Standard Meshing defined in the Euclidean space
| MeshEStandard () |
| MeshEStandard (const MeshEStandard &m) |
MeshEStandard & | operator= (const MeshEStandard &m) |
virtual | ~MeshEStandard () |
virtual String | toString (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const override |
| Interface to AStringable.
int | getNApices () const override |
| Interface for AMesh.
int | getNMeshes () const override |
int | getApex (int imesh, int rank) const override |
double | getCoor (int imesh, int rank, int idim) const override |
double | getApexCoor (int i, int idim) const override |
double | getMeshSize (int imesh) const override |
void | resetProjMatrix (ProjMatrix *m, const Db *db, int rankZ=-1, bool verbose=false) const override |
VectorInt | getMeshList () const |
VectorDouble | getPointList (bool byCol=true) const |
int | reset (const MatrixRectangular &apices, const MatrixInt &meshes, bool verbose=false) |
int | reset (int ndim, int napexpermesh, const VectorDouble &apices, const VectorInt &meshes, bool byCol=true, bool verbose=false) |
int | resetFromTurbo (const MeshETurbo &turbo, bool verbose=false) |
const MatrixRectangular & | getApices () const |
const MatrixInt & | getMeshes () const |
| AMesh () |
| AMesh (const AMesh &m) |
AMesh & | operator= (const AMesh &m) |
virtual | ~AMesh () |
virtual int | getNApexPerMesh () const |
| Interface for AMesh.
virtual void | getCoordinatesInPlace (int imesh, int rank, VectorDouble &coords) const |
virtual void | getApexCoordinatesInPlace (int i, VectorDouble &coords) const |
virtual int | getVariety () const |
virtual int | getEmbeddedNDim () const |
virtual void | getEmbeddedCoorPerMesh (int imesh, int ic, VectorDouble &coords) const |
virtual void | getEmbeddedCoorPerApex (int iapex, VectorDouble &coords) const |
ProjMatrix * | createProjMatrix (const Db *db, int rankZ=-1, bool verbose=false) const |
int | getNDim () const |
double | getExtendMin (int idim) const |
double | getExtendMax (int idim) const |
VectorDouble | getExtrema (int idim) const |
void | getElements (MatrixRectangular &apices, MatrixInt &meshes) const |
int | isCompatibleDb (const Db *db) const |
VectorDouble | getMeshSizes () const |
void | printMesh (int imesh0) const |
void | printMeshes (int level=0, int nline_max=-1) const |
VectorDouble | getCoordinates (int idim) const |
VectorInt | getMeshByApexPair (int apex1, int apex2) const |
VectorDouble | getCoordinatesPerMesh (int imesh, int idim, bool flagClose=false) const |
VectorDouble | getApexCoordinates (int iapex) const |
VectorVectorDouble | getCoordinatesPerMesh (int imesh) const |
VectorVectorDouble | getEmbeddedCoordinatesPerMesh (int imesh=0) const |
void | getEmbeddedCoordinatesPerMeshInPlace (int imesh, VectorVectorDouble &vec) const |
VectorVectorDouble | getEmbeddedCoordinatesPerApex () const |
VectorDouble | getDistances (int iapex0, const VectorInt &japices=VectorInt()) const |
VectorVectorDouble | getAllCoordinates () const |
MatrixRectangular | getAllApices () const |
MatrixInt | getAllMeshes () const |
double | getCenterCoordinate (int imesh, int idim) const |
VectorVectorDouble | getAllCenterCoordinates () const |
VectorVectorInt | getNeighborhoodPerMesh () const |
VectorVectorInt | getNeighborhoodPerApex () const |
| AStringable () |
| AStringable (const AStringable &r) |
AStringable & | operator= (const AStringable &r) |
virtual | ~AStringable () |
virtual void | display (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const final |
virtual void | display (int level) const final |
| ASerializable () |
| ASerializable (const ASerializable &r) |
ASerializable & | operator= (const ASerializable &r) |
virtual | ~ASerializable () |
bool | deserialize (std::istream &is, bool verbose=true) |
bool | serialize (std::ostream &os, bool verbose=true) const |
bool | dumpToNF (const String &neutralFilename, bool verbose=false) const |
static MeshEStandard * | createFromNF (const String &neutralFilename, bool verbose=true) |
static MeshEStandard * | createFromExternal (const MatrixRectangular &apices, const MatrixInt &meshes, bool verbose=false) |
static void | dumpNeighborhood (std::vector< VectorInt > &Vmesh, int nline_max=1) |
static String | buildFileName (int status, const String &filename, bool ensureDirExist=false) |
static String | getHomeDirectory (const String &sub="") |
static String | getWorkingDirectory () |
static String | getTestData (const String &subdir, const String &filename) |
static String | getFileIdentity (const String &filename, bool verbose=false) |
static void | setContainerName (bool useDefault, const String &containerName="", bool verbose=false) |
static void | unsetContainerName () |
static void | setPrefixName (const String &prefixName) |
static void | unsetPrefixName () |
static const String & | getContainerName () |
static const String & | getPrefixName () |
static bool | createDirectory (const String &dir) |
static String | getExecDirectory () |
static String | getDirectory (const String &path) |