CAAnam | |
CAArray | |
CABiTargetCheck | |
CACalcDbToDb | |
CACalcDbVarCreator | |
CACalcInterpolator | |
CACalcSimulation | |
CACalculator | |
CACholesky | |
CACor | Class containing the Covariance part of the Model |
CACov | Class containing the Covariance part of the Model |
CACovAnisoList | This class describes the Covariance as a list of elementary covariances (see CovAniso.hpp for more details) where the calculation rule is simple: the returned value is the sum of each elementary (active) covariance function |
CACovFunc | |
CACovGradient | |
CADrift | This class describes one basic Drift Function |
CAEnum | |
CAException | |
CAFunction | |
CAFunctional | |
CAGibbs | |
CALinearOp | |
CALinearOpEigenCG | |
CALinearOpMulti | |
CAMatrix | |
CAMatrixDense | |
CAMatrixSquare | |
CAMesh | |
►CAModelOptim | Class which, starting from an experimental variogram, enables fitting the various parameters of a Covariance part of a Model |
CAModelOptimSills | Class which, starting from experimental quantities, enables fitting the sills of all Covariance parts of a Model |
CAnamContinuous | |
CAnamContinuousFit | |
CAnamDiscrete | |
CAnamDiscreteDD | |
CAnamDiscreteIR | |
CAnamEmpirical | |
CAnamHermite | |
CAnamUser | |
CANeigh | Class to define the a subset of an input Data Base ('Db') called a Neighborhood. This Neighborhood feature is invoked when the geostatistical processing cannot handle the whole data set (usually due to core limitations) and requires a fine selection of the most suitable part of the data set |
CANoStat | |
CAOF | |
CAPolynomial | |
CargClass | |
CArray | |
CASerializable | |
CAShape | |
CAShiftOp | Shift Operator for performing the basic tasks of SPDE |
CASimulable | |
CASimulableEigenCG | This class extends ASimulable to make it working with Eigen conjugate gradient algorithm |
CASpace | Base classe for space definitions |
CASpaceObject | |
CASpaceShape | TODO : to be kept ? |
CAStringable | |
CAStringFormat | |
CAVario | |
CBall | |
CBImage | |
CBImageStringFormat | |
CbinaryFileHeader | |
CBiTargetCheckBench | |
CBiTargetCheckCell | |
CBiTargetCheckCode | |
CBiTargetCheckDate | |
CBiTargetCheckDistance | |
CBiTargetCheckFaults | |
CBiTargetCheckGeometry | |
CBooleanObject | |
CCalcAnamTransform | |
CCalcGlobal | |
CCalcGridToGrid | |
CCalcImage | |
CCalcKriging | |
CCalcKrigingFactors | |
CCalcMigrate | |
CCalcSimpleInterpolation | |
CCalcSimuEden | |
CCalcSimuFFT | |
CCalcSimuPartition | |
CCalcSimuPost | |
CCalcSimuPostDemo | |
CCalcSimuPostPropByLayer | |
CCalcSimuRefine | |
CCalcSimuSubstitution | |
CCalcSimuTurningBands | |
CCalcStatistics | |
CCGParam | |
CCheb_Elem | |
CChebychev | TODO : Dependency to csparse to be removed |
CCholeskyDense | |
CCholeskySparse | |
CClassicalPolynomial | |
CCone | |
CConsItem | |
CConstraints | |
CCorAniso | This class describes an elementary covariance |
CCorGneiting | This class describes the Gneiting correlation function |
CCovAniso | This class describes an elementary covariance |
CCovBase | |
CCovBesselJ | |
CCovCalcMode | |
CCovCauchy | |
CCovContext | |
CCovCosExp | |
CCovCosinus | |
CCovCubic | |
CCovDiffusionAdvection | |
CCovExponential | |
CCovFactory | |
CCovGamma | |
CCovGaussian | |
CCovGC1 | |
CCovGC3 | |
CCovGC5 | |
CCovGCspline | |
CCovGCspline2 | |
CCovGeometric | |
CCovGradientFunctional | |
CCovGradientNumerical | |
CCovHelper | |
CCovInternal | |
CCovLinear | |
CCovLinearSph | |
CCovLMCAnamorphosis | |
CCovLMCConvolution | |
CCovLMCTapering | |
