gstlearn  1.0.0
NeighImage Class Reference

#include <NeighImage.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for NeighImage:
ANeigh ASpaceObject ASerializable AStringable

Public Member Functions

 NeighImage (const VectorInt &radius=VectorInt(), int skip=0, const ASpace *space=nullptr)
 NeighImage (const NeighImage &r)
NeighImageoperator= (const NeighImage &r)
virtual ~NeighImage ()
virtual VectorInt getNeigh (int iech_out) override
 Interface for ANeigh. More...
virtual int getMaxSampleNumber (const Db *db) const override
virtual bool hasChanged (int iech_out) const override
virtual ENeigh getType () const override
virtual String toString (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const override
 Interface for AStringable. More...
int getSkip () const
const VectorIntgetImageRadius () const
int getImageRadius (int idim) const
void setImageRadius (const VectorInt &imageRadius)
void setSkip (int skip)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ANeigh
 ANeigh (const ASpace *space=nullptr)
 ANeigh (const ANeigh &r)
ANeighoperator= (const ANeigh &r)
virtual ~ANeigh ()
virtual bool isConsistent (const ASpace *space) const override
 ASpaceObject Interface. More...
virtual int attach (const Db *dbin, const Db *dbout)
 Interface for ANeigh. More...
virtual VectorDouble summary (int iech_out)
virtual bool getFlagContinuous () const
VectorInt select (int iech_out)
bool isUnchanged () const
void setIsChanged ()
void reset ()
bool getFlagXvalid () const
bool getFlagKFold () const
void setFlagXvalid (bool flagXvalid)
void setFlagKFold (bool flagKFold)
void setFlagSimu (bool flagSimu)
void setRankColCok (const VectorInt &rankColCok)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ASpaceObject
 ASpaceObject (const ASpace *space=nullptr)
 ASpaceObject (const ASpace &space)
 ASpaceObject (const ASpaceObject &r)
ASpaceObjectoperator= (const ASpaceObject &r)
virtual ~ASpaceObject ()
const ASpacegetSpace () const
 Accessor to the current object space context. More...
bool isConsistent () const
 Indicate if I am consistent with my current space context. More...
VectorDouble getUnitaryVector () const
 Return unitary vector for the current space context. More...
unsigned int getNDim () const
 Shortcuts to ASpace methods. More...
const VectorDoublegetOrigin () const
 Return the current space context origin coordinates. More...
double getDistance (const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2) const
 Return the distance between two space points for the current space context. More...
double getDistance1D (const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2, int idim) const
 Return the distance along one direction between two space points. More...
VectorDouble getIncrement (const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2) const
 Return the increment vector between two space points for the current space context. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AStringable
 AStringable ()
 AStringable (const AStringable &r)
AStringableoperator= (const AStringable &r)
virtual ~AStringable ()
virtual void display (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const final
virtual void display (int level) const final
- Public Member Functions inherited from ASerializable
 ASerializable ()
 ASerializable (const ASerializable &r)
ASerializableoperator= (const ASerializable &r)
virtual ~ASerializable ()
bool deserialize (std::istream &is, bool verbose=true)
bool serialize (std::ostream &os, bool verbose=true) const
bool dumpToNF (const String &neutralFilename, bool verbose=false) const

Static Public Member Functions

static NeighImagecreate (const VectorInt &image, int skip=0, const ASpace *space=nullptr)
static NeighImagecreateFromNF (const String &neutralFilename, bool verbose=true)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ASerializable
static String buildFileName (int status, const String &filename, bool ensureDirExist=false)
static String getHomeDirectory (const String &sub="")
static String getWorkingDirectory ()
static String getTestData (const String &subdir, const String &filename)
static String getFileIdentity (const String &filename, bool verbose=false)
static void setContainerName (bool useDefault, const String &containerName="", bool verbose=false)
static void unsetContainerName ()
static void setPrefixName (const String &prefixName)
static void unsetPrefixName ()
static const StringgetContainerName ()
static const StringgetPrefixName ()
static bool createDirectory (const String &dir)
static String getExecDirectory ()
static String getDirectory (const String &path)

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool _deserialize (std::istream &is, bool verbose=false) override
 Interface for ASerializable. More...
virtual bool _serialize (std::ostream &os, bool verbose=false) const override
String _getNFName () const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ANeigh
bool _isNbghMemoEmpty () const
void _neighCompress (VectorInt &ranks)
void _display (const VectorInt &ranks)
bool _discardUndefined (int iech)
int _xvalid (int iech_in, int iech_out, double eps=EPSILON9)
bool _isDimensionValid (int idim) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ASpaceObject
void setNDim (int ndim)
 Modify the Space dimension of an already created item (To be used only during creation ... in particular when reading NF) More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ASerializable
bool _fileOpenWrite (const String &filename, std::ofstream &os, bool verbose=false) const
bool _fileOpenRead (const String &filename, std::ifstream &is, bool verbose=false) const

Private Member Functions

void _uimage (int iech_out, VectorInt &ranks)

Private Attributes

int _skip
VectorInt _imageRadius

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ASerializable
static bool _commentWrite (std::ostream &os, const String &comment)
template<typename T >
static bool _recordWrite (std::ostream &os, const String &title, const T &val)
template<typename T >
static bool _recordWriteVec (std::ostream &os, const String &title, const VectorT< T > &vec)
template<typename T >
static bool _recordRead (std::istream &is, const String &title, T &val)
template<typename T >
static bool _recordReadVec (std::istream &is, const String &title, VectorT< T > &vec, int nvalues)
static bool _onlyBlanks (char *string)
static bool _tableRead (std::istream &is, const String &string, int ntab, double *tab)
static bool _tableWrite (std::ostream &os, const String &string, int ntab, const VectorDouble &tab)
- Protected Attributes inherited from ANeigh
const Db_dbin
const Db_dbout
const DbGrid_dbgrid
VectorInt _rankColCok
int _iechMemo
bool _flagSimu
bool _flagXvalid
bool _flagKFold
- Protected Attributes inherited from ASpaceObject
const ASpace_space
 Current space context of the object. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NeighImage() [1/2]

NeighImage::NeighImage ( const VectorInt radius = VectorInt(),
int  skip = 0,
const ASpace space = nullptr 

◆ NeighImage() [2/2]

NeighImage::NeighImage ( const NeighImage r)

◆ ~NeighImage()

NeighImage::~NeighImage ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _deserialize()

bool NeighImage::_deserialize ( std::istream &  is,
bool  verbose = false 

Interface for ASerializable.

Reimplemented from ANeigh.

◆ _getNFName()

String NeighImage::_getNFName ( ) const

Reimplemented from ANeigh.

◆ _serialize()

bool NeighImage::_serialize ( std::ostream &  os,
bool  verbose = false 
) const

Reimplemented from ANeigh.

◆ _uimage()

void NeighImage::_uimage ( int  iech_out,
VectorInt ranks 

Select the unique neighborhood (or Image Neighborhood)

[in]iech_outrank of the output sample
[out]ranksVector of samples elected in the Neighborhood

◆ create()

NeighImage * NeighImage::create ( const VectorInt image,
int  skip = 0,
const ASpace space = nullptr 

◆ createFromNF()

NeighImage * NeighImage::createFromNF ( const String neutralFilename,
bool  verbose = true 

Create a NeighImageborhood by loading the contents of a Neutral File

neutralFilenameName of the Neutral File
verboseVerbose flag

◆ getImageRadius() [1/2]

const VectorInt& NeighImage::getImageRadius ( ) const

◆ getImageRadius() [2/2]

int NeighImage::getImageRadius ( int  idim) const

◆ getMaxSampleNumber()

int NeighImage::getMaxSampleNumber ( const Db db) const

Given a Db, returns the maximum number of samples per NeighImageborhood

dbPointer to the target Db

Implements ANeigh.

◆ getNeigh()

VectorInt NeighImage::getNeigh ( int  iech_out)

Interface for ANeigh.

Select the neighborhood

Vector of sample ranks in neighborhood (empty when error)
[in]iech_outValid Rank of the sample in the output Db

Implements ANeigh.

◆ getSkip()

int NeighImage::getSkip ( ) const

◆ getType()

virtual ENeigh NeighImage::getType ( ) const

Reimplemented from ANeigh.

◆ hasChanged()

bool NeighImage::hasChanged ( int  iech_out) const

Reimplemented from ANeigh.

◆ operator=()

NeighImage & NeighImage::operator= ( const NeighImage r)

◆ setImageRadius()

void NeighImage::setImageRadius ( const VectorInt imageRadius)

◆ setSkip()

void NeighImage::setSkip ( int  skip)

◆ toString()

String NeighImage::toString ( const AStringFormat strfmt = nullptr) const

Interface for AStringable.

Reimplemented from ASpaceObject.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _imageRadius

VectorInt NeighImage::_imageRadius

◆ _skip

int NeighImage::_skip

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: