gstlearn  1.0.0
MeshETurbo Class Reference

#include <MeshETurbo.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for MeshETurbo:
AMesh AStringable ASerializable

Public Member Functions

 MeshETurbo (int mode=1)
 MeshETurbo (const VectorInt &nx, const VectorDouble &dx=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &rotmat=VectorDouble(), bool flag_polarized=false, bool verbose=false, int mode=1)
 MeshETurbo (const DbGrid *dbgrid, bool flag_polarized=false, bool verbose=false, int mode=1)
 MeshETurbo (const MeshETurbo &m)
MeshETurbooperator= (const MeshETurbo &r)
virtual ~MeshETurbo ()
virtual String toString (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const override
 Interface to AStringable. More...
int getNApices () const override
 Interface to AMesh. More...
int getNMeshes () const override
int getApex (int imesh, int rank) const override
double getCoor (int imesh, int rank, int idim) const override
void getCoordinatesInPlace (int imesh, int rank, VectorDouble &coords) const
double getApexCoor (int i, int idim) const override
void getApexCoordinatesInPlace (int i, VectorDouble &coords) const override
double getMeshSize (int imesh) const override
cs * getMeshToDb (const Db *db, int rankZ=-1, bool verbose=false) const override
void setPolarized (bool flag)
int initFromExtend (const VectorDouble &extendmin, const VectorDouble &extendmax, const VectorDouble &cellsize, const VectorDouble &rotmat=VectorDouble(), bool flag_polarized=false, bool verbose=false)
int initFromGrid (const VectorInt &nx, const VectorDouble &dx=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &rotmat=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &sel=VectorDouble(), bool flag_polarized=false, bool verbose=false)
int initFromCova (const CovAniso &cova, const Db *field, double ratio, int nbExt=0, bool useSel=true, bool flagNoStatRot=false, bool verbose=false)
const GridgetGrid () const
const IndirectiongetGridIndirect () const
const IndirectiongetMeshIndirect () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from AMesh
 AMesh ()
 AMesh (const AMesh &m)
AMeshoperator= (const AMesh &m)
virtual ~AMesh ()
virtual int getNApexPerMesh () const
 Interface for AMesh. More...
virtual int getVariety () const
virtual int getEmbeddedNDim () const
virtual void getEmbeddedCoorPerMesh (int imesh, int ic, VectorDouble &coords) const
virtual void getEmbeddedCoorPerApex (int iapex, VectorDouble &coords) const
int getNDim () const
double getExtendMin (int idim) const
double getExtendMax (int idim) const
VectorDouble getExtrema (int idim) const
void getElements (MatrixRectangular &apices, MatrixInt &meshes) const
int isCompatibleDb (const Db *db) const
VectorDouble getMeshSizes () const
void printMesh (int imesh0) const
void printMeshes (int level=0, int nline_max=-1) const
VectorDouble getCoordinates (int idim) const
VectorInt getMeshByApexPair (int apex1, int apex2) const
VectorDouble getCoordinatesPerMesh (int imesh, int idim, bool flagClose=false) const
VectorDouble getApexCoordinates (int iapex) const
VectorVectorDouble getCoordinatesPerMesh (int imesh) const
VectorVectorDouble getEmbeddedCoordinatesPerMesh (int imesh=0) const
void getEmbeddedCoordinatesPerMeshInPlace (int imesh, VectorVectorDouble &coors) const
VectorVectorDouble getEmbeddedCoordinatesPerApex () const
VectorDouble getDistances (int iapex0, const VectorInt &japices=VectorInt())
VectorVectorDouble getAllCoordinates () const
MatrixRectangular getAllApices () const
MatrixInt getAllMeshes () const
double getCenterCoordinate (int imesh, int idim) const
VectorVectorDouble getAllCenterCoordinates () const
VectorVectorInt getNeighborhoodPerMesh () const
VectorVectorInt getNeighborhoodPerApex () const
void dumpNeighborhood (std::vector< VectorInt > &Vmesh, int nline_max=1)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AStringable
 AStringable ()
 AStringable (const AStringable &r)
AStringableoperator= (const AStringable &r)
virtual ~AStringable ()
virtual void display (const AStringFormat *strfmt=nullptr) const final
virtual void display (int level) const final
- Public Member Functions inherited from ASerializable
 ASerializable ()
 ASerializable (const ASerializable &r)
ASerializableoperator= (const ASerializable &r)
virtual ~ASerializable ()
bool deserialize (std::istream &is, bool verbose=true)
bool serialize (std::ostream &os, bool verbose=true) const
bool dumpToNF (const String &neutralFilename, bool verbose=false) const

Static Public Member Functions

static MeshETurbocreate (const VectorInt &nx, const VectorDouble &dx=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &x0=VectorDouble(), const VectorDouble &rotmat=VectorDouble(), bool flag_polarized=false, bool verbose=false)
static MeshETurbocreateFromNF (const String &neutralFilename, bool verbose=true)
static MeshETurbocreateFromGrid (const DbGrid *dbgrid, bool flag_polarized=false, bool verbose=false, int mode=1)
static MeshETurbocreateFromGridInfo (const Grid *grid, bool flag_polarized=false, bool verbose=false, int mode=1)
static MeshETurbocreateFromCova (const CovAniso &cova, const Db *field, double ratio, int nbExt=0, bool useSel=true, bool flagNoStatRot=false, bool verbose=false)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ASerializable
static String buildFileName (int status, const String &filename, bool ensureDirExist=false)
static String getHomeDirectory (const String &sub="")
static String getWorkingDirectory ()
static String getTestData (const String &subdir, const String &filename)
static String getFileIdentity (const String &filename, bool verbose=false)
static void setContainerName (bool useDefault, const String &containerName="", bool verbose=false)
static void unsetContainerName ()
static void setPrefixName (const String &prefixName)
static void unsetPrefixName ()
static const StringgetContainerName ()
static const StringgetPrefixName ()
static bool createDirectory (const String &dir)
static String getExecDirectory ()
static String getDirectory (const String &path)

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool _deserialize (std::istream &is, bool verbose=false) override
 Interface for ASerializable. More...
virtual bool _serialize (std::ostream &os, bool verbose=false) const override
String _getNFName () const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AMesh
void _setNDim (int ndim)
int _setExtend (const VectorDouble extendmin, const VectorDouble extendmax)
bool _weightsInMesh (const VectorDouble &coor, const VectorVectorDouble &corners, double meshsize, VectorDouble &weights, double eps=EPSILON5) const
double _getMeshUnit (const VectorVectorDouble &corners) const
void _recopy (const AMesh &m)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ASerializable
bool _fileOpenWrite (const String &filename, std::ofstream &os, bool verbose=false) const
bool _fileOpenRead (const String &filename, std::ifstream &is, bool verbose=false) const

Private Member Functions

int _defineGrid (const VectorDouble &cellsize)
void _setNumberElementPerCell ()
int _getPolarized (VectorInt indg) const
int _addWeights (int icas, const VectorInt &indg0, const VectorDouble &coor, VectorInt &indices, VectorDouble &lambda, bool verbose=false) const
void _deallocate ()
void _getGridFromMesh (int imesh, int *node, int *icas) const
void _buildMaskInMeshing (const VectorDouble &sel)
int _nmeshInCompleteGrid () const
bool _addElementToCS (cs *ATriplet, int iech, const VectorDouble &coor, const VectorInt &indg0, bool verbose) const

Private Attributes

Grid _grid
int _nPerCell
bool _isPolarized
Indirection _meshIndirect
Indirection _gridIndirect

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ASerializable
static bool _commentWrite (std::ostream &os, const String &comment)
template<typename T >
static bool _recordWrite (std::ostream &os, const String &title, const T &val)
template<typename T >
static bool _recordWriteVec (std::ostream &os, const String &title, const VectorT< T > &vec)
template<typename T >
static bool _recordRead (std::istream &is, const String &title, T &val)
template<typename T >
static bool _recordReadVec (std::istream &is, const String &title, VectorT< T > &vec, int nvalues)
static bool _onlyBlanks (char *string)
static bool _tableRead (std::istream &is, const String &string, int ntab, double *tab)
static bool _tableWrite (std::ostream &os, const String &string, int ntab, const VectorDouble &tab)

Detailed Description

Meshing defined as a Turbo based on a Regular Grid It actually avoids storing all the meshing information and produces quicker methods

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MeshETurbo() [1/4]

MeshETurbo::MeshETurbo ( int  mode = 1)

◆ MeshETurbo() [2/4]

MeshETurbo::MeshETurbo ( const VectorInt nx,
const VectorDouble dx = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble x0 = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble rotmat = VectorDouble(),
bool  flag_polarized = false,
bool  verbose = false,
int  mode = 1 

◆ MeshETurbo() [3/4]

MeshETurbo::MeshETurbo ( const DbGrid dbgrid,
bool  flag_polarized = false,
bool  verbose = false,
int  mode = 1 

◆ MeshETurbo() [4/4]

MeshETurbo::MeshETurbo ( const MeshETurbo m)

◆ ~MeshETurbo()

MeshETurbo::~MeshETurbo ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _addElementToCS()

bool MeshETurbo::_addElementToCS ( cs *  ATriplet,
int  iech,
const VectorDouble coor,
const VectorInt indg0,
bool  verbose 
) const

◆ _addWeights()

int MeshETurbo::_addWeights ( int  icas,
const VectorInt indg0,
const VectorDouble coor,
VectorInt indices,
VectorDouble lambda,
bool  verbose = false 
) const

Return the weights assigned to the corners

icasCorner indication
indg0Indices of the starting grid node
coorCoordinates of the targte point
indicesGrid indices of the target (in active ranks)
verboseVerbose flag
The function returns 1 if:
- the grid node corresponding to a mesh apex is outside the grid
- the grid node corresponding to a mesh apex is not active

◆ _buildMaskInMeshing()

void MeshETurbo::_buildMaskInMeshing ( const VectorDouble sel)

◆ _deallocate()

void MeshETurbo::_deallocate ( )

◆ _defineGrid()

int MeshETurbo::_defineGrid ( const VectorDouble cellsize)

Define the internal grid

[in]cellsizeArray giving the cell size (see details)

◆ _deserialize()

bool MeshETurbo::_deserialize ( std::istream &  is,
bool  verbose = false 

Interface for ASerializable.

Reimplemented from AMesh.

◆ _getGridFromMesh()

void MeshETurbo::_getGridFromMesh ( int  imesh,
int *  node,
int *  icas 
) const

Returns the (starting) grid node, given the absolute rank of the mesh

imeshAbsolute Rank of the mesh
nodeStarting grid node
icasSorting used for reviewing grid meshes (takes polarization into account)

◆ _getNFName()

String MeshETurbo::_getNFName ( ) const

Reimplemented from AMesh.

◆ _getPolarized()

int MeshETurbo::_getPolarized ( VectorInt  indg) const

◆ _nmeshInCompleteGrid()

int MeshETurbo::_nmeshInCompleteGrid ( ) const

Returns the total number of possible meshes built using the whole grid (not accounting for possible mask on triangles)


◆ _serialize()

bool MeshETurbo::_serialize ( std::ostream &  os,
bool  verbose = false 
) const

Reimplemented from AMesh.

◆ _setNumberElementPerCell()

void MeshETurbo::_setNumberElementPerCell ( )

◆ create()

MeshETurbo * MeshETurbo::create ( const VectorInt nx,
const VectorDouble dx = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble x0 = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble rotmat = VectorDouble(),
bool  flag_polarized = false,
bool  verbose = false 

◆ createFromCova()

MeshETurbo * MeshETurbo::createFromCova ( const CovAniso cova,
const Db field,
double  ratio,
int  nbExt = 0,
bool  useSel = true,
bool  flagNoStatRot = false,
bool  verbose = false 

◆ createFromGrid()

MeshETurbo * MeshETurbo::createFromGrid ( const DbGrid dbgrid,
bool  flag_polarized = false,
bool  verbose = false,
int  mode = 1 

◆ createFromGridInfo()

MeshETurbo * MeshETurbo::createFromGridInfo ( const Grid grid,
bool  flag_polarized = false,
bool  verbose = false,
int  mode = 1 

◆ createFromNF()

MeshETurbo * MeshETurbo::createFromNF ( const String neutralFilename,
bool  verbose = true 

Create a MeshETurbo by loading the contents of a Neutral File

neutralFilenameName of the Neutral File (MeshEStandard format)

◆ getApex()

int MeshETurbo::getApex ( int  imesh,
int  rank 
) const

Returns the Apex 'rank' of the Mesh 'imesh'

The rank of the target apex
[in]imeshRank of active Mesh (starting from 0)
[in]rankRank of Apex within a Mesh (from 0 to _nApexPerMesh-1)

Implements AMesh.

◆ getApexCoor()

double MeshETurbo::getApexCoor ( int  i,
int  idim 
) const

Returns coordinate 'idim' of apex 'i'

Implements AMesh.

◆ getApexCoordinatesInPlace()

void MeshETurbo::getApexCoordinatesInPlace ( int  i,
VectorDouble coords 
) const

Returns coordinates of apex 'i'

Reimplemented from AMesh.

◆ getCoor()

double MeshETurbo::getCoor ( int  imesh,
int  rank,
int  idim 
) const

Returns coordinate 'idim' of apex 'rank' of mesh 'imesh'

Implements AMesh.

◆ getCoordinatesInPlace()

void MeshETurbo::getCoordinatesInPlace ( int  imesh,
int  rank,
VectorDouble coords 
) const

Returns coordinate 'idim' of apex 'rank' of mesh 'imesh'

Reimplemented from AMesh.

◆ getGrid()

const Grid& MeshETurbo::getGrid ( ) const

◆ getGridIndirect()

const Indirection& MeshETurbo::getGridIndirect ( ) const

◆ getMeshIndirect()

const Indirection& MeshETurbo::getMeshIndirect ( ) const

◆ getMeshSize()

double MeshETurbo::getMeshSize ( int  imesh) const

Returns the mesh size

Implements AMesh.

◆ getMeshToDb()

cs * MeshETurbo::getMeshToDb ( const Db db,
int  rankZ = -1,
bool  verbose = false 
) const

Returns the Sparse Matrix used to project a Db onto the Meshing

A Sparse matrix (cs structure)
[in]dbDb structure
[in]rankZRank of the Z-locator to be tested (see remarks)
[in]verboseVerbose flag
If rankZ>=0, a sample is only considered if the value
of the corresponding variable is defined

Implements AMesh.

◆ getNApices()

int MeshETurbo::getNApices ( ) const

Interface to AMesh.

Returns the total number of apices of the whole grid (not accounting for possible mask on meshes)


Implements AMesh.

◆ getNMeshes()

int MeshETurbo::getNMeshes ( ) const

Actual number of (active) meshes


Implements AMesh.

◆ initFromCova()

int MeshETurbo::initFromCova ( const CovAniso cova,
const Db field,
double  ratio,
int  nbExt = 0,
bool  useSel = true,
bool  flagNoStatRot = false,
bool  verbose = false 

◆ initFromExtend()

int MeshETurbo::initFromExtend ( const VectorDouble extendmin,
const VectorDouble extendmax,
const VectorDouble cellsize,
const VectorDouble rotmat = VectorDouble(),
bool  flag_polarized = false,
bool  verbose = false 

Create the meshing

[in]extendminMinimum of the dilated rotated bounding box
[in]extendmaxMinimum of the dilated rotated bounding box
[in]cellsizeArray giving the cell size (see details)
[in]rotmatRotation matrix (optional)
[in]flag_polarizedSwitching ON/OFF the polarization
[in]verboseVerbose flag

◆ initFromGrid()

int MeshETurbo::initFromGrid ( const VectorInt nx,
const VectorDouble dx = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble x0 = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble rotmat = VectorDouble(),
const VectorDouble sel = VectorDouble(),
bool  flag_polarized = false,
bool  verbose = false 

◆ operator=()

MeshETurbo & MeshETurbo::operator= ( const MeshETurbo r)

◆ setPolarized()

void MeshETurbo::setPolarized ( bool  flag)

◆ toString()

String MeshETurbo::toString ( const AStringFormat strfmt = nullptr) const

Interface to AStringable.

Print the contents of the meshing

[in]strfmtFormat for printout

Reimplemented from AMesh.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _grid

Grid MeshETurbo::_grid

◆ _gridIndirect

Indirection MeshETurbo::_gridIndirect

◆ _isPolarized

bool MeshETurbo::_isPolarized

◆ _meshIndirect

Indirection MeshETurbo::_meshIndirect

◆ _nPerCell

int MeshETurbo::_nPerCell

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: