVectorDouble getSlice (const String &name, int pos=0, int indice=0, bool useSel=false) const
VectorDouble getOneSlice (const String &name, int posx=0, int posy=1, const VectorInt &corner=VectorInt(), bool useSel=false) const
int assignGridColumn (const String &name, int idim, int rank, double value, bool useSel=false)
VectorDouble getBlockExtensions (int node) const
VectorVectorDouble getCellEdges (int node=0, bool forceGridMesh=false) const
VectorVectorDouble getAllCellsEdges (bool forceGridMesh=false) const
VectorVectorDouble getGridEdges () const
VectorDouble getCodir (const VectorInt &grincr) const
int morpho (const EMorpho &oper, double vmin=0.5, double vmax=1.5, int option=0, const VectorInt &radius=VectorInt(), bool flagDistErode=false, bool verbose=false, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("Morpho"))
int smooth (ANeigh *neigh, int type=1, double range=1., const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("Smooth"))
int addSelectionFromDbByMorpho (Db *db, int nmin=0, int radius=0, int option=0, const VectorInt &dilation=VectorInt(), bool verbose=false, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("Morpho", false, false, true, ELoc::fromKey("SEL")))
void getSampleAsST (int iech, SpaceTarget &P) const
VectorVectorDouble getDiscretizedBlock (const VectorInt &ndiscs, int iech=0, bool flagPerCell=false, bool flagRandom=false, int seed=132433) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Db
 Db ()
 Db (const Db &r)
Dboperator= (const Db &r)
virtual ~Db ()
int resetFromSamples (int nech, const ELoadBy &order=ELoadBy::fromKey("SAMPLE"), const VectorDouble &tab=VectorDouble(), const VectorString &names=VectorString(), const VectorString &locatorNames=VectorString(), int flag_add_rank=1)
int resetFromCSV (const String &filename, bool verbose, const CSVformat &csvfmt, int ncol_max=-1, int nrow_max=-1, int flag_add_rank=1)
int resetFromBox (int nech, const VectorDouble &coormin, const VectorDouble &coormax, int ndim=2, double extend=0., int seed=321415, int flag_add_rank=1)
int resetFromOnePoint (const VectorDouble &tab=VectorDouble(), int flag_add_rank=1)
int resetSamplingDb (const Db *dbin, double proportion=0, int number=0, const VectorString &names=VectorString(), int seed=23241, bool verbose=false, int flag_add_rank=1)
int resetReduce (const Db *dbin, const VectorString &names=VectorString(), const VectorInt &ranks=VectorInt(), bool verbose=false)
const VectorDoublegetArrays () const
String getNameByLocator (const ELoc &locatorType, int locatorIndex=0) const
String getNameByColIdx (int icol) const
String getNameByUID (int iuid) const
VectorString getName (const String &name) const
VectorString getNames (const VectorString &names) const
VectorString getNamesByLocator (const ELoc &locatorType) const
VectorString getNamesByColIdx (const VectorInt &icols) const
VectorString getNamesByUID (const VectorInt &iuids) const
VectorString getAllNames () const
void setName (const String &old_name, const String &name)
void setName (const VectorString list, const String &name)
void setNameByUID (int iuid, const String &name)
void setNameByColIdx (int icol, const String &name)
void setNameByLocator (const ELoc &locatorType, const String &name)
int getUIDMaxNumber () const
int getColumnNumber () const
int getNEloc () const
int getSampleNumber (bool useSel=false) const
int getNumberActiveAndDefined (int item) const
int getActiveSampleNumber () const
int getRankRelativeToAbsolute (int irel) const
int getRankAbsoluteToRelative (int iabs) const
VectorString expandNameList (const VectorString &names) const
VectorString expandNameList (const String &names) const
VectorString identifyNames (const VectorString &names) const
void clearLocators (const ELoc &locatorType)
void clearSelection ()
void setLocatorByUID (int iuid, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool cleanSameLocator=false)
void setLocatorByColIdx (int icol, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool cleanSameLocator=false)
void setLocator (const String &name, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool cleanSameLocator=false)
void setLocators (const VectorString &names, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool cleanSameLocator=false)
void setLocatorsByUID (int number, int iuid, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool cleanSameLocator=false)
void setLocatorsByUID (const VectorInt &iuids, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool cleanSameLocator=false)
void setLocatorsByColIdx (const VectorInt &icols, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool cleanSameLocator=false)
void addColumnsByVVD (const VectorVectorDouble tab, const String &radix, const ELoc &locatorType, int locatorIndex=0, bool useSel=false)
int addColumns (const VectorDouble &tab, const String &radix="New", const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool useSel=false, double valinit=0., int nvar=1)
int addColumnsByConstant (int nadd=1, double valinit=0., const String &radix="New", const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, int nechInit=0)
int addColumnsRandom (int nadd, const String &radix="New", const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("Z"), int locatorIndex=0, int seed=1352, int nechInit=0)
int addSelection (const VectorDouble &tab=VectorDouble(), const String &name="NewSel", const String &combine="set")
int addSelectionByRanks (const VectorInt &ranks, const String &name="NewSel", const String &combine="set")
int addSelectionByLimit (const String &testvar, const Limits &limits=Limits(), const String &name="NewSel", const String &combine="set")
int addSelectionFromDbByConvexHull (Db *db, double dilate=0., bool verbose=false, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("Hull", true, true, true, ELoc::fromKey("SEL")))
int addSelectionRandom (double prop, int seed=138213, const String &name="NewSel", const String &combine="set")
int addSamples (int nadd, double valinit)
int deleteSample (int e_del)
int deleteSamples (const VectorInt &e_dels)
void switchLocator (const ELoc &locatorTypein, const ELoc &locatorTypeout)
int getLastUID (int number=0) const
String getLastName (int number=0) const
int getColIdx (const String &name) const
int getColIdxByUID (int iuid) const
int getColIdxByLocator (const ELoc &locatorType, int locatorIndex=0) const
VectorInt getColIdxs (const String &name) const
VectorInt getColIdxs (const VectorString &names) const
VectorInt getColIdxsByUID (const VectorInt iuids) const
VectorInt getColIdxsByLocator (const ELoc &locatorType) const
void setColumn (const VectorDouble &tab, const String &name, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN"), int locatorIndex=0, bool useSel=false)
void setColumnByUIDOldStyle (const double *tab, int iuid, bool useSel=false)
void setColumnByUID (const VectorDouble &tab, int iuid, bool useSel=false)
void setColumnByColIdx (const VectorDouble &tab, int icol, bool useSel=false)
void setColumnsByColIdx (const VectorDouble &tabs, const VectorInt &icols, bool useSel=false)
void setColumnByColIdxOldStyle (const double *tab, int icol, bool useSel=false)
void duplicateColumnByUID (int iuid_in, int iuid_out)
VectorVectorDouble getItem (const VectorInt &rows, const VectorString &colnames, bool useSel=false) const
VectorVectorDouble getItem (const VectorInt &rows, const String &colname, bool useSel=false) const
VectorVectorDouble getItem (const VectorInt &rows, const ELoc &locatorType, bool useSel=false) const
VectorVectorDouble getItem (const VectorString &colnames, bool useSel=false) const
VectorVectorDouble getItem (const String &colname, bool useSel=false) const
VectorVectorDouble getItem (const ELoc &locatorType, bool useSel=false) const
VectorString getItemNames (const VectorString &colnames)
VectorString getItemNames (const String &colname)
VectorString getItemNames (const ELoc &locatorType)
int setItem (const VectorInt &rows, const VectorString &colnames, const VectorVectorDouble &values, bool useSel=false)
int setItem (const VectorInt &rows, const ELoc &locatorType, const VectorVectorDouble &values, bool useSel=false)
int setItem (const VectorString &colnames, const VectorVectorDouble &values, bool useSel=false)
int setItem (const ELoc &locatorType, const VectorVectorDouble &values, bool useSel=false)
int setItem (const VectorInt &rows, const String &colname, const VectorDouble &values, bool useSel=false)
int setItem (const String &colname, const VectorDouble &values, bool useSel=false)
bool getLocator (const String &name, ELoc *ret_locatorType, int *ret_locatorIndex) const
bool getLocatorByColIdx (int icol, ELoc *ret_locatorType, int *ret_locatorIndex) const
bool getLocatorByUID (int iuid, ELoc *ret_locatorType, int *ret_locatorIndex) const
VectorString getLocators (bool anyLocator=true, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("UNKNOWN")) const
int getLocatorNumber (const ELoc &locatorType) const
bool isUIDDefined (int iuid) const
int getUID (const String &name) const
int getUIDByColIdx (int icol) const
int getUIDByLocator (const ELoc &locatorType, int locatorIndex=0) const
VectorInt getUIDs (const VectorString &names) const
VectorInt getUIDsByLocator (const ELoc &locatorType) const
VectorInt getUIDsByColIdx (const VectorInt &icols) const
VectorInt getAllUIDs () const
int getFaciesNumber (void) const
bool hasLocatorDefined (const String &name, const ELoc &locatorType, int locatorIndex=0) const
VectorDouble getSampleCoordinates (int iech) const
void getSampleCoordinatesAsSP (int iech, SpacePoint &P) const
void getSampleAsST (int iech, SpaceTarget &P) const
void getSampleCoordinatesInPlace (int iech, VectorDouble &coor) const
VectorDouble getSampleLocators (const ELoc &locatorType, int iech) const
VectorDouble getCoordinates (int idim, bool useSel=false, bool flag_rotate=true) const
VectorVectorDouble getAllCoordinates (bool useSel=false) const
void setCoordinate (int iech, int idim, double value)
double getDistance1D (int iech, int jech, int idim, bool flagAbs=false) const
double getDistance (int iech, int jech) const
int getDistanceVec (int iech, int jech, VectorDouble &dd, const Db *db2=nullptr) const
double getValue (const String &name, int iech) const
void setValue (const String &name, int iech, double value)
double getArray (int iech, int iuid) const
void setArray (int iech, int iuid, double value)
void updArray (int iech, int iuid, int oper, double value)
VectorDouble getArrayByUID (int iuid, bool useSel=false) const
VectorDouble getArrayBySample (int iech) const
void setArrayBySample (int iech, const VectorDouble &vec)
std::vector< SpacePointgetSamplesAsSP (bool useSel=false) const
int getFromLocatorNumber (const ELoc &locatorType) const
double getFromLocator (const ELoc &locatorType, int iech, int locatorIndex=0) const
void setFromLocator (const ELoc &locatorType, int iech, int locatorIndex, double value)
double getValueByColIdx (int iech, int icol) const
void setValueByColIdx (int iech, int icol, double value)
VectorDouble getValuesByNames (const VectorInt &iechs, const VectorString &names, bool bySample=false) const
VectorDouble getValuesByColIdx (const VectorInt &iechs, const VectorInt &icols, bool bySample=false) const
void setValuesByNames (const VectorInt &iechs, const VectorString &names, const VectorDouble &values, bool bySample=false)
void setValuesByColIdx (const VectorInt &iechs, const VectorInt &icols, const VectorDouble &values, bool bySample=false)
int getLocNumber (const ELoc &loctype) const
bool hasLocVariable (const ELoc &loctype) const
double getLocVariable (const ELoc &loctype, int iech, int item) const
void setLocVariable (const ELoc &loctype, int iech, int item, double value)
void updLocVariable (const ELoc &loctype, int iech, int item, int oper, double value)
bool isVariableNumberComparedTo (int nvar, int compare=0) const
bool isIsotopic (int iech, int nvar_max=-1) const
bool isAllUndefined (int iech) const
void setInterval (int iech, int item, double rklow=TEST, double rkup=TEST)
int getIntervalNumber () const
void setBound (int iech, int item, double lower=TEST, double upper=TEST)
VectorDouble getWithinBounds (int item, bool useSel=false) const
