UNKNOWN, -1, "Unknown locator", \
V, 2,
"Variance of measurement error", \
F, 3, "External Drift", \
G, 4, "Gradient component", \
L, 5, "Lower bound of an inequality", \
U, 6,
"Upper bound of an inequality", \
P, 7, "Proportion", \
SEL, 10, "Selection", \
DOM, 11, "Domain", \
BLEX, 12, "Block Extension", \
ADIR, 13, "Dip direction Angle", \
ADIP, 14, "Dip Angle", \
SIZE, 15, "Object height", \
BU, 16, "Fault UP termination", \
BD, 17, "Fault DOWN termination", \
TIME, 18, "Time variable", \
LAYER, 19, "Layer rank", \
NOSTAT, 20, "Non-stationary parameter", \
TGTE, 21, "Tangent", \
SIMU, 22, "Conditional or non-conditional simulations", \
"Facies simulated", \
GAUSFAC, 24, "Gaussian value for Facies", \
DATE, 25, "Date", \
RKLOW, 26, "Rank for lower bound (when discretized)", \
RKUP, 27, "Rank for upper bound (when discretized)", \
SUM, 28, "Constraints on the Sum"
#define C(i, j)
Definition MatrixSquareGeneral.cpp:17
#define FACIES(inode)
Definition Node.cpp:31
#define V(i, j)
Definition TurboOptimizer.cpp:21
#define U(i, j)
Definition TurboOptimizer.cpp:20
#define W(i, j)
Definition TurboOptimizer.cpp:23