| CovAniso (const ECov &type, const CovContext &ctxt) |
| CovAniso (const String &symbol, const CovContext &ctxt) |
| CovAniso (const ECov &type, double range, double param, double sill, const CovContext &ctxt, bool flagRange=true) |
| CovAniso (const CovAniso &r) |
CovAniso & | operator= (const CovAniso &r) |
virtual | ~CovAniso () |
virtual String | toString (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const override |
| ICloneable Interface.
virtual double | eval0 (int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const override |
| ASpaceObject Interface.
virtual double | eval (const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const override |
| Calculate the covariance between two variables and two points (general case)
virtual void | addEval0CovMatBiPointInPlace (MatrixSquareGeneral &mat, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const override |
virtual double | evalCovOnSphere (double alpha, int degree=50, bool flagScaleDistance=true, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const override |
virtual VectorDouble | evalSpectrumOnSphere (int n, bool flagNormDistance=false, bool flagCumul=false) const override |
virtual double | evalSpectrum (const VectorDouble &freq, int ivar=0, int jvar=0) const override |
virtual double | getIntegralRange (int ndisc, double hmax) const |
virtual String | getFormula () const |
virtual double | getBallRadius () const |
void | evalOptimInPlace (MatrixRectangular &res, const VectorInt &ivars, const VectorVectorInt &index, int ivar2=0, int icol=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr, bool flagSym=false) const |
bool | isValidForTurningBand () const |
double | simulateTurningBand (double t0, TurningBandOperate &operTB) const |
bool | isValidForSpectral () const |
MatrixRectangular | simulateSpectralOmega (int nb) const |
void | setParam (double param) |
void | setRangeIsotropic (double range) |
| Practical range.
void | setRange (int idim, double range) |
void | setRanges (const VectorDouble &ranges) |
void | setScale (double scale) |
void | setScale (int idim, double scale) |
| Make the covariance isotropic.
void | setScales (const VectorDouble &scales) |
void | setAnisoRotation (const Rotation &rot) |
void | setAnisoRotation (const VectorDouble &rot) |
void | setAnisoAngles (const VectorDouble &angles) |
void | setAnisoAngle (int idim, double angle) |
void | setRotationAnglesAndRadius (const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &ranges=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &scales=VectorDouble()) |
double | getSlope (int ivar, int jvar) const |
VectorDouble | getRanges () const |
const Rotation & | getAnisoRotation () const |
const VectorDouble & | getScales () const |
void | setType (const ECov &type) |
double | getRange () const |
double | getScale () const |
bool | getFlagAniso () const |
bool | getFlagRotation () const |
double | getRange (int idim) const |
double | getScale (int idim) const |
VectorDouble | getAnisoAngles () const |
const MatrixSquareGeneral & | getAnisoRotMat () const |
const MatrixSquareGeneral & | getAnisoInvMat () const |
VectorDouble | getAnisoCoeffs () const |
double | getAnisoAngles (int idim) const |
double | getAnisoRotMat (int idim, int jdim) const |
double | getAnisoCoeffs (int idim) const |
const CovContext & | getContext () const |
const ECov & | getType () const |
double | getParam () const |
double | getScadef () const |
double | getParMax () const |
int | getMaxNDim () const |
int | getMinOrder () const |
bool | hasInt1D () const |
bool | hasInt2D () const |
int | hasRange () const |
int | hasParam () const |
String | getCovName () const |
bool | isIsotropic () const |
bool | isAsymptotic () const |
bool | hasRotation () const |
const Tensor & | getAniso () const |
void | setAniso (const Tensor &aniso) |
const ACovFunc * | getCova () const |
int | getGradParamNumber () const |
bool | hasCovDerivative () const |
bool | hasCovOnSphere () const |
bool | hasSpectrumOnSphere () const |
bool | hasMarkovCoeffs () const |
bool | hasSpectrumOnRn () const |
double | normalizeOnSphere (int n=50) const |
bool | isNoStatForParam () const |
bool | isNoStatForTensor () const |
bool | isNoStatForAnisotropy () const |
bool | isNoStatForRotation () const |
void | makeRangeNoStatDb (const String &namecol, int idim=0, const Db *db=nullptr) |
void | makeScaleNoStatDb (const String &namecol, int idim=0, const Db *db=nullptr) |
void | makeAngleNoStatDb (const String &namecol, int idim=0, const Db *db=nullptr) |
void | makeTensorNoStatDb (const String &namecol, int idim=0, int jdim=0, const Db *db=nullptr) |
void | makeParamNoStatDb (const String &namecol, const Db *db=nullptr) |
void | makeRangeNoStatFunctional (const AFunctional *func, int idim=0) |
void | makeScaleNoStatFunctional (const AFunctional *func, int idim=0) |
void | makeAngleNoStatFunctional (const AFunctional *func, int idim=0) |
void | makeTensorNoStatFunctional (const AFunctional *func, int idim=0, int jdim=0) |
void | makeParamNoStatFunctional (const AFunctional *func) |
void | makeRangeStationary (int idim=0) |
void | makeScaleStationary (int idim=0) |
void | makeAngleStationary (int idim=0) |
void | makeTensorStationary (int idim, int jdim) |
void | makeParamStationary () |
VectorDouble | evalCovOnSphereVec (const VectorDouble &alpha, int degree=50, bool flagScaleDistance=false, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
Array | evalCovFFT (const VectorDouble &hmax, int N=128, int ivar=0, int jvar=0) const |
VectorDouble | getMarkovCoeffs () const |
void | setMarkovCoeffs (const VectorDouble &coeffs) |
void | setMarkovCoeffsBySquaredPolynomials (VectorDouble coeffs1, VectorDouble coeffs2, double eps=0) |
void | computeMarkovCoeffs () |
double | getCorrec () const |
double | getFullCorrec () const |
int | getDimensionNumber () const |
CovAniso * | createReduce (const VectorInt &validVars) const |
void | informDbInForAnisotropy (const Db *dbin) const |
void | informDbOutForAnisotropy (const Db *dbout) const |
void | setOptimEnabled (bool flag) const |
void | informMeshByMeshForAnisotropy (const AMesh *amesh) const |
void | informMeshByApexForAnisotropy (const AMesh *amesh) const |
bool | _isOptimEnabled () const override |
bool | isNoStat () const override |
int | getNAngles () const |
int | getNRanges () const |
int | getNScales () const |
void | _computeCorrec () |
double | _getDetTensor () const |
void | _optimizationTransformSP (const SpacePoint &ptin, SpacePoint &ptout) const |
void | _optimizationSetTarget (const SpacePoint &pt) const override |
| CovBase (ACor *cor=nullptr, const MatrixSquareSymmetric &sills=MatrixSquareSymmetric()) |
| CovBase (const CovBase &r)=delete |
CovBase & | operator= (const CovBase &r)=delete |
virtual | ~CovBase () |
virtual bool | isConsistent (const ASpace *space) const override |
| Indicate if I am consistent with the provided space.
virtual int | getNVariables () const override |
| ACov Interface.
bool | isOptimizationInitialized (const Db *db=nullptr) const |
void | _optimizationPreProcess (const std::vector< SpacePoint > &p) const override |
void | optimizationSetTargetByIndex (int iech) const override |
void | setContext (const CovContext &ctxt) |
void | copyCovContext (const CovContext &ctxt) |
void | setSill (double sill) const |
void | setSill (const MatrixSquareSymmetric &sill) const |
| Only valid when there is only one variable (in the context)
void | setSill (const VectorDouble &sill) const |
void | setSill (int ivar, int jvar, double sill) const |
void | initSill (double value=0.) |
const MatrixSquareSymmetric & | getSill () const |
void | setCor (ACor *cor) |
ACor * | getCor () |
double | getSill (int ivar, int jvar) const |
void | attachNoStatDb (const Db *db) |
void | makeSillNoStatDb (const String &namecol, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const Db *db=nullptr) |
void | makeSillStationary (int ivar=0, int jvar=0) |
void | makeSillNoStatFunctional (const AFunctional *func, int ivar=0, int jvar=0) |
void | makeStationary () |
int | getNSills () const |
bool | isNoStatForVariance () const |
void | informMeshByMesh (const AMesh *amesh) const |
void | informMeshByApex (const AMesh *amesh) const |
VectorDouble | informCoords (const VectorVectorDouble &coords, const EConsElem &econs, int iv1=0, int iv2=0) const |
void | informDbIn (const Db *dbin) const |
void | informDbOut (const Db *dbout) const |
void | informMeshByMeshForSills (const AMesh *amesh) const |
void | informMeshByApexForSills (const AMesh *amesh) const |
void | informDbInForSills (const Db *dbin) const |
void | informDbOutForSills (const Db *dbout) const |
void | updateCovByPoints (int icas1, int iech1, int icas2, int iech2) const override |
| Tell if the use of Optimization is enabled or not.
void | updateCovByMesh (int imesh, bool aniso=true) const |
double | getValue (const EConsElem &econs, int iv1, int iv2) const |
void | nostatUpdate (CovInternal *covint) |
| ACov (const ASpace *space=nullptr) |
| ACov (const ACov &r) |
ACov & | operator= (const ACov &r) |
virtual | ~ACov () |
virtual bool | isIndexable () const |
virtual void | eval0CovMatBiPointInPlace (MatrixSquareGeneral &mat, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
| Calculate the matrix of covariances for 0-distance (stationary case)
virtual void | evalCovMatBiPointInPlace (MatrixSquareGeneral &mat, const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
| Calculate the matrix of covariances between two points (general case)
virtual void | addEvalCovMatBiPointInPlace (MatrixSquareGeneral &mat, const SpacePoint &pwork1, const SpacePoint &pwork2, const CovCalcMode *mode) const |
void | evalCovKriging (MatrixSquareGeneral &mat, SpacePoint &pwork1, SpacePoint &pout, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
void | optimizationSetTarget (const SpacePoint &pt) const |
void | optimizationPreProcess (const Db *db) const |
void | optimizationPreProcess (const std::vector< SpacePoint > &p) const |
void | optimizationPostProcess () const |
virtual bool | isOptimEnabled () const |
VectorDouble | eval (const std::vector< SpacePoint > &vec_p1, const std::vector< SpacePoint > &vec_p2, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
MatrixSquareGeneral | eval0Mat (const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
MatrixSquareGeneral | evalMat (const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
virtual MatrixRectangular | evalCovMatrixOptim (const Db *db1, const Db *db2, int ivar0=-1, int jvar0=-1, const VectorInt &nbgh1=VectorInt(), const VectorInt &nbgh2=VectorInt(), const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
virtual MatrixSquareSymmetric | evalCovMatrixSymmetricOptim (const Db *db1, int ivar0=-1, const VectorInt &nbgh1=VectorInt(), const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
double | evalIvarIpas (double step, const VectorDouble &dir=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
double | evalIvarIpasIncr (const VectorDouble &dincr, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
VectorDouble | evalIvarNpas (const VectorDouble &vec_step, const VectorDouble &dir=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
MatrixSquareGeneral | evalNvarIpas (double step, const VectorDouble &dir=VectorDouble(), const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
MatrixSquareGeneral | evalNvarIpasIncr (const VectorDouble &dincr, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
double | evalIsoIvarIpas (double step, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
VectorDouble | evalIsoIvarNpas (const VectorDouble &vec_step, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
MatrixSquareGeneral | evalIsoNvarIpas (double step, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
double | evalCvv (const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
double | evalCvvShift (const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &shift, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
MatrixSquareGeneral | evalCvvM (const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
double | evalCxv (const SpacePoint &p1, const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
double | evalCxv (const Db *db, const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
MatrixSquareGeneral | evalCxvM (const SpacePoint &p1, const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
VectorDouble | evalPointToDb (const SpacePoint &p1, const Db *db2, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, bool useSel=true, const VectorInt &nbgh2=VectorInt(), const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
VectorDouble | evalPointToDbAsSP (const std::vector< SpacePoint > &p1s, const SpacePoint &p2, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
double | evalAverageDbToDb (const Db *db1, const Db *db2, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, double eps=0., int seed=434132, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
double | evalAverageIncrToIncr (const VectorVectorDouble &d1, const VectorVectorDouble &d2, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
double | evalAveragePointToDb (const SpacePoint &p1, const Db *db2, int ivar=0, int jvar=0, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
MatrixRectangular | evalCovMatrix (const Db *db1_arg, const Db *db2_arg=nullptr, int ivar0=-1, int jvar0=-1, const VectorInt &nbgh1=VectorInt(), const VectorInt &nbgh2=VectorInt(), const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
MatrixSquareSymmetric | evalCovMatrixSymmetric (const Db *db1, int ivar0, const VectorInt &nbgh1, const CovCalcMode *mode) const |
MatrixSparse * | evalCovMatrixSparse (const Db *db1_arg, const Db *db2_arg=nullptr, int ivar0=-1, int jvar0=-1, const VectorInt &nbgh1=VectorInt(), const VectorInt &nbgh2=VectorInt(), const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr, double eps=EPSILON3) |
double | extensionVariance (const Db *db, const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0) const |
double | samplingDensityVariance (const Db *db, const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0) const |
double | specificVolume (const Db *db, double mean, const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0) const |
double | coefficientOfVariation (const Db *db, double volume, double mean, const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0) const |
double | specificVolumeFromCoV (Db *db, double cov, double mean, const VectorDouble &ext, const VectorInt &ndisc, const VectorDouble &angles=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), int ivar=0, int jvar=0) const |
void | manage (const Db *db1, const Db *db2) const |
void | load (const SpacePoint &p, bool case1) const |
void | loadAndAddEvalCovMatBiPointInPlace (MatrixSquareGeneral &mat, const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2, const CovCalcMode *mode=nullptr) const |
double | loadAndEval (const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2, int ivar, int jvar, const CovCalcMode *mode) const |
| ASpaceObject (const ASpace *space=nullptr) |
| ASpaceObject (const ASpace &space) |
| ASpaceObject (const ASpaceObject &r) |
ASpaceObject & | operator= (const ASpaceObject &r) |
virtual | ~ASpaceObject () |
const ASpace * | getSpace () const |
| Accessor to the current object space context.
bool | isConsistent () const |
| Indicate if I am consistent with my current space context.
VectorDouble | getUnitaryVector () const |
| Return unitary vector for the current space context.
unsigned int | getNDim (int ispace=-1) const |
| Shortcuts to ASpace methods.
const VectorDouble & | getOrigin (int ispace=-1) const |
| Return the current space context origin coordinates.
double | getDistance (const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2, int ispace=0) const |
| Return the distance between two space points for the current space context.
VectorDouble | getDistances (const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2) const |
| Return all the distances (space composits) between two space points for the current space context.
VectorDouble | getIncrement (const SpacePoint &p1, const SpacePoint &p2, int ispace=0) const |
| Return the increment vector between two space points for the current space context.
| AStringable () |
| AStringable (const AStringable &r) |
AStringable & | operator= (const AStringable &r) |
virtual | ~AStringable () |
virtual void | display (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const final |
virtual void | display (int level) const final |
| ICloneable () |
virtual | ~ICloneable () |
virtual ICloneable * | clone () const =0 |