VectorDouble getGradient (int item, bool useSel=false) const
VectorDouble getTangent (int item, bool useSel=false) const
VectorDouble getCodeList (void)
int getSelection (int iech) const
VectorDouble getSelections (void) const
VectorInt getSelectionRanks () const
double getWeight (int iech) const
VectorDouble getWeights (bool useSel=false) const
int getSimvarRank (int isimu, int ivar, int icase, int nbsimu, int nvar)
double getSimvar (const ELoc &locatorType, int iech, int isimu, int ivar, int icase, int nbsimu, int nvar) const
void setSimvar (const ELoc &locatorType, int iech, int isimu, int ivar, int icase, int nbsimu, int nvar, double value)
void updSimvar (const ELoc &locatorType, int iech, int isimu, int ivar, int icase, int nbsimu, int nvar, int oper, double value)
bool isActive (int iech) const
bool isActiveDomain (int iech) const
bool isActiveAndDefined (int iech, int item) const
int getActiveAndDefinedNumber (int item) const
int getActiveAndDefinedNumber (const String &name) const
VectorBool getActiveArray () const
VectorInt getSortArray () const
double getCosineToDirection (int iech1, int iech2, const VectorDouble &codir) const
VectorDouble getColumn (const String &name, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const
VectorDouble getColumnByUID (int iuid, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const
VectorDouble getColumnByLocator (const ELoc &locatorType, int locatorIndex=0, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const
VectorDouble getColumnByColIdx (int icol, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const
VectorDouble getAllColumns (bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const
VectorDouble getColumns (const VectorString &names=VectorString(), bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const
VectorVectorDouble getColumnsAsVVD (const VectorString &names=VectorString(), bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const
MatrixRectangular getColumnsAsMatrix (const VectorString &names, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const
VectorDouble getColumnsByColIdx (const VectorInt &icols=VectorInt(), bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const
VectorDouble getColumnsByColIdxInterval (int icol_beg, int icol_end, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const
VectorDouble getColumnsByLocator (const ELoc &locatorType, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const
VectorDouble getColumnsByUID (const VectorInt &iuids, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const
VectorDouble getColumnsByUIDRange (int iuid_beg, int iuid_end, bool useSel=false, bool flagCompress=true) const
void setAllColumns (const VectorVectorDouble &tabs)
void deleteColumn (const String &name)
void deleteColumnByUID (int iuid_del)
void deleteColumnByColIdx (int icol_del)
void deleteColumns (const VectorString &names)
void deleteColumnsByLocator (const ELoc &locatorType)
void deleteColumnsByUID (const VectorInt &iuids)
void deleteColumnsByColIdx (const VectorInt &icols)
VectorDouble getExtrema (int idim, bool useSel=false) const
VectorVectorDouble getExtremas (bool useSel=false) const
VectorDouble getCoorMinimum (bool useSel=false) const
VectorDouble getCoorMaximum (bool useSel=false) const
double getExtension (int idim, bool useSel=false) const
double getExtensionDiagonal (bool useSel=false) const
double getCenter (int idim, bool useSel=false) const
VectorDouble getCenters (bool useSel=false) const
void getExtensionInPlace (VectorDouble &mini, VectorDouble &maxi, bool useSel=false)
double getMinimum (const String &name, bool useSel=false) const
double getMaximum (const String &name, bool useSel=false) const
VectorDouble getRange (const String &name, bool useSel=false) const
double getMean (const String &name, bool useSel=false) const
double getVariance (const String &name, bool useSel=false) const
double getStdv (const String &name, bool useSel=false) const
double getCorrelation (const String &name1, const String &name2, bool useSel=false) const
bool hasSameDimension (const Db *dbaux) const
bool hasLargerDimension (const Db *dbaux) const
bool isColIdxValid (int icol) const
bool isUIDValid (int iuid) const
bool isSampleIndexValid (int iech) const
bool isSampleIndicesValid (const VectorInt &iechs, bool useSel=false) const
bool isLocatorIndexValid (const ELoc &locatorType, int locatorIndex) const
bool isDimensionIndexValid (int idim) const
void combineSelection (VectorDouble &sel, const String &combine="set") const
void generateRank (const String &radix="rank")
VectorInt shrinkToValidRows (const VectorInt &rows)
VectorInt shrinkToValidCols (const VectorInt &cols)
void statisticsBySample (const VectorString &names, const std::vector< EStatOption > &opers=EStatOption::fromKeys({ "MEAN" }), bool flagIso=true, double vmin=TEST, double vmax=TEST, double proba=TEST, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("Stats"))
VectorDouble statisticsMulti (const VectorString &names, bool flagIso=true, bool verbose=false, const String &title="")
bool areSame (const String &name1, const String &name2, double eps=EPSILON3, bool useSel=true, bool verbose=false)
VectorInt filter (const String &name, const Interval &interval, int belowRow=ITEST, int aboveRow=ITEST) const
VectorInt getSampleRanks () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from AStringable
 AStringable ()
 AStringable (const AStringable &r)
AStringableoperator= (const AStringable &r)
virtual ~AStringable ()
virtual void display (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const final
virtual void display (int level) const final
- Public Member Functions inherited from ASerializable
 ASerializable ()
 ASerializable (const ASerializable &r)
ASerializableoperator= (const ASerializable &r)
virtual ~ASerializable ()
bool deserialize (std::istream &is, bool verbose=true)
bool serialize (std::ostream &os, bool verbose=true) const
bool dumpToNF (const String &neutralFilename, bool verbose=false) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ICloneable
 ICloneable ()
virtual ~ICloneable ()
virtual ICloneableclone () const =0

Static Public Member Functions

static DbGridcreateFromNF (const String &neutralFilename, bool verbose=true)
static DbGridcreate (const VectorInt &nx, const VectorDouble &dx=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const ELoadBy &order=ELoadBy::fromKey("SAMPLE"), const VectorDouble &tab=VectorDouble(), const VectorString &names=VectorString(), const VectorString &locatorNames=VectorString(), int flag_add_rank=1, bool flag_add_coordinates=true)
static DbGridcreateCoveringDb (const Db *dbin, const VectorInt &nx=VectorInt(), const VectorDouble &dx=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &margin=VectorDouble())
static DbGridcreateFromPolygon (Polygons *polygon, const VectorInt &nodes, const VectorDouble &dcell, int flag_add_rank=1)
static DbGridcreateCoarse (DbGrid *dbin, const VectorInt &nmult, int flag_cell=1, int flag_add_rank=1)
static DbGridcreateRefine (DbGrid *dbin, const VectorInt &nmult, int flag_cell=1, int flag_add_rank=1)
static DbGridcreateFromGridExtend (const DbGrid &gridIn, const VectorString &tops, const VectorString &bots, const VectorInt &nxnew, bool verbose=false, double eps=EPSILON3)
static DbGridcreateFromGridShrink (const DbGrid &gridIn, const VectorInt &deletedRanks)
static DbGridcreateGrid2D (const ELoadBy &order, int nx, int ny, double x0=0., double y0=0., double dx=1., double dy=1., double angle=0., int flag_add_rank=1, const VectorDouble &tab=VectorDouble())
static bool migrateAllVariables (Db *dbin, Db *dbout, int flag_add_rank=1)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Db
static Dbcreate ()
static DbcreateFromNF (const String &neutralFilename, bool verbose=true)
static DbcreateFromSamples (int nech, const ELoadBy &order=ELoadBy::fromKey("SAMPLE"), const VectorDouble &tab=VectorDouble(), const VectorString &names=VectorString(), const VectorString &locatorNames=VectorString(), int flag_add_rank=1)
static DbcreateFromCSV (const String &filename, const CSVformat &csv=CSVformat(), bool verbose=false, int ncol_max=-1, int nrow_max=-1, int flag_add_rank=1)
static DbcreateFromBox (int nech, const VectorDouble &coormin, const VectorDouble &coormax, int seed=43241, bool flag_exact=true, bool flag_repulsion=false, double range=0., double beta=0., double extend=0., int flag_add_rank=1)
static DbcreateFromOnePoint (const VectorDouble &tab=VectorDouble(), int flag_add_rank=1)
static DbcreateSamplingDb (const Db *dbin, double proportion=0., int number=0, const VectorString &names=VectorString(), int seed=23241, bool verbose=false, int flag_add_rank=1)
static DbcreateFromDbGrid (int nech, DbGrid *dbgrid, int seed=432423, bool flag_exact=true, bool flag_repulsion=false, double range=0., double beta=0., int flag_add_rank=1)
static DbcreateReduce (const Db *dbin, const VectorString &names=VectorString(), const VectorInt &ranks=VectorInt(), bool verbose=false)
static DbcreateFillRandom (int ndat, int ndim=2, int nvar=1, int nfex=0, int ncode=0, double varmax=0., double selRatio=0., const VectorDouble &heteroRatio=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &coormin=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &coormax=VectorDouble(), int seed=124234, int flag_add_rank=1)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ASerializable
static String buildFileName (int status, const String &filename, bool ensureDirExist=false)
static String getHomeDirectory (const String &sub="")
static String getWorkingDirectory ()
static String getTestData (const String &subdir, const String &filename)
static String getFileIdentity (const String &filename, bool verbose=false)
static void setContainerName (bool useDefault, const String &containerName="", bool verbose=false)
static void unsetContainerName ()
static void setPrefixName (const String &prefixName)
static void unsetPrefixName ()
static const StringgetContainerName ()
static const StringgetPrefixName ()
static bool createDirectory (const String &dir)
static String getExecDirectory ()
static String getDirectory (const String &path)

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool _deserialize (std::istream &is, bool verbose=false) override
 Interface for ASerializable. More...
virtual bool _serialize (std::ostream &os, bool verbose=false) const override
String _getNFName () const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Db
void _clear ()
void _createRank (int icol=0)
void _addRank (int nech)
void _loadData (const VectorDouble &tab, const VectorString &names, const VectorString &locatorNames, const ELoadBy &order, int shift)
void _loadData (const ELoadBy &order, int flag_add_rank, const VectorDouble &tab)
void _defineDefaultNames (int shift, const VectorString &names)
void _defineDefaultLocators (int shift, const VectorString &locatorNames)
void _setNameByColIdx (int icol, const String &name)
String _toStringCommon (const AStringFormat *strfmt) const
String _summaryString (void) const
void _defineVariableAndLocators (const Db *dbin, const VectorString &names, int shift=0)
void _loadValues (const Db *db, const VectorString &names, const VectorInt &ranks, int shift=0)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ASerializable
bool _fileOpenWrite (const String &filename, std::ofstream &os, bool verbose=false) const
bool _fileOpenRead (const String &filename, std::ifstream &is, bool verbose=false) const

Private Member Functions

void _createCoordinatesGrid (int icol0)

Private Attributes

Grid _grid
 Grid characteristics. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from Db
 Has a specific implementation in the Target language. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ASerializable
static bool _commentWrite (std::ostream &os, const String &comment)
template<typename T >
static bool _recordWrite (std::ostream &os, const String &title, const T &val)
template<typename T >
static bool _recordWriteVec (std::ostream &os, const String &title, const VectorT< T > &vec)
template<typename T >
static bool _recordRead (std::istream &is, const String &title, T &val)
template<typename T >
static bool _recordReadVec (std::istream &is, const String &title, VectorT< T > &vec, int nvalues)
static bool _onlyBlanks (char *string)
static bool _tableRead (std::istream &is, const String &string, int ntab, double *tab)
static bool _tableWrite (std::ostream &os, const String &string, int ntab, const VectorDouble &tab)

Detailed Description

Class containing a Data Set organized as a regular Grid

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DbGrid() [1/2]

DbGrid::DbGrid ( )

◆ DbGrid() [2/2]

DbGrid::DbGrid ( const DbGrid r)

◆ ~DbGrid()

DbGrid::~DbGrid ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _createCoordinatesGrid()

void DbGrid::_createCoordinatesGrid ( int  icol0)

Paint the ndim columns starting from 'icol0' with grid coordinates

icol0Starting column

◆ _deserialize()

bool DbGrid::_deserialize ( std::istream &  is,
bool  verbose = false 

Interface for ASerializable.

Reimplemented from Db.

◆ _getNFName()

String DbGrid::_getNFName ( ) const

Reimplemented from Db.

◆ _serialize()

bool DbGrid::_serialize ( std::ostream &  os,
bool  verbose = false 
) const

Reimplemented from Db.

◆ addSelectionFromDbByMorpho()

int DbGrid::addSelectionFromDbByMorpho ( Db db,
int  nmin = 0,
int  radius = 0,
int  option = 0,
const VectorInt dilation = VectorInt(),
bool  verbose = false,
const NamingConvention namconv = NamingConvention("Morpho", false, false, true,                                     ELoc::fromKey("SEL")) 

Create a selection based on the count of active samples of 'db'

dbDb used for statistics
nminMinimum number of samples
radiusRadius of the cell neighborhood used when counting the samples
optionType of structuring element: 0 for Cross and 1 for Block
dilationVector giving the radius extension for Dilation operation
verboseVerbose flag
namconvNaming convention

◆ assignGridColumn()

int DbGrid::assignGridColumn ( const String name,
int  idim,
int  rank,
double  value,
bool  useSel = false 

Set all elements of a column (1-D) along a given space dimension to a constant value

nameName of the target variable
idimRank of the Space dimension
rankRank of the target Column
valueAssigned value
useSelUse the selection

◆ centerCoordinateInPlace()

int DbGrid::centerCoordinateInPlace ( VectorDouble coor,
bool  centered = false,
bool  stopIfOut = false,
double  eps = EPSILON6 
) const

◆ coarsify()

DbGrid * DbGrid::coarsify ( const VectorInt nmult)

◆ coordinateToIndices()

VectorInt DbGrid::coordinateToIndices ( const VectorDouble coor,
bool  centered = false,
double  eps = EPSILON6 
) const

◆ coordinateToIndicesInPlace()

int DbGrid::coordinateToIndicesInPlace ( const VectorDouble coor,
VectorInt indices,
bool  centered = false,
double  eps = EPSILON6 
) const

◆ coordinateToRank()

int DbGrid::coordinateToRank ( const VectorDouble coor,
bool  centered = false,
double  eps = EPSILON6 
) const

◆ create()

DbGrid * DbGrid::create ( const VectorInt nx,
const VectorDouble dx = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble x0 = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble angles = VectorDouble(),
const ELoadBy &  order = ELoadBy::fromKey("SAMPLE"),
const VectorDouble tab = VectorDouble(),
const VectorString names = VectorString(),
const VectorString locatorNames = VectorString(),
int  flag_add_rank = 1,
bool  flag_add_coordinates = true 

◆ createCoarse()

DbGrid * DbGrid::createCoarse ( DbGrid dbin,
const VectorInt nmult,
int  flag_cell = 1,
int  flag_add_rank = 1 

◆ createCoveringDb()

DbGrid * DbGrid::createCoveringDb ( const Db dbin,
const VectorInt nx = VectorInt(),
const VectorDouble dx = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble x0 = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble margin = VectorDouble() 

◆ createFromGridExtend()

DbGrid * DbGrid::createFromGridExtend ( const DbGrid gridIn,
const VectorString tops,
const VectorString bots,
const VectorInt nxnew,
bool  verbose = false,
double  eps = EPSILON3 

Create a new Grid, starting from an initial Grid, and extending its space dimensions A set of Top and Bottom variables is provided which serve in designing the Top and Bottom of the new coordinates.

topsVector of Variable names which define the Tops
botsVector of Variable names which define the Bottoms
nxnewVector giving the number of meshes for each additional space dimension
verboseVerbose flag
epsEach new coordinate is calculated from the top to bottom extension inflated by eps

◆ createFromGridShrink()

DbGrid * DbGrid::createFromGridShrink ( const DbGrid gridIn,
const VectorInt deletedRanks 

Create a new grid, from an Initial Grid, by suppressing a set of space dimensions

gridInInitial grid
deletedRanksVector of indices of space dimensions to be suppressed

◆ createFromNF()

DbGrid * DbGrid::createFromNF ( const String neutralFilename,
bool  verbose = true 

Create a Db by loading the contents of a Neutral File

neutralFilenameName of the Neutral File (Db format)
The name does not need to be completed in particular when defined by absolute path
or read from the Data Directory (in the gstlearn distribution)

◆ createFromPolygon()

DbGrid * DbGrid::createFromPolygon ( Polygons polygon,
const VectorInt nodes,
const VectorDouble dcell,
int  flag_add_rank = 1 

◆ createGrid2D()

DbGrid * DbGrid::createGrid2D ( const ELoadBy &  order,
int  nx,
int  ny,
double  x0 = 0.,
double  y0 = 0.,
double  dx = 1.,
double  dy = 1.,
double  angle = 0.,
int  flag_add_rank = 1,
const VectorDouble tab = VectorDouble() 

Create a 2-D Db structure

Pointer to the newly created 2-D Db grid structure
[in]orderManner in which values in tab are ordered (ELoadBy)
[in]flag_add_rank1 to add 'rank' as a supplementary field
[in]nxNumber of grid nodes along X
[in]nyNumber of grid nodes along Y
[in]x0Grid origin along X
[in]y0Grid origin along Y
[in]dxGrid mesh along X
[in]dyGrid mesh along Y
[in]angleRotation angle
[in]tabArray containing the data

◆ createRefine()

DbGrid * DbGrid::createRefine ( DbGrid dbin,
const VectorInt nmult,
int  flag_cell = 1,
int  flag_add_rank = 1 

◆ generateCoordinates()

void DbGrid::generateCoordinates ( const String radix = "x")

◆ getAllCellsEdges()

VectorVectorDouble DbGrid::getAllCellsEdges ( bool  forceGridMesh = false) const

◆ getAngle()

double DbGrid::getAngle ( int  idim) const

◆ getAngles()

VectorDouble DbGrid::getAngles ( ) const

◆ getBlockExtensions()

VectorDouble DbGrid::getBlockExtensions ( int  node) const

◆ getCellEdges()

VectorVectorDouble DbGrid::getCellEdges ( int  node = 0,
bool  forceGridMesh = false 
) const

Return the VectorVectorDouble containing the borders of a cell

nodeTarget cell
forceGridMeshWhen TRUE, returns the edges of the standard grid mesh even if a variable block extension is defined

◆ getCellSize()

double DbGrid::getCellSize ( ) const

◆ getCenterIndices()

VectorInt DbGrid::getCenterIndices ( ) const

◆ getCodir()

VectorDouble DbGrid::getCodir ( const VectorInt grincr) const

◆ getColumnSubGrid()

VectorDouble DbGrid::getColumnSubGrid ( const String name,
int  idim0,
int  rank,
bool  useSel = false 

◆ getCoordinate()

double DbGrid::getCoordinate ( int  iech,
int  idim,
bool  flag_rotate = true 
) const

Return the coordinate of a sample along one Space Dimension

iechRank of the sample
idimRank of the Space Dimension
flag_rotateUse the rotation (only for Grid)

Reimplemented from Db.

◆ getCoordinateFromCorner()

VectorDouble DbGrid::getCoordinateFromCorner ( const VectorInt icorner) const

◆ getCoordinatesByIndice()

VectorDouble DbGrid::getCoordinatesByIndice ( const VectorInt indice,
bool  flag_rotate = true,
const VectorInt shift = VectorInt(),
const VectorDouble dxsPerCell = VectorDouble() 
) const

◆ getCoordinatesPerSampleInPlace()

void DbGrid::getCoordinatesPerSampleInPlace ( int  iech,
VectorDouble coor,
bool  flag_rotate = true 
) const

Reimplemented from Db.

◆ getDiscretizedBlock()

VectorVectorDouble DbGrid::getDiscretizedBlock ( const VectorInt ndiscs,
int  iech = 0,
bool  flagPerCell = false,
bool  flagRandom = false,
int  seed = 132433 
) const

Generate a set of discretization locations, relative to the block center Dimension: number of discretization locations, space dimension

ndiscsNumber of discretization (per space dimension)
iechRank of the target sample (used if flagPerCell = true)
flagPerCellTRUE when the cell dimension are read from the Db (BLEX)
flagRandomTRUE if the discretization location must be randomized
seedSeed for random number generator
: Although randomization can be performed, this process does not consume random numbers.

◆ getDX()

double DbGrid::getDX ( int  idim) const

◆ getDXs()

VectorDouble DbGrid::getDXs ( ) const

◆ getExtend()

double DbGrid::getExtend ( int  idim) const

◆ getExtends()

VectorDouble DbGrid::getExtends ( ) const

◆ getGrid()

const Grid& DbGrid::getGrid ( ) const

◆ getGridAxis()

VectorDouble DbGrid::getGridAxis ( int  idim) const

◆ getGridEdges()

VectorVectorDouble DbGrid::getGridEdges ( ) const

Return the VectorVectorDouble containing the borders of the grid


◆ getMirrorIndex()

int DbGrid::getMirrorIndex ( int  idim,
int  ix 
) const

◆ getNDim()

int DbGrid::getNDim ( ) const

Reimplemented from Db.

◆ getNTotal()

int DbGrid::getNTotal ( ) const

◆ getNX()

int DbGrid::getNX ( int  idim) const

◆ getNXs()

VectorInt DbGrid::getNXs ( ) const

◆ getNXsExt()

VectorInt DbGrid::getNXsExt ( int  ndimMax) const

◆ getOneSlice()

VectorDouble DbGrid::getOneSlice ( const String name,
int  posx = 0,
int  posy = 1,
const VectorInt corner = VectorInt(),
bool  useSel = false 
) const

Returns the contents of one slice extracted from a DbGrid

nameName of the targte variable
posxRank of the first extracted coordinate (in [0, ndim[)
posyRank of the second extracted coordinate (in [0, ndim[)
cornerVector giving a reference node that belongs to the extracted section
useSelUse of the current Selection
The argument 'corner' gives the indices of a node that belongs to the
extracted section. Obviously corner[posx] and corner[posy] are not used

◆ getRotMat()

VectorDouble DbGrid::getRotMat ( ) const

◆ getSampleAsST()

void DbGrid::getSampleAsST ( int  iech,
SpaceTarget P 
) const

◆ getSlice()

VectorVectorDouble DbGrid::getSlice ( const String name,
int  pos = 0,
int  indice = 0,
bool  useSel = false 
) const

Extracts a slice from a 3-D Grid

nameName of the target variable
posType of section: 0 for YoZ; 1 for XoZ and 2 for XoY
indiceRank of the section
useSelUse the active selection
A VectorVectorDouble with 4 columns, i.e: X, Y, Z, Var
In presence of a selection and if useSel is TRUE,
values are returned but set to TEST

◆ getUnit()

double DbGrid::getUnit ( int  idim = 0) const

Return a Unit calculated for a Db (in a given Space dimension)

idimRank of the Space dimension
This unit is defined as 1/1000 of the extension in the given space dimension

Reimplemented from Db.

◆ getVolume()

double DbGrid::getVolume ( ) const

◆ getX0()

double DbGrid::getX0 ( int  idim) const

◆ getX0s()

VectorDouble DbGrid::getX0s ( ) const

◆ gridCopyParams()

void DbGrid::gridCopyParams ( int  mode,
const Grid gridaux 

◆ gridDefine()

int DbGrid::gridDefine ( const VectorInt nx,
const VectorDouble dx = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble x0 = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble angles = VectorDouble() 

◆ hasSingleBlock()

bool DbGrid::hasSingleBlock ( ) const

◆ indicesToCoordinate()

VectorDouble DbGrid::indicesToCoordinate ( const VectorInt indice,
const VectorDouble percent = VectorDouble() 
) const

◆ indicesToCoordinateInPlace()

void DbGrid::indicesToCoordinateInPlace ( const VectorInt indice,
VectorDouble coor,
const VectorDouble percent = VectorDouble() 
) const

◆ indiceToRank()

int DbGrid::indiceToRank ( const VectorInt indice) const

◆ isGrid()

bool DbGrid::isGrid ( ) const

Db Interface.

Reimplemented from Db.

◆ isGridRotated()

bool DbGrid::isGridRotated ( ) const

◆ isSameGrid()

bool DbGrid::isSameGrid ( const Grid grid) const

◆ isSameGridMesh()

bool DbGrid::isSameGridMesh ( const DbGrid dbaux) const

◆ isSameGridRotation()

bool DbGrid::isSameGridRotation ( const DbGrid dbaux) const

◆ locateDataInGrid()

VectorInt DbGrid::locateDataInGrid ( const Db data,
const VectorInt rankIn = VectorInt(),
bool  centered = false,
bool  useSel = false 
) const

◆ mayChangeSampleNumber()

bool DbGrid::mayChangeSampleNumber ( ) const

Reimplemented from Db.

◆ migrateAllVariables()

bool DbGrid::migrateAllVariables ( Db dbin,
Db dbout,
int  flag_add_rank = 1 

Migrate all the variables (Z_locator) from 'dbin' on the nodes of 'dbout' (grid)

dbinInput Db
dboutOutput db
flag_add_rank1 if the rank of the samples must be aaded

◆ morpho()

int DbGrid::morpho ( const EMorpho &  oper,
double  vmin = 0.5,
double  vmax = 1.5,
int  option = 0,
const VectorInt radius = VectorInt(),
bool  flagDistErode = false,
bool  verbose = false,
const NamingConvention namconv = NamingConvention("Morpho") 

◆ operator=()

DbGrid & DbGrid::operator= ( const DbGrid r)

◆ rankToCoordinates()

VectorDouble DbGrid::rankToCoordinates ( int  rank,
const VectorDouble percent = VectorDouble() 
) const

◆ rankToCoordinatesInPlace()

void DbGrid::rankToCoordinatesInPlace ( int  rank,
VectorDouble coor,
const VectorDouble percent = VectorDouble() 
) const

◆ rankToIndice()

void DbGrid::rankToIndice ( int  node,
VectorInt indices,
bool  minusOne = false 
) const

◆ refine()

DbGrid * DbGrid::refine ( const VectorInt nmult)

◆ reset()

int DbGrid::reset ( const VectorInt nx,
const VectorDouble dx = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble x0 = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble angles = VectorDouble(),
const ELoadBy &  order = ELoadBy::fromKey("SAMPLE"),
const VectorDouble tab = VectorDouble(),
const VectorString names = VectorString(),
const VectorString locatorNames = VectorString(),
int  flag_add_rank = 1,
bool  flag_add_coordinates = true 

Creating a Db regular grid of any dimension

nxA vector of the number of grid meshes. The number of items in this argument gives the dimension of the space. (size = ndim)
dxVector cell meshes size in each direction (size = ndim) (by default, use 1)
x0Vector of origin coordinates (size = ndim) (by default, use 0)
anglesArray giving the rotation angles (only for dimension 2 or 3). The first angle corresponds to the rotation around OZ axis, the second to a rotation around OY'and the third one around Ox. The dimension of this array cannot exceed the space dimension.
orderFlag for values order in 'tab' (defined ELoadBy.hpp)
tabVariable values array (size = nvar * nsamples)
namesVariable names (size = nvar)
locatorNamesLocators for each variable (size = nvar)
flag_add_rankIf 1, add an automatic rank variable
flag_add_coordinatesIf TRUE, add the grid coordinates

◆ resetCoveringDb()

int DbGrid::resetCoveringDb ( const Db db,
const VectorInt nx = VectorInt(),
const VectorDouble dx = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble x0 = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble margin = VectorDouble() 

Creating a Grid Db which covers the extension of the input 'Db'

dbInput Db from which the newly created Db is constructed
nxVector of the expected number of grid nodes (default = 10)
dxVector of the expected sizes for the grid meshes (in distance)
x0Vector of the expected origin of the grid (in coordinate)
marginVector of the expected margins of the grid (in distance)
Arguments 'nodes' and 'dcell' are disjunctive. If both defined, 'dcell' prevails

Load the data

◆ resetDims()

void DbGrid::resetDims ( int  ncol,
int  nech 

Set dimension

ncolNumber of columns (= variables)
nechNumber of samples (ignore in case of Grid)

Reimplemented from Db.

◆ resetFromPolygon()

int DbGrid::resetFromPolygon ( Polygons polygon,
const VectorInt nodes,
const VectorDouble dcell,
int  flag_add_rank = 1 

Creating a regular grid Db which covers the input Polygon

polygonPointer to the input Polygon
nodesVector of the expected number of nodes
dcellVector of the expected dimensions for the grid cells
flag_add_rank1 if the sample rank must be generated

Load the data

◆ sampleBelongsToCell()

bool DbGrid::sampleBelongsToCell ( const VectorDouble coor,
int  rank,
const VectorDouble dxsPerCell = VectorDouble() 
) const

◆ setDX()

void DbGrid::setDX ( int  idim,
double  value 

◆ setNX()

void DbGrid::setNX ( int  idim,
int  value 

◆ setX0()

void DbGrid::setX0 ( int  idim,
double  value 

◆ smooth()

int DbGrid::smooth ( ANeigh neigh,
int  type = 1,
double  range = 1.,
const NamingConvention namconv = NamingConvention("Smooth") 

◆ toString()

String DbGrid::toString ( const AStringFormat strfmt = nullptr) const

ICloneable interface.

AStringable Interface

Reimplemented from Db.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _grid

Grid DbGrid::_grid

Grid characteristics.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: