No Matches
MatrixSquareSymmetric Class Reference

#include <MatrixSquareSymmetric.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for MatrixSquareSymmetric:
AMatrixSquare MatrixRectangular AMatrixDense AMatrix AStringable ICloneable

Detailed Description

Square Symmetric matrices

Public Member Functions

 MatrixSquareSymmetric (int nrow=0)
 MatrixSquareSymmetric (const MatrixSquareSymmetric &m)
 MatrixSquareSymmetric (const AMatrix &m)
MatrixSquareSymmetricoperator= (const MatrixSquareSymmetric &m)
virtual ~MatrixSquareSymmetric ()
bool mustBeSymmetric () const final
 ICloneable interface.
bool isSymmetric (double eps=EPSILON10, bool printWhyNot=false) const final
void resetFromVVD (const VectorVectorDouble &tab, bool byCol=true) override
 Reset the matrix from an array of double values.
void normMatrix (const AMatrix &y, const AMatrixSquare &x=AMatrixSquare(), bool transpose=false)
int computeEigen (bool optionPositive=true)
int computeGeneralizedEigen (const MatrixSquareSymmetric &b, bool optionPositive=true)
int computeGeneralizedInverse (MatrixSquareSymmetric &tabout, double maxicond=1.e20, double eps=EPSILON20)
bool isDefinitePositive ()
int minimizeWithConstraintsInPlace (const VectorDouble &gmat, const MatrixRectangular &aemat, const VectorDouble &bemat, const MatrixRectangular &aimat, const VectorDouble &bimat, VectorDouble &xmat)
virtual bool _isPhysicallyPresent (int irow, int icol) const override
virtual void _setValues (const double *values, bool byCol=true) override
virtual int _invert () override
int _matrix_qo (const VectorDouble &gmat, VectorDouble &xmat)
int _matrix_qoc (bool flag_invert, const VectorDouble &gmat, int na, const MatrixRectangular &amat, const VectorDouble &bmat, VectorDouble &xmat, VectorDouble &lambda)
int _constraintsError (const VectorInt &active, const MatrixRectangular &aimat, const VectorDouble &bimat, const VectorDouble &xmat, VectorDouble &vmat, VectorInt &flag)
int _terminateEigen (const VectorDouble &eigenValues, const VectorDouble &eigenVectors, bool optionPositive=true, bool changeOrder=false)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AMatrixSquare
 AMatrixSquare (int nrow=0)
 AMatrixSquare (const AMatrixSquare &r)
 AMatrixSquare (const AMatrix &m)
AMatrixSquareoperator= (const AMatrixSquare &r)
virtual ~AMatrixSquare ()
virtual double determinant (void) const
 Interface for AMatrix.
bool isSquare (bool printWhyNot=false) const override
int getNSize () const
double trace () const
void innerMatrix (const AMatrixSquare &x, const AMatrix &r1, const AMatrix &r2)
void prodDiagByVector (const VectorDouble &diag)
void divideDiagByVector (const VectorDouble &diag)
void prodByDiagInPlace (int mode, const VectorDouble &c)
double normVec (const VectorDouble &vec)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MatrixRectangular
 MatrixRectangular (int nrow=0, int ncol=0)
 MatrixRectangular (const MatrixRectangular &r)
 MatrixRectangular (const AMatrix &m)
MatrixRectangularoperator= (const MatrixRectangular &r)
virtual ~MatrixRectangular ()
void unsample (const AMatrix *A, const VectorInt &rowFetch, const VectorInt &colFetch, bool flagInvertRow=false, bool flagInvertCol=false)
 Set the values contained in 'A' into the current matrix.
void addRow (int nrow_added=1)
void addColumn (int ncolumn_added=1)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AMatrixDense
 AMatrixDense (int nrow=0, int ncol=0)
 AMatrixDense (const AMatrixDense &r)
 AMatrixDense (const AMatrix &m)
AMatrixDenseoperator= (const AMatrixDense &r)
virtual ~AMatrixDense ()
bool isDense () const override
 Interface for AMatrix.
bool isSparse () const override
void setValue (int irow, int icol, double value, bool flagCheck=false) override
virtual double getValue (int irow, int icol, bool flagCheck=false) const override
void updValue (int irow, int icol, const EOperator &oper, double value, bool flagCheck=false) override
virtual void setColumn (int icol, const VectorDouble &tab, bool flagCheck=false) override
virtual void setRow (int irow, const VectorDouble &tab, bool flagCheck=false) override
virtual void setDiagonal (const VectorDouble &tab, bool flagCheck=false) override
virtual void setDiagonalToConstant (double value=1.) override
virtual void addScalar (double v) override
virtual void addScalarDiag (double v) override
virtual void prodScalar (double v) override
virtual void fill (double value) override
virtual void multiplyRow (const VectorDouble &vec) override
virtual void multiplyColumn (const VectorDouble &vec) override
virtual void divideRow (const VectorDouble &vec) override
virtual void divideColumn (const VectorDouble &vec) override
virtual VectorDouble prodVecMat (const VectorDouble &x, bool transpose=false) const override
virtual VectorDouble prodMatVec (const VectorDouble &x, bool transpose=false) const override
virtual VectorDouble getRow (int irow) const override
virtual VectorDouble getColumn (int icol) const override
constvect getColumnPtr (int icol) const
virtual void prodMatMatInPlace (const AMatrix *x, const AMatrix *y, bool transposeX=false, bool transposeY=false) override
void addMatInPlace (const AMatrixDense &y, double cx=1., double cy=1.)
 The next functions use specific definition of matrix (to avoid dynamic_cast) rather than manipulating AMatrix. They are not generic of AMatrix anymore. WARNING: output matrix should not match any of input matrices (speed up).
virtual void prodNormMatMatInPlace (const AMatrixDense *a, const AMatrixDense *m, bool transpose=false)
virtual void prodNormMatVecInPlace (const AMatrixDense &a, const VectorDouble &vec=VectorDouble(), bool transpose=false)
VectorDouble getEigenValues () const
const MatrixSquareGeneralgetEigenVectors () const
constvect getViewOnColumn (int icol) const
const Eigen::MatrixXd * getTab () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from AMatrix
 AMatrix (int nrow=0, int ncol=0)
 AMatrix (const AMatrix &m)
AMatrixoperator= (const AMatrix &m)
virtual ~AMatrix ()
virtual void reset (int nrows, int ncols)
virtual void resetFromValue (int nrows, int ncols, double value)
 Reset the matrix to new dimensions and fill with a new value.
virtual void resetFromArray (int nrows, int ncols, const double *tab, bool byCol=true)
 Reset the matrix from an array of double values.
virtual void resetFromVD (int nrows, int ncols, const VectorDouble &tab, bool byCol=true)
 Reset the matrix from a vector of double values.
virtual String toString (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const override
 Interface to AStringable.
virtual bool isValid (int irow, int icol, bool printWhyNot=false) const
virtual bool isIdentity (bool printWhyNot=false) const
virtual void transposeInPlace ()
virtual AMatrixtranspose () const
virtual NF_Triplet getMatrixToTriplet (int shiftRow=0, int shiftCol=0) const
void addMatInPlace (const AMatrix &y, double cx=1., double cy=1.)
void prodMatInPlace (const AMatrix *matY, bool transposeY=false)
void prodNormMatMatInPlace (const AMatrix *a, const AMatrix *m, bool transpose=false)
void prodNormMatVecInPlace (const AMatrix &a, const VectorDouble &vec=VectorDouble(), bool transpose=false)
void resize (int nrows, int ncols)
 Resize the matrix to new dimensions (this method doesn't change the storage type)
void addValue (int irow, int icol, double value)
bool isSame (const AMatrix &m, double eps=EPSILON4, bool printWhyNot=false)
bool isSameSize (const AMatrix &m) const
bool empty () const
double compare (const AMatrix &mat) const
int getNRows () const
int getNCols () const
int size () const
VectorDouble getValues (bool byCol=true) const
VectorDouble getDiagonal (int shift=0) const
bool isColumnDefined (int icol) const
bool isRowDefined (int irow) const
int getNumberColumnDefined () const
int getNumberRowDefined () const
bool isNonNegative (bool verbose=false) const
void prodMatVecInPlace (const VectorDouble &x, VectorDouble &y, bool transpose=false) const
int prodMatVecInPlace (const constvect x, vect y, bool transpose=false) const
void prodMatVecInPlacePtr (const double *x, double *y, bool transpose=false) const
void prodVecMatInPlace (const VectorDouble &x, VectorDouble &y, bool transpose=false) const
void prodVecMatInPlacePtr (const double *x, double *y, bool transpose=false) const
double quadraticMatrix (const VectorDouble &x, const VectorDouble &y)
int invert ()
int solve (const VectorDouble &b, VectorDouble &x) const
void dumpElements (const String &title, int ifrom, int ito) const
void setIdentity (double value=1.)
void fillRandom (int seed=432432, double zeroPercent=0)
void setValues (const VectorDouble &values, bool byCol=true)
double getMeanByColumn (int icol) const
double getMinimum () const
double getMaximum () const
double getNormInf () const
void copyReduce (const AMatrix *x, const VectorInt &validRows, const VectorInt &validCols)
void copyElements (const AMatrix &m, double factor=1.)
void setFlagCheckAddress (bool flagCheckAddress)
void makePositiveColumn ()
void linearCombination (double val1, const AMatrix *mat1, double val2=1., const AMatrix *mat2=nullptr, double val3=1., const AMatrix *mat3=nullptr)
 Perfom the algebraic equation this = val1 * mat1 + val2 * mat2 + val3 * mat3.
virtual int addProdMatVecInPlace (const constvect x, vect y, bool transpose=false) const
double operator() (int row, int col) const
double & operator() (int row, int col)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AStringable
 AStringable ()
 AStringable (const AStringable &r)
AStringableoperator= (const AStringable &r)
virtual ~AStringable ()
virtual void display (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const final
virtual void display (int level) const final
- Public Member Functions inherited from ICloneable
 ICloneable ()
virtual ~ICloneable ()
virtual ICloneableclone () const =0

Static Public Member Functions

static MatrixSquareSymmetriccreateFromVVD (const VectorVectorDouble &X)
static MatrixSquareSymmetriccreateFromVD (const VectorDouble &X)
static MatrixSquareSymmetriccreateFromTLTU (int neq, const VectorDouble &tl)
static MatrixSquareSymmetriccreateFromTriangle (int mode, int neq, const VectorDouble &tl)
static MatrixSquareSymmetriccreateRandomDefinitePositive (int neq, int seed=13242)
static MatrixSquareSymmetricsample (const MatrixSquareSymmetric *A, const VectorInt &rowKeep, bool flagInvert=false)
 Create an output Square Symmetric Matrix by selecting some rows (and columns) of the Input matrix 'A'.
static int _constraintsConcatenateMat (int nae, int nai, int neq, const VectorInt &active, const MatrixRectangular &tabemat, const MatrixRectangular &tabimat, MatrixRectangular &tabout)
static int _constraintsConcatenateVD (int nae, int nai, const VectorInt &active, const VectorDouble &tabemat, const VectorDouble &tabimat, VectorDouble &tabout)
static int _constraintsCount (int nai, VectorInt &active)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MatrixRectangular
static MatrixRectangularcreate (const MatrixRectangular *mat)
static MatrixRectangularcreate (int nrow, int ncol)
static MatrixRectangularcreateFromVVD (const VectorVectorDouble &X)
static MatrixRectangularcreateFromVD (const VectorDouble &X, int nrow, int ncol, bool byCol=false, bool invertColumnOrder=false)
static MatrixRectangularglue (const AMatrix *A1, const AMatrix *A2, bool flagShiftRow, bool flagShiftCol)
static MatrixRectangularsample (const AMatrix *A, const VectorInt &rowKeep=VectorInt(), const VectorInt &colKeep=VectorInt(), bool flagInvertRow=false, bool flagInvertCol=false)
 Create an output Rectangular Matrix by selecting some rows and columns of the Input matrix 'A'.

Public Attributes

 Has a specific implementation in the Target language.
- Public Attributes inherited from MatrixRectangular
 Has a specific implementation in the Target language.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MatrixSquareSymmetric() [1/3]

MatrixSquareSymmetric::MatrixSquareSymmetric ( int  nrow = 0)

◆ MatrixSquareSymmetric() [2/3]

MatrixSquareSymmetric::MatrixSquareSymmetric ( const MatrixSquareSymmetric m)

◆ MatrixSquareSymmetric() [3/3]

MatrixSquareSymmetric::MatrixSquareSymmetric ( const AMatrix m)

◆ ~MatrixSquareSymmetric()

MatrixSquareSymmetric::~MatrixSquareSymmetric ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _constraintsConcatenateMat()

int MatrixSquareSymmetric::_constraintsConcatenateMat ( int  nae,
int  nai,
int  neq,
const VectorInt active,
const MatrixRectangular tabemat,
const MatrixRectangular tabimat,
MatrixRectangular tabout 

Concatenate the equality and the active inequality material

The total number of constraints
[in]naeNumber of equalities
[in]naiNumber of inequalities
[in]neqFirst dimension of the array
[in]activeArray of active/non active inequalities
[in]tabematEquality material (Dimension: neq * nai)
[in]tabimatInequality material
[out]taboutOutput array

◆ _constraintsConcatenateVD()

int MatrixSquareSymmetric::_constraintsConcatenateVD ( int  nae,
int  nai,
const VectorInt active,
const VectorDouble tabemat,
const VectorDouble tabimat,
VectorDouble tabout 

Concatenate the equality and the active inequality material

The total number of constraints
[in]naeNumber of equalities
[in]naiNumber of inequalities
[in]activeArray of active/non active inequalities
[in]tabematEquality material (Dimension: neq * nai)
[in]tabimatInequality material
[out]taboutOutput array

◆ _constraintsCount()

int MatrixSquareSymmetric::_constraintsCount ( int  nai,
VectorInt active 

Count the number of active constraints

Number of active constraints
[in]naiNumber of constraints
[in]activeArray of constraint status

◆ _constraintsError()

int MatrixSquareSymmetric::_constraintsError ( const VectorInt active,
const MatrixRectangular aimat,
const VectorDouble bimat,
const VectorDouble xmat,
VectorDouble vmat,
VectorInt flag 

Calculate how constraints are fulfilled

Count of the constraints not fulfilled
[in]activeArray of active/non active inequalities (optional)
[in]aimatInequality material (Dimension: neq * nai)
[in]bimatright-hand side for inequalities (Dimension: nai)
[out]xmatsolution of the linear system with no constraint (neq)
[out]vmatmatrix of errors (if not NULL)
[out]flagarray specifying if constraint is active (if not NULL)

◆ _invert()

int MatrixSquareSymmetric::_invert ( )

Reimplemented from AMatrixDense.

◆ _isPhysicallyPresent()

bool MatrixSquareSymmetric::_isPhysicallyPresent ( int  ,
) const

Say if (irow, icol) is stored physically or not

Reimplemented from AMatrix.

◆ _matrix_qo()

int MatrixSquareSymmetric::_matrix_qo ( const VectorDouble gmat,
VectorDouble xmat 

Solve a linear system: H %*% g = x

Error return code
[in]gmatright-hand side vector (Dimension: neq)
[out]xmatsolution vector (Dimension: neq)
In output, 'this' contains the inverse matrix

◆ _matrix_qoc()

int MatrixSquareSymmetric::_matrix_qoc ( bool  flag_invert,
const VectorDouble gmat,
int  na,
const MatrixRectangular amat,
const VectorDouble bmat,
VectorDouble xmat,
VectorDouble lambda 

Minimize 1/2 t(x) %*% H %*% x + t(g) %*% x under the constraints t(A) %*% x = b

Error return code
[in]flag_invertTells if the inverse has already been calculated
[in]gmatright-hand side vector (Dimension: neq)
[in]naNumber of equalities
[in]amatmatrix for inequalities (Dimension: neq * na)
[in]bmatinequality vector (Dimension: na)
[in]xmatsolution of the linear system with no constraint. On return, solution with constraints (Dimension: neq)
[out]lambdaworking vector (Dimension: na)
In input:
If flag_invert== 1, H is provided as the generalized inverse
and x contains the solution of the linear system with no constraint
If flag_invert==0, H is the primal matrix
In output, H contains the inverse matrix

◆ _setValues()

void MatrixSquareSymmetric::_setValues ( const double *  values,
bool  byCol = true 
: values is provided as a square complete matrix

Reimplemented from AMatrix.

◆ _terminateEigen()

int MatrixSquareSymmetric::_terminateEigen ( const VectorDouble eigenValues,
const VectorDouble eigenVectors,
bool  optionPositive = true,
bool  changeOrder = false 

◆ computeEigen()

int MatrixSquareSymmetric::computeEigen ( bool  optionPositive = true)

◆ computeGeneralizedEigen()

int MatrixSquareSymmetric::computeGeneralizedEigen ( const MatrixSquareSymmetric b,
bool  optionPositive = true 

◆ computeGeneralizedInverse()

int MatrixSquareSymmetric::computeGeneralizedInverse ( MatrixSquareSymmetric tabout,
double  maxicond = 1.e20,
double  eps = EPSILON20 

Calculate the generalized inverse of the input square symmetric matrix

Error returned code
[out]taboutInverted matrix (suqrae symmetric)
[out]maxicondMaximum value for the Condition Index (MAX(ABS(eigval)))
The input and output matrices can match

◆ createFromTLTU()

MatrixSquareSymmetric * MatrixSquareSymmetric::createFromTLTU ( int  neq,
const VectorDouble tl 

Create the Symmetric matrix as the product of 'tl' (lower triangle) by its transpose

[in]neqNumber of rows or columns in the system
[in]tlLower triangular matrix defined by column (Dimension; neq*(neq+1)/2)

◆ createFromTriangle()

MatrixSquareSymmetric * MatrixSquareSymmetric::createFromTriangle ( int  mode,
int  neq,
const VectorDouble tl 

Fill a square matrix with a triangular matrix

[in]mode0: TL (upper); 1: TL (lower)
[in]neqnumber of equations in the system
[in]tlTriangular matrix (any part)

◆ createFromVD()

MatrixSquareSymmetric * MatrixSquareSymmetric::createFromVD ( const VectorDouble X)

◆ createFromVVD()

MatrixSquareSymmetric * MatrixSquareSymmetric::createFromVVD ( const VectorVectorDouble X)

Converts a VectorVectorDouble into a Square Symmetric Matrix Note: the input argument is stored by row (if coming from [] specification)

XInput VectorVectorDouble argument
The returned square symmetric matrix
: the matrix is transposed implicitly while reading

◆ createRandomDefinitePositive()

MatrixSquareSymmetric * MatrixSquareSymmetric::createRandomDefinitePositive ( int  neq,
int  seed = 13242 

◆ isDefinitePositive()

bool MatrixSquareSymmetric::isDefinitePositive ( )

Check if a matrix is definite positive

True if the matrix is definite positive; False otherwise

◆ isSymmetric()

bool MatrixSquareSymmetric::isSymmetric ( double  eps = EPSILON10,
bool  printWhyNot = false 
) const

Check if the input matrix is (non empty and square) symmetric

Indicate if the current matrix is symmetric

epsEpsilon for double equality comparison
printWhyNotPrint the message is the answer is false
true if the current matrix is symmetric

Reimplemented from AMatrix.

◆ minimizeWithConstraintsInPlace()

int MatrixSquareSymmetric::minimizeWithConstraintsInPlace ( const VectorDouble gmat,
const MatrixRectangular aemat,
const VectorDouble bemat,
const MatrixRectangular aimat,
const VectorDouble bimat,
VectorDouble xmat 

Minimize 1/2 t(x) %*% H %*% x + t(g) %*% x under the constraints t(Ae) %*% x = be and t(Ai) %*% x = bi

Error return code
[in]gmatright-hand side vector (Dimension: neq)
[in]aematMatrix rectangular for equalities (Dimension: neq * nae)
[in]bematright-hand side for equalities (Dimension: nae)
[in]aimatMatrix rectangular for inequalities (Dimension: neq * nai)
[in]bimatright-hand side for inequalities (Dimension: nai)
[in,out]xmatsolution of the linear system with constraints (neq)

REMARKS: The initial xmat has to be satisfied by all the constraints.

◆ mustBeSymmetric()

bool MatrixSquareSymmetric::mustBeSymmetric ( ) const

ICloneable interface.

Interface to AMatrix

Reimplemented from MatrixRectangular.

◆ normMatrix()

void MatrixSquareSymmetric::normMatrix ( const AMatrix y,
const AMatrixSquare x = AMatrixSquare(),
bool  transpose = false 

Perform the product: this = t(Y) %*% X %*% Y (T=false) or Y % X %*% t(Y) (T=true)

yMatrix (possibly rectangular)
xSquare matrix (optional)
transposetransposition flag (T in the description)
The number of rows of Y must be equal to the dimension of X
The output matrix is square with dimension equal to the number of columns of Y

◆ operator=()

MatrixSquareSymmetric & MatrixSquareSymmetric::operator= ( const MatrixSquareSymmetric m)

◆ resetFromVVD()

void MatrixSquareSymmetric::resetFromVVD ( const VectorVectorDouble tab,
bool  byCol = true 

Reset the matrix from an array of double values.

tabThe array of values
byColTrue if values are column-major in the array

Reimplemented from AMatrixSquare.

◆ sample()

MatrixSquareSymmetric * MatrixSquareSymmetric::sample ( const MatrixSquareSymmetric A,
const VectorInt rowKeep,
bool  flagInvert = false 

Create an output Square Symmetric Matrix by selecting some rows (and columns) of the Input matrix 'A'.

AInput Square Symmetric Matrix
rowKeepSet of Rows (same for columns) to be kept
flagInvertwhen True, transform 'rowKeep' into 'rowDrop'
Pointer to the newly created Square Symmetric Matrix

Member Data Documentation



Has a specific implementation in the Target language.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: