gstlearn  1.0.0
vario.cpp File Reference
#include "geoslib_f.h"
#include "geoslib_old_f.h"
#include "Enum/EJustify.hpp"
#include "Enum/ECalcVario.hpp"
#include "Variogram/Vario.hpp"
#include "Variogram/VarioParam.hpp"
#include "Anamorphosis/AAnam.hpp"
#include "Anamorphosis/AnamHermite.hpp"
#include "Polynomials/Hermite.hpp"
#include "Polygon/Polygons.hpp"
#include "Morpho/Morpho.hpp"
#include "Basic/AStringable.hpp"
#include "Basic/Utilities.hpp"
#include "Basic/NamingConvention.hpp"
#include "Basic/File.hpp"
#include "Basic/String.hpp"
#include "Basic/OptDbg.hpp"
#include "Db/Db.hpp"
#include "Model/Model.hpp"
#include "Stats/PCA.hpp"
#include "Stats/PCAStringFormat.hpp"
#include "Matrix/MatrixSquareGeneral.hpp"
#include "Geometry/GeometryHelper.hpp"
#include "Geometry/BiTargetCheckGeometry.hpp"
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>


void vario_fix_codir (int ndim, VectorDouble &codir)
int variogram_maximum_dist1D_reached (Db *db, int iech, int jech, double maxdist)
int variogram_get_lag (const DirParam &dirparam, double dist)
void variogram_scale (Vario *vario, int idir)
bool variogramKeep (const Vario *vario, int idir, SpaceTarget &T1, SpaceTarget &T2, double *dist)
void vardir_print (Vario *vario, int idir, int verbose)
int variovect_compute (Db *db, Vario *vario, int ncomp)
void variogram_extension (const Vario *vario, int ivar, int jvar, int idir0, int flag_norm, int flag_vars, double distmin, double distmax, double varmin, double varmax, int *flag_hneg, int *flag_gneg, double *c0, double *hmin, double *hmax, double *gmin, double *gmax)
int variogram_direction_add (VarioParam *varioparam, int npas, int opt_code, int idate, double dpas, double toldis, double tolang, double bench, double cylrad, double tolcode, const VectorDouble &breaks, const VectorDouble &codir)
int correlation_f (Db *db1, Db *db2, DbGrid *dbgrid, int flag_same, int icol1, int icol2, int flag_verbose, double dmin, double dmax, VarioParam *varioparam, int *nindice, int **indices, double *correl)
int correlation_ident (Db *db1, Db *db2, int icol1, int icol2, Polygons *polygon)
void variogram_cloud_ident (Db *db, DbGrid *dbgrid, Vario *vario, Polygons *polygon)
int variogram_cloud (Db *db, const VarioParam *varioparam, DbGrid *dbgrid, const NamingConvention &namconv)
int variogram_cloud_dim (Db *db, const VarioParam *varioparam, double *vmax)
int vario_extract (Vario *vario, ECalcVario *calcul_type, int *ndim, int *nvar, int *ndir, int *ndate, double *scale, double **dates)
int vario_get_rank (Vario *vario, int idir, int idate)
void vardir_copy (VarioParam *vario_in, int idir_in, VarioParam *vario_out, int idir_out)
int geometry_compute (Db *db, Vario *vario, Vario_Order *vorder, int *npair)
void variogram_trans_cut (Vario *vario, int nh, double ycut)
int variogram_mlayers (Db *db, int *seltab, Vario *vario, Vario_Order *vorder)
int variogram_y2z (Vario *vario, AAnam *anam, Model *model)
void condexp (Db *db1, Db *db2, int icol1, int icol2, double mini, double maxi, int nclass, int verbose, int *ncond, double *xcond, double *ycond)
int _variogram_compute (Db *db, Vario *vario, int flag_gen, int flag_sample, int verr_mode, Model *model, int verbose)
ECalcVario vario_identify_calcul_type (const String &calcul_name)
DbGriddb_variogram_cloud (Db *db, const VarioParam *varioparam, double lagmax, double varmax, int lagnb, int varnb, const NamingConvention &namconv)
int vmap_compute (Db *db, DbGrid *dbmap, const ECalcVario &calcul_type, int radius, bool flag_FFT, const NamingConvention &namconv)
Dbdb_variogram (Db *db, const VarioParam *varioparam)
DbGriddb_vmap_compute (Db *db, const ECalcVario &calcul_type, const VectorInt &nx_arg, const VectorDouble &dxx, int radius, bool flag_FFT, const NamingConvention &namconv)
int dbgrid_model (DbGrid *dbgrid, Model *model, const NamingConvention &namconv)

Function Documentation

◆ _variogram_compute()

int _variogram_compute ( Db db,
Vario vario,
int  flag_gen,
int  flag_sample,
int  verr_mode,
Model model,
int  verbose 

Evaluate the experimental variogram

Error return code
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]varioVario structure
[in]flag_gen1 for calculation of generalized variogram
[in]flag_samplecalculate the variogram per sample
[in]verr_modeMode of variogram correction (1, 2 or 3)
[in]modelModel structure (triggers the KU option)
[in]verboseVerbose flag
The number of iterations in KU is given can be updated using the
keypair technique with name "KU_Niter".

◆ condexp()

void condexp ( Db db1,
Db db2,
int  icol1,
int  icol2,
double  mini,
double  maxi,
int  nclass,
int  verbose,
int *  ncond,
double *  xcond,
double *  ycond 

Evaluate the experimental conditional expectation

[in]db1Db descriptor (for target variable)
[in]db2Db descriptor (for auxiliary variables)
[in]icol1Rank of the target variable
[in]icol2Rank of the explanatory variable
[in]miniMinimum value for the explanaroty variable
[in]maxiMaximum value for the explanaroty variable
[in]nclassNumber of classes
[in]verboseVerbose flag
[out]ncondArray of number of samples per class
[out]xcondArray of conditional expectation along X
[out]ycondArray of conditional expectation along Y

◆ correlation_f()

int correlation_f ( Db db1,
Db db2,
DbGrid dbgrid,
int  flag_same,
int  icol1,
int  icol2,
int  flag_verbose,
double  dmin,
double  dmax,
VarioParam varioparam,
int *  nindice,
int **  indices,
double *  correl 

Evaluate the correlation (according to argument flag_same):

  • the standard correlation (flag_same = 1) Correl(Z1(x) , Z2(x))
  • the shifted correlation calculated as follows: Correl(Z1(x) , Z2(x+h))
Error return code
[in]db1Db descriptor (first variable)
[in]db2Db descriptor (second variable for flag.same=T)
[in]dbgridDiscretization Grid descriptor
[in]flag_same1 if the two samples must coincide
[in]icol1Rank of the first column
[in]icol2Rank of the second column
[in]flag_verbose1 for a verbose output
[in]dminMinimum distance
[in]dmaxMaximum distance
[in]varioparampointer to a VarioParam structure
[out]nindiceNumber of pairs
[out]indicesArray of the indices of pairs of samples (Dimension: 2 * nindice)
[out]correlCorrelation coefficient
The two input Db must match exactly (same number of samples with
same set of coordinates and same optional selection)
The returned array 'indices' contain the set of indices of the
pairs of samples. Its contents is i1,j1,i2,j2,...
The indices are numbered starting from 1
The number of pairs is 'nindice'.
This array must be freed by the calling function

◆ correlation_ident()

int correlation_ident ( Db db1,
Db db2,
int  icol1,
int  icol2,
Polygons polygon 

Identify samples from scatter plot when included within a polygon

Error return code
[in]db1Db descriptor (first variable)
[in]db2Db descriptor (second variable for flag.same=T)
[in]icol1Rank of the first column
[in]icol2Rank of the second column
[in]polygonPolygons structure
The two input Db must match exactly (same number of samples with
same set of coordinates and same optional selection)

◆ db_variogram()

Db* db_variogram ( Db db,
const VarioParam varioparam 

Establish a new Db containing the pairs of the Variogram

Pointer to the newly created Db
[in]dbDb structure
[in]varioparamVarioParam structure

◆ db_variogram_cloud()

DbGrid* db_variogram_cloud ( Db db,
const VarioParam varioparam,
double  lagmax,
double  varmax,
int  lagnb,
int  varnb,
const NamingConvention namconv 

Evaluate the experimental variogram cloud

Error return code
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]varioparamVarioParam structure
[in]lagmaxMaximum distance
[in]varmaxMaximum Variance value
[in]lagnbNumber of discretization steps along distance axis
[in]varnbNumber of discretization steps along variance axis
[in]namconvNaming convention

◆ db_vmap_compute()

DbGrid* db_vmap_compute ( Db db,
const ECalcVario &  calcul_type,
const VectorInt nx_arg,
const VectorDouble dxx,
int  radius,
bool  flag_FFT,
const NamingConvention namconv 

Calculate the variogram map

Error return code
[in]dbDb containing the data
[in]calcul_typeType of calculation (ECalcVario)
[in]nx_argVector of (Half-) number of nodes for Vmap (def:20)
[in]dxxVector of mesh for Vmap (see details)
[in]radiusDilation radius (mooth resulting maps) only on points
[in]flag_FFTUse FFT method (only valid on grid)
[in]namconvNaming convention
For calculating the default values:
- for nx: it is set to 20 in all directions
- for dx:
. If 'Db' is a grid, the mesh of the grid is used
- Otherwise, the mesh is set to the field extension / nx

◆ dbgrid_model()

int dbgrid_model ( DbGrid dbgrid,
Model model,
const NamingConvention namconv 

Calculate the variogram map from a Model (presented as Variogram, not Covariance)

Error return code
[in]dbgridGrid structure
[in]modelModel structure
[in]namconvNaming convention

◆ geometry_compute()

int geometry_compute ( Db db,
Vario vario,
Vario_Order vorder,
int *  npair 

Calculate the geometry for a given direction

Error return code
[in]dbDb description
[in]varioVario structure
[out]vorderVario_Order structure
[out]npairNumber of pairs

◆ vardir_copy()

void vardir_copy ( VarioParam vario_in,
int  idir_in,
VarioParam vario_out,
int  idir_out 

Copy a direction from one Vario to another Vario

[in]vario_inInput Vario structure
[in]idir_inRank of the Input Direction
[in]vario_outOutput Vario structure
[in]idir_outRank of the Output Direction

◆ vardir_print()

void vardir_print ( Vario vario,
int  idir,
int  verbose 

Print the experimental variograms in one direction

[in]varioVario structure
[in]idirRank of the direction
[in]verbose0 for brief output; 1 for a long output

◆ vario_extract()

int vario_extract ( Vario vario,
ECalcVario *  calcul_type,
int *  ndim,
int *  nvar,
int *  ndir,
int *  ndate,
double *  scale,
double **  dates 

Ask the characteristics of the Vario structure

Error returned code
[in]varioVario structure
[out]calcul_typeType of calculation (ECalcVario)
[out]ndimSpace dimension
[out]nvarNumber of variables
[out]ndirNumber of calculation directions
[out]ndateNumber of Date Intervals
[out]scaleScaling factor for the transitive covariogram
[out]datesArray of bounds for Date Intervals
The array 'dates' must be freed by calling function.
The following code shows how to extract the calculation results
from a variogram

◆ vario_fix_codir()

void vario_fix_codir ( int  ndim,
VectorDouble codir 

Fix plausible values for the Direction coefficients. They must be defined and with norm equal to 1

[in]ndimSpace dimension
[in,out]codirInput/Output Direction coefficients

◆ vario_get_rank()

int vario_get_rank ( Vario vario,
int  idir,
int  idate 

Ask for the rank of the 'vardir' structure, given direction and date

Absolute rank (or -1 for error)
[in]varioVario structure
[in]idirRank for the direction (starting from 0)
[in]idateRank for the Date (starting from 0)
An error occurs if 'idir' is negative or larger than 'ndir'
or if 'idate' is negative or larger than 'ndate'

◆ vario_identify_calcul_type()

ECalcVario vario_identify_calcul_type ( const String calcul_name)

◆ variogram_cloud()

int variogram_cloud ( Db db,
const VarioParam varioparam,
DbGrid dbgrid,
const NamingConvention namconv 

Evaluate the experimental variogram cloud on irregular data

Error return code
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]varioparamVarioParam structure
[in]dbgridOutput grid for storing the variogram cloud
[in]namconvNaming convention

◆ variogram_cloud_dim()

int variogram_cloud_dim ( Db db,
const VarioParam varioparam,
double *  vmax 

Evaluate the bounds for the experimental variogram cloud

Error return code
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]varioparamVarioParam structure
[out]vmaxMaximum variogram value

◆ variogram_cloud_ident()

void variogram_cloud_ident ( Db db,
DbGrid dbgrid,
Vario vario,
Polygons polygon 

Check the samples which are involved in the pairs which are located within the polygon

[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]dbgridDiscretization Grid descriptor
[in]varioVario structure
[in]polygonPolygons structure

◆ variogram_direction_add()

int variogram_direction_add ( VarioParam varioparam,
int  npas,
int  opt_code,
int  idate,
double  dpas,
double  toldis,
double  tolang,
double  bench,
double  cylrad,
double  tolcode,
const VectorDouble breaks,
const VectorDouble codir 

Initialize a new calculation direction

Error return code
[in]varioparamVarioParam structure
[in]npasnumber of lags
[in]opt_codecode selection option
  • 0 : no use of the code selection
  • 1 : codes must be close enough
  • 2 : codes must be different
[in]idateRank of the Date interval
[in]dpaslag value
[in]toldistolerance on distance (proportion of the lag)
[in]tolangangular tolerance (in degrees)
[in]benchSlicing bench
[in]cylradSlicing radius
[in]tolcodeTolerance on the code
[in]breaksarray for irregular lags
[in]codircalculation direction (Dimension = ndim)

◆ variogram_extension()

void variogram_extension ( const Vario vario,
int  ivar,
int  jvar,
int  idir0,
int  flag_norm,
int  flag_vars,
double  distmin,
double  distmax,
double  varmin,
double  varmax,
int *  flag_hneg,
int *  flag_gneg,
double *  c0,
double *  hmin,
double *  hmax,
double *  gmin,
double *  gmax 

Calculate the variogram extension for a pair of variables

[in]varioVario structure
[in]ivarRank of the first variable
[in]jvarRank of the second variable
[in]idir0Rank of the direction (-1 for all)
[in]flag_norm1 if the variogram must be normalized by variance
[in]flag_vars1 if the global statistics must be taken into account
[in]distminMinimum along the distance axis
[in]distmaxMaximum along the distance axis
[in]varminMinimum along the variogram (or covariance) axis
[in]varmaxMaximum along the variogram (or covariance) axis
[out]flag_hneg1 if the distance scale can be negative
[out]flag_gneg1 if the variogram scale can be negative
[out]c0Value of the variogram at the origin
[out]hminMinimum distance
[out]hmaxMaximum distance
[out]gminMinimum variogram value
[out]gmaxMaximum variogram value

◆ variogram_get_lag()

int variogram_get_lag ( const DirParam dirparam,
double  dist 

Return the rank of the lag

Rank of the lag or ITEST
[in]dirparamDirparam structure

◆ variogram_maximum_dist1D_reached()

int variogram_maximum_dist1D_reached ( Db db,
int  iech,
int  jech,
double  maxdist 

Checks if the maximum variogram distance has been passed

1 if the maximum distance has been passed and 0 otherwise IDIRLOC = idir;
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]iechRank of the first sample
[in]jechRank of the second sample
[in]maxdistMaximum distance

◆ variogram_mlayers()

int variogram_mlayers ( Db db,
int *  seltab,
Vario vario,
Vario_Order vorder 
Determine the samples used for a variogram in multilayers framework
Error return code
[in]dbDb description
[in]seltabNumber of sample definition (0, 1 or 2)
[in]varioVario structure
[out]vorderVario_Order struct ure

◆ variogram_scale()

void variogram_scale ( Vario vario,
int  idir 

Scale the variogram calculations

[in]varioVario structure
[in]idirRank of the Direction

◆ variogram_trans_cut()

void variogram_trans_cut ( Vario vario,
int  nh,
double  ycut 

Calculate the experimental variogram of the completed variable starting from the experimental variogram of the truncated variable

[in,out]varioVario structure
[in]nhNumber of Hermite polynomials
[in]ycutTruncation (lowest) value

◆ variogram_y2z()

int variogram_y2z ( Vario vario,
AAnam anam,
Model model 

Calculate the experimental variogram of the Raw starting from the Model of the Gaussian variable

Error return code
[in,out]varioExperimental variogram
[in]anamPoint anamorphosis
[in]modelModel of the Punctual Gaussian
At entrance, the input variogram only serves in providing
the calculation parameters

◆ variogramKeep()

bool variogramKeep ( const Vario vario,
int  idir,
SpaceTarget T1,
SpaceTarget T2,
double *  dist 

◆ variovect_compute()

int variovect_compute ( Db db,
Vario vario,
int  ncomp 

Evaluate the experimental covariance for directional variables

Error return code
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]varioVario structure
[in]ncompNumber of components

◆ vmap_compute()

int vmap_compute ( Db db,
DbGrid dbmap,
const ECalcVario &  calcul_type,
int  radius,
bool  flag_FFT,
const NamingConvention namconv 

Calculate the variogram map

Error return code
[in]dbDb containing the data
[in]dbmapVMAP grid structure
[in]calcul_typeType of calculation (ECalcVario)
[in]radiusDilation radius (mooth resulting maps) only on points
[in]flag_FFTUse FFT method (only valid on grid)
[in]namconvNaming convention