gstlearn  1.0.0
db.cpp File Reference
#include "geoslib_f.h"
#include "geoslib_old_f.h"
#include "Space/ASpaceObject.hpp"
#include "Polygon/Polygons.hpp"
#include "Basic/AException.hpp"
#include "Basic/Utilities.hpp"
#include "Basic/String.hpp"
#include "Basic/GlobalEnvironment.hpp"
#include "Db/Db.hpp"
#include "Db/DbStringFormat.hpp"
#include <math.h>


int compat_NDIM (Db *db1, Db *db2)
void db_grid_print (Db *db)
int db_vector_get_att_sel_compress (Db *db, int iatt, int *number, double *tab)
int db_vector_get_att (const Db *db, int iatt, double *tab)
int db_vector_get_att_sel (Db *db, int iatt, double *tab)
int db_vector_get (Db *db, const ELoc &locatorType, int item, double *tab)
int db_selection_get (const Db *db, int item, double *tab)
int db_vector_put (Db *db, const ELoc &locatorType, int locatorIndex, double *tab)
int get_LOCATOR_NITEM (const Db *db, const ELoc &locatorType)
int exist_LOCATOR (Db *db, const ELoc &locatorType)
double get_LOCATOR_ITEM (Db *db, const ELoc &locatorType, int item, int iech)
void set_LOCATOR_ITEM (Db *db, const ELoc &locatorType, int item, int iech, double value)
int * db_indg_free (int *indice)
int * db_indg_alloc (const Db *db)
double * db_vector_free (double *tab)
double * db_vector_alloc (const Db *db)
int db_coorvec_get (const Db *db, int idim, double *tab)
int db_coorvec_put (Db *db, int idim, double *tab)
int db_attribute_identify (const Db *db, const ELoc &locatorType, int item)
double * db_sample_free (double *tab)
double * db_sample_alloc (const Db *db, const ELoc &locatorType)
int db_sample_load (Db *db, const ELoc &locatorType, int iech, double *tab)
int db_sample_get_att (Db *db, int iech, int number, int iatt, double *tab)
void db_sample_put_att (Db *db, int iech, int number, int iatt, double *tab)
double distance_inter (const Db *db1, const Db *db2, int iech1, int iech2, double *dist_vect)
double distance_intra (const Db *db, int iech1, int iech2, double *dist_vect)
double distance_grid (DbGrid *db, int flag_moins1, int iech1, int iech2, double *dist_vect)
double bench_distance (const Db *db, int iech1, int iech2)
double cylinder_radius (const Db *db, int iech1, int iech2, const VectorDouble &codir)
int db_index_grid_to_sample (const DbGrid *db, const int *indg)
void db_index_sample_to_grid (const DbGrid *db, int iech, int *indg)
int db_index_sorted_in_grid (const DbGrid *db, int iech, int *indg)
void db_sample_print (Db *db, int iech, int flag_ndim, int flag_nvar, int flag_nerr)
void db_extension (const Db *db, VectorDouble &mini, VectorDouble &maxi, bool flag_preserve)
int db_center (Db *db, double *center)
int db_extension_diag (const Db *db, double *diag)
double db_epsilon_distance (Db *db)
int db_attribute_range (const Db *db, int iatt, double *mini, double *maxi, double *delta)
int db_grid_define_coordinates (DbGrid *db)
Dbdb_create_from_target (const double *target, int ndim, int flag_add_rank)
String db_name_get_by_att (const Db *db, int iatt)
String db_name_get_by_col (Db *db, int icol)
int db_name_set (Db *db, int iatt, const String &name)
void db_attribute_copy (Db *db, int iatt_in, int iatt_out)
void db_attribute_init (Db *db, int ncol, int iatt, double valinit)
void db_attribute_del_mult (Db *db, int i_del, int n_del)
int db_grid_copy_params (DbGrid *dbin, int mode, DbGrid *dbout)
double db_grid_maille (Db *db)
int db_gradient_update (Db *db)
int db_selref (int ndim, int *nx, int *ref, double *tabin, double *tabout)
int db_locate_in_grid (DbGrid *db_grid, double *coor)
int db_grid_match (DbGrid *db1, DbGrid *db2)
int db_locator_attribute_add (Db *db, const ELoc &locatorType, int number, int r_tem, double valinit, int *iptr)
int db_grid_copy (DbGrid *db1, DbGrid *db2, int *ind1, int *ind2, int ncol, int *cols)
int db_grid_copy_dilate (DbGrid *db1, int iatt1, DbGrid *db2, int iatt2, int mode, int *nshift)
void grid_to_point (const DbGrid *db, int *indg, double *percent, double *coor)
int point_to_point (Db *db, double *coor)
int point_to_grid (const DbGrid *db, double *coor, int flag_outside, int *indg)
int point_to_bench (const DbGrid *db, double *coor, int flag_outside, int *indb)
int index_point_to_grid (const Db *dbin, int iech, int flag_outside, const DbGrid *dbout, double *coor)
int point_inside_grid (Db *db, int iech, const DbGrid *dbgrid)
void db_monostat (Db *db, int iatt, double *wtot, double *mean, double *var, double *mini, double *maxi)
int db_proportion (Db *db, DbGrid *dbgrid, int nfac1max, int nfac2max, int *nclout)
int db_merge (Db *db, int ncol, int *cols)
int db_count_defined (Db *db, int icol)
void db_locators_correct (VectorString &strings, const VectorInt &current, int flag_locnew)
int db_prop_read (DbGrid *db, int ix, int iy, double *props)
int db_prop_write (DbGrid *db, int ix, int iy, double *props)
double * db_distances_general (Db *db1, Db *db2, int niso, int mode, int flag_same, int *n1, int *n2, double *dmin, double *dmax)
int db_is_isotropic (const Db *db, int iech, double *data)
int is_grid_multiple (DbGrid *db1, DbGrid *db2)
DbGriddb_create_grid_multiple (DbGrid *dbin, const VectorInt &nmult, int flag_add_rank)
DbGriddb_create_grid_divider (DbGrid *dbin, const VectorInt &nmult, int flag_add_rank)
DbGriddb_create_grid_dilate (DbGrid *dbin, int mode, const VectorInt &nshift, int flag_add_rank)
int db_gradient_modang_to_component (Db *db, int ang_conv, int iad_mod, int iad_ang, int iad_gx, int iad_gy)
int db_gradient_component_to_modang (Db *db, int verbose, int iad_gx, int iad_gy, int iad_mod, int iad_ang, double scale, double ve)
int db_get_rank_absolute_to_relative (Db *db, int iech0)
int db_get_rank_relative_to_absolute (Db *db, int iech0)
double get_grid_value (DbGrid *dbgrid, int iptr, int *indg, int ix, int iy, int iz)
void set_grid_value (DbGrid *dbgrid, int iptr, int *indg, int ix, int iy, int iz, double value)
DbGriddb_grid_reduce (DbGrid *db_grid, int iptr, int *margin, int *limmin, int flag_sel, int flag_copy, int verbose, double vmin, double vmax)
int db_grid_patch (DbGrid *ss_grid, DbGrid *db_grid, int iptr_ss, int iptr_db, int iptr_rank, int new_rank, int oper, int verbose)
int db_name_identify (Db *db, const String &string)
void db_extension_rotated (Db *db, double *rotmat, VectorDouble &mini, VectorDouble &maxi)
VectorDouble db_get_grid_axis (DbGrid *dbgrid, int idim)
VectorDouble db_get_attribute (Db *db, int iatt, bool verbose)
VectorInt db_identify_variables_by_name (Db *db, const String &pattern)
void grid_iterator_init (Grid *grid, const VectorInt &order)
VectorInt grid_iterator_next (Grid *grid)

Function Documentation

◆ bench_distance()

double bench_distance ( const Db db,
int  iech1,
int  iech2 

Calculate the bench separation for the current pair

Bench separation;
0 if space dimension < 3 or TEST if a coordinate is underfined
[in]dbDb structure
[in]iech1Rank of the first sample
[in]iech2Rank of the second sample
The bench criterion consists in comparing the difference of
according to the 3rd coordinate with the bench width.

◆ compat_NDIM()

int compat_NDIM ( Db db1,
Db db2 

Checks if Space Dimension of the first Db is at least equal to the Space dimension of the second Db

Error return code (1 for correct and 0 otherwise).
If an error is found, a message is issued
[in]db1first Db descriptor (usually dbin)
[in]db2second Db descriptor (usually dbout)
This function checks that the we can perform an operation
(i.e. migration) of a 2D data set onto a 3D one.
The opposite is not correct.

◆ cylinder_radius()

double cylinder_radius ( const Db db,
int  iech1,
int  iech2,
const VectorDouble codir 

Calculate the cylinder radius along a calculation direction

Cylinder radius (or TEST if a coordinate is unknown)
[in]dbDb structure
[in]iech1Rank of the first sample
[in]iech2Rank of the second sample
[in]codirDirection coefficient

◆ db_attribute_copy()

void db_attribute_copy ( Db db,
int  iatt_in,
int  iatt_out 

Copy an attribute into another one

[in]dbDb structure
[in]iatt_inInput attribute
[in]iatt_outOutput attribute
The output attribute must already be allocated

◆ db_attribute_del_mult()

void db_attribute_del_mult ( Db db,
int  i_del,
int  n_del 

Remove a set of "n_del" attributes starting from "i_del"

[in]dbDb structure
[in]i_delRank of the first attribute to be deleted
[in]n_delNumber of attributes to be deleted

◆ db_attribute_identify()

int db_attribute_identify ( const Db db,
const ELoc &  locatorType,
int  item 

Returns the rank of the attribute in the array

Rank of the attribute
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]locatorTypeRank of the pointer
[in]itemRank of the attribute in the pointer

◆ db_attribute_init()

void db_attribute_init ( Db db,
int  ncol,
int  iatt,
double  valinit 

Initialize a variable with the given argument (given by attribute)

[in]dbDb structure
[in]ncolNumber of attributes to be initialized
[in]iattRank of the first variable to be initialized
[in]valinitValue set to the variable

◆ db_attribute_range()

int db_attribute_range ( const Db db,
int  iatt,
double *  mini,
double *  maxi,
double *  delta 

Returns the range for a variable

Error return code
[in]dbDb structure
[in]iattRank of the target attribute

◆ db_center()

int db_center ( Db db,
double *  center 

Returns the center of a data set

[in]dbDb structure
[out]centerArray containing the coordinates of the center (Dimension = get_NDIM(db))

◆ db_coorvec_get()

int db_coorvec_get ( const Db db,
int  idim,
double *  tab 

Read the vector of a given coordinate from the Db structure into the array tab()

Error return code
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]idimSpace dimension
[out]tabArray of values

This method is not documented on purpose. It should remain private

◆ db_coorvec_put()

int db_coorvec_put ( Db db,
int  idim,
double *  tab 

Write the array tab() into a vector of coordinates of the Db structure

Error return code
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]idimSpace dimension
[in]tabArray of values

This method is not documented on purpose. It should remain private

◆ db_count_defined()

int db_count_defined ( Db db,
int  icol 

Count the number of defined values for a Column

Number of defined values
[in]dbDb structure
[in]icolRank of the Column

◆ db_create_from_target()

Db* db_create_from_target ( const double *  target,
int  ndim,
int  flag_add_rank 

Create a Db containing a single target

Pointer to the newly created Db point structure
[in]targetArray containing the target coordinates
[in]ndimSpace dimension
[in]flag_add_rank1 to add the 'rank' as first column

◆ db_create_grid_dilate()

DbGrid* db_create_grid_dilate ( DbGrid dbin,
int  mode,
const VectorInt nshift,
int  flag_add_rank 

Create a Grid Db extended (or compressed) from another Grid Db

Pointer to the newly created Db grid structure
[in]dbinInitial Db Grid
[in]mode1 for extending; -1 for compressing
[in]nshiftArray of shifts
[in]flag_add_rank1 to add the 'rank' as first column

◆ db_create_grid_divider()

DbGrid* db_create_grid_divider ( DbGrid dbin,
const VectorInt nmult,
int  flag_add_rank 

Create a Grid Db as a divider of another Grid Db

Pointer to the newly created Db grid structure
[in]dbinInitial Db Grid
[in]nmultArray of subdivision coefficients
[in]flag_add_rank1 to add the 'rank' as first column

◆ db_create_grid_multiple()

DbGrid* db_create_grid_multiple ( DbGrid dbin,
const VectorInt nmult,
int  flag_add_rank 

Create a Grid Db as a multiple of another Grid Db

Pointer to the newly created Db grid structure
[in]dbinInitial Db Grid
[in]nmultArray of multiplicity coefficients
[in]flag_add_rank1 to add the 'rank' as first column **

◆ db_distances_general()

double* db_distances_general ( Db db1,
Db db2,
int  niso,
int  mode,
int  flag_same,
int *  n1,
int *  n2,
double *  dmin,
double *  dmax 

Evaluate the array of distances between samples of two data sets Takes the selection into account (if any)

Array of distances
[in]db1Db first descriptor
[in]db2Db second descriptor
[in]nisoNumber of variables tested for isotopy
[in]modeType of array returned 0 : extreme distances 1 : the distance to the closest sample 2 : all point-to-point distances
[in]flag_same1 if both Db coincide
[out]n1First dimension of the returned array
[out]n2Second dimension of the returned array
[out]dminMinimum distance
[out]dmaxMaximum distance
The returned array must be freed by calling routine
When the two Dbs coincide, the distance calculation excludes
the comparison between one sample and itself

◆ db_epsilon_distance()

double db_epsilon_distance ( Db db)

Returns the epsilon value calculated from the extension of the field

Epsilon value
[in]dbDb structure

◆ db_extension()

void db_extension ( const Db db,
VectorDouble mini,
VectorDouble maxi,
bool  flag_preserve 

Returns the extension of the field along each axis This calculation takes contents of arguments at input into account if 'flag_preserve' is true

[in]dbDb structure
[out]miniArray containing the minimum (Dimension = ndim)
[out]maxiArray containing the maximum (Dimension = ndim)
[in]flag_preserveFalse Contents of arguments at input is preserved
If the contents of an item of the arguments is TEST, this value
is not used in the comparison

◆ db_extension_diag()

int db_extension_diag ( const Db db,
double *  diag 

Returns the extension of the diagonal of the field

Error return code
[in]dbDb structure
[out]diagDimension of the field diagonal
Different versions are provided for Euclidean and Spherical cases

◆ db_extension_rotated()

void db_extension_rotated ( Db db,
double *  rotmat,
VectorDouble mini,
VectorDouble maxi 

Returns the extension of the field (after rotation) along each axis

[in]dbDb structure
[in]rotmatRotation matrix (optional)
[out]miniArray containing the minimum (Dimension = ndim)
[out]maxiArray containing the maximum (Dimension = ndim)
This function does nothing if:
- no rotation matrix is defined
- space dimension is 1 or larger than 3

◆ db_get_attribute()

VectorDouble db_get_attribute ( Db db,
int  iatt,
bool  verbose 

Returns a vector containing an attribute from the Db

[in]dbDb structure
[in]iattAttribute rank
[in]verboseVerbose flag

◆ db_get_grid_axis()

VectorDouble db_get_grid_axis ( DbGrid dbgrid,
int  idim 

Returns a vector containing the coordinates of a Grid along one space dimension

[in]dbgridDb structure
[in]idimRank of the space dimension

◆ db_get_rank_absolute_to_relative()

int db_get_rank_absolute_to_relative ( Db db,
int  iech0 

Returns the relative rank of a sample from its absolute rank These are different due to the presence of a selection Returns -1 if not found

Relative rank of a sample
[in]dbDb structure
[in]iech0Absolute sample rank

◆ db_get_rank_relative_to_absolute()

int db_get_rank_relative_to_absolute ( Db db,
int  iech0 

Returns the absolute rank of a sample from its relative rank These are different due to the presence of a selection Returns -1 if not found

Relative rank of a sample
[in]dbDb structure
[in]iech0Relative sample rank

◆ db_gradient_component_to_modang()

int db_gradient_component_to_modang ( Db db,
int  verbose,
int  iad_gx,
int  iad_gy,
int  iad_mod,
int  iad_ang,
double  scale,
double  ve 

Transform a set of gradients defined by (gx,gy) into (module,angle) Only defined in the 2-D case

Error return code
[in]dbInitial Db
[in]verbose1 for the verbose option
[in]iad_gxRank of the 'gx' attribute (defined in degrees)
[in]iad_gyRank of the 'gy' attribute (defined in degrees)
[in]iad_modRank of the 'modulus' attribute
[in]iad_angRank of the 'angle' attribute (defined in degrees)
[in]scaleScaling factor for the modulus
[in]veModeration factor
Attributes 'gx' and 'gy' may coincide with 'modulus' and 'angle'
Nothing is done (more than the conversion if scale=1 and ve=0)

◆ db_gradient_modang_to_component()

int db_gradient_modang_to_component ( Db db,
int  ang_conv,
int  iad_mod,
int  iad_ang,
int  iad_gx,
int  iad_gy 

Transform a set of gradients defined by (modulus,angle) into (gx,gy) Only defined in the 2-D case

Error return code
[in]dbInitial Db
[in]ang_convConvention on the angles
  • 1: Trigonometry (From East counter-clockwise)
  • 2: From North clockwise
[in]iad_modRank of the 'modulus' attribute
[in]iad_angRank of the 'angle' attribute (defined in degrees)
[in]iad_gxRank of the 'gx' attribute (defined in degrees)
[in]iad_gyRank of the 'gy' attribute (defined in degrees)
Attributes 'gx' and 'gy' may coincide with 'modulus' and 'angle'

◆ db_gradient_update()

int db_gradient_update ( Db db)

Update the Data Base for Kriging with Gradient components This update is limited to the 2-D Monovariate case

Error return code
[in]dbInput/output Db
In the case of Kriging with Gradient, the gradient components
are transformed into additional variables

◆ db_grid_copy()

int db_grid_copy ( DbGrid db1,
DbGrid db2,
int *  ind1,
int *  ind2,
int  ncol,
int *  cols 

Copy a set of variables from a grid Db to another grid Db

Error return code
[in]db1Input Grid Db structure
[in]db2Output Grid Db structure
[in]ind1Vector of indices in the first Db
[in]ind2Vector of indices in the second Db
[in]ncolNumber of variables to be copied
[in]colsArray of input variable columns

◆ db_grid_copy_dilate()

int db_grid_copy_dilate ( DbGrid db1,
int  iatt1,
DbGrid db2,
int  iatt2,
int  mode,
int *  nshift 

Copy one variable from a grid Db to another grid Db

Error return code
[in]db1Input Grid Db structure
[in]iatt1Rank of the attribute in Db1
[in]db2Output Grid Db structure
[in]iatt2Rank of the attribute in Db2
[in]mode1 for dilation; -1 for compression
[in]nshiftVector of dilation/compression defined in cell number along each space direction

◆ db_grid_copy_params()

int db_grid_copy_params ( DbGrid dbin,
int  mode,
DbGrid dbout 

Copy Grid characteristics

Error return code
[in]dbinInput Grid Db structure
[in]modeType of parameters that must be copied
[out]dboutOutput Grid Db structure

◆ db_grid_define_coordinates()

int db_grid_define_coordinates ( DbGrid db)

Define the coordinates in a Grid structure

Error return code
[in]dbThe Db structure
This function considers the grid characteristics and updates
the locators dedicated to coordinates
This makes sense when a new grid is generated or when the grid
characteristics have changed

◆ db_grid_maille()

double db_grid_maille ( Db db)

Calculate the surface/volume mesh of the grid

Mesh value
[in]dbDb structure

◆ db_grid_match()

int db_grid_match ( DbGrid db1,
DbGrid db2 

Check if two grid match

1 if the two grid match; 0 otherwise
[in]db1Db1 grid structure
[in]db2Db1 grid structure
The grid must match up to their minimum space dimension
The test is only performed on the geometry characteristics
The test returns 0 if one of the two file is not a grid

◆ db_grid_patch()

int db_grid_patch ( DbGrid ss_grid,
DbGrid db_grid,
int  iptr_ss,
int  iptr_db,
int  iptr_rank,
int  new_rank,
int  oper,
int  verbose 

Patch a sub-grid within a main grid

Error return code
[in]ss_gridDb sub-grid structure
[in]db_gridDb main grid structure
[in]iptr_ssRank of the attribute in the sub-grid
[in]iptr_dbRank of the attribute in the main grid
[in]iptr_rankRank of the attribute storing object rank If <0, no check is performed: always patch
[in]new_rankRank of the current object to patch in main grid
[in]oper>0 for larger; <0 for smaller
[in]verboseVerbose flag
When '�ptr_rank' is defined (>=0), defined pixels of the current
sub-grid overwrites the corresponding pixel within the main grid
only if its rank ('new_rank') is larger (oper>0) or smaller
(oper<0)) than the rank of the same pixel in the main grid
(attribute '�ptr_rank')
When 'iptr_rank' is undefined, arguments 'new_rank', 'oper' are

◆ db_grid_print()

void db_grid_print ( Db db)

Print the Summary of the Grid structure

[in]dbPointer to the Db structure (organized as a grid)

◆ db_grid_reduce()

DbGrid* db_grid_reduce ( DbGrid db_grid,
int  iptr,
int *  margin,
int *  limmin,
int  flag_sel,
int  flag_copy,
int  verbose,
double  vmin,
double  vmax 

Extract the subgrid (from a grid) which contains the only cells where the target variable lies wuthin the target interval Selection in the input grid is taken into account

[in]db_gridDb structure
[in]iptrRank of the column of the target variable
[in]marginArray of margins (or NULL)
[in]limminArray of minimum dimensions (or NULL)
[in]flag_selCreate the selection
[in]flag_copy1 if the selection must be copied in sub-grid
[in]verboseVerbose flag
[in]vminLower bound (included)
[in]vmaxUpper bound (excluded)

◆ db_identify_variables_by_name()

VectorInt db_identify_variables_by_name ( Db db,
const String pattern 

Identify the variables of a Db where names match a criterion

[in]dbDb structure
[in]patternMatching pattern

◆ db_index_grid_to_sample()

int db_index_grid_to_sample ( const DbGrid db,
const int *  indg 

Converts from grid indices to the absolute address

Absolute address in the grid descriptor
[in]dbdescriptor of the grid parameters
[in]indgarray of grid indices
If one grid index does not lie within the grid, -1 is returned

◆ db_index_sample_to_grid()

void db_index_sample_to_grid ( const DbGrid db,
int  iech,
int *  indg 

Converts from sample index into grid indices

[in]dbDb structure
[in]iechRank of the sample
[out]indgGrid indices

◆ db_index_sorted_in_grid()

int db_index_sorted_in_grid ( const DbGrid db,
int  iech,
int *  indg 

Return the index of the ordered grid sample (see remarks)

Rank of the ordered sample
[in]dbDb structure
[in]iechRank of the sample
[out]indgArray used for sorting grid indices
The grid samples are ordered if they are reviewed in such an order
which minimizes the distance between any pair of successive indices

◆ db_indg_alloc()

int* db_indg_alloc ( const Db db)

Allocates an array for the storage of grid indices

A pointer to the allocated array
[in]dbDb descriptor
The allocated array must be freed using db_indg_free
A fatal error occurs if the core allocation fails.

◆ db_indg_free()

int* db_indg_free ( int *  indice)

Frees an array for the storage of grid indices

A pointer to the newly freed array
[in]indiceArray to be freed

◆ db_is_isotropic()

int db_is_isotropic ( const Db db,
int  iech,
double *  data 

Check if a sample corresponding to a given rank is isotropic or not

1 if all variables are defined (isotropic) or 0 otherwise
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]iechRank of the target sample
[out]dataIf the output vector is provided. Returns the data value at target sample as a vector
If the sample is masked off, the function returns 0

◆ db_locate_in_grid()

int db_locate_in_grid ( DbGrid db_grid,
double *  coor 

Converts from coordinates sample index into grid and absolute indices

Absolute grid index (starting from 0) or -1 if outside the grid
[in]db_gridDb grid structure
[in]coorArray containing the coordinates of the sample

◆ db_locator_attribute_add()

int db_locator_attribute_add ( Db db,
const ELoc &  locatorType,
int  number,
int  r_tem,
double  valinit,
int *  iptr 

Add and initiate several attributes corresponding to a given locator

Error return code
[in]dbDb structure
[in]locatorTypeRank of the Pointer (ELoc)
[in]numberNumber of locators to be defined
[in]r_temRank of the first item in the pointer
[in]valinitValue to be used for initialization
[out]iptrRank of the first new attribute

◆ db_locators_correct()

void db_locators_correct ( VectorString strings,
const VectorInt current,
int  flag_locnew 

Define the array of locators

[in]stringsArray of locators
[in]currentArray of ranks of the last modified locator
[in]flag_locnewReset all locators
The elements of the array current are numbered starting from 1

◆ db_merge()

int db_merge ( Db db,
int  ncol,
int *  cols 

Merge a set of variables in a Db

Error return code
[in]dbDb structure
[in]ncolNumber of variables to be merged
[in]colsArray of input variable columns

◆ db_monostat()

void db_monostat ( Db db,
int  iatt,
double *  wtot,
double *  mean,
double *  var,
double *  mini,
double *  maxi 

Monovariate statistics

[in]dbDb structure
[in]iattRank of the attribute
[out]wtotSum of the weights
[out]meanMean of the variable
[out]varvariance of the variable
[out]miniMinimum value
[out]maxiMaximum value

◆ db_name_get_by_att()

String db_name_get_by_att ( const Db db,
int  iatt 

Returns the name assigned to the given attribute

Error return code
[in]dbDb structure
[in]iattRank of the attribute (starting at 0)

◆ db_name_get_by_col()

String db_name_get_by_col ( Db db,
int  icol 

Returns the name assigned to the given column

Error return code
[in]dbDb structure
[in]icolRank of the column (starting at 0)

◆ db_name_identify()

int db_name_identify ( Db db,
const String string 

Identify the attribute by its name

Rank of the variable starting from 0 (or -1 if not found)
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]stringattribute name

◆ db_name_set()

int db_name_set ( Db db,
int  iatt,
const String name 

Define the name assigned to the given attribute

Error return code
[in]dbDb structure
[in]iattRank of the attribute (starting at 0)
[in]nameName assigned to the current attribute

◆ db_prop_read()

int db_prop_read ( DbGrid db,
int  ix,
int  iy,
double *  props 

Read the proportions per VPC

Error return code
[in]dbDb structure
[in]ixRank of the cell along X
[in]iyRank of the cell along Y
[out]propsArray of proportions
This procedure is meant for a 3-D grid file

◆ db_prop_write()

int db_prop_write ( DbGrid db,
int  ix,
int  iy,
double *  props 

Write the proportions (per VPC)

Error return code
[in]dbDb structure
[in]ixRank of the cell along X
[in]iyRank of the cell along Y
[in]propsArray of proportions
This procedure is meant for a 3-D grid file

◆ db_proportion()

int db_proportion ( Db db,
DbGrid dbgrid,
int  nfac1max,
int  nfac2max,
int *  nclout 

Calculates the proportions of facies within a grid

Error return code
[in]dbInput Db structure
[in]dbgridOutput Grid Db structure
[in]nfac1maxMaximum number of facies for the first variable
[in]nfac2maxMaximum number of facies for the second variable
[out]ncloutTotal number of classes
This procedure is designed for one or two Z-variables
When used for 2 variables, the proportions are for pairs of

◆ db_sample_alloc()

double* db_sample_alloc ( const Db db,
const ELoc &  locatorType 

Allocates the array for storing a sample

A pointer to the allocated array
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]locatorTypevector type (ELoc)
The allocated array must be freed using db_sample_free()
A fatal error occurs if the core allocation fails.

◆ db_sample_free()

double* db_sample_free ( double *  tab)

Frees the array for storing a sample

A pointer to the array to be freed
[in]tabSample array to be freed

◆ db_sample_get_att()

int db_sample_get_att ( Db db,
int  iech,
int  number,
int  iatt,
double *  tab 

Loads the contents of several (consecutive) attributes for a sample

1 if the values contain at least one TEST value
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]iechRank of the sample
[in]numberNumber of columns
[in]iattRank of the starting attribute
[out]tabArray of values

◆ db_sample_load()

int db_sample_load ( Db db,
const ELoc &  locatorType,
int  iech,
double *  tab 

Loads the sample from a Db structure

Error return code
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]locatorTypevector type (ELoc)
[in]iechnumber of the sample
[out]tabarray of values

This method is not documented on purpose. It should remain private

◆ db_sample_print()

void db_sample_print ( Db db,
int  iech,
int  flag_ndim,
int  flag_nvar,
int  flag_nerr 

Print a sample

[in]dbDb structure
[in]iechRank of the sample
[in]flag_ndim1 if the coordinates must be printed
[in]flag_nvar1 if the variables must be printed
[in]flag_nerr1 if the error measurement variance must be printed

◆ db_sample_put_att()

void db_sample_put_att ( Db db,
int  iech,
int  number,
int  iatt,
double *  tab 

Saves the contents of several (consecutive) attributes for a sample

[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]iechRank of the sample
[in]numberNumber of columns
[in]iattRank of the starting attribute
[in]tabarray of values

◆ db_selection_get()

int db_selection_get ( const Db db,
int  item,
double *  tab 

Read a vector from the Db structure into the array tab() for selection

Error return code
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]itemRank of the item in the pointer
[out]tabArray of values

◆ db_selref()

int db_selref ( int  ndim,
int *  nx,
int *  ref,
double *  tabin,
double *  tabout 

Select a 2-D grid from a Grid Db

Error returned code
[in]ndimSpace dimension of the Db
[in]nxNumber of meshes of the grid
[in]refArray giving the indices of the reference planes
  • Grid indices are counted starting from 1
  • -1 for the directions of interest
[in]tabinInput array
[out]taboutOutput array

◆ db_vector_alloc()

double* db_vector_alloc ( const Db db)

Allocates the array for storing a column of the Db

A pointer to the allocated array
[in]dbDb descriptor
The allocated array must be freed using db_vector_free()
A fatal error occurs if the core allocation fails.

◆ db_vector_free()

double* db_vector_free ( double *  tab)

Frees the array for storing a vector

A pointer to the array to be freed
[in]tabVector array to be freed

◆ db_vector_get()

int db_vector_get ( Db db,
const ELoc &  locatorType,
int  item,
double *  tab 

Read a vector from the Db structure into the array tab()

Error return code
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]locatorTypeRank of the pointer (ELoc)
[in]itemRank of the item in the pointer
[out]tabArray of values

◆ db_vector_get_att()

int db_vector_get_att ( const Db db,
int  iatt,
double *  tab 

Read a vector from the Db structure into the array tab() The identification is done by Attribute

Error return code
[in]dbDb structure
[in]iattRank of the Attribute
[out]tabArray of values

◆ db_vector_get_att_sel()

int db_vector_get_att_sel ( Db db,
int  iatt,
double *  tab 

Read a vector from the Db structure into the array tab() through selection The identification is done by Attribute

Error return code
[in]dbDb structure
[in]iattRank of the Attribute
[out]tabArray of values
If a selection is defined, the masked samples are set to TEST

◆ db_vector_get_att_sel_compress()

int db_vector_get_att_sel_compress ( Db db,
int  iatt,
int *  number,
double *  tab 

Read a vector from the Db structure into the array tab() If a selection is preset, the returned array is compressed

Error return code
[in]dbDb structure
[in]iattRank of the attribute
[out]tabArray of returned values
[out]numberNumber of returned values

◆ db_vector_put()

int db_vector_put ( Db db,
const ELoc &  locatorType,
int  locatorIndex,
double *  tab 

Write the array tab() into a vector of the Db structure

[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]locatorTypeRank of the pointer (ELoc)
[in]locatorIndexRank of the item in the pointer (starting from 0)
[in]tabArray of values

◆ distance_grid()

double distance_grid ( DbGrid db,
int  flag_moins1,
int  iech1,
int  iech2,
double *  dist_vect 

Calculates the distance between two points in the same grid Db

The calculated distance
[in]dbDb structure
[in]flag_moins11 to use the cell center
[in]iech1rank of the first sample
[in]iech2rank of the second sample
[out]dist_vectIf the output vector is provided. Returns the distance as a vector

◆ distance_inter()

double distance_inter ( const Db db1,
const Db db2,
int  iech1,
int  iech2,
double *  dist_vect 

Calculates the distance between two points

The calculated distance or TEST if one coordinate not defined
[in]db1Db structure for the first sample
[in]db2Db structure for the second sample
[in]iech1rank of the first sample
[in]iech2rank of the second sample
[out]dist_vectIf the output vector is provided. Returns the distance as a vector
: If both Data Bases do not share the same Space Dimension
: the test is performed on their minimum.
: The returned array 'vect' must be dimension to that value

◆ distance_intra()

double distance_intra ( const Db db,
int  iech1,
int  iech2,
double *  dist_vect 

Calculates the distance between two points in the same Db

The calculated distance or TEST if one coordinate not defined
[in]dbDb structure
[in]iech1rank of the first sample
[in]iech2rank of the second sample
[out]dist_vectIf the output vector is provided. Returns the distance as a vector

◆ exist_LOCATOR()

int exist_LOCATOR ( Db db,
const ELoc &  locatorType 

Checks the presence of at least one item for a given locator in the Db

1 if at least one item has been found and 0 otherwise
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]locatorTypeRank of the pointer (ELoc)

◆ get_grid_value()

double get_grid_value ( DbGrid dbgrid,
int  iptr,
int *  indg,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iz 

Returns a value from the a 3-D (maximum) grid

Returned value
[in]dbgridDb Grid structure
[in]iptrRank of the column
[in]indgWorking index array (Dimension: get_NDIM(dbgrid))
[in]ixRank of the node along first dimension
[in]iyRank of the node along second dimension
[in]izRank of the node along third dimension


double get_LOCATOR_ITEM ( Db db,
const ELoc &  locatorType,
int  item,
int  iech 

Reads one item of a given locator from Db

Returned value
[in]dbDb structure
[in]locatorTypeRank of the pointer (ELoc)
[in]itemRank of the item in the pointer
[in]iechRank of the sample
For efficiency reason, argument validity is not tested


int get_LOCATOR_NITEM ( const Db db,
const ELoc &  locatorType 

Returns the number of items for a given locator in the Db

Number of items
[in]dbDb descriptor
[in]locatorTypeRank of the pointer (ELoc)

◆ grid_iterator_init()

void grid_iterator_init ( Grid grid,
const VectorInt order 

Initialize the Grid iterator

◆ grid_iterator_next()

VectorInt grid_iterator_next ( Grid grid)

Returns 1 when the last element of the iteration is reached

Increment the Grid iterator

◆ grid_to_point()

void grid_to_point ( const DbGrid db,
int *  indg,
double *  percent,
double *  coor 

Converts from grid indices and percentages to the point absolute coordinates

[in]dbdescriptor of the grid parameters
[in]indgarray of indices of the grid
[in]percentarray of grid percentages (NULL if absent)
[out]coorcoordinates of the point

◆ index_point_to_grid()

int index_point_to_grid ( const Db dbin,
int  iech,
int  flag_outside,
const DbGrid dbout,
double *  coor 

Find the index of the output grid file which is the closest to the sample of the input file

Error return code
>= index of the grid node
-1 if the point is outside the grid
[in]dbindescriptor of the input file
[in]iechIndex of the data point
[in]flag_outsidevalue returned for the point outside the grid
  • 1 the index is set to the closest grid node
  • 0 the index is set to -1
  • -1 do not correct the index
[in]dboutdescriptor of the output grid file
[out]coorWorking array (dimension: ndim)

◆ is_grid_multiple()

int is_grid_multiple ( DbGrid db1,
DbGrid db2 

Check if a grid is a multiple of the other grid

1 if the two grid are multiple; 0 otherwise
[in]db1Db1 small grid structure
[in]db2Db1 coarse grid structure

◆ point_inside_grid()

int point_inside_grid ( Db db,
int  iech,
const DbGrid dbgrid 

Check if a sample of a Db lies within a Grid Db

1 if the point lies within the grid; 0 otherwise
[in]dbDb structure
[in]iechRank of the target sample
[in]dbgridGrid Db structure

◆ point_to_bench()

int point_to_bench ( const DbGrid db,
double *  coor,
int  flag_outside,
int *  indb 

Converts from point coordinates to index of the bench to which it belongs

Error return code
0 if the point is inside the grid
1 if the point is outside the grid
-1 if one coordinate is undefined
-2 if the grid is defined in space less than 3D
[in]dbdescriptor of the grid parameters
[in]coorarray of coordinates of the point
[in]flag_outsidevalue returned for the point outside the grid
  • 1 the index is set to the closest grid node
  • 0 the index is set to -1
  • -1 do not correct the index
[out]indbindex of the bench
The bench corresponds to the third dimension of the grid provided
as reference

◆ point_to_grid()

int point_to_grid ( const DbGrid db,
double *  coor,
int  flag_outside,
int *  indg 

Converts from point coordinates to nearest grid node indices

Error return code
0 if the point is inside the grid
1 if the point is outside the grid
-1 if one coordinate is undefined
[in]dbdescriptor of the grid parameters
[in]coorarray of coordinates of the point
[in]flag_outsidevalue returned for the point outside the grid
  • 1 the index is set to the closest grid node
  • 0 the index is set to -1
  • -1 do not correct the index
[out]indgindices of the closest grid node

◆ point_to_point()

int point_to_point ( Db db,
double *  coor 

Returns the rank of the closest isolated point

Output index
[in]dbdescriptor of the Db
[in]coorarray of coordinates of the point

◆ set_grid_value()

void set_grid_value ( DbGrid dbgrid,
int  iptr,
int *  indg,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iz,
double  value 

Set the value in the a 3-D (maximum) grid

[in]dbgridDb Grid structure
[in]iptrRank of the column
[in]indgWorking index array (Dimension: get_NDIM(dbgrid))
[in]ixRank of the node along first dimension
[in]iyRank of the node along second dimension
[in]izRank of the node along third dimension
[in]valueAssigned value


void set_LOCATOR_ITEM ( Db db,
const ELoc &  locatorType,
int  item,
int  iech,
double  value 