CCovLMGradient | |
CCovMarkov | |
CCovMatern | |
CCovNugget | |
CCovParamId | |
CCovPenta | |
CCovPoisson | |
CCovPower | |
CCovReg1D | |
CCovSincard | |
CCovSpherical | |
CCovStable | |
CCovStorkey | |
CCovTriangle | |
CCovWendland0 | |
CCovWendland1 | |
CCovWendland2 | |
Ccs_MG | |
Ccs_MGS | |
CCSVformat | |
CCTable | |
CCTables | |
CCylinder | |
CDb | Class containing the Data Information |
CDbGraphO | Class containing the Data Information organized as a Oriented Graph |
CDbGrid | Class containing the Data Information organized as a Regular Grid |
CDbH | |
CDbHelper | |
CDbLine | Class containing the Data Information organized as a set of Lines |
CDbMeshStandard | Class containing the Data Information organized as a General Meshing |
CDbMeshTurbo | Class containing the Data Information organized as a Turbo Meshing |
CDbStringFormat | |
Cdec_separator | |
CDef_Convolution | |
CDef_Locator | |
CDef_Tapering | |
CDim_Loop | |
CDimLoop | |
CDirParam | Class containing the definition of a Direction used for the calculation of the experimental Spatial Characteristics as calculated experimentally from the data (contained in a Db). This class corresponds to one item of the list of criteria stored in VarioParam and use for the calculation of Vario |
CDisc_Structure | |
CDriftF | |
CDriftFactory | |
CDriftList | This class provides the information on Drift part of the Model. The drift plays the role of the average of the target Random Function which may be constant or vary as a function with low frequency variations (by opposition to the complementary part of the Spatial Characteristics which is described by its Covariance) |
CDriftM | |
CElemNostat | |
CFaults | |
CFileLAS | |
CFileVTK | |
CFracDesc | |
CFracEnviron | |
CFracFamily | |
CFracFault | |
CFracList | |
CFunctionalSpirale | |
CGeometryHelper | |
CGH | |
CGibbsFactory | |
CGibbsMMulti | |
CGibbsMulti | |
CGibbsMultiMono | |
CGibbsUMulti | |
CGibbsUMultiMono | |
CGibbsUPropMono | |
CGlobal_Result | |
CGlobalEnvironment | |
CGrid | |
CGridArcGis | |
CGridBmp | |
CGridEclipse | |
CGridF2G | |
CGridIfpEn | |
CGridIrap | |
CGridXYZ | |
CGridZycor | |
►CHDF5format | |
CHessianOp | |
CICloneable | |
CIndirection | |
CInterval | |
CIOptimCost | |
CIProj | |
CISkinFunctions | |
CKeypair | |
CKNN | |
CKoption | |
CKrigingCalcul | Perform the Algebra for Kriging and CoKriging |
CKrigingSystem | |
CKrigtest_Res | |
CLimits | |
CLinearOpCGSolver | |
CLMlayers | |
CLocal_Relem | |
CLocal_Split | |
CLocalSkin | |
CLogStats | |
CMatrixFactory | |
CMatrixInt | |
CMatrixRectangular | |
CMatrixSparse | |
CMatrixSquareGeneral | |
CMatrixSquareSymmetric | |
CMatrixSquareSymmetricSim | |
CMeshEStandard | |
CMeshETurbo | |
CMeshSpherical | |
CMeshSphericalExt | |
CModel | Class containing the Model Information describing the formal Spatial (or Temporal) Characteristics of the (set of) random variable(s) under study |
CModelBoolean | |
CModelGeneric | Class containing the Model Information describing the formal Spatial (or Temporal) Characteristics of the (set of) random variable(s) under study |
CModelOptimLikelihood | Class which, starting from an experimental variogram, enables fitting the various parameters of a Covariance part of a Model |
CModelOptimSillsVario | Class which, starting from an experimental variogram, enables fitting the sills of all Covariance parts of a Model |
CModelOptimSillsVMap | Class which, starting from an experimental variogram, enables fitting the sills of all Covariance parts of a Model |
CModelOptimVario | Class which, starting from an experimental variogram, enables fitting the various parameters of a Covariance part of a Model |
CModelOptimVMap | Class which, starting from an experimental variogram, enables fitting the various parameters of a Covariance part of a Model |
CModif_Categorical | |
CNamingConvention | |
CNeighBench | Neighborhood definition by Bench |
CNeighCell | Neighborhood definition by Cell |
CNeighImage | Image Neighborhood definition |
CNeighMoving | Moving Neighborhood definition |
CNeighUnique | Unique Neighborhood definition |
CNF_Triplet | |
CNode | |
CNoStatArray | |
CNoStatFunctional | |
COptCst | |
COptCustom | |
COptDbg | |
COptimCostBinary | |
COptimCostColored | |
COption_AutoFit | |
COption_VarioFit | |
CParamId | |
CParamIdEqual | |
CParamIdHash | |
CPCA | |
CPCAStringFormat | |
CPencil | |
CPlane | |
CPolyElem | |
CPolygons | |
CPolyLine2D | |
CPolyPoint2D | |
CPrecisionOp | |
CPrecisionOpMatrix | |
CPrecisionOpMulti | |
CPrecisionOpMultiConditional | |
CPrecisionOpMultiConditionalCs | |
CPrecisionOpMultiMatrix | |
CProjConvolution | |
CProjec_Environ | |
CProjection | |
CProjMatrix | |
CProjMulti | |
CProjMultiMatrix | |
CPropDef | |
CProps | |
CPtrGeos | |
CQChol | |
CQSimu | |
CRefPt | |
CRefStats | |
CReg_Coor | |
CRegression | |
CRotation | TODO : public ASpaceObject |
CRule | |
CRuleProp | |
CRuleShadow | |
CRuleShift | |
CRuleStringFormat | |
CScaleOp | |
CSegYArg | |
CSelectivity | |
CShapeEllipsoid | |
CShapeHalfEllipsoid | |
CShapeHalfParaboloid | |
CShapeHalfSinusoid | |
CShapeParaboloid | |
CShapeParallelepiped | |
CShapeParameter | |
CShiftOpMatrix | |
CShiftOpStencil | This is an implementation of ShiftOp dedicated to case where: |
CSimuBoolean | Class for performing Boolean simulation |
CSimuBooleanParam | |
CSimuFFTParam | |
CSimuPartitionParam | |
CSimuRefineParam | |
CSimuSpectral | |
CSimuSpherical | |
CSimuSphericalParam | |
CSimuSubstitutionParam | |
CSkin | |
CSpaceComposite | |
CSpacePoint | |
CSpaceRN | |
CSpaceSN | |
CSpaceTarget | |
CSpatialIndices | |
CSPDE_Matelem | |
CSPDE_Option | |
CSPDE_SS_Option | |
CSPDEOpMatrix | |
CSPDEParam | |
CSpill_Res | |
CspSim | |
CST_Seismic_Neigh | |
CStack | |
CStatResults | |
CStdoutRedirect | |
CStrMod | |
CStyle | All the recommended styles considerations. It has no special functionalities. This is only a template class that developers can mimic |
CSubPlan | |
CSubPlanes | |
CSurf_Def | |
Ct_btree | |
Ct_nheap | |
Ct_nodedata | |
CTable | |
CTabNoStat | |
CTabNoStatCovAniso | |
CTapering | |
CTensor | TODO : public ASpaceObject |
CTestInheritance | |
CTimer | |
CtraceHead | |
CTripletND | |
CTurboOptimizer | Turbo Optimizer for a specific 2-D environment, |
CTurningBandDirection | |
CTurningBandOperate | |
CVario | Class containing the Spatial Characteristics as calculated experimentally from the data (contained in a Db) |
CVario_Order | |
CVarioParam | Class containing the definition of the criteria for calculating the Spatial (and Temporal) Characteristics from samples contained in a Db |
CVCloud | Class containing the Variogram Cloud which uses an DbGrid provided by the user This function simply calculate and add the results as new field in this DbGrid |
CVectorHelper | |
CVectorNumT | |
CVectorT | |
CVH | |
CVMap | Class containing the Variogram Map which uses an DbGrid provided by the user This function simply calculate and add the results as new field in this DbGrid |