Gaussian Anamorphosis using Empirical Method
This class is meant in order to construct the transfer function from Raw to Gaussian scale directly based on the data.
It essentially maps the cumulative function (CDF) of the raw values into the CDF of the theoretical Gaussian distribution.
This can be performed directly on the experimental CDF (normal score) or by diluting the data values beforehand. In the latter solution, each (valid) datum is replaced by a small local distribution. This is meant to smooth the stepwise CDF.
The dilution function (implemented at any data point) can be either a Gaussian or a Lognormal one. In the Gaussian case, the variance (width of the dilution function) is considered as constant (either provided by the user or defaulted by the program)* In the lognormal case, the logarithmic variance is constant (hence the width is proportional to the square of the value).
| AnamEmpirical (int ndisc=100, double sigma2e=TEST, bool flagDilution=false, bool flagGaussian=true) |
| AnamEmpirical (const AnamEmpirical &m) |
AnamEmpirical & | operator= (const AnamEmpirical &m) |
virtual | ~AnamEmpirical () |
virtual String | toString (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const override |
| ICloneable Interface.
void | reset (int ndisc, double pymin, double pzmin, double pymax, double pzmax, double aymin, double azmin, double aymax, double azmax, double sigma2e, const VectorDouble &zdisc, const VectorDouble &ydisc) |
const EAnam & | getType () const override |
| AAnam Interface.
int | getNFactor () const override |
int | fitFromArray (const VectorDouble &tab, const VectorDouble &wt=VectorDouble()) override |
void | calculateMeanAndVariance () override |
| AnamContinuous Interface.
double | rawToTransformValue (double zz) const override |
double | transformToRawValue (double yy) const override |
bool | isChangeSupportDefined () const override |
int | getNDisc () const |
double | getSigma2e () const |
const VectorDouble & | getZDisc () const |
const VectorDouble & | getYDisc () const |
bool | isFlagDilution () const |
bool | isFlagGaussian () const |
void | setSigma2e (double sigma2e) |
void | setNDisc (int ndisc) |
void | setDisc (const VectorDouble &zdisc, const VectorDouble &ydisc) |
void | setFlagDilution (bool flagDilution) |
void | setFlagGaussian (bool flagGaussian) |
| AnamContinuous () |
| AnamContinuous (const AnamContinuous &m) |
AnamContinuous & | operator= (const AnamContinuous &m) |
virtual | ~AnamContinuous () |
bool | hasGaussian () const override |
| AAnam interface.
virtual double | getVariance () const override |
void | setABounds (double azmin=TEST, double azmax=TEST, double aymin=TEST, double aymax=TEST) |
void | setPBounds (double pzmin=TEST, double pzmax=TEST, double pymin=TEST, double pymax=TEST) |
VectorDouble | rawToGaussianVector (const VectorDouble &z) const |
VectorDouble | gaussianToRawVector (const VectorDouble &y) const |
AnamContinuousFit | sample (int ndisc=100, double aymin=-10, double aymax=+10) |
double | getMean () const |
double | getAymax () const |
double | getAymin () const |
double | getAzmax () const |
double | getAzmin () const |
double | getPymax () const |
double | getPymin () const |
double | getPzmax () const |
double | getPzmin () const |
void | setAzmin (double azmin) |
void | setAzmax (double azmax) |
void | setAymin (double aymin) |
void | setAymax (double aymax) |
void | setPzmin (double pzmin) |
void | setPzmax (double pzmax) |
void | setPymin (double pymin) |
void | setPymax (double pymax) |
void | setMean (double mean) |
void | setVariance (double variance) |
| AAnam () |
| AAnam (const AAnam &m) |
AAnam & | operator= (const AAnam &m) |
virtual | ~AAnam () |
virtual bool | hasFactor () const |
virtual int | getNClass () const |
virtual VectorDouble | z2factor (double z, const VectorInt &ifacs) const |
virtual double | computeVariance (double sval) const |
virtual int | updatePointToBlock (double r_coef) |
virtual bool | allowChangeSupport () const |
double | invertVariance (double cvv) const |
VectorDouble | rawToTransformVec (const VectorDouble &z) const |
VectorDouble | transformToRawVec (const VectorDouble &y) const |
int | fitFromLocator (Db *db, const ELoc &locatorType=ELoc::fromKey("Z")) |
int | fit (Db *db, const String &name) |
int | rawToGaussianByLocator (Db *db, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("Y")) |
int | rawToGaussian (Db *db, const String &name, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("Y")) |
int | normalScore (Db *db, const String &name, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("Gaussian")) |
int | gaussianToRawByLocator (Db *db, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("Z")) |
int | gaussianToRaw (Db *db, const String &name, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("Z")) |
int | rawToFactorByRanks (Db *db, const VectorInt &ifacs, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("Factor")) |
int | rawToFactor (Db *db, int nfactor, const NamingConvention &namconv=NamingConvention("Factor")) |
| AStringable () |
| AStringable (const AStringable &r) |
AStringable & | operator= (const AStringable &r) |
virtual | ~AStringable () |
virtual void | display (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const final |
virtual void | display (int level) const final |
| ASerializable () |
| ASerializable (const ASerializable &r) |
ASerializable & | operator= (const ASerializable &r) |
virtual | ~ASerializable () |
bool | deserialize (std::istream &is, bool verbose=true) |
bool | serialize (std::ostream &os, bool verbose=true) const |
bool | dumpToNF (const String &neutralFilename, bool verbose=false) const |
| ICloneable () |
virtual | ~ICloneable () |
virtual ICloneable * | clone () const =0 |