gstlearn  1.0.0
CalcSimuPostDemo.hpp File Reference
#include "gstlearn_export.hpp"
#include "Calculators/CalcSimuPost.hpp"
#include "Enum/EPostUpscale.hpp"
#include "Enum/EPostStat.hpp"
#include "Db/DbGrid.hpp"
#include "Basic/NamingConvention.hpp"
#include "Basic/VectorNumT.hpp"


class  CalcSimuPostDemo


GSTLEARN_EXPORT int simuPostDemo (Db *dbin, DbGrid *dbout, const VectorString &names, bool flag_match=false, const EPostUpscale &upscale=EPostUpscale::fromKey("MEAN"), const std::vector< EPostStat > &stats=EPostStat::fromKeys({"MEAN"}), bool verbose=false, const VectorInt &check_targets=VectorInt(), int check_level=0, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("Post"))

Function Documentation

◆ simuPostDemo()

GSTLEARN_EXPORT int simuPostDemo ( Db dbin,
DbGrid dbout,
const VectorString names,
bool  flag_match,
const EPostUpscale &  upscale,
const std::vector< EPostStat > &  stats,
bool  verbose,
const VectorInt check_targets,
int  check_level,
const NamingConvention namconv 

This is a particular use of Simulation Post-Processing functions.

Its specificity is an embedded transformation function which transforms the multivariate simulation vector (combining the one outcome of each variable, and for a given sample) This transformation (which is provided as an example here):

  • uses the multivariate simulation vector in input (N elements)
  • produces an output vector (Dimension 2) with the mean and the standard deviation of the values of the input vector

For a detailed list of arguments, see simuPost