Dense Matrix This class provides all the functions that can be performed using a Matrix stored in "Dense" format (in opposition to the "Sparse" format). This class can be derived in the case the matrix is Square, and even more if it is Square and Symmetric.
| AMatrixDense (int nrow=0, int ncol=0) |
| AMatrixDense (const AMatrixDense &r) |
| AMatrixDense (const AMatrix &m) |
AMatrixDense & | operator= (const AMatrixDense &r) |
virtual | ~AMatrixDense () |
bool | isDense () const override |
| Interface for AMatrix.
bool | isSparse () const override |
void | setValue (int irow, int icol, double value, bool flagCheck=false) override |
virtual double | getValue (int irow, int icol, bool flagCheck=false) const override |
void | updValue (int irow, int icol, const EOperator &oper, double value, bool flagCheck=false) override |
virtual void | setColumn (int icol, const VectorDouble &tab, bool flagCheck=false) override |
virtual void | setRow (int irow, const VectorDouble &tab, bool flagCheck=false) override |
virtual void | setDiagonal (const VectorDouble &tab, bool flagCheck=false) override |
virtual void | setDiagonalToConstant (double value=1.) override |
virtual void | addScalar (double v) override |
virtual void | addScalarDiag (double v) override |
virtual void | prodScalar (double v) override |
virtual void | fill (double value) override |
virtual void | multiplyRow (const VectorDouble &vec) override |
virtual void | multiplyColumn (const VectorDouble &vec) override |
virtual void | divideRow (const VectorDouble &vec) override |
virtual void | divideColumn (const VectorDouble &vec) override |
virtual VectorDouble | prodVecMat (const VectorDouble &x, bool transpose=false) const override |
virtual VectorDouble | prodMatVec (const VectorDouble &x, bool transpose=false) const override |
virtual VectorDouble | getRow (int irow) const override |
virtual VectorDouble | getColumn (int icol) const override |
constvect | getColumnPtr (int icol) const |
virtual void | prodMatMatInPlace (const AMatrix *x, const AMatrix *y, bool transposeX=false, bool transposeY=false) override |
void | addMatInPlace (const AMatrixDense &y, double cx=1., double cy=1.) |
| The next functions use specific definition of matrix (to avoid dynamic_cast) rather than manipulating AMatrix. They are not generic of AMatrix anymore. WARNING: output matrix should not match any of input matrices (speed up).
virtual void | prodNormMatMatInPlace (const AMatrixDense *a, const AMatrixDense *m, bool transpose=false) |
virtual void | prodNormMatVecInPlace (const AMatrixDense &a, const VectorDouble &vec=VectorDouble(), bool transpose=false) |
VectorDouble | getEigenValues () const |
const MatrixSquareGeneral * | getEigenVectors () const |
constvect | getViewOnColumn (int icol) const |
const Eigen::MatrixXd * | getTab () const |
| AMatrix (int nrow=0, int ncol=0) |
| AMatrix (const AMatrix &m) |
AMatrix & | operator= (const AMatrix &m) |
virtual | ~AMatrix () |
virtual void | reset (int nrows, int ncols) |
virtual void | resetFromValue (int nrows, int ncols, double value) |
| Reset the matrix to new dimensions and fill with a new value.
virtual void | resetFromArray (int nrows, int ncols, const double *tab, bool byCol=true) |
| Reset the matrix from an array of double values.
virtual void | resetFromVD (int nrows, int ncols, const VectorDouble &tab, bool byCol=true) |
| Reset the matrix from a vector of double values.
virtual void | resetFromVVD (const VectorVectorDouble &tab, bool byCol=true) |
| Reset the matrix from an array of double values.
virtual String | toString (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const override |
| Interface to AStringable.
virtual bool | isSquare (bool printWhyNot=false) const |
virtual bool | isValid (int irow, int icol, bool printWhyNot=false) const |
virtual bool | isIdentity (bool printWhyNot=false) const |
virtual bool | isSymmetric (double eps=EPSILON10, bool printWhyNot=false) const |
virtual bool | mustBeSymmetric () const |
virtual void | transposeInPlace () |
virtual AMatrix * | transpose () const |
virtual NF_Triplet | getMatrixToTriplet (int shiftRow=0, int shiftCol=0) const |
void | addMatInPlace (const AMatrix &y, double cx=1., double cy=1.) |
void | prodMatInPlace (const AMatrix *matY, bool transposeY=false) |
void | prodNormMatMatInPlace (const AMatrix *a, const AMatrix *m, bool transpose=false) |
void | prodNormMatVecInPlace (const AMatrix &a, const VectorDouble &vec=VectorDouble(), bool transpose=false) |
void | resize (int nrows, int ncols) |
| Resize the matrix to new dimensions (this method doesn't change the storage type)
void | addValue (int irow, int icol, double value) |
bool | isSame (const AMatrix &m, double eps=EPSILON4, bool printWhyNot=false) |
bool | isSameSize (const AMatrix &m) const |
bool | empty () const |
double | compare (const AMatrix &mat) const |
int | getNRows () const |
int | getNCols () const |
int | size () const |
VectorDouble | getValues (bool byCol=true) const |
VectorDouble | getDiagonal (int shift=0) const |
bool | isColumnDefined (int icol) const |
bool | isRowDefined (int irow) const |
int | getNumberColumnDefined () const |
int | getNumberRowDefined () const |
bool | isNonNegative (bool verbose=false) const |
void | prodMatVecInPlace (const VectorDouble &x, VectorDouble &y, bool transpose=false) const |
int | prodMatVecInPlace (const constvect x, vect y, bool transpose=false) const |
void | prodMatVecInPlacePtr (const double *x, double *y, bool transpose=false) const |
void | prodVecMatInPlace (const VectorDouble &x, VectorDouble &y, bool transpose=false) const |
void | prodVecMatInPlacePtr (const double *x, double *y, bool transpose=false) const |
double | quadraticMatrix (const VectorDouble &x, const VectorDouble &y) |
int | invert () |
int | solve (const VectorDouble &b, VectorDouble &x) const |
void | dumpElements (const String &title, int ifrom, int ito) const |
void | setIdentity (double value=1.) |
void | fillRandom (int seed=432432, double zeroPercent=0) |
void | setValues (const VectorDouble &values, bool byCol=true) |
double | getMeanByColumn (int icol) const |
double | getMinimum () const |
double | getMaximum () const |
double | getNormInf () const |
void | copyReduce (const AMatrix *x, const VectorInt &validRows, const VectorInt &validCols) |
void | copyElements (const AMatrix &m, double factor=1.) |
void | setFlagCheckAddress (bool flagCheckAddress) |
void | makePositiveColumn () |
void | linearCombination (double val1, const AMatrix *mat1, double val2=1., const AMatrix *mat2=nullptr, double val3=1., const AMatrix *mat3=nullptr) |
| Perfom the algebraic equation this = val1 * mat1 + val2 * mat2 + val3 * mat3.
virtual int | addProdMatVecInPlace (const constvect x, vect y, bool transpose=false) const |
double | operator() (int row, int col) const |
double & | operator() (int row, int col) |
| AStringable () |
| AStringable (const AStringable &r) |
AStringable & | operator= (const AStringable &r) |
virtual | ~AStringable () |
virtual void | display (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const final |
virtual void | display (int level) const final |
| ICloneable () |
virtual | ~ICloneable () |
virtual ICloneable * | clone () const =0